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(Message started by: jadedgazer on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:45pm)

Title: Newish-Returning Member
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:45pm
I don't know if you all remember me, I think my name on here used to be Sweet Landings. Too many meds since then and too many switched dx's.

But I think we have it all figured out now. Key word here being "think". First, they thought I had TN, then they thought it was CH, then they thought it was CPH, now it is supposed to be Chronic Migraine-Cluster Syndrome. Which to my understanding is Cluster headaches with migraine type symptoms mixed in.

Anyway, it has been virtually hell. Some of the meds over the past year or so have kind of worked for a while. Topomax being the most effective for the longest, but never stopped the ha's completely. None of the meds ever have. Seems that for me, whatever I take sort of works for a period of time and then stops working. I, always however, have breakthroughs 3-4 times a week. These breakthoughs range on the kip scale between a 7-8.

After reaching this new conclusion this past Tuesday, my neuro has decided to give my body a break from the Topomax after a year of it. We are now going to try Lamictal. Also trying a cocktail of Naproxen, Metoclopramide & caffiene pills and finally O2! Yes, I finally get oxygen! About damn time! I am so excited! It will be arriving Monday.

Since we have cut the Topomax by 100mg, I have gone haywire. I was up to 400mg daily but it was causing some detrimental side effects for me, kidney stones and some other not so great stuff. Plus after a year of it, I am tired of being so Until we build up the Lamictal, I suppose I will have to deal with the ha's as best I can. Plus the sleepiness during the day is annoying, although the beast won't let me sleep much at night.

I will be combing the archives as my head allows for any and all info about this odd strain of CH. I have found some on the web.

I hope you will all allow me to return. I left before because I felt like I wasn't part of the group with the dx I had at the time. Maybe they got it right this time. Who the hell knows. All I know is that my damn head hurts like hell every day and every night and you are the only people who have a clue as to what I am talking about.

Thanks for listening.
Jackie ~ jadedgazer

Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:15pm
Just a note:

For anyone who thinks that maybe Migraine-Cluster Syndrome is bull@%*#...

Here is a link that give the most credible and understandable definition that I can find...

Also, I am treated at the OU Health Sciences Center Neurology Dept. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma by a team of Neurolgists there. I was referred there by the VA Hospital. I am not seeing a quack.

Maybe this dx isn't exaclty accurate but we are getting closer all the time. At least I feel like we are anyway.

Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:35pm
Welcome back Jackie.

I don't think anyone doubts the CH with migraine combination. Many folks here suffer from both.

Stick around this time.


Some here would say "grab an oar and help us row".
I thinks that's crap. I say
"Grab a cab, the fare is on you"

Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by Little Deb on Nov 22nd, 2003, 7:58pm
Welcome back Jackie, and this time stay.
You have found a great group of people who care and understand.


Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 22nd, 2003, 8:03pm
Hi Jackie

Sorry you are having such a tough time.

I'm not arguing, I get both! Episodic CH with migraines in between. At least it isn't chronic CH though, so I feel almost lucky when I visit here and hear stories like yours.


Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by sandie99 on Nov 24th, 2003, 7:21am
Hi Jackie,
welcome back! ;;D

So sorry to hear that you're having hard time.  :(
But that's when is a great place to be! :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Newish is......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 24th, 2003, 8:02am

on 11/22/03 at 16:35:47, BobG wrote:
I don't think anyone doubts the CH with migraine combination. Many folks here suffer from both.

Suffering from both, neither, other and more: don't _look_  Newish,

Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by Paigelle on Nov 24th, 2003, 8:08am
I have CH and migraines.  Sometimes I wish I could just buy a new head and start all over.  

There is nothing worse than being hit off and on all night and then getting a migraine in the middle of the damn day!  

Glad you are here, remember misery loves company.

Title: Re: Newish-Returning Member
Post by jadedgazer on Nov 24th, 2003, 9:32am
Thanks for the welcome back and the support! Helps so much during this trying time. This switch over of meds has thrown me into a real tailspin and I am back at ground zero and having full head bangers again. Still awaiting my O2...hope it arrives soon.

RJ, my CH problems began at the age of 31, not in my teens. I have taken the cluster quiz and fit the criteria, although I have some symptoms that mimic migraines as well. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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