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(Message started by: pubgirl on Nov 28th, 2003, 3:42am)

Title: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Nov 28th, 2003, 3:42am
What do you think

I know Jayne was doing a sponsored beg to raise money for OUCH (how did that go Jayne? I've paid my pledge already)
but what about some other difficult tasks people could sponsor.

Kim could be sponsored to write a whole week of posts in plain English ;;D

Jonny could write a whole week of posts without a swearword

I could do a whole week using the same name!

Den could be made to include a smiley on every line

Zazi could be asked to be rude to people without feeling guilty

and so on

Bet none of us could manage it, even for a good cause.
could be pretty funny trying to catch us out!

Wendy aka Hooter

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:10am
I bet that I can't go a week without giving jonny a rough time.   (talk about an addiction!)


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by pubgirl on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:17am
Bet's on Grant!

I will pledge £2O to OUCH if you manage it for a week AND no smilies to be used whatever, anywhere!


Amended: Can you folks help me by keeping an eye on him when I'm in bed as I am on a different time zone?

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:20am
You didn't read my post!   I said bet I CAN'T go for a week!

but if you insist...

probably be tougher than i thought --- kinda like quittiing dual-addictions!

off to lurk for a week,

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:26am

no smilies!    guess that kinda rules out sarcasm!

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by don on Nov 28th, 2003, 10:27am
No sweat Grant, I'll fill in for ya!

Thats what clusterbuds are for!   [smiley=deal2.gif]

Lets start now! Ever see a pic of Jonnys motorcycle?

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 28th, 2003, 10:33am
LMAO Don!!!!!    um... errrrr...   Very nice bike, Jon.

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 28th, 2003, 2:36pm

on 11/28/03 at 10:27:55, don wrote:
No sweat Grant, I'll fill in for ya!

Thats what clusterbuds are for!   [smiley=deal2.gif]

Lets start now! Ever see a pic of Jonnys motorcycle?

LMMFAOPIMP, Does that run on Uncle Bens instant rice?

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 28th, 2003, 5:56pm

What do you mean by "(almost serious)"?   Do I or don't I have to be nice to jonny for a week and when can I use the damn smilies again?


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:00pm

Had to put almost serious or the tight wads with moths in their wallets (pocketbooks??) wouldn't even read the thread.

Keep it up Grant, only 6 days to go!

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:08pm
O.K. Wendy!  

Pay Up!!!

It wasn't that hard, but watch out for the smilies now.   ;;D

Now, is ANYBODY else gonna take part in an easy way to raise money for OUCH?

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by vig on Dec 5th, 2003, 4:16pm
I'll go a week without headaches...
If you insist!

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:25pm
LMAO Wendy ;;D

Can't commit to project until i hear some bids :D

Plane ole Inglish.........(sigh).......Really [smiley=huh.gif]???I tell ya i kindooooit.   :DI'm conf'dent i kindoooit. :D

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 5th, 2003, 6:46pm

Congratulations! [smiley=sayyes.gif]

Did it hurt?
Bet Jonny missed you being nice to him. ;)
Who does the money go to? Cos' I promise I always pays up!
OUCH Worldwide or OUCH UK?.

Come on folks, someone else's turn to put their hands in their pockets, either to bid for Kimmie to post in proper English (every day!) or to suggest another difficult task.


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by kim on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:09pm

It is snowing outside.

Much snow is falling.

I just got hit in the head with heavy snow.

Yes, much snow if falling.


thisdown'tcow/nt!  Jay-Zus.  I'tsmthrfkgncowwwwwldoutdaremyarseis frow-zzen, and jonnyis anumnuts :D

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:14pm

on 12/05/03 at 19:09:20, kim wrote:
thisdown'tcow/nt!  Jay-Zus.  I'tsmthrfkgncowwwwwldoutdaremyarseis frow-zzen, and jonnyis anumnuts :D


I think this form of "inglish" is waaaaaaaay more entertaining!


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 5th, 2003, 7:39pm
'Fraid it's true Kim

Don't really want you to post in plain English. :D

We'll have to find another victim I think!


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by thomas on Dec 6th, 2003, 11:59am
Well I couldt try and stay away and not post for a whole week.....naahh.

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:39pm

on 12/05/03 at 17:25:31, kim wrote:
Can't commit to project until i hear some bids :D

Plane ole Inglish.........(sigh).......Really [smiley=huh.gif]???I tell ya i kindooooit.   :DI'm conf'dent i kindoooit. :D

Ok, I will jump in here where others fear to tread!

I pledge $20.00, to OUCH, if Kim can post in plain English for one week.  BUT, no skipping out on your posts!  You must post a responce or start a new thread at least once a day.  The posts must be properly spelled, and follow the Rules Of the English Language of the United States.  (In other words, following all the rules you were taught in your English classes, in school)  It would also help, if you could keep them funny, too!

Cummon gyrl, kin ya doos et?


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 6th, 2003, 1:45pm

on 12/06/03 at 13:39:07, ClusterChuck wrote:
...Rules Of the English Language of the United States...


Don't yall reckon that's an oxymoron?


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 6th, 2003, 6:43pm

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:52pm
Hell, I'd send 20.00 to OUCH right now if Kim would post her "thesaurus"  that she uses. (soes I cud understand her)

But then again I'd bid 20 on the fact the Grant Can't be nice to Jonny either.

Having fun now...LindaH who can't stop using dots.


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 6th, 2003, 7:54pm
Hey Linda

Better believe it ;;D, Grant did a whole week of not being rude to Jonny and not posting any smilies! (well I didn't spot either anyway, that's why I'm paying up!)


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:11pm
wow Wendy.  That is impressive.

    Now work on Jonny's NOT using expletives and you're in like FLYNN.   Jeez, showing my age.  I'm 101 on my profile.  lol
  Good thread Pubgirl!

Since I have been here a little while I have a whole bunch more I'd like to see.

    DJ NOT  drinking Molsons
    BobG  NOT going to Las Vegas
    Randy NOT making dough-nuts
    Mastiff NOT showing her:

       Cheer-leading icon

     Oh, hon, I could go on...........LindaH

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 6th, 2003, 8:21pm
Ok, I will pledge for a week I will only post GOOD news.  Hey, my 20.00 says it might happen !!!!!!!!    Oh, and my money goes to OUCH UK ... they are up next on my sponsor list.  

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 6th, 2003, 9:15pm
Hey Nancy
That's a good one, and hard if you're having a bad time.
Still want to see Den using smilies in every post though [smiley=nono.gif] never going to happen is it!


haven't come up with one for myself yet, I could say I will be nice to everyone and use no ironic posts but I've already been trying to do that since I was bad some weeks ago :-[

Amended: Thought of one, not sure if I can do it though! I could try and do every post in American English (or what we think it sounds like over here)
Could try for double money and get Cathy to try as well.

"Chill dudes, Booshk ya later", (How was that?)

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by kim on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:07pm
"Chill dudes, Booshk ya lata" [smiley=huh.gif]
WTF is that Wendy?  LOL.  Honest, that sounds pretty BAD. ;;D

Only for money would I amend my toungue.  I will have trouble with the "skipping out on my own threads" part, cuz ya know by know i'm a love em and leave em kind a gal............BUTTT, for the rite price ( :P).................pozzibilitys are enlesssssss ;)

Ya know I've tried other avnews and come up dead end (like converting UK tapes to English tapes - tank ya very much and fuck you jonny ;;D) ............
mite as well run my muck (i mean mowt) ;;D  ..............intentions ............... ;;D
And there ain't no thesarus (thank gaud i did not have to SAY that word.....LOL) it's GENETIK :D

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:16pm
LOL at you guys.  Well, try try try again is my motto.  I think that is proper English, I think this post is happy enough but if not  ;;D ;;D ;;D ;;D ;;D ;;D   Like my daddy taught me ....... it ain't easy getting money from us Mescall's !!!!!!!!  LOL

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:15am
Booksh according to my American dictionary is Southern USA for an exclamation when someone hits or slaps someone else.

Also Fu/Shawn. The same dictionary says there is a word Fubared used instead of fucked up ( puter is fubared)

Since no money is on the table,and I can't do it anyway, think I'll stick to English!


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 8th, 2003, 3:32am
I did not read this entire thred, but I was very pleased with the sweatshirt I recieved the other day.

Good job Peeps

I Like it Lee.......................

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2003, 6:06pm

on 12/07/03 at 21:07:01, kim wrote:
fuck you jonny ;;D) ............

Shut the fuck up and wash your fucking feet!!!!! ;;D


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by taraann on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:19am

on 11/28/03 at 19:00:08, pubgirl wrote:

Had to put almost serious or the tight wads with moths in their wallets (pocketbooks??) wouldn't even read the thread.

Well I am Assuming that some of us just don't have the extra money to spare...and ARE NOT "tightwads"!  Personally if I had the extra money I would give to OUCH in a heartbeat.  I'm sitting here worrying about how I'm going to give my family a Christmas and I read that and it sorta pissed me off.....sorry but I am thinking I'm not the only one that is having financial problems and that they are esp upset about it cause its the holidays.    I'm sorry I don't mean to sound bitchy but I just thought that was uneeded.  Maybe I'm just overly sensitve I dunno.

P.S.  I promised mastiflvr that I would donate a craft item to OUCH and I dont even have the gas to drive 20 minutes to my mother in laws to photograph it for her!

I guess this turned more into a vent than anything.....

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 9th, 2003, 2:28am
Hey Taraann

You've taken the comment out of context. Please do not keep seeing bad intentions in everything I post.

The title of the thread was changed as it was a joke to Grant as he was complaining I wasn't taking his painful sponsored week not being rude to Jonny and not using smilies seriously! The comment you saw was in jest to him, not to the general public. In retrospect I should have put a smilie there to make it abundantly apparent it was a joke comment, but it never occurred to me anyone would think I was seriously accusing people here of being mean.
Sorry if you took offence, and I know there are lots of people here for whom Christmas is a very difficult time financially.

This thread was only an attempt to get people to try and act out of character for a week for public (or my!) amusement while raising money for OUCh, it is not a general call for people to give money when they can't.

We give money when we can or we give help in other ways if we can't.


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by taraann on Dec 9th, 2003, 5:02pm

on 12/09/03 at 02:28:33, pubgirl wrote:
Hey Taraann

You've taken the comment out of context. Please do not keep seeing bad intentions in everything I post.

I have not once commented on any of your post's seeing bad intentions before this.

I just had to say something about this particular post of yours.  I normally don't say anything "mean" in any of my posts but I just thought that if that offended me in particular than it might have offended others too.  This is a hard time of year and some sensitivity towards others is esp nice right now.  I'm sorry if I took it out of context, just seemed harsh is all.

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by pubgirl on Dec 9th, 2003, 5:48pm
Sorry Tarann

2nd apology of the day. Got you mixed up with someone else with a name that is similar who has only ever posted to have a go at me.
I'm really sorry!


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by taraann on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:23pm
That's ok....thousands of ppl post on this site!  I'm not normally one to start an arguement (or flame whatever its called)  And I know alot of ppl have been giving you alot of flack since you've been back, sorry for adding to that!  

And Like I said I'm sorry if I took it out of context I KNOW I'm over sensitive lately (things aren't very "fun" in my life these past couple months) prolly the main reason why I haven't posted much lately and have just lurked (I shouldve stayed there!).  I guess we'll just leave it at that, no reason for me to carry it on.  Thanks for the apology tho!

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:30pm

I thought it was directed at me LOLOL

i'm so broke i don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it through, but still gonna enjoy the season.     :D

OK   ---- SO... WHO'S UP NEXT?     Kim?

Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by jonny on Dec 9th, 2003, 6:38pm

on 12/09/03 at 18:30:48, brain_cramps wrote:
OK   ---- SO... WHO'S UP NEXT?     Kim? gonna wash her fucking feet first, Dude?.....LMMFAO ;;D.............Somebodys got too....LMAO!!!!....CHRIST!!


Title: Re: Raising money for OUCH (almost serious)
Post by kim on Dec 10th, 2003, 6:58pm
Wendy, I'm sorry i have to take this thread out of context:

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