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(Message started by: 12gagueblast on Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:49am)

Title: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by 12gagueblast on Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:49am
I was just wondering if anybody had ever had other severe pain that the could comepare to CH?  I have never really had any other bad pain, but have heard that people the have CH always say CH is worse.  Just wondering. [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Little Deb on Nov 23rd, 2003, 1:43am
have you read the Kip scale to the left???

There is no pain greater that I know.

I can only guess that having your leg cut off by a very dull serrated hack saw with no medication or numbing whatsoever while at the same time having your face branded like a cow with a hot iron might be comparable.

Goodness I hope I never have to feel that!!!  The difference is, even if you were the unlucky one that had a bad experience as described, you could rest assured that once it was over, it's over.

With CH, well, you know....

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Charlie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:24am
Surely, you jest.....and yes...I'm still calling you Shirley.

Nothing even registers a blip on my screen.

Lucky us.  >:(


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Lapsi_Harmaahapsi on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:46am
I guess most of us have had some other pain that equals CH in its "intensity" (I hate going to the dentist), but I've yet to suffer anything that equals CH in its hopeless "debilitativeness"(?). ie. there's nothing you can do to really lessen the pain until it decides to go away.  The dentist's drill only hurts my tooth but CH hurts my head and makes the whole of me pretty darn miserable.

Thank God for verpamil & imigran.  :)

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:11am
Heck, the CH hurts my TOOTH too, so that elimates the dentist.....  ;)

Been through childbirth --- CH is MUCH worse. Broken bones - CH is worse. Surgery - CH is worse.

So I guess NO -  nothing even comes close to CH...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Jackie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:23am
Blake says NOPE....nothing hurts like a cluster.  He had kidney stones last Jan. (New Years Eve acutally)...says that hurt like holly hell but didn't reach a Kip 10....not by a long shot.

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Paigelle on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:16am
Been through childbirth also, no epidural or anything and CH is worse.  I would rather give birth once a day than have an episode of CH.

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:46am
While accidentally putting weight on shattered heel did hurt  :o , I quickly 'learned' not to. ;)      
ie. common sense allowed me to control the worst of the pain.   ::)

Wish I could do that with CH.


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:00am
Never had a child. I think it may be just as bad. Having a child every day for 3 months.

WOW !! Don't think SOOOOOOOOO.

Without a PFD for 8 days now. Just venting ya know.  ::)

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by J.ten_Dam on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:02am
I have had three hernias at the same time and kept faling jet CH is wors with my back I could controle the pain with CH you cant

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by don on Nov 23rd, 2003, 10:08am
A therapist once told me that pain is just a concept. That it is a learning experiance that should be embraced.

My response.

The next time you feel a tension headache coming on, run down to the commuter rail station and embrace the front of the speeding locomotive. Then you  to can learn about CH.

What a fucking ditz!

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 23rd, 2003, 10:20am
Well, recently I had a wisdom tooth abcess out of the blue and for some odd reason they couldn't numb it. I coudn't stand it in my mouth anymore and couldn't afford an oral surgeon and by the time we figured out the blasted thing wasn't going to stay numb for more than 60 seconds, she had busted it thru the roots. I made her pull it without anesthesia...that pain came But still didn't hit it.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this since having CH? I never had problems like this before CH, maybe it was the meds complicating things. ????

Don't care to repeat the experience.

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by kim on Nov 23rd, 2003, 11:29am
Cluster pain is repetitive, relentless - like a speeding locamotive we know will come again and again.  A "trauma" kind of pain is visible and can be attended to and resolved.  To date, clusters are not privy to such resolution.  That to me is a big factor with this illness.

I have been involved in numerous "trauma" situations.  Believe me they ALL hurt like freaking hell.  I recall one vehicular accident in a volkswagon "Thing" (remember them?)...the driver fellasleep at the wheel and hit a telephone poll.  I was the passenger.  40 MPH  - with an impact ratio of 80mph.....Jaws of life took apart the car and got me out.  It was months of hospitalization involving orthopedic invasions you can't imagine.

However, it is over.  I can barely remember the agonies I endured.

Clusters have no resolution.  That fact alone plays with a person's mind and contributes significantly to the disorder.  

Pain that is not visible to the outside world, pain that causes a person to isolate --- to me that is the cruelest form of pain and much harder to endure -- AGAIN and AGAIN.  It's never OVER. :'(

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:14pm
Great post, Kim! The last couple lines really hit the nail on the head.

on 11/23/03 at 11:29:30, kim wrote:
Clusters have no resolution.  That fact alone plays with a person's mind and contributes significantly to the disorder.  

Pain that is not visible to the outside world, pain that causes a person to isolate --- to me that is the cruelest form of pain and much harder to endure -- AGAIN and AGAIN.  It's never OVER. :'(

(I had to go back and re-read it --- was kinda expecting "kimspeak" LOL)

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Racer1_NC on Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:19pm
I agree 100%. If there was some treatment that could forever rid me of CH, the pain would be easier..... Meds, no matter how well they work, just keep it from happening. I know one will sneak in sooner or later.

I hate the thought of CH being there, lurking, just waiting for a chance to appear.


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Ree on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:18pm
ok i get the message..........ya gonna stress me out and give me a migraine... We believe ya... been witness to this torture and *I KNOW*......... I AM SO SORRY ANY OF YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS!!!! ever!!!!.........LOVE REE                
I'm gonna cry now ..........

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by JDH on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:31pm
Nope, never had anything close to ch pain.
There's just nothing to compare it to.


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:18pm
The thing that really blows my mind, is remembering my last KIP10 ...  At the emergency room I asked the doctor, "How can THAT much pain, for THAT long, not cause permant damage?"

A KIP 7 or higher, goes to my teeth.  Feels like a very bad tooth ache.  But NO tooth ache, that I have ever had, has the pain in the eye, ear, and head to go with it.

Broken ribs hurt like hell when you laugh, or have to cough, but no where near a CH ...

I have not had anything to rival CH pain ...


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Carl_D on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:03pm
About 3 weeks ago I awoke in the middle of the night with the sensation running throughout the right side of my body that I had been dipped in boiling oil! Everything I hit with my arm or legs burned like hell...jumped into the shower and ran cold water over me. The whole ordeal lasted about 3 hours, and scared the hell out of me.
Been burned, stabbed, beaten, abcess tooth, tmj. However, nothing comes close to the serenity of a CH.

Carl D

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:28pm
I agree, great post Kim.

I never meant to say that the tooth thing came remotely close to a 10'er...not even! The tooth thing was rough though lol. But that is something I never have to endure again. Tooth ordeal was around a 7 though.

The worst part about CH for me is the anxiety of the wait for the next round. Because it will come again, maybe in an hour, maybe in two, maybe after day it always returns. Don't know how hard it will hit and how many times, but it is gonna hit every day...guaranteed.

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Prense on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:35pm

on 11/23/03 at 05:46:30, Lapsi_Harmaahapsi wrote:
I guess most of us have had some other pain that equals CH in its "intensity" (I hate going to the dentist)

Dentists...what vile creatures!  2 root canals, and numerous fillings...  Shots in the roof of my mouth   [smiley=oops.gif] ... shots in between my front teeth and my lip  [smiley=bigcry.gif]  They all pretty much sucked, but a CH attack easily makes dentist visits a distant memory.  Worst dentist experience approached a 7...only for a few seconds though.


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:00pm
Never ever heard of someone who was in extreem pain attempt to relieve that pain by self inflicting additional pain.

I know I've tried it.  My wife knows it a really bad one when she hears that thumping sound comming through the shower alcove wall.

In my

Steve G

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Renee on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:04pm
Only one thing have I ever had that compared to the CH pain.  Having a lumbar drain remove 15cc of cerebral spinal fluid every hour caused what is called a CSF headache and I've had demerol knock the edge off of CH but even the highest dose of morphine did not keep me from praying to leave this world at the time of the severity of the CSF h/a.  

Never let anyone tell you a "day surgery" is nothing to sweat.  My "day surgery" on sinuses resulted in 17 days in ICU after the instrument was run up thru nasal cavity thru ethmoid bone, tearing dura covering of brain and into my brain.  I had CSF pouring out my nose.  This h/a lasted 3 months solid.

Other than that, no broken bone, crushed hand or hemorroidectomy never came close to a CH.

pf finally for 24 hours but the shadows are returning

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Cerberus on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:12pm
well, I'd have to imagine being Drawn and Quartered or Keel/Hulled has to be pretty damn painfull, but I've never had it happen to me or to anyone I know so.....

NO..............there is nothing worse than a Cluster.


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by kim on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:57pm
YEAH :P time the dentist RIPPED my molarout with bear time wild injus drug my ass cross the great deeVyde -WHILE THE DENTIST was still wrkin on MONSTERS came on in an ..........and..............PULLED MY HAIR..........all whilst the injuns were a drugn me and all whilst the dentist was a was mitey awful..................

clusters is werser. ;;D

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Mark C on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:09am

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Karla on Nov 24th, 2003, 4:55am
I was having severe pain in my lower right abdomen.  I waited days and did nothing because the pain wasn't as severe as ch.  Then the pain went equal to or worse than ch.  It was extreamly intense.I went to the ER was given a shot of morphine which did nothing for me and sent home being told it was a cyst on my r. overy and told to follow up with dr if not better in a couple of days.  The next day I called my dr because it was still killing me.  He got me in to see him immediatly.  I collapsed standing there talking to him from the pain.  I dropped to my knees and screamed out in pain.  My dr picked me up and took me to the ER.  I was put on morphine and given an MRI.  They told me that My riight overy was dead and that my fellopian tube had twisted 3x around.  My dr. didn't understand why I wasn't in days earlier.  I explained to him it didn't hurt worse than my ch until the night before.  He finally got a new appreciation of pain I endure daily.  I was thrown into emergency surgery and my right overy and tubes were removed.  After that my dr said if I needed anything for my ch to just let him know.  He became my best advocate I ever had.  I hated losing him as a dr.  To me this pain was as bad as or worse than ch as far as pain goes however, the ch pain is never ending and is a constant battle that won't go away.  For that ch is worse and maddening.  

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by MillieMoer on Nov 24th, 2003, 6:25am
I feel i have had worse pain, when i had 2 ruptured disc in my back. when i would wake myself up out of a sound sleep screaming in pain, and try to get out of bed, and just stand there screaming, begging god to help me, and feeling like he hated least with the CH i know the pain might go away at some point even if it will eventually return, with the pain i felt with 2 pinched nerves in my back....well i dont think there is anything to compare to that....but thats me...

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 10:11am
No way uh-huh never.  Nothing even comes close I've run 2miles in cobat boots on asphalt with a fracture in my tibia - then jumped out of an airplane - fun jet vacation compared to a kip 7 ch.

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by mikeyd on Nov 24th, 2003, 10:32am
Broken bones, broken teeth, 3 root canals, 6 screws and 2 pins in lumbar, spondylolysthesis for 5 years, and nuthin scares the pants off me like an incoming CH

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:13am
I dont know man, Abcessed tooth came dangerouly close to that pain scale.

My new comparison to all my new Non-CH believers or non-supporters. Drink an Ice slushy real fast, Ya know that gawdawful pain ya get from doing that. CH is about twice as bad as that!


Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by thomas on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:55am
Twice?  I think about 1000 times worse.

Title: Re: has anyone ever had a comparable pain?
Post by Cluster_head on Nov 25th, 2003, 12:40pm
The only thing in life that compares to a cluster is the next cluster.

When I get hit,  my wisdom tooth always aches like crazy.  The weird part about it is the tooth was pulled over ten years ago. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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