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(Message started by: Orneryolefart on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:25pm)

Title: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by Orneryolefart on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:25pm
Thanks to all for responses to my previous post.  I have been a "clusterhead" (just learned that term from this site) since 1959.  Had more attacks during my 35 - 50 yrs.  Have not had an attack for more than 8 years, then the beast returns about 10 days ago.  I had a miserable trip to Costa Rica (not the country, 'twas the companion) the latter part of September.  First week in October had a malaginant tumor removed from my bladder (they didn't open me for the surgery, so that left only two ways to get to the bladder, and they didn't go through my throat) Last week in October I had surgery to correct a deviated septum.  I'm wondering if all this might have brought the beast back.  Has anyone had experience in whether or not trauma causes the beast to return?
   Heretofore, my wife has detected behavorial changes in me and got me on the Lithium and have not had CH's.  This time the rascals slipped in without warning.
    Orneryolefart near Houston, TX

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:34pm
IMHO  yes it can. :)

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by paul_b on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:40pm
Do not know of any direct cause/effect relationship but did experience my worst bout the year I was going to retire. Stress was a factor for me. Sometimes the Beast hit shortly after the stress period ended and sometimes during the "high" stress period.

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by River_Rat on Nov 24th, 2003, 3:46pm
I'm not sure either but I think stress has brought me into cycles before, but who knows they may have come anyway,


Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:53pm
For me, I can amost guarantee I'll get one right before I present to a group - high stress for me. Those are the really nasty ones.

If the kids in class are being particularly "kid"-like, it can bring them on - also high stress...


Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by Ree on Nov 24th, 2003, 8:22pm
Dave nearly broke his neck on a trampoline belonging to his nephew... he had only been out of cycle a year and usually went about 2 1/2 or 3 years tween cycles... he had an immediate attack that night and had the longest cycle ever... 7 months straight ended in the hospital on DHE....... was pretty bad... also this last cycle followed knee surgery........ so I think going under anesthesia can also trigger a cycle.................. ree

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by nancyc on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:18am
I was episodic for over 20 years...was in a car wreck about 4 years ago...had a concussion...the next day my chs came back was not time for my cycle to begin...the only problem, my chs never left...i became chronic after this...explain that... :onancyc

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 25th, 2003, 2:52am
Not sure. I was pretty stressed when this cycle started, but every Sept-Dec. I have CH.
I think for some reason they will always return sooner or later.

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by sandie99 on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:01am
In my case, stress definetily brings the beast back! >:(

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Can trauma cause the beast to return?
Post by suzy617 on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:35am
This was a very stressful year for me. Always get my CH in Sept but my Mom passed away 2 months earlier and so far (knock on wood) no CH. My thoughts on that are that my Mom had given me once last gift and that was to be PF.
I personally feel that when the beast is ready to dance, he does.

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