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(Message started by: Jayne on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:58pm)

Title: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Jayne on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:58pm
Not by a HA!!!!!!! I am happy to say, but by my cell phone ringing.
My sister gave birth to my nephew last night. I AM AN AUNTIE!!!!!
I am at work now and I am dead on my feet I had NO SLEEP.

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Paigelle on Nov 26th, 2003, 1:02pm
Congratulations!  That was a great wake up call!  Hope mother and son are doing great.  I know you are too excited to rest.   [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by thomas on Nov 26th, 2003, 1:16pm
Awesome... Auntie Jayne.  lol.

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 26th, 2003, 1:16pm
Congrats to you and the lad's mother.... ;;D

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 26th, 2003, 1:18pm
WOW.........neat wake-up call!         8)



Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by ave on Nov 26th, 2003, 3:14pm
Congrats, Jaynee!

Sorry! Auntie Jane....

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:52pm
whoo hooooo, BIG CONGRATS JAYNE!!!

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by nancyc on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:07pm
Congrats Auntie! Dont it feel great? It feels even better to be a granny LMAO.... ;;Dnancyc

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 27th, 2003, 7:20am
Congrats Auntie Jayne!


Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by jonny on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:06am
Auntie? sure beats being grandma dont it?....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by mikeyd on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:26am
Congratulations Auntie Jayne  ;)

Mt step-daughter just had a baby boy on Monday morning too! She named him Treygan...kinda out I guess that makes me a step-grandpa...hehehe ::)
I had a real bad day yesterday...up at 1:00am and a standoffish duel with the beast for 4 unrelenting hours...head was bangin all day ...and no...not to Linkin Park No real big ones all day, took DHE and went to bed at 9:00 [smiley=sleep.gif] and woke at 4:47 sitting bolt upright in bed and beelining for DHE and Cal-Mag. Whew...aborted!Head is now returning to 1 1/2 normal size and it's bearable...but what a lousy day!
Doc says can't get oxygen unless I have respiratory problems...who the FU** makes up these stupid rules?!?! Luckily for me, I have a few really good friends at the paramedic station here, they set me up with an O2 tank, regulator and nasal canulla...WOOOOOFrigginHOOOOOOOO!!!! [smiley=shore.gif]  [smiley=sayyes.gif]
What a great bunch of guys down there, who better to talk to about pain than the guys dealing with it everyday from the outside looking in.... GOD bless their sympathetic hearts!!!!
Glad to hear you got a "good" wakeup call instead of the Bad guy with the hot icepick.
Wishes for PF days for everyone!

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by jonny on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:31am

on 11/27/03 at 09:26:37, mikeyd wrote:
nasal canulla...

Your kidding right Mikey?

IM me your address, I have a non-rebreather mask in the bag sitting right here ill mail you.


Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by mikeyd on Nov 27th, 2003, 9:58am
I guess nasal canulla doesn't flow enuf huh jonny?
He told me it could only flow 2-4 lpm or the rest just goes to waste. Got an appt. with the doc this morning, I could avoid it anymore...I have to talk to her again about melatonin, DHE's sporadic effectiveness, verapamil's role in this whole thing...I'm just trying to understand the process of these damn things. I have 7 years of science education behind me and I just can't get me head around this one...thank God I'm not alone on that one...lmao. I'm seriously considering further education into neurological research on these skull invaders....the University timeline looks a little daunting though. I just couldn't believe the incompetence of the neurologist I went to a few years ago. Rubber hammered my kneecaps and said I was fine....what a friggin  [smiley=looser.gif]
Thanks johnny, I'll message you in a few minutes!

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Ree on Nov 27th, 2003, 8:28pm

on 11/27/03 at 09:06:35, jonny wrote:
Auntie? sure beats being grandma dont it?....LOL ;;D



Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by sandie99 on Nov 28th, 2003, 6:39am
Congratulations!!!!  :) ;;D :)
That's fabulous news!  :)
Do you get to be a godmom, too?  ;)
My best to the new parents & the baby boy! :)

Best wishes,
proud godmom of 8 year-old rascal

Title: Re: Was woken up at 4.30 am!!!!!
Post by Jayne on Nov 28th, 2003, 11:06am
Ahhhhhhh meeee sooo happeeeeeee
Baby and mom are doing grand. Baby was 5bls 2 ounces. My sister had to have a cisar.. sicaria..cisarea...cisera....siccerea..they cut her open. So she is in a wee bit of pain, but other than that everyone is healthy and happy. They had thanksgiving in the hospital. They have named him "Jake"
I haven't even seen a picture of him yet ...I am gnawing at the bit here. They are having a lady come in today to take some pictures and load them on to the noet so I will be able to see them...none of my family have a digital camera yet can you beleive that?
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