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(Message started by: Donna_D. on Nov 27th, 2003, 2:25am)

Title: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 27th, 2003, 2:25am
After reading the thread started by Jason (samurai) and seeing all of the responses, my natural curiosity was peaked!

How many of you out there have served or have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, neices, nephews, brothers, sisters, etc. that are serving our country in the U.S. Military?  

I think it would be appropriate to give those folks some special recognition especially on today of all days.

Speak up folks!

Donna D.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by nancyc on Nov 27th, 2003, 2:35am
My only son serves in the National Guard ...He had orders for Kuwait and then they were changed(this has happened four times) while he was in Kentucky...then he was sent to Ft Bragg, NC...waiting to see what is next for him...they are saying possibly letting him come home in the next few months for a month, reissue new papers and then send him to Iraq...he has been gone since last March....His 19 month old son and wife are here in Columbia, SC with me... :(nancyc

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 27th, 2003, 3:36am
My father, father-in-law, and uncles served in WWII and Korea, my brother and I during Vietnam, one son recently discharged from the Navy, and my other son and daughter-in-law are both in the Navy, and he just returned from the gulf, off Iran.

Military service goes back a long way in my family, even to the revolutionary war, but THAT relative was on the loosing side, so was another relative in WWI.  But at least they were there for thier country, even if it is not my country!


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 27th, 2003, 8:43am
Served aboard the USS Missouri in Operation Desert Shield, Desert Storm, & the lesser known but still war dammit...Operation Earnest Will.

Fear God...Dreadnaught...Hoo Rah.

Last of the Battleship Sailors...Jim

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Paigelle on Nov 27th, 2003, 8:44am
My cousin in the in Army.  He is home from Iraq now.  He lost a few of his men in the helicopter that was shot down recently.   :'(

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 27th, 2003, 8:45am
My family is a five generation military family.

I am a vet myself. But right now this is who is in:

My oldest sister is in the Reserves, her oldest daughter is also in the Reserves, also her oldest son is Active Duty Army. My other sisters oldest son is Active Duty Air Force. I have a cousin that is Air Force also.

My Grandfather was in Korea. His brother was in WWII.

That is all that I can remember at the moment.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Melissa on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:10am
Both my grandfathers and my father, who are all deceased, served in the Army in WWII and Vietnam.  Currently I have 2 brother-in-laws in the Marine Corps.  One of them served his 4 years and is home and going to start college 2nd semester, the other is currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan, we won't see him until July of next year.  I also have a cousin who is in the Marine Corps. and is stationed in Hawaii.  We have been very fortunate none of them have had to go to Iraq or Afghanistan.  They have gone to other countries with civil unrest though, and it is still worrysome.

To all Vets and Active Military Members, God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by catlind on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:18am
My husband is active duty Air Force and has done 2 tours in Bosnia, 2 tours in Korea and was deployed during Operation Enduring Freedom and was an integral part of Operation Anaconda.  He's a meteorologist and the weather plays a critical role in anything the military does from flying to ground assaults.

My Dad was in the Canadian Navy and served on the HMCS Bonaventure (now scrap metal), but at the time Canada's only air craft carrier.

My daughter (9) made me very proud yesterday.  In school they were telling everyone what they were thankful for.  All the kids were saying their families and good fortune etc, and Andrea said she was thankful for her Freedom.  It warmed my heart and I swelled with pride knowing that she was able to grasp the meaning of being free.


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by jonny on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:20am
Brockton mom thankful her son survived Iraq accident
By Jessica Heslam
Thursday, November 27, 2003 When Janet Damon sits down at her dining room table in Brockton today, she will give thanks that her youngest son is alive.

    ``We're certainly thankful for Peter's life and his wonderful attitude,'' said the 64-year-old mother of Army Sgt. Peter J. Damon, who lost both his arms Oct. 21 when the tire from a Black Hawk helicopter exploded.

    Damon remains in Washington, D.C., at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

    The 31-year-old father of two plans to come home to Brockton for Christmas but when he will be released from the hospital for good is unclear, his mother said yesterday while busily preparing a turkey feast.

    ``He's doing wonderful. He's coming along really great. He's getting fitted for his prosthetics,'' Damon said. ``He's making a lot of progress.''

    The tire explosion occurred in Balad, about 40 miles north of Baghdad, and claimed the life of 19-year-old Pfc. Paul Bueche of Alabama. Damon has told loved ones he is happy to be alive.

    Last weekend, Damon's fiance, Jennifer Maunus, who is the mother of their two children, Allura, 6, and Daniel, 18 months, went to the capital to visit Damon. His brothers and best friend were also there.

    ``They all went down to see him and he got to stay in the hotel room with them and visit the Smithsonian,'' Damon said.

    The wounded soldier comes from a military family. Three of his mother's brothers were in the Air Force, and one of them was killed at age 21 in a plane crash at Travis Air Force base in California.

    The youngest of three brothers, Damon plans to spend Thanksgiving with a ``fellow from his unit'' who lives in Washington.

    ``I was really very excited about that. I didn't want to see him sitting in the hospital room by himself,'' Damon said.


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Prense on Nov 27th, 2003, 4:30pm
I've been in for the last 13 years.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Jimi on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:19pm
[smiley=bash.gif] My father was in WWII where he obtained 2 Purple Hearts. I joined the Air Force during Vietnam and was in there from 67-71. I joined the US Army Reserve in 1973 where I was a Drill Sgt. from 76-93 and was a Tank Commander from 94-99 when I retired with 30 years.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by thomas on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:45pm
I had a great uncle who survived Pearl Harbor, one who was MIA in Korea, one in Vietnam, and myself 4 years active duty Ft. Bragg NC home of the AIRBORNE, yes I jumped out of perfectly good airplanes - and loved every minute of it.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by cootie on Nov 27th, 2003, 6:56pm
Daughter was in army reserves for 11 years but just got out this past year........her new husband and inlaws wanted her OUT.....and she just had a second baby. Have uncles that were in wold war 11 as was Brad's dad and few uncles also. I have that's now station'd back in England where he was married years ago and met his wife and lives and was on the front lines in Kuwait. Pam that wears army boots

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Charlie on Nov 27th, 2003, 7:27pm
Dad was in briefly at Aberdeen Proving Ground in 1942-3. He got pneumonia and they sent him home where he contracted to make some small parts for Piper Aircraft. He even got a break on gas rationing because they considered it a war industy, even though it was only a small machine shop.

Anyway, he loved the service and even though he was never deployed, he talked about it all the time.


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Ree on Nov 27th, 2003, 7:56pm
Well everyone knows my family... My oldest son Scott is an Army OH-58D Helicopter Pilot for the 1st Cavalry Ft Hood TX... awaiting deployment...He also served 8 years in the Marines leaving to become a Warrant Officer and fly copters.
My son Sean is a Sgt in the Marine Corps just returning from deployment.
My Brother Buddy is a Navy veteran serving off the coast of Viet Nam
Daves brothers John and Mark were on the same ship together in the Viet Nam conflict
Scott and Seans Dad Michael... is recently returned from duty as a UN Peace Keeping Police Officer in Kosovo he was a Marine Lt. ..................

 and I belong to an Army of One~~~Stressed out Millitary Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by catlind on Nov 28th, 2003, 8:42am

on 11/27/03 at 17:45:15, thomas wrote:
yes I jumped out of perfectly good airplanes - and loved every minute of it.

It isn't the jumping out of perfectly good airplanes (there isn't one) that strikes me as daring, it's the jumping out of that airplane into HOSTILE territory that boggles my mind!! LOL


Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by BillyJ. on Nov 28th, 2003, 10:23pm
  my nephew(nieces husband )Christopher is normally stationed in Fort Bragg,NC. He is a PVT. in the 2nd Battalion 325th unit in the 82nd Airborne Division.right now he's near Baghdad they say he should be coming home late Jan - early Feb.I keep everyone in the military in my prayers.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by thomas on Nov 29th, 2003, 4:27pm
Awesome gif.  Thanks KOP

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by thomas on Nov 29th, 2003, 4:29pm

on 11/28/03 at 08:42:31, catlind wrote:
It isn't the jumping out of perfectly good airplanes (there isn't one) that strikes me as daring, it's the jumping out of that airplane into HOSTILE territory that boggles my mind!! LOL


Somebody has got to clear the way for the ground pounders.

Title: Re: Who Serves in The Military in Your Family?
Post by Leesa on Nov 30th, 2003, 5:04pm
Uncle in during Korea Army, father in Korea Air Force (air craft mechanic), brother in during Libia (sp) cousin in during Nam Army (2 tours had the scares to prove it) cousin in now in Iraq, Dave in during Navy Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Too many others to list in all branches of the service. God bless them all for some gave all! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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