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New Message Board Archives >> Oct-Dec 2003 >> Time to talk with my family!
(Message started by: Dave_Emond on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:20am)

Title: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Dave_Emond on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:20am
My Family,
Time I let you all know what’s been going on regarding trying to figure out just what has been causing my health problems over the last 3 months. Looks like we finally have a verdict, I’ve been silent up until now, as the news is not good and I’ve been trying to get a grasp on it myself. Spent 4 agonizing hours on the MRI table early last week at the request of a Neurosurgeon from Missouri for a full spine examination.
Two small spinal tumors between the meninges (membranes covering the spinal cord) and the bones of the spine (extradural) behind the thoracic spinal cord at the T5-6 and T9-10 levels.
Next step, tomorrow morning: An MRI scan of the thoracic spine with and without IV enhancement for further evaluation.
T1 weighted sagittal and axial images of the thoracic spine prior to and after contrast medium are administered.
So, what does this mean? They’ll do MRI’s of my Thoracic Spine from many positions, then shoot me up with a dye and do them again. The results will tell if anything can be done to stop these tumors. Right now, options are limited; if they find the tumors are still growing we’re looking at dangerous surgery that can lead to permanent paralysis, if surgery cannot be done, death.
Apparently, these tumors are compressing against the spinal cord, blocking signals such as nerves and other messages to the brain. The signals are routed elsewhere, explaining the severe pain, tremors, loss of use of legs and the many other symptoms.
Of course, I’ve been having to “get my affairs in order,” wills, looking to close my business and sell off my tools, equipment and truck. Cut down my warehouse to a size to fit our household belongings and sell our home. As a last straw, might have to drop my nonprofit for abused children. Hard to guess where to go from there.  
Although everything might seem lost, my attitude has changed tonight. For those of faith (and even those who are not), it was an interesting evening tonight. Only knowing that I was ill, a group of people came over wanting to pray for me, saying they had felt compelled to. I showed them the MRI photos of the tumors and told them about the Chronic CH. They were not phased. As a Christian myself, I agreed to let them pray over me. After all, what brought them all here tonight of all nights? I knew a couple of them from the local mission, but not the others. My fears are gone, whether I’ll be healed or not. I have been wondering why I didn’t die in that ambulance a while back. I had always figured I still had things to do with my life and future, but at that point I was ready to go. But, maybe it wasn’t my time? Maybe it isn’t now? Maybe it is? Either way, the fear is gone. Strange how life works, 3 months ago before all this started, I felt invincible. If I could live with the daily torture of Clusters, what could possibly bring me down? Sure, I spent my share of nights rolling on the floor begging for death, as I’m sure many understand. Now when it becomes reality, I tend to want to keep fighting no matter how bad it gets. I’ve learned a few things; don’t ever say, “It can’t get worse than this!” and as Annette always reminds me, “Be careful what you wish for!”
Anyway, I’m not looking for pity no matter what happens. You all have become part of my family and I thought I should let you know now. Tonight was special, but tomorrow and throughout the week of waiting for results, I come to my family and ask for your prayers as well, I’ll take all I can get to remain strong and accept whatever may be. And for Annette as well. Been kind of a "zombie" for the last week, but am no longer scared to think or talk about it, especially with my family here. Thanks for all the support through this, we’ll know soon now.
God Bless,

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:30am

I'm a newbie on the board here, but not new to CH. I know if you've had the will to hang in ther all these years with CH, you also have the will to fight this even more devastating beast. Just wanted you to know the I will pray for you tonight and send good vibes your way.

Never give up hope !!

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Svenn on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:45am
Hi there Dave

Just know that i pray and cross fingers for you.In this cases its importent for us to never give up and just have high hopes for a soon recovery.

All good wibes is on the expressway to you and your family

The very best from

The mad viking


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by J.ten_Dam on Nov 25th, 2003, 4:32am
Hi Dave,
My thoughts and pryers are with you.
Sorry I did not get the chance to meat you when I was in the USA.
Love Joke

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:35am

My prayers are with you.

Whatever I can do - you know I'm here for you....

Hugs to you and Annette

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by sandie99 on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:59am
what can I say? I wish you and your family the best.
Lots of prayers are on the way!
God bless & many, many PFdays,


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by suzy617 on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:26am
Dont really know what to say except that you are in my thoughts. I pray that things work out and you will be able to conquer this.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Charlie on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:04am
Wish I had something profound to say.

I think you've been doing well with this and hitting all the bases. Heading for home is a good idea now.

You have all my vibes and even a prayer or two. It certainly does no harm.

I say it all the time but how about one damn thing at a time? It's your turn for a break Dave.

All my best wishes.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Melissa on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:45am
My heart is filled with sadness and tears for you Dave.  Know that I am asking God to give you a blessing and a miracle, even though I know it may seem "out there".  I am here if ever you or Annette need me.  Much love to you both, try and stay positive.

love, mel

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by TomM on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:56am
Hang in there, Dave.
Us CH'ers have more strength and will power than anyone.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Donna on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:45am

I just don't know what to say except how much I wish you didn't have this happening to you.

You and your not for profit org. have been a blessing to others, and I'm praying for a special blessing and healing for you.  You're one of the really good guys.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Woobie on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:48am
I don't know what to say ..........

You have a good attitude!    I dont know if I could ever be that strong.    

Prayers to you ........and Annette.     [smiley=hug.gif]

Tina  :-*

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:55am

You have shown us incredible courage and wisdom, how often do we get to see both of those attributes in one package? Personally, you have shown me that life should be lived proudly, I will be making some changes in my life because of this. Thank you.

You have a family of Gladiators, that don’t give up, who are watching your back. I believe that we channel massive amounts of healing energy, and you should be our proof. Stay strong, stay positive and know that we are in your corner.

All my prayers and vibes to you,
David J.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by thomas on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:08am
Wishing you the best of luck.  Pulling for you :)

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Elaine on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:58am
Dave you got everything it takes to be a survivor!
Faith, Love, Family, Friends and a Good Attitude. I know a Survivor!

I know it is hard to ask for help and vent ....its ok to do it!  You know how to reach me anytime day or night . You came to the right place for prayer. I am here to tell you these people know how to pray and send vibes, and they work ;-)!

I will be praying for your road to recovery to be short!

Get well soon !

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:10am
Dave and Annette, my biggest ass vibes and prayers are going up to you 2.
Let us know how todays results turn out,
I'm so glad you have such a good attitude,
this will take you FAR.
Love to both of you,

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:18am

Sincerely, I am shocked and sad to hear this news.  I admire all the work you have done in spite of what is happening.  I had read your posts about what was happening to you, but I didn't realize it had continued on - and I can only say you have a special drive and determination that is uncommon.  

As many have said here before, you have a whole lot of strength around you with this family.  Clearly, you have a spirit that is not easy to conquer. I pray for you, Annette and your family to have strength for eachother, come what may.  

Healing thoughts to you,

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by aprilbee on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:36am
Dave, sending enormous prayers your way!!

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by nancyc on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:45am
Bro, you know without question, my prayers are with you and Annette....I know without a shadow of a doubt, that God answers them too....I believe in the power of healing...There are so many things I could share with you that happened about four years ago with me that proves that!  Know if you guys ever need me, I am only a phone call away....God bless both of you thru this trying time...and grow in your faith....because this is a time to Grow...and learn and Love and HEAL!....smiles, nancyc

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by cootie on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:51am
Dave.........sumtimes it's darkest before the storm....I'm a firm believer of that theory !!! Hopein things settle down soon where you can get a grip on what you 'can or can't do' with the docs and back deal or surgery....and maybe sum other options come up along the way to let you ride the storm out ! Hang in there........time will tell...have seen many a bad prognosis fly out the window with the strong......good vibes comein your way that this all can work out for you in style. Pam the bad back sufferer 'in check'

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Margi on Nov 25th, 2003, 10:54am
Dave and Annette,
you are both in my prayers and we are sending you strength to get through the coming days.  We are not to challenge God's will - you and I both know that - but we ARE here to fellowship and witness the Grace (as happened to you last night with your neighbours).  I have a feeling that's just the first of the blessings and miracles that are headed your way, Dave.  
Have the surgery - take the chance.  You DO have an army of warriors behind you and if you end up in a wheelchair, then so be it.  We'll help you get around.  I'm sure Annette has wanted to push you around for awhile anyhow!  ;)  Just kidding, trying to help you find your smile.  
Give this one to God, Dave - He will make the right choices for you.  And, I'm very proud of you for finding peace with this - THAT's the best first step you could have taken.  It will be smooth sailing from here.
Hugs and prayers,

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 25th, 2003, 12:48pm

I'm sending my best wishes to you for a speedy and healthy recovery, and also to your family for strength.  You, my friend, are one tough guy.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Jayne on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:08pm
It's wierd Dave....last night I went to bed and prayed to God for about one hour and asked him to stop some of the awful pain and sufferring people have to endure in this world. I have never done that before. I will pray again tonight, but this time I will pray for you.
Love Jayne

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by BobG on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:12pm
I'm at a loss for words and something in my eyes  :'( makes it hard to see the screen.

We will be praying for a fast and complete recovery.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by ozzman on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:17pm

You are in my prayers now. Like Margi says, take the surgery, even if it is risky, put yourself in God's hands and He'll guide you with what is the best decision.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by ShariRae on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:37pm
Aww Dave
I am so sorry... Trust yourself..your doctors..and most of God..

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by CathiP on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:47pm
Dave and Annette-
I have followed your story, and I'm still stunned by this news. You have dealt with so much, and you are still such caring people, with so much to offer makes this thread so very difficult to read.
I want you to remember that miracles DO happen....I have seen one, Grant has seen one, in fact, I think Grant thought I had gone off the deep end....till he experienced his own father's miracle.
Prepare for the worst....we all should.....but I will continue to expect a miracle.
My heart, my thoughts and my fervent wishes go out to you both....I'll be looking for news.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by pubgirl on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:18pm

My faith tells me the same thing as you, what happened last night is not something to rationalise, just to believe that faith and love are the strongest things there are, and they can, and do work wonderful things.

I too am praying for you


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Lori on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:59pm
I have only known you for a short time but I could tell you were a nice guy. It brings sadness to my heart to hear this news, but I'm so glad to hear you are at peace with this. Thank GOD we have Him to lean on and to give all our cares to!  Whatever Gods will is for you, I am glad to hear you have found peace with whatever happens. I will pray for you and Annette.
Your sister in Christ,
Lori Ozburn

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by 9erfan on Nov 25th, 2003, 4:59pm

I have been praying for you since you first gave us the news of your strange symptoms.  It is clear that God is actively working in your life. That was clear last night when your friends came to pray for you but it's also clear by listening to you.  Despite what you are going through all I hear is strength and peace in your writing.  And only God can give you that kind of peace, you know that already.
I will continue to pray for you & Annette and for a full recovery either through surgery or through a miracle.  God has a plan for you Dave and he's working it out right now.  You don't know how much of an inspiration you've already been to so many people because of your strength of spirit.

Hugs going out to you & Annette. Stay strong.  He loves you and so does everyone on this board.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:16pm
Dave and Annette,

Our prayers will be with you for sure, and I will be passing your name and situation on to our youth group at church and to the group of men who have become Christians at Cook Co Jail.  They will pray seriously for you.  I know that they pray for me daily, both as a group and individually, and I credit their prayers for the improvement I've seen with my CH in the last three months.

I agree with Margi.  Please if possible take the surgery and leave it in God's hands.  He can and will do far above "all that we can ask or think".  Please keep us posted.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Mikey on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:50pm
I'm sending all the Prayers that you can handle!!

Trust GOD Dave, to help you make a decision by praying, and asking him to.

Dave, if you make the decision to let the Docs do the surgery, then have enough faith Bro that God will guide the surgeons hands and everything will come out OK!

I'm just hoping that the Docs give you good news, that they either don't have to do surgery or that surgery can be done.

Trust God with all your heart Dave, and we'll be praying for ya!!

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Jimi on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:06pm
  I have loved reading these posts. And I concur with everything everyone has said. Dave you have an adventure ahead but your steel has already been tempered, because you have been thru the fire many times before. I just love "coincidences." You finally find out what is wrong, and that very hour, someone is knocking on your door. When they leave, you have peace. It's got to be a God thing. How will it turn out? Who knows. But God has given you the peace that he is there and will see you thru whatever happens. I, too will lift you up in my prayers.
     You sharing your story has helped many on this board this day, including me. Thank You!

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:26pm
Dave and Annette,

Please know that you are in my heart and my prayers.

I sincerely believe that all of this is in God's hands.

It's not up to us to question the reason this is affecting you....God knows...and He will bring you through this.

If I can do anything for you, please let me know.

Love and vibes to you both,


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Jackie on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:22pm
Know that we are all praying for you.  The power of prayer is strong as you found out last night....but already knew.  I also believe in positive have displayed this all along.  The will to survive is strong.   You have survived the torment of CH and you'll fight this one through too.

Love to you and Annette.....bless your hearts,
Jackie & Blake

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Ann on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:24pm
Dave and Annette,

I'm really sorry you are going through this.  On the up side, at least now you know what is going more unknown.

I really admire your courage and I know that it will see you through this.

You are both in my thoughts and I'm sending you some big ass vibes.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Ree on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:32pm
Don't give up... you have the most exceptional cheering section here... "whenever two or more of you are gathered in his name, there is love" and love and prayers, and good thoughts will carry you through this.  We all love you and are hoping for the best for you Dave and Annette... let me know if there is anything WE can do here... love to you Ree and Dave in Mass

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by MillieMoer on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:37pm
Ill be praying for your courage and stregnth. Also, when you go to have the dye injected, tell them to do it slowly, that way you wont get nausous from it.

Good luck and keep us posted

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Margi on Nov 25th, 2003, 7:45pm

on 11/25/03 at 16:59:32, 9erfan wrote:

God has a plan for you Dave and he's working it out right now.  You don't know how much of an inspiration you've already been to so many people because of your strength of spirit.

Amen, Virginia.  VERY well said!  

I agree with Jimi - it has been SO refreshing reading this thread and seeing the Holy Spirit at work here.  I know you're seeing it too, Dave and Annette, and I pray that this grace is bringing you comfort tonight.

God HAS brought you to this, and He will see you through this, my friends.  

Annette, I have to say this - YOU, lady, truly are a blessing in Dave's life and we thank you for staying so strong through this all.  Don't forget that we are your soft place to land, ok?


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Little Deb on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:02pm
Dave and Annette,
Sending prayers and hugs your way.  Stay strong, trust in God, and remember God will not burden you with more than you can handle.

Here is wishing you a full recovery and fast from your very complicated surgery.  You will do fine and come out stronger than ever.

Keep us posted.

Little Deb

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:12pm
Dave, you have come to the right place.  I have been following your trials, and my heart has gone out to you.  I prayed for an answer to what was causing this.  You now have that answer.  Now go with the treatment that you and Annette feel is best.  Put the rest in God's hands.

I, along with my brothers and sisters here, will add more prayers and vibes for you.  You have the right attitude.  Lean on your faith, your family, your friends.  And remember, you have a BIG family here!


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Prense on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:20pm

I am awestruck with your attitude!  If nothing else, that will take you a long way.  Hang in there, keep us posted, and I'll keep on praying!


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by lioness on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:33pm
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

God be with you all


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:50pm
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Keep the fire burning Dave_Edmond.

Steve G

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Opus on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:56pm
   I don't know what to say except keep on keeping on. It sounds like you have accepted your circumstances which is the place God needs you to be in to do his work. What every God's plan is for you I will pray that you will have peace in His decision.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by andy on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:03pm
Dave, sorry that you have to deal with this new reality check. i hope things go well for you.  You know that their are lots of us supporting you in your pain. It is good that you finally got a diagnosis. Them back surgeons are doing some amazing stuff nowadays. Dont worry about surgery. Youll be OK bro, Prayers and vibes for you and Annette are on their way.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:30pm
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family, Dave...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Ree on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:43pm
What a wonderful outpouring of family love in this thread... Dave I hope you are feeling this honey... Annette email or call me if you need an ear/shoulder........... love ree

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Dave_Emond on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:42am
I wish I could respond to each and every post here! I should have spent more time last week talking with Annette and all of you. I knew Annette has been back and forth on clubbing me or giving me time to wake up. Fortunately, she chose the latter :)
No anxieties this morning during the MRI, I felt comfortable knowing so many were praying and no matter the outcome I've been blessed.
Annette watched the screen this morning and the tech pointed things out to her, but was not allowed to comment on anything. Except when Annette had to show him where an area looked like a "bear" :)
The tumors were still there, she could see them much clearer with the dye. The Radiologist was in today, and they're hoping to relay the findings and conclusions to my doc by tomorrow afternoon.
I'd like to think I've been strong, but I barely hang on at times. With Annette's unbeatable support, my faith in God and the overwhemling support from everyone here, that's what is really the key to any strength or courage I find. No way by myself. I can't thank all of you enough for this tremendous support, but know my prayers are with all of you as well.
I think I may even get some decent sleep tonight, all your messages have really put my mind at ease, and trust me, I CAN feel your prayers and support.
I'm going to start looking ahead now to seeing old friends and meeting the many more I have made here in Nashville.
Sounds like a plan to me!
Will let you know what we learn tomorrow.
God bless you all!

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 26th, 2003, 1:22am
Thanks for the update, sweetie.......

You get some rest tonight and try not to worry.

All these prayers, support and faith in God will stand watch for you tonight.


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 26th, 2003, 5:49am

With love for you, your family and your good works, I’m going to stick my neck out here (pun intended), and share what I see. Some people will get it, some people won’t. I want it to be public, but it’s for you.

In college I found out that I (the conduit or switch, it doesn’t come from me, I’m just in the middle) could take away people’s headaches by putting my palms on their forehead and the nape of their neck, looking them in the eye, counting down from 10-1 and zapping them with God’s energy, kind of like jumper cables. For many years, I have been trying to heal, even without seeing or touching the person. I just try to visualize and work with white light.

When I visualize, I (we) sometimes see dark spots in the body, and I try to erase them or make them shrink to a single point and pop like a zit or just shrink and disappear (not always easy to do). I saw your dark bumps, and when I went to take them off, the two came off clean, no damage underneath. Easy and smooth. I’ve never had that happen before.

If you find out that it is operable, I have nothing but good feelings that it will be a success!

I wanted this to be public, because there are a lot of people of faith on this board, who might not be practicing “laying on of hands”, or even believing that they have the power to heal. God is in all of us, and we are all God. Open yourselves up, and let the healing power flow through you.

All my prayers and vibes to you and your family Dave,
David J.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 26th, 2003, 6:48am

I don´t know you but wanted to send some good thoughts your way anyway, seems like you really need 'em.

The little bit I know about tumours is perhaps worth sharing. Tumours usually nourish on  something, some tumours nourish on the availability of iron, others on other substances. Perhaps you can find someone with more knowledge about this; anti-cancer diets are sometimes based on this facts, if you´ve got a tumour that´s sensitive to a certain substance and you keep you diet really LOW in this substance, it could perhaps make a difference. If your diet is high in this substance, it could have a bad influence. This is not something I make up, regular medicine works with the same kind of principle.

In common medicine it is not uncommon to treat a person with prostate cancer (this is just an example) by taking as much male hormones away as possible (this is called "chemical castration"), because prostate tumours "nourish" on these hormones. Taking them away has a positive effect, will suppress the tumours growth. Conventional medicine usually does not look too far in that, they usually don´t look at stuff like iron, magnesium and such, other healthcare (usually alternative) sometimes do and can sometimes bring you further ... ofcourse in combination with your normal healthcare .

I don´t know if this info is worth looking at, but just thought I should mention it. Not that I think lightly about tumours, not at all.

Wishing you the best of luck.

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Karla on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:01am
Ted and I and our church will be praying for you for a fast and complete healing.  May God bless you.  

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:11am
Stay strong...continue to look for answers & never, ever accept any terminal sentence. Find the best Neurosurgeons the world has to offer & fight, fight, & when you think you've ran out of fight...Fight some more.

Good Luck mi hermano...


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by 5-string on Nov 26th, 2003, 10:35am
 **Sommelier wrote:****
*You have shown us incredible courage and wisdom, how often do we get to see both of those attributes in one package? Personally, you have shown me that life should be lived proudly, I will be making some changes in my life because of this. Thank you.
We have trophies and plaques and awards to recognize hard work and talent and just plain good luck.
 None of those things can touch the what you've got right now.
 You ought to be bronzed.
 keep that spirit alive. I want to be just like you when I grow up..

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Roxy on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:22am
Stay strong and have faith.  You will be in many, many prayers.  

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:30am
Dave and Annette

I am so sorry to here this  :'(

Time is a very precious gift of God; so
precious that it's only given to us moment by
moment so dave take this step by step and he will
see you through one day at a time.

sending you my prayers!

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by JDH on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:31am
Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Take care,


Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Tiannia on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:13pm

You have blessed all whom have had the preassure to have met you.  I truly wish that you will be ok, but know that what is meant to happen will happen.  I am happy that you have found peace in the unknowable at this point.  It is truly am amazing thing.  I wish for you no pain and for there to be an outcome that will allow you to enjoy all that is around you.

Blessed Be,

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by BonnieW on Nov 26th, 2003, 3:21pm
Dear Dave and Annette.

I am SO sorry to hear this news - but so happy to see the support you are receiving.  I have to say that you are one of the strongest CH sufferers that I have ever met, and Annette has to be one of the best supporters too, so I know that the two of you will be able to fight this too.  Please keep strong and know that prayers are going out for you all over.  I sincerely hope to see the two of you again in Nashville.  
Love and blessings from Bonnie and Warren

Title: Re: Time to talk with my family!
Post by Cerberus on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:32pm
My best to you and Annette.......

I don't know what else to say.

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