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(Message started by: Patrick_A on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:18am)

Title: Any professional writers here?
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:18am
I read in Readers Digest today about an article on Pain management clinics. It got me to thinking, No not about pain management, but about writing a short story about Cluster Headaches. Maybe a true account of 4 or 5 people who suffer and submitting it to RD as a story of interest.
Do we have any professional writers here or at OUCH? RD is always looking for good stories to publish. Maybe this would be a good chance at some recognition for this dreadful disease.

Just wondering, Patrick

Title: Re: Any professional writers here?
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:25am
Dave Emond is one of many, however he is out of action for a while, Margie is also one of the very best. Left someone out? Volunteer  ;;D ;) :) 8)

Title: Re: Any professional writers here?
Post by clustey on Nov 26th, 2003, 2:30am
WhaT can I write for you today?

Title: Re: Any professional writers here?
Post by ave on Nov 26th, 2003, 4:37am
As any REAL pro writer or journalist knows, writing the stuff  is not the problem.

Getting it into useful publications IS.

The question should read; who among us is a pro and has an in with a good national magazine or paper.

If there is somebody like that, they should "excersice that option" saspo (or is it asap these days?).

Title: Re: Any professional writers here?
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:06am
One of the biggest hurdles is getting it beyond the query letter. Targeting one market with it is not the way to get it out there. You have to select many places to send it so that you have a better chance of getting it out there. Finding the right places to send it where you get maximum exposure for the audience you want to reach. Or sometimes reaching out on a smaller level and getting it published and not relinquishing your rights to republish it elsewhere is the best bet. That way you can republish the work in more than one venue.

Also, even though we want the facts about CH out there, this work needs to be 'heart-wrenching' to reach the public. What it is really about at this point, and please don't take this wrong, ok.... it is about marketing CH to the public to make them aware of what it is, what we suffer through and what little research is being done to help us. If we can ever do that effectively than we can make strides in finding ways to put pressure on drug companies to help us.

Just some thoughts...

Title: Re: Any professional writers here?
Post by sandie99 on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:24am
Well, I am a media student. Guess what I wrote about this fall? Yep, about clusterheadaches. Nothing published, though, as it was a university project and I'm still waiting for my grade...  ;) One of my professors did say that she liked it a lot. That's a good sign, as she is a journalist herself.

best wishes & pain-free days,
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