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(Message started by: TomM on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:07am)

Title: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by TomM on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:07am
The bastard that terrorized the DC/MD/VA area a year ago will die and I am happy. See:  One down and one to go.  [smiley=sayyes.gif]

A young boy was shot  :'( in front of a Bowie, MD middle school (Benjamin Stoddard) a mile from my home during those weeks of terror and scared the shit out of Renee and me. Many innocent people doing normal everyday activities like pumping gas, exiting Home Depot, or leaving Ponderosa Steakhouse were killed. So random. So senseless.
Thanks for letting me rant...again.


Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by Orneryolefart on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:00am
Understands your feelings.  Only problem, IMHO, is that death is not painful or suffering.  Too bad he couldn't be plagued with CH's the rest of his life, but I suppose that would be cruel and unusual punishment, which is forbidden by our constitution.
   Orneryolefart in Texas

Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by BobG on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:47pm
Right on Tom.

But getting the death penalty means endless appeals, many years getting 3 meals and a bed from the taxpayer. He'll be better off than the homeless.

And that pisses me off!  >:(

Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by vig on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:48pm
These two mopes were SO far from being human.
They should never again be treated like humans.

throw the bums out.

Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:00pm
I heard on cnn that they thought it would be pretty quick, as far as death sentences go. How long did the McVeigh thing draw out?


Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:25pm
They say that the death penalty is not a deterant.  I think it will deter those two!  I say sooner rather than later.


Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by Charlie on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:32pm
Death is too easy and too clean.

I forgot who said locking him up and letting the survivors take turns beating the crap out of him on some kind of schedule is better. It's important to leave a little bit for the next person. Don't wanna spoil the fun.


Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by cootie on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:54pm
Target practice...I think they should be used as target practice at a miltary training base...I mite even join if that'd be the case !! Live by the sword die by the sword I say.....even steven ! A number of one Pam

Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by Ree on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:54pm
I think they should do medical testing on them like they do to labratory rats... when I hear the 911 call from the man at home depot watching his wife die after getting a bullet to her head... it rips me in two.  Here we are at war with other countries and we have to have this type of terror here in our own country, from one of our own.  The only thing I can compare is the Oklahoma bombing and that was horriffic... but I don't believe in the death penalty... I think people should suffer out their sentences... Death is too easy...

Title: Re: The Bastard Will Die--someday
Post by Little Deb on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:09pm
I agree with the labratory testing.   Use him to somehow benefit mankind.  Save a rabbit I say.
A rabbit never hurt anyone.  

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