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(Message started by: samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:56pm)

Title: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:56pm
   Hey everybody!
 Freedom! They let me loose for a couple of days for Thnksgiving, so I'm gonna be around until Sat.
 I have been having a great time training! We're still getting reorganized, changing our training to suit the mission, and getting everybody recertified in basic tasks like first aid, communications, weapons maint. etc.... but I'm having a blast! It's great to be back with the guys, living out of the barracks!
 My Mom has been real busy, and hasn't had time to get on to the website yet, but I have my new address:

COMMANDER, B Company, 1-161 IN (M)
ATTN: PFC Aubin, Jason S.
B Company/1-161 IN (M), 81st ARMOR BDE
Box 339548
Ft. Lewis, WA 98433-9545

  Like I said, I'll be around (the site) for a few days, and I should get another short leave around Christmas. You guys have been awesome, and I really appreciate the support. If y'all need anything, let me know!


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Jackie on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:58pm
What a pleasant surprise.... :D
Nice to hear from you, Jason.

Happy Thankgiving,
Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Ree on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:02pm
thanks for the address... We will definately be in touch from our house... do you have any idea when you will be shipping out?  Have a wonderful holiday and remember to tell your mom I am here for support..... love to you Ree

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:04pm
Great news that you get to hang with us for a few more days.

Tell me Bro.....if your weapon was takin away could you whoop some rag head ass hand to hand?

I guess what im saying is are you a blackbelt and could Jackie Chan some ass?


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by cootie on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:11pm
Have a great Thanksgiveing Jason.......hope ya don't git close enuff to any rag heads ta 'see the whites of there beady bloodshot eyes' but if ya do....and sounds like you careful !!!!! Thanks for the addy too.....will mail get to ya the entire time yer gone at that same addy ? Good luck to ya when ya leave......stay out of the Raghead Disco's Pam

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:13pm
    Hi Ree!
 I will give my Mom your address, for sure!  
The plan may change, but as it stands now, we leave the U.S. at the start of Feb. for Kuwait. Our training time there is still uncertain, we will acclimate and prepare to move from Kuwait up the main highway to Baghdad. We're probably going to be attached to an armor division, which means tanks(!), and we will move up to Baghdad to relieve the 82nd Airborne division by March at the latest.

P.S. As you probably know, the Army reserves the right to change everything at the last minute!

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:16pm

on 11/26/03 at 20:13:31, samurai wrote:
 P.S. As you probably know, the Army reserves the right to change everything at the last minute!


You a black belt or what?


Edit.....Dude, they let you out of training to come home for thanksgiving when they are dieing for replacements in Iraq?

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:27pm
  Jonny, the answer to your question is Yes! I have trained in like 8 or so martial arts, to get a complete style. Striking(karate, jungyae-moosul,boxing), grappling(wrestling, collegiate and greco-roman, aikido, brazilian jujutsu) and some great mental training from Tai Chi, Aikido, and Kenjutsu(japanese swordwork).

   Cootie, I will get a new address when I get into Baghdad and we take over the area for the 82nd. It will probably be an Army P.O. box, or something like it. I will not get anything sent too close to the Feb. deployment, the Army mail system is kinda slow!


We've been training 7 days a week, 12-14 hours a day, so three days off isn't really much lost time. Our rotation schedule is written by the higher ups, so we go when they send us.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Melissa on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:51pm
Happy Thanksgiving Jason!  Enjoy your free time :)


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:51pm

on 11/26/03 at 20:13:31, samurai wrote:
 P.S. As you probably know, the Army reserves the right to change everything at the last minute!



Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by cootie on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:58pm
I guess things have really daughter was in the army reserves for 11 years in communications and worked with a hospital unit and just got out this past year......they follow'd a schedule like clockwork. She woulda left for Kuwait within the month after a few weeks of speical training down south if they hadn't let her out. (she'd just had anouther baby) Pam that's no longer got a recruit among us

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:07pm
"Sat. morning I move into barracks on Ft. Lewis and go into lockdown. I may get some time for holiday breaks, but I don't know.  "

Seems to me Jason when you said this Nov 20th and now its the dont jive with your "We are training 7 days a week.



Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:11pm
Jason, thanks for the address..will be in touch real son came home from Ft. Bragg today for a 5 day break...they are saying he may come home within the next three months and then be called back  a month later for Iraq...I pray they dont call him back in once he gets home and I pray your orders are changed and You never leave the USA!...I will be in touch with you soon...let your mom know, I am here for her also...always nice to have the moms band moms can be hell when it comes to our sons/daughters ;;D...Take care and know you are loved here  in Clusterville!  :)nancyc  PS have fun on your lots of turkey!

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by cootie on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:12pm
Wish my kid was still online...she knows the reserves like the backa her hand.......she keeps in touch with her unit and alot of the sergents and has friends in other units around the US. Kinda wish she coulda stayed in the reserves after 11 years and retired......but GLAD she didn't have to go....."over there" ! Pam with lots of army pics from the past

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:20pm
   Busted?  I don't get it. Thanksgiving is a holiday! The change is that we are not in the kind of lockdown that we were worried about. When you take a reserve unit into active duty, training for combat, a lot of guys have to make a sudden adjustment back to full time Army standards. I was dissappointed to find that the reserve standards are pretty relaxed compared to regular Army. We feared a total lockdown because there are a lot of guys who have relaxed their discipline, and the commanders might lock us up to lessen the chance of AWOLs and excessive drinking/partying interfering with the training and prep. As it turns out we have made the transition smoothly and are training hard on a daily basis, thus the commanders have allowed the off duty privileges such as holidays. I hope this explains things better, if I sounded contradictory!


BTW my unit activated on Nov. 15th and moved on Nov. 22nd. It's the 26th and I worked today, so that's 11 days in a row. Tomorrow will be my first day off.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:26pm
It dont explain "7 days a week 12-14 hours a day" in 6 days....

Does it?


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:29pm
Jason, i understood what you said son's unit got lots of weekends off and free time the first time they  got their orders to go to Kuwait.Thank God, those orders were changed!..He was in Kentucky at the time...He was suppose to be on lockdown but that was a joke in the reserves...The guys in his unit would go out and party and come back before time to train the next morning...then they would give them weekends off the I was not surprised when you said you got leave for the holidays...Enjoy your time off and have FUN! smiles,nancyc

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:45pm

Please let us know how you go into Army training 6 days ago and tell us you have been training 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day.

You called it "Lock down" training....seems to me thats Vacation training when many Americans are being killed while your having turkey.

What up with that?


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:55pm
Sounds like you are definately ready to kick some ASS ! Use that training wisely and come home safe.
Love what your doing for us bro.
Happy Thanksgiving !

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:56pm
 Sigh.  Jonny, are you reading my posts all the way through?
I was activated(active duty) on the 15th of Nov. We moved to Ft. Lewis on the 22nd. It's the 26th. 26-15 is 11 days straight.  Lockdown has been circumvented by those long 11 days of hard work, setting a good standard.  We can't move up our deployment date. I can't get over there any earlier than when they let us go, and we have time to train and even spend a few days with our families, I am sorry if that's not acceptable to you, I am doing what I can.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by JDH on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:16pm

on 11/26/03 at 21:56:09, samurai wrote:
  I am sorry if that's not acceptable to you, I am doing what I can.

Gee, I sure hope it's acceptable for "General" Jonny  ;;D

take care of yourself Jason.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:21pm

on 11/26/03 at 22:16:26, JDH wrote:
Gee, I sure hope it's acceptable for "General" Jonny  ;;D

LMMFAO!!!!!        [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:26pm
Way cool Jason!!

So glad you got this "extra" time with your family... one more thing to be thankful for on Thanksgiving right?  :)

Enjoy it while you're here and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Pepper  [smiley=cool2.gif]

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:26pm
Not much gets by the General.........King to your ass!!!


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by CathiP on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:32pm
Jason...I get it! My nephew has been on stand-by, stand-down.....up and down now for 6 weeks....they train him hard, then they send him home for Thanksgiving......sheesh....and they say WIMMEN\can't make up their minds.....!!
My husband is a 3rd dan Black Belt in Kyokushinkaikan, Jason.....he's got the mind/body/spirit thing as well....He says I have the Bushido spirit.....does that count?? Use your spirit and your training to keep yourself safe when you arrive there....or better yet....maybe the big guys will do an about face, and you will get to stay stateside....battling the beast should be enough fighting for any person! I know, I are looking forward to going to just be very careful, please!
As for time off for Thanksgiving......Hey! Lucky you! Ummmm, wonder where you'' be on yer B'day, Mother's Day....and a myriad of other important days in your life.
Enjoy the break....and thank you, again, Jason, for being ready to be called into action whenever the brass decides it's time. Godspeed....

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:47pm

on 11/26/03 at 21:45:45, jonny wrote:

" when many Americans are being killed while your having turkey."


Makes me feel pretty sad and ashamed that I am one of those Americans enjoying turkey this year.Enjoy your holiday time this year, Jason....Cause I will be here In the US next year on Thanksgiving while you are in Iraq fighting for my freeom . :)nancyc

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:59pm

on 11/26/03 at 22:47:42, nancyc wrote:
Makes me feel pretty sad and ashamed that I am one of those Americans enjoying turkey this year...Jason, Enjoy your Thanksgiving and Christmas if you get a leave then.......  :)nancyc

You should be ashamed....what have you done for the boys over there?


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:04pm
My son is one that has been gone for nine months now and may be going to Iraq anyday now, Jonny...and as far as what i have done for our military guys...I dont feel i have to justify anything to you...but believe me, me and my daughter in law have been very involved..I have no reason to feel any shame...And I sure dont spend time on the mb picking apart every word that someone getting ready to go to Iraq post.....nancyc

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:07pm

on 11/26/03 at 23:04:23, nancyc wrote:
t someone getting ready to go to Iraq post.....



Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by CathiP on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:34pm

(just couldn't help myself......ooopppss! ::))

Be safe, Jason....and thank you!


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by JDH on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:02am

on 11/26/03 at 22:26:17, jonny wrote:
Not much gets by the General.........King to your ass!!!


yeahrightwhateverdude [smiley=hurl.gif]

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:09am
Its always good to see who bails early.....makes it easy, very easy.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by samurai on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:10am
   For those who have read this far, I want to apologize. I never intended to stir up such unpleasant talk. I want to share my happiness, that I can spend a little bit more time with my family before I have to go. I thank those of you who write kind words, and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:16am

on 11/27/03 at 00:10:40, samurai wrote:
   For those who have read this far, I want to apologize. I never intended to stir up such unpleasant talk. I want to share my happiness, that I can spend a little bit more time with my family before I have to go. I thank those of you who write kind words, and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


Please do not apologize.   *SIGH*


Take care,

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by JDH on Nov 27th, 2003, 12:17am

on 11/27/03 at 00:09:23, jonny wrote:
Its always good to see who bails early.....makes it easy, very easy.


Me bailing? call it that if you want, I'll just call it not wasting anymore of time on this bs.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Jason...and everyone else as well...including you Jonny  ;)


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by cootie on Nov 27th, 2003, 1:27am
Hi there.....I have a cure for gas and stomach upset from too much holiday me for free samples of my cure ! Blahhhhhhhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha.......HAPPY THANKSGIVEING EVERYONE !!!!! Pam that gives stomach upset and gas

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 27th, 2003, 1:32am

I am glad that you are transitioning back to "Army life" with ease.  I am even happier that you will get to spend this holiday "free" (not on lockdown).  ENJOY YOUR TURKEY...It may be one of the last few "sand-free" meals you eat!!  :P LOL.

When my family sits down for dinner tomorrow we will thank God and we will pray for you and all the others like you who have VOLUNTEERED to help keep our country safe from terrorists.  If you handle yourself in Iraq as well as you have handled yourself in this thread I anticipate a safe return for you.  You obviously have a "cool head under fire".

FYI--I met Jason about a month ago over on HSG chat.  After "chatting" with this extraordinary young man for a while I decided to interview him for the newsletter.

"What makes him extraordinary?" you ask.  Well for one thing he has volunteered to serve our country AND he does it with CH.  (I cannot even keep my housework caught up when I am in cycle!).  Another example?  Sorry! You will have to wait and read more about Jason in the next issue.   :)

Sorry to spill the beans Jason! Stay in touch!

Donna D.

P.S. I still need that pic!

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 27th, 2003, 1:41am
Donna, I cant wait to read that interview...I  feel like I have adopted another, I have two sons in the National Guard  ;;D..I apologize to the board for losing my cool tonite but as a mother to a soldier, I am alittle overprotective...and lately alittle edgey because of everything going on with my own son's situation.... And Cootie, Please send me that remedy for gas, cause we ate our Thanksgiving early and I got a bellyache bad .... :onancyc

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 27th, 2003, 3:07am

on 11/26/03 at 22:59:32, jonny wrote:
You should be ashamed....what have you done for the boys over there?


Not to further enrage you, Jonny, but you are WAY OFF THE MARK with this one...

NancyC,  being the true lady that she is, did not respond to this particular question.  I just happen to know the answer, as I have interviewed her for the newsletter.  

I won't tell you everything, but just to let you know the scope of this woman's involvement, she was named Columbia's Top Military Mother and featured on FOX TV for 2 months every night after the evening news....

You don't get honored like that by sitting at home and wringing your hands.  Her involvement is extensive and awesome.  In my book she is a true American!

Read more about Nancyc in your next issue of the OUCH newsletter!

Jonny, I think you owe this woman a dozen yellow roses!  :)

Donna D.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:45am

on 11/27/03 at 00:17:44, JDH wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Jason...and everyone else as well...including you Jonny  ;)


I think the above statement says a TON!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Jim


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:53am

on 11/27/03 at 03:07:45, Donna_D. wrote:
Jonny, I think you owe this woman a dozen yellow roses!  :)

I also agree with the above statement 100%

Also, I think that Jason is deserving of an apology.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Charlie on Nov 27th, 2003, 6:28am
Oh my.

Happy Thanksgiving no matter what.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by JDH on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:50am

on 11/27/03 at 06:28:49, Charlie wrote:
Oh my.

Happy Thanksgiving no matter what.


LMAO Charlie  ;;D
Disfunction rears it's ugly it feels like a real family for the holidays.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by mikeyd on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:27am
Good luck Jason, happy thanksgiving and Godspeed to you.
Best wishes for a PF excursion (in all senses of the meaning PF).
Salutes to you bruthah!

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Jimi on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:36am
[smiley=bigguns.gif] I get it too brother. Been there, done that. You will probably get assigned to a MIA2. I was a tank commander on that baby for 5 years in the Army Reserve training with RA. You be careful over there and and be deliberate on that tank. It can hurt you real quick itself. Enjoy your 3 days and I hope you make it back for Christmas before you deploy.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Margi on Nov 27th, 2003, 10:46am

on 11/27/03 at 00:10:40, samurai wrote:
   For those who have read this far, I want to apologize. I never intended to stir up such unpleasant talk. I want to share my happiness, that I can spend a little bit more time with my family before I have to go. I thank those of you who write kind words, and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


The rest of us want to share your happiness, too, Jason, and we wish you Godspeed (and pain freedom) in the months ahead.  It WAS a nice surprise to see you posting yesterday.  

Happy Thanksgiving, Jason!  

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by jonny on Nov 27th, 2003, 11:31am

on 11/27/03 at 03:07:45, Donna_D. wrote:
 I won't tell you everything, but just to let you know the scope of this woman's involvement, she was named Columbia's Top Military Mother and featured on FOX TV for 2 months every night after the evening news....

You don't get honored like that by sitting at home and wringing your hands.  Her involvement is extensive and awesome.  In my book she is a true American!

Jonny, I think you owe this woman a dozen yellow roses!  :)

Point well taken Donna....yellow roses all around.

Jason, enjoy the time with your family.......if your not back soon im coming for you (of course ill have Grant with me)


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by nancyc on Nov 27th, 2003, 1:44pm
Thanks for the roses, bro..but i dont deserve any roses..i am just a mom....and i was not Top military mother...we were one of the top military families here in Columbia honored....Ali wrote a paper on why I should be given the award because of some of the things i had done to help them during the deployment crisis and how I had been a support and what all I had done.... i felt honored that they recognized this ....I have done nothing compared to alot of others but want to do so much more to help....and plan to.  Well, gotta go to work..hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving .... :)nancyc

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 27th, 2003, 3:26pm

on 11/26/03 at 19:56:03, samurai wrote:
    If y'all need anything, let me know!


Yes..... we need that you are strong!!

What a surprise Jason, happy to have you around!!

Be safe, Zaira  :-*      :-*

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by goaway on Nov 27th, 2003, 4:40pm

Glad you are able to enjoy the holiday.  You know we're with you.

Remember what I said to you previously...

Kick 'em hard,
kick 'em far,
kick 'em anyway you wanna',
everyday in everyway....

Let us hear from you real soon.  And, again, thank you.


Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by thomas on Nov 27th, 2003, 5:42pm
Good luck Jason.  Glad you got some free time.

Title: Re: Surprise!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 27th, 2003, 6:04pm
Nancyc =  Humble!! [smiley=curtain.gif]

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