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(Message started by: Carl_D on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:19pm)

Title: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Carl_D on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:19pm
Just a question that has roused my curiosity.
I suffer from chronic clusterf**ks, CPH, and for the last few years, a constant neverending ache in the back of my head. Some days it is light, and other days it is so intense, it feels like the back of my head is gonna blow off. When I bend over for any reason at all, it is like getting whacked upside my head with a baseball bat, or a nice bootkick to the back of the head.
There is nothing more cursed than to be a musician with chronic headaches. What's worse is, I play headbanger music. Pretty ironic huh?

Carl D

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by jonny on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:33pm
Due to five buldging discs in my lower back (L-1 thru 5) I get to have this groovy pain, a little thing called sciatica. at times its like white hot lightening shooting down the nerves in my leg...sometimes I even hit the floor.....LOL

Being one that HAS to pace when the beast comes this becomes a real problem when the sciatica is going too, ive learn to crawl with the best of'em ;;D

And people wonder why I drink.....LMMFAO ;;D


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by fubar on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:59pm

That pain is really quite fun, isn't it?  I get that a couple times a year.  Last year, it hit me as I was putting a massive salmon filet under the broiler.  It was sad watching it turn to charcol as I lay there immobilized on the floor.


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by jonny on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:25pm

on 11/22/03 at 13:59:54, fubar wrote:
I get that a couple times a year

Wish I could say the same....LOL...literaly

I have it everyday......falling down rarely happens but that pain is there in some form everyday.

Im waiting for the lung cancer and enlarged liver to kick in so Don can move in and push my wheel chair and change my shit bag.....LMMFAO ;;D

Don!!....Im waiting.....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Prense on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:54pm
No other chronic pains here...I divorced her 3 and a half years ago!   ;;D

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 5:07pm
Way to go Prense  [smiley=laugh.gif]

I'll be getting rid of my constant pain when she goes off the cliff in her new Corvette.  8)

Sorry Carl. Didn't mean to hijack your thread.

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Mikey on Nov 22nd, 2003, 7:25pm
Jonny, i know what ya mean with the back probs.  I have pain everyday from it as well.....

Carl,  have you ever had your spinal fluid pressure checked?  I have to get a spinal tap ever so often to relieve the pressure that has built up.  Your situation with the bending over and and the back of the head pain, sounds consistant with that problem.  Ask your neuro about it.

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Little Deb on Nov 22nd, 2003, 7:34pm
jonny, it is time to go under the knife!
I have that same pain, L4-5, daily, but the sciatica only flares up every now and then.

Fix your bulges, dude!! [smiley=laugh.gif]


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by JDH on Nov 22nd, 2003, 8:36pm
I now have my second herniated disc in my lower seems the disc below the one I had "surgically repaired" 7 years ago has now blown out.
Apparently it's a common thing for the disc right above and below a surgically repaired one to eventually blow out BUT nobody told me that before I had the surgery.
During the surgery they had to cut on the sciatic nerve to get it away from the disc and that has resulted in sciatca/nerve damage in my left leg that pretty much fucks with me 24/7/365.
Two neuros and an ortho have recomended surgery for my latest problem but I'm going to think long and hard before going down that road again.
just say no to the knife!


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by jonny on Nov 22nd, 2003, 8:41pm

on 11/22/03 at 19:34:46, Little Deb wrote:
Fix your bulges, dude!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

My buldge is just fine ;;D

I have a company to run....the day i cant do my job is the day ill have some prick with a knife cut not angry, im just me ;;D


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by taraann on Nov 22nd, 2003, 9:40pm
The only CHRONIC condition I have is Fibromyalgia.  Sorry to hear you guys have such crappy chronic pain on top of CH!

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by sherryberry on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:53pm
Knee pain for 25 years, lower back pain for 21 years, neck pain for about 10 years....I am no stranger to pain.

The one that worries me is the neck pain... fraid I may have to have surgery for that eventually...


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by cootie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 2:32am
Geeze how do you guys put up with this chronic back shit AND CH......the back shit jus overwhelms me it gets so bad.......I walk like a neandrothol after sittin too long (not real lady like)......bad discs in the neck and lower back(bad throw yerself in fronta moveing vehicle migraines from it).....chronic pain 24/7. Had solid spasm's for a week here recently.......enuff is enuff !!! Flexeril has helped that thank gawd ! I have bone on bone crap. "Hats off to you who suffer both"........(Im a supporter) You have ALL my respect ! Bad back above and below the belt Pam

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by tinyhuey on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:16am
sorry to hear of all your pain.

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Tiannia on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:11pm
I have 2 degenerating disks in my lower back.  My movement is limited 20% according to the rating that they did.  The Ortho I went to said he wouldnot touch my back at this time. "When" they rupture then he will work with me.  I perfer for that WHEN to never happen, but I'm sure that it will at some time.  Tried trigger point and epideral treatments for a while, but it really does nt help, just masks it.  The sciatica with me does not act up as much as it used to, but still hits about 1 a week or so.  When it hits I pray that there is a desk or something close that I can lean on cause if  not them I hit the ground pretty damn hard.  

I also have rhumediod arthritis.  At this time it is pretty much limited to my hands and knees, but when that acts up, then I am in really bad shape.  Part of why we moved to Las Vegas so that it would nt be so constant.

Guess for 32 I'm pretty much falling apart.  [smiley=frown.gif]  Oh well.  Keeps life entertaining


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 25th, 2003, 6:38am
Car Accident...Broke my neck...which is now beyond repair. Also herniated 1 Thoracic disc (Man that's fun...feels like a constant Heart Attack) Plus L-5 S-1 Herniation...

The human body is such a Frail thing...


Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by grumpett on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:13am
is it our age or a possible link with clusters?
I also have had lower back problems for the last 8 years...
Not all the time and It is not chronic ( at least not yet)
But the doctors have said it is sciatic nerve being pinched. and you know what!  I just realized it comes after my ch dissappear for a while ?????
anyone else?

Title: Re: Who here has chronic pain besides having CH?
Post by Paigelle on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:19am
Grumpett - I have the LBP also.  While I am in a cycle my LB hurts like hell.  I have had to problem for along time, but it just now occurred to me that it is so much worse during a cycle.  Of course, I don't sleep during a cycle and that never helps back pain.  So hmmmmmmm? Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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