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(Message started by: Cluster_head on Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:40am)

Title: I'm Frustrated With My Neurologist!
Post by Cluster_head on Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:40am
This is a vent >:( >:( >:(

Had a follow-up appointment with my neuro yesterday and it was a total waste of time, as he just lacks basic listening skills and doesn't know alot about clusters.

I tried to explain to him that the Prednisone / Indocin combo was doing nothing to prevent attacks.  All he could really say was, "well,  this is the standard treatment.  If they don't work,  then maybe we should re-evalute your diagnosis."  Huh!   Oh sure doc!  Let's just ignore my 20+ year history with these headaches and go on a fishing expedition.  

I have already stepped down from prednisone twice during this cycle (I've taken it during previous cycles too) with no benefit.  I actually think it was making me ha's worse,  as I was getting tension headaches along with my regular attacks while I was taking it.

He also told me that the O2 mask the medical supply company provided me wasn't a Non-rebreather mask and told me to remove the bag and cut out the little vents on the side.  When I got home I looked at the package it came in and sure enough,  Non-Rebreather was printed on the side.  My mask looks exactly like the one pictured on the O2 page to the left. Needless to say,  I did not modify the mask.

The result of my visit was another prescription for prednisone  and indocin.  He handed them to me just after I explained that I still had 3 refills left from the last prescription he gave me. [smiley=huh.gif]

He also told me that in order for the Prednisone / Indocin combo to work,  I also had to be taking O2.  I just picked-up my O2 supplies a couple of days ago and wasn't using it while taking the pred last time.  Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?  It seems to me that the medication is to prevent attacks and the o2 is to abort them.  I don't see the connection between the two.

He scheduled me for another follow-up next month,  but I don't think I'll be keeping the appointment.  I threw away the prescriptions on the way out of the office.

If there was any good news,  it was that the brain scan, angiography and spinal scan all came back negative.  I sort of already knew I didn't have a brain tumor though.

Okay,  vent over.

Have a Great Day!  

Title: Re: I'm Frustrated With My Neurologist!
Post by Prense on Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:43am

I wouldn't waste my time with a doc like that...


Title: Re: I'm Frustrated With My Neurologist!
Post by don on Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:54am
Get a new neuro.

Check your insurance company directory for a listing.

Title: Re: I'm Frustrated With My Neurologist!
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:20am
In my opinion ALL the neuro's are a waste of time. I only go if I want O2. Throw away ALL that other stuff and keep IMITREX for any KIP 8 & above. Just woke up with a 6. So Far So Good. Keeping my fingers crossed !

Title: Re: I'm Frustrated With My Neurologist!
Post by violet on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:40pm
It's really difficult to find a good doctor.  Try out a few before you settle with one.  They call it a medical "practice" for a reason.
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