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(Message started by: phishphan on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:31pm)

Title: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:31pm
just a thought,,,,,
Anyone ever get a few days relief from eating MDMA?

Whenever I do it, I get about a 3 day relief from all symptoms...

Anyone else????

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:44pm
3 days --- WOW - GREAT!

just think of the PERMANENT relief you'll have when your heart stops or your brain is damaged irreparably due to a seizure!

know a couple of people that have 'expired' because of ecstasy use

grant                >:(

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Bob P on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:47pm
In the long run, you'll wind up fucked!

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:13pm
sweet,,thanks for the input...
Like all these other drugs we take to make the pain go away are good for us...
Come on..

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:34pm
Perhaps try the mushees???
I mean after you stayed of the other stuff for a while ... you wouldn't like to get them mixed up , right?

Interesting effect though ... must have felt like heaven  ;;D

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:45pm
This is probably totally stupid, but it seems to fit under this thread...

How about medical (cough) marijuana?

Not a druggie at all, just wondering....


Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:49pm
I tried marijuanna once to abort - big mistake.  It's like my body was wrapped around this huge black hole filled with pain trying to suck me in through my head, only turning me inside out through my brain first.  

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by BobG on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:51pm
Chris, I wouldn't try pot. Too many folks here have said it will either trigger a CH or make one worse.

Maybe for migraine but not for clusters.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by River_Rat on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:57pm
WOW, I didn't even know what MDMA was.

I smoke weed sometimes (DON'T JUDGE) but never during a cycle, I think they might trigger a CH for me, not sure but don't wanna take the chance.


Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 24th, 2003, 5:21pm
yea definately,,,pot can make things very worse...
kinda feels like one of the muscels in your face is growing, growing, pushing, pulling,,,,oh shit,,Im gonna faint

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 24th, 2003, 6:00pm

on 11/24/03 at 16:49:04, thomas wrote:
It's like my body was wrapped around this huge black hole filled with pain trying to suck me in through my head, only turning me inside out through my brain first.  

lol...that description makes me want to hide...

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 6:07pm
worst ch of my life.  Took 2 trex injections to abort after that.  And that was hard to do because I was in incredible pain and stoned off my ass.  I'm thinking I know there's a way to get rid of this, wtf am supposed to do...........uuuhhhhh.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by don on Nov 24th, 2003, 6:34pm
Take MDMA for 3 days of relief.

Take some more MDMA for permanant relief.

Also known as dead.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:46am
Found some weed in Jamacia that worked to abort (immediately), but they had little doggies in Miami, so I couldn't bring it home. This "homegrown" stuff around here never worked.

Didn't know what MDMA was, but if it's as bad as people are saying, don't think I'd want to try it - even for 3 days. Kinda got fond of being around to aggitate everyone.

Get off that s**( and try the shrooms.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by sandie99 on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:54am
On days like yesterday (ch took 6 hellish hours out of my life) I feel desperate to end the pain, but MDMA? Even I'm not that desperate ::)...yet.  8)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:53am
MDMA=breakfast of champions

Title: i need a new
Post by rumplestiltskin on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:47am
I'm stickin with tiny chocolate donuts... butt each his own.

There are serious studies underway on this stuff to find positive uses for it.

The small print on it's neurotoxicity, while admitting inconclusive data, sounds like they have enough evidence to warrant worries about it frying yer brain....the researchers are bein very cautious and issuing some grim possibilities to the guinea pig volunteers.

The scientists out there may note that it certainly seems to mess with seratonin.

If only rats could talk!

Wage Peace

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by BobG on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:29pm

on 11/24/03 at 13:31:02, phishphan wrote:
just a thought,,,,,
Anyone ever get a few days relief from eating MDMA?

Whenever I do it, I get about a 3 day relief from all symptoms...

Anyone else????

sweet,,thanks for the input...
Like all these other drugs we take to make the pain go away are good for us...
Come on..

MDMA=breakfast of champions

Is there a drug habit here that is looking for approval?

Just wondering.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by thomas on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:33pm
Not this kid.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by vig on Nov 25th, 2003, 1:47pm
I think we need to earn a reputation for responsible drug use here....

...or people will think we're flakes.

my $.02

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 25th, 2003, 5:59pm
My point is,,,
How can you say LSD, mushrooms, heart pressure pills, imitrex or any of that other shit we take to control the pain is any better for us then X.
I have never heard of anyone dropping dead off a hit of X. Maybe a kid who eats 7 and dances there ass off, and forgets to drink water. Believe me 1 hit of X is no more dangerous then a dose of acid or a quater of shrooms.
The fact is we all know that takingwhatever we do to control our own personal pain cant be healthy over the long run. We dont care, we just want the pain to go away.If you say you do care your lying, because thoes would be the people who didnt take anything to control there pain.
So please dont "try" and lecture me about use of one drug and then turn around and endorse the use of another.
Thats just tacky.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by thomas on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:05pm
Oh boy you guys are making it tough,  hhhmmmm... I think I gotta side w/phishphan on this one.  Whatever it takes to be pf.  The consequences are our own to bear for what we choose.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by jonny on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:09pm
Seems to me that millions and millions of dollars went into research and testing for years on the drugs im on.

Do you know where yours came from, who made it or even whats in it?


Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Doug_L on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:13pm
I for one will not pass any kind of judgment.

I do have personal experience with Ecstasy and clusters. Ecstasy is my all time favarott recreational drug!!!!
I have had it stop a cluster in its traks!! Then about four hours later I will feel a new attack coming on. Then take one 50mg imitrex pill to abort. The attack goes away and the Ecstasy is kicked back in by the imitrex. (Needless to say I now no longer take E while in cycle)
Kind of a never ending circle. My opinion is that Ecstasy does nothing for clusters. In fact in my personal experience Ecstasy will bring on a cycle early if I use it more than 2 or 3 times a year.

As with all drugs it’s a personal choice.
DO! YOUR! REASEARCH! And treat your self responsibly!!!!

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:18pm
I don't endorse the use of any drugs per se, but the study I have done of MDMA, particularly among kids using it for a high scares the bejesus out of me.  The basic difference between MDMA and some of the others mentioned is that the damage done even by a small amount of MDMA is totally irreversable.  When LSD or shrooms bond to the receptors in the brain they are there for a period of time until the effect wears off, much like seratonin.  When MDMA bonds to the receptor it actually burns it out, giving a rush of good feeling as it releases seratonin.  However, after the high is over the receptors DO NOT HEAL!  MDMA is also thought to be a cause of premature alzheimers symptoms in users, often occuring as early as the mid twenties.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Prense on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:43pm

on 11/25/03 at 18:09:50, jonny wrote:
Do you know where yours came from, who made it or even whats in it?


The million dollar question!

If I knew that what I am taking has negative long-term effects then no, I'm not going to take it.  I don't give a shit how bad the pain is, I am not risking my life for a PF moment.  Don't assume that all medications will affect us all in an adverse manner.

on 11/25/03 at 17:59:01, phishphan wrote:
The fact is we all know that takingwhatever we do to control our own personal pain cant be healthy over the long run. We dont care, we just want the pain to go away.If you say you do care your lying, because thoes would be the people who didnt take anything to control there pain.
So please dont "try" and lecture me about use of one drug and then turn around and endorse the use of another.
Thats just tacky.

Who the hell is "we"?   >:(  You don't know me or probably most of us that post here.  How the hell can you make these assumptions?  You know what?  I do give a shit!  Guess that makes me a liar?

Take all the X you want, I know nothing about it.  Since I know nothing about it, I will make no attempt to make shit up to justify my position.

The friggin nerve!   ::)


Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:02pm
And the wise man said " Let this thread die "


Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 26th, 2003, 8:51am
Im a newbie on this board...
I just wanna say, that "some" of the users on this board can be very rude and not very welcoming to a newcomer.
So much for freedom of speech on this board. Ill remember to keep my thoughts to myself for now on..

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:21am

on 11/26/03 at 08:51:50, phishphan wrote:
Im a newbie on this board...
I just wanna say, that "some" of the users on this board can be very rude and not very welcoming to a newcomer.
So much for freedom of speech on this board. Ill remember to keep my thoughts to myself for now on..

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Awww gee, phishphan.

Just because some of us don't agree with your use of ecstasy as an abortive, now we're "rude and not very welcoming"?

C'mon, give yer head a shake!    With comments like:

on 11/25/03 at 08:53:23, phishphan wrote:
MDMA=breakfast of champions
What the phuck did you expect?   ::)

waaaaaaaaaaay to phunny!  laffin my mudder-phuckin ass off!

good luck with yer new "abortive" - I hope it doesn't "abort" yer life!

grant                ;;D

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Paigelle on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:32am
Not welcoming?  Puleez!  This is the most support you will ever get for CH.  Consider the rest of world will tell you to take an aspirin, at least people here listen and offer support.  Just because people don't agree with X as an abortive.  People here don't agree on alot of stuff, but that is what makes the world go round.  Right?  What did you expect?  Did you want everyone to jump on the X bandwagon or what?  Come on, give us break.  We are looking for answers, support, and understanding.  If we don't agree on all things, then so be it.  Families rarely agree on things.  

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by chronic_chic on Nov 26th, 2003, 9:58am
I'm new to this board, but just a thought based on my research in psychology a few years ago.  We learned that ecstacy CAN kill in one dose for some people.  The truth is, you never know, so just be careful.  Also, ecstacy does burn a permanent hole in the seratonin receptors in the brain as mentioned before.  This causes an [/b]irreversible[b] depression that cannot be helped by any form of antidepressant therapy including SSRI's, tricyclics, MAOI's or any other known treatment of depression.  It is known that 70% of people in psychiatric hospitals for depression-like syndromes have used ecstacy during their lifetimes and reached that point of irreversible depression.  I'm not out to scare, but this certainly stops me from using it...whether for fun or to get any type of relief from headache whatsoever! :)  But best of luck to you in finding what really does work.  I'm not a judger, I just want to be an informer!

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by phishphan on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:43am

on 11/26/03 at 09:32:40, Paigelle wrote:
Not welcoming?  Puleez!  This is the most support you will ever get for CH.  Consider the rest of world will tell you to take an aspirin, at least people here listen and offer support.  Just because people don't agree with X as an abortive.  People here don't agree on alot of stuff, but that is what makes the world go round.  Right?  What did you expect?  Did you want everyone to jump on the X bandwagon or what?  Come on, give us break.  We are looking for answers, support, and understanding.  If we don't agree on all things, then so be it.  Families rarely agree on things.  

I didnt ask if anyone wanted to try X....I didnt ask if anyone thought it was a good idea, I didnt even ask if people agreed with X as a recreational drug....I simply asked if anyone ever took it and got relief....

BTW...this is getting quite humerous...Thanks for making my boring hours at work more interesting..

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:49am

on 11/26/03 at 11:43:47, phishphan wrote:
BTW...this is getting quite humerous...Thanks for making my boring hours at work more interesting..

Somehow that doesn't surprise me.   Didn't think it would take much to entertain ya.  Do you sit around laughing at the test-pattern on yer TV?

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by thomas on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:53am
Low blow.  I think we should let this thread pass away.

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:57am

Point well taken.

I'm just a little pissed that after I mention that I know a couple of people that have died from MDMA, this guy calls it "the breakfast of champions".


all i have to say on the subject!

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Paigelle on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:57am
Then let us say "Rest in Peace" to this thread.  

Title: Re: MDMA for relief
Post by Margi on Nov 26th, 2003, 12:03pm

on 11/26/03 at 11:43:47, phishphan wrote:
I didnt ask if anyone wanted to try X....I didnt ask if anyone thought it was a good idea, I didnt even ask if people agreed with X as a recreational drug....I simply asked if anyone ever took it and got relief....

Well, in answer to your question then....NO, we don't think it's a good idea.  There have been folks here who have tried it before and we jumped on them, too.  It's just too risky.  I believe the reference was made that you may as well drink the cleaning products that you keep under your sink - pretty much the same toxicity risk!  Please don't experiment with it, ok? 'bout we all just and just agree to lose the developing 'tude, gang? Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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