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(Message started by: brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:25pm)

Title: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:25pm
I'm wondering what anti-virus software everyone is using.   PREFERABLY FREE STUFF!    (currently don't have a credit card)

Also, Adaware/Spybot software.

In the last couple days, I've started to have *odd* problems on one of my computers.  Its running slow(er), accesses the floppy drive when shutting down, etc...     I haven't been able to find anything *extra* running in the background.

Then this morning, I realized my laptop had *quit* last night.  After rebooting, I found a log-file that showed something/someone was trying to dial out at 5AM.  Funny thing is...   I haven't had a modem installed in my laptop for about 2 or 3 months and it has been formatted and had Windows reinstalled since then.

Currently, I've used Norton 2003 (updated defs), Adaware, Spybot, Webroot Spy Sweeper and I can't find anything wrong.

I've been able to come up with quite a list of available software...   The main problem is lack of a credit card (or finances).  Hence, the comment about "PREFERABLY FREE STUFF".

Any suggestions?


Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Paigelle on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:30pm
I am using Norton 2003 and Spybot.  Not having any problems.  What is going on with your computer? [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:34pm

on 11/26/03 at 20:30:29, Paigelle wrote:
What is going on with your computer? [smiley=huh.gif]

on 11/26/03 at 20:25:10, brain_cramps wrote:
In the last couple days, I've started to have *odd* problems on one of my computers.  Its running slow(er), accesses the floppy drive when shutting down, etc...     I haven't been able to find anything *extra* running in the background.

Then this morning, I realized my laptop had *quit* last night.  After rebooting, I found a log-file that showed something/someone was trying to dial out at 5AM.  Funny thing is...   I haven't had a modem installed in my laptop for about 2 or 3 months and it has been formatted and had Windows reinstalled since then.

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Cerberus on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:38pm
I use norton utilities 2003 and keep it disabled unless I need diagnostics etc. "De-frag" your hard drive run disc doctor and Windoctor (scandisc) and reboot.

If that doesn't work I would considder backing up important stuff J.I.C. a re-format never hurt,but, its alot of work and backing up and, oh hell...its a colossal pain in the ass. ;;D

or you can go to the start menu, run, msconfig, and disable your startup items that way. Many options few solutions.

Best o luck,

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Paigelle on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:46pm
Brain-cramps, it sounds like it is haunted!  :o

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by floridian on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:46pm
Penguin antivirus - LINUX!!  Free in more ways than one.

On my other machine, Norton Antivirus,  Free spybot killer - Adaware (

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:47pm

on 11/26/03 at 20:38:31, Cerberus wrote:
I use norton utilities 2003 and keep it disabled unless I need diagnostics etc...
Me too.

on 11/26/03 at 20:38:31, Cerberus wrote:
..."De-frag" your hard drive run disc doctor and Windoctor (scandisc) and reboot...
Haven't defragged yet, but have run Scandisk, and every Norton tool available.

on 11/26/03 at 20:38:31, Cerberus wrote:
...If that doesn't work I would considder backing up important stuff J.I.C. a re-format never hurt,but, its alot of work and backing up and, oh hell...its a colossal pain in the ass. ;;D...
I have everything backed up regularly recently.   Kinda got sloppy a months ago and lost everything.  (Accidentally reformatted my external hard-drive that I use for backup.  :-X ::) :-[ )

on 11/26/03 at 20:38:31, Cerberus wrote:
or you can go to the start menu, run, msconfig, and disable your startup items that way.
Good idea.    I'll give that a shot.

thx a lot,

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:49pm

on 11/26/03 at 20:46:44, Paigelle wrote:
Brain-cramps, it sounds like it is haunted!  :o



Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:05pm

You got it!    Blank line in MS-CONFIG.   (kinda suspicious, eh?)

got it disabled for now.   now to find out what it is....

(bit of a brain-fart there.    haven't used msconfig in years)

thx a lot,

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Opus on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:32pm
  Did you update spybot before you ran it, I think updates come out every week. You can also use spybot as msconfig, go to tools,  startup, it even tells you what most of the programs are for, sounds like you have a dialer, you can get them from porn or hacking sites.


Oh and this is supose to be the best AV out there, better than norton.

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by CathiP on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:45pm
Graaaannnt! :'( I am crushed!! Did ya even AASK me? Didja? Huh?? You KNOW my expertise with the puters.....but didja AASSk MEE?? NOOOOOO! >:(

So, here goes, anyway.....
AHEM!!  In my considered,no, make that esteemed opinion, I'd definitely say.........
It's sick and posessed......
Defrag....that fixes everything!!
Glad I could help......
Cathi [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Lori on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:53pm

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:26pm

Pretty sure where i got *it*  was at a crackz site the other day to get an activation # for some software.   ask for 1 simple number and you get bombarded with 1000 offers for dialers, porn-sites, etc...  This site used to OK, but now all the bullshit starts.

BTW...   anyone know of a safe crackz site?   LOL

grant          ;)

P.S.    Opus...   thx.   we used to use AVG at work, but I couldn't remember the name of it.    As soon as i saw "grisoft" in the link you posted, I remembered it right away.

Title: Re: Geeks...What anti-virus do you use?
Post by Peppermint on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:07am
I'm not a Geekarino but AVG definitely works.  ... it works better with a firewall (ZoneAlarm), and Adware and Spybot /Spybot Blaster combined.   My puter is almost back to normal.  

Hope that works out for ya Grant. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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