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(Message started by: BlueMeanie on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:38am)

Title: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:38am
Hi Again.

I'm an eposodic CH. Normally cycles never last longer than 10 weeks. I start my 12th week tommorro. There's no end in sight. Lost track of nights without a full sleep. Had 3 visits with the beast last night. I'm scared I may have switched to being chronic. Since most people have their cycles in the fall, I was wondering if this fall may be worse for alot of CH people or is it just me ?

Getting Scared !!

Edit: If course it's not just me ! Just am having a cycle longer than normal is all. I know there are a lot of people worse off than me with CH. Hate to keep complaining. PF to ALL !!

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Orneryolefart on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:45am
I am sorry for you and sorry that I cannot answer your question about whether or not this Fall is worse than others.  I am under siege by the beast now for the first time in 8+ years.  I am blaming it on either anesthesia or nasal trauma from a recent deviated septum surgery.  If my faulty memory serves me correctly, it seems that most of my attacks in prior years were in Jan.-Feb.  Maybe this fall is worse.  Beast has been attaacking me about every 1 1/2 hour during time I try to sleep.
   Hang in there.  This too shall pass.
   Orneryolefart in Texas

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by mikeyd on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:47am
Hi there! I too am episodic....mine generally last from 6-12 weeks and come to visit every 13-16 months (14 months since the last cycle ended to the start of this cycle) I don't know about all of you other episodic sufferers, but mine usually fizzle out after 1 or 2 weeks of really bad ones and then poof...gone for another year or so. (I've had CH for 11yrs now)this is my 9th dance with the demon. You should be coming into PF days anytime now and try to focus on that and keep a positive attitude about it all. You WILL laugh again soon in the absence of our unwelcome guest!
Wishes for PF days to you and everyone...reallll soon!

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:12am
I get fall/spring rounds and the last 2 have lasted a few weeks more than "usual". I'm wondering if it's due to imitrex. Seems like there's a tie in to longer cycles - do you use trex?


Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by ave on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:38am
Blue Meanie - are you sure MOST people get their eposides in the Fall?
It is a favourite periode of the beast, to be sure, but so is spring...

and I used to get them in summer or january.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:45am

on 11/27/03 at 10:12:37, ckelly181 wrote:
I get fall/spring rounds and the last 2 have lasted a few weeks more than "usual". I'm wondering if it's due to imitrex. Seems like there's a tie in to longer cycles - do you use trex?


You may be right. The only thing I have been using this time around is the trex.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:49am

on 11/27/03 at 10:38:28, ave wrote:
Blue Meanie - are you sure MOST people get their eposides in the Fall?
It is a favourite periode of the beast, to be sure, but so is spring...

and I used to get them in summer or january.

Not really sure. Mine always seem to be the fall and once in awhile the spring/summer. After checking past postings, it just seems like the majority of the people say they have fall cycles. Just always trying to make some sort of a connection with all of this. Somehow/someway there has to be a connection between all of us clusterheads..

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 27th, 2003, 3:34pm

on 11/27/03 at 09:38:55, BlueMeanie wrote:
Hi Again.

I'm an eposodic CH. Normally cycles never last longer than 10 weeks. I start my 12th week tommorro. There's no end in sight. Lost track of nights without a full sleep. Had 3 visits with the beast last night. I'm scared I may have switched to being chronic. Since most people have their cycles in the fall, I was wondering if this fall may be worse for alot of CH people or is it just me ?

Getting Scared !!

If this can help you, they told That I was chronic, checking my last year with the beast and with a remission period of 20-25 days. When I was episodic my clusters took 15 weeks in spring and autumn. Don't get descourage, the finisching line is coming, don't take yr. eyes away from it! ;;D

Be strong.... you are not alone in this fight, today I had 5 attacks and It wiped me out, physically and emotionally. SHIT!  >:(


Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by thomas on Nov 27th, 2003, 4:01pm
I would suggest using a different abortive or if you must use trex - do the trex tip method.  Sometimes throwing a different abortive at the beast while in cycle, will make it do a double take and high-tail it out of town.  

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:19pm
Sometimes i resist saying this because i sound like a broken record and also because some people just dont believe it.

IMITREX causes rebounds and a lengthening of your cycle. It will also give you more CH's per cycle!

IMITREX also gives immediate relief from the CH at hand, and so therefore is hard to give up. Damned if ya do and damned if ya don't!

Have ya tried Prednisone and Verapamil. They stopped my last cycle in its tracks!

Good luck, Patrick

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:36pm
hey blue....

it's JUST YOU....

or not...

the MOFO has NO criteria for WHEN, WHO, WHERE, HOW hard,... yadda...

hope it passes soon.... and it will....if yer epi...

if yer chronic...

shame on me.....

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:42pm

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Charlie on Nov 27th, 2003, 7:42pm
For many years, my episodics would make an appearance for a month or so in fall and spring.....sometimes a shorter one in mid-summer.  

You seem to fit right in......damn it.

Keep up the good fight.


Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by paul_b on Nov 27th, 2003, 8:17pm
No mention of O2 in your post. Get the tank and mask and keep it by your bed. Follow O2 use mentioned on this site. Should help knock the Beast down and use the Im for other times. Cycle patterns can change. Don't drive yourself crazy, stay in charge of what you have control over. Hope you had a tolerabe Thanksgiving.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 27th, 2003, 11:36pm
Well, I am chronic and this fall so far has been hell. Much worse this fall than the rest of the year thus far. Getting worse everyday it seems.  I don't remember last year being this bad. But the year before was this bad or worse. (If my pathetic memory serves me right...this is my third fall with the beast...I am still a CH baby)

I seem to go thru a phase every fall that is worse than the rest of the year. But I get no time off thru the year, just not hit as hard from about March thru Sept.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by sandie99 on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:14am
Well, I'm too new to CH so I could tell if this is the worst fall... my CH started officially only year ago, but what a CH full year it has been!  :o
If this year follows last, I'm going to have HAs until the summer, when it goes on a break, but reminds of it's existance regurlarly and returns again in full force in october/november. What a vicious thing we have!!! >:(

Hoping PFdays to all,
(with kip8 going on...)

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:28am
I'm chronic but have been in remission pretty much until this fall.  Could be something to this. My meds seemed to quit working and I'm in a daily cycle right now. Am trying the melatonin and magnesium right now, but results aren't in yet. I'm still getting hit about 3 in the morning no matter what I do.

I do try 3 Excedrin and coffee if I get to it before it gets over a 5. This sometimes will work. Otherwise I take cafegot. The trex didn't do a lot for me except make me jittery as heck. The cafegot seems to last longer.

When I was episodic mine hit in May and October for about 2 months. After I went chronic, they just HIT. Since I've been in remission, I've had breakthrus during the spring and fall. But this fall, no break from the breakthrus. Who knows what's going on. My maintenance drug is topamax. But right now - it seems to have quit working.

Finding the rhyme or reason for these damn things has been the goal of all on this MB since it went up and so far - zilch! Every theory we've explored has given NO results. So we just keep trying to find a commonality.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Linda T on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:41pm
 Sorry you're going through this now.  My last cycle started Thanksgiving 2001 and lasted until April 2002.  That was the longest and worst yet.  During peak (and I'm not really sure I had peak - it just seemed really bad all of the time) I was getting 8 hits day and night.  Mostly upwards of 7 on the kip.  THe usual ones lasted around 45 minutes with the worst a couple of hours.

 Point is, and I do have one - don't be discouraged just because this cycle isn't following the "routine".  My last one sure didn't and I was sure I turned chronic.  Obviously not.  Keep fighting the fight. You will win - eventually.

 Good luck.

 Wishing you all PFDAN always, Linda T

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:49pm
Try other stuff.

Steve G

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 28th, 2003, 7:52pm
I don't mean to rain on anyone, but once again I feel the need to refer back to the Cluster Survey...
I'm assuming we've all contributed to it, right?

Looking at the results of when Episodic CHs typically start:
Spring = 13%
Summer = 9%
Fall = 15%
Winter = 7%
Random = 34%

With these results, if they're accurate, I certainly wouldn't say that most episodic CH starts in fall and spring.  Adding spring and fall only yields 28%... that's certainly not a majority, and it's not even a plurality.  (Hmmm.... uh oh.... wait a second.... the above percentages only add up to 78%.  What's up with that?)

I'm also not sold on the issue of global latitude affecting CH frequency.  I'm not convinced of this mainly because of the social, economic, and statistical problems involved with collecting such data.

I'm not totally discounting seasonality and global latitude as possible factors in CH.  It's just that I haven't ever seen any reliable supporting data for either.  Maybe I'm off the mark here, but I just don't know where the 'fall and spring' thing comes from.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by vig on Nov 28th, 2003, 10:37pm
every episode got a little bit longer until there was no more time in between.

fall and spring are still worse than summer and winter.

Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by ozzman on Nov 29th, 2003, 1:22am
It sucks the it'd over. (for chronics, well, it is EVENTUALLY over......)


Title: Re: Is It Just Me or What ?
Post by Jayne on Nov 29th, 2003, 11:27pm
I turned chronic three years ago, but up until this year had my headhaches mostly under control...then July they went wild...calmed down, and now they are going whacky again.... :-/
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