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(Message started by: Carl_D on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:27am)

Title: Here's an interesting project
Post by Carl_D on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:27am
Take a piece of paper. On the top of that piece of paper put, "If today were to be the last day of my life, what would I do?"

I only have 3 things on my list so far.

The reason I thought of this is because we waste so much time in our lives doing things that don't matter.
Once again I say, the meaning of life is simple: time is of the essence - don't waste it.

Carl D

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by pubgirl on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:11am
So absolutely true.

But now I'm curious what your 3 things are!


Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by suzy617 on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:37am
C'mon Carl, what are ya 3 things?  
I've done just about everything I've wanted to do so far.  If ya recall I scored a 197 and am heading very close to hell.   ;;D

Have a great Saturday and stop overthunking,

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Carl_D on Nov 22nd, 2003, 5:13am
Okay...might sound corny, but here it is.

First, I would watch the sun come up. I am wierd I know, but I actually love the shapes the sky makes as the daylight moves in.

Second, I would give my niece and nephew a big ole bearhug and tell them how much I love them.

Third, I would have to spend a couple of hours with my best friend in the whole wide world, my Jackson Stealth guitar that is one of a kind!

The fourth is somewhere between having a barbeque with friends and relatives, or swiffing back a few ice cold shots of Jager...or who knows. It is a heavy thing to think of there not being a tomorrow, as we all pretty much rely on its presence.

Carl D

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by sandie99 on Nov 22nd, 2003, 8:49am

I've been think the same things every now and then.
But I have no idea what 3 things I would do...
But you're right, we waste so much time and energy by doing useless things and/or regretting things we didn't do.

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:42pm
1. put a minumum down payment on a new Corvette for my ex-mother in law.

2. Insure the Corvette to be paid off "just in case I die".

3. Drive the Corvette off a cliff.

4. But first, I'd kill my neighbor's yappin' damn poodle.

Have a nice day.....see ya the other side.  8)

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by cootie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:58pm
Build underground bomb shelter

Buy up all the beer and cigs possible to stash in it

Stock pile meds and stash in it

Stash my favorite jeans, leather coat, few shirts and cats in bomb shelter....and dog or two

Go out and party with all my freinds and family and spend quailty time with them now that I know I have my stash safe and sound

Oh......I'd pay off all my bills, car and house inlcuded with a bad post dated check

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:16pm
[smiley=huh.gif]Why wait to do these things?

I never hang up the phone that I don't say, "Love ya" (one man called me back and "asked" me what I'd said - don't think he'd heard it in a LONG time.)

I never miss a chance to hug or get a hug. (Have this theory - It takes 4 hugs a day just to keep you from being weird - 8 hugs a day to maintain your status quo and 12 hugs a day to get ahead). I've been hugging instead of shaking hands for more years than I care to count. And the funny thing is - the more hugs you give out - the more you receive back.

I try to do something "new" each day. Sometimes it's just learning a new word (that I probably won't remember tomorrow) or trying out a new recipe (sometimes Bill wishes I hadn't), but I try to learn or do something I've never learned or done before. My daddy always said, "When you're green, you're growing - but when you get ripe, you start to rot!" I think I've still got a lot of things to learn and a lot of "new experiences" waiting. I just hate to "waste" days and opportunities.

Gosh, Carl, you've got me thunking too much and now I've started to phillosaphize (gee maybe tomorrow I'll learn how to "spell" that word :-/) Maybe I need to go pick up my Grandson's birthday gift now and let my head have a long rest. The toy department does it every time.

So, Carl, quit your thunking and go out and have a great day....... watch the sunrise in the morning and hug those neices and nephews.... Have some fun....

A BIG cyberhug to all of you....

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by cootie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:40pm
Nobody wants ta hug me when I have my Peter Pan outfit on.........Blahhhhhh-ha-ha-ha.......Pam that's jus makein LIGHT of things

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:52pm
Hey Peter Pam

Give us a picture of you in the green tights and WE'LL decide if you get a hug.  8)

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by cootie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 2:04am
How bout pink and I'll leave the too-too out ! Pam that actually has a too-too outfit  :o

(tap lessons)

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Little Deb on Nov 23rd, 2003, 2:21am
BarbaraD, you have painted a picture of yourself for me.  Can't wait to meet you and get my hug!!!!!!!!

As for the whole thread, I like the post dated check idea!

I would spend the whole day playing with my kids,
then take a long bubble bath with them,
then snuggle up in bed with them in my arms, say a prayer and go to sleep.


Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 23rd, 2003, 5:22pm
Nice post..even gave a cynic pause...

I'd hug my dog and toss his toy.
Go for a long walk with him in the arboretum...his fav place
Curl up in my bed and go to sleep.

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Ree on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:11pm
I'm with you Carl~~~ I would watch the sun come up too... just to be sure I didn't miss a minute of the day.
Have sex...

I would Max out all the credit cards stuff I get in the mail everyday for new credit and buy presents for everyone....
Have sex...

I would tell off the Principal and last year's teacher at my daughters school ...
Have sex...

I would moon a few soccer parents that don't let my daughter play with their precious children....
I would tell them their precious children aren't precious after all...
come home and have sex...

I would eat crab rangoons til  I bust...

I would go the beach, and get a tan... (cuz I cant sit in the sun anymore Melanoma problem)
I would walk around giving out money to see peoples faces.
Have sex again...

I would watch the sun go down and try not to fall asleep because this is my last day on earth...
so I would just have to have sex...


Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Carl_D on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:21pm

on 11/22/03 at 14:16:10, BarbaraD wrote:
[smiley=huh.gif]Why wait to do these things?

Babs, you get the prize!
That is exactly my point. Live everyday as if it may not become a tomorrow, for tomorrow never knows.

Carl D

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:31pm

Barbara might have won the prize, but i like the way Ree thinks.    ;)

(who's just happy to be here...   or anywhere)

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Marc on Nov 23rd, 2003, 7:47pm
I like the way Ree thinks.....  ;)

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by cootie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 8:08pm
Does this mean we all have to have sex with Ree ?? Well she is cute....but....I'm not that type Pam  [smiley=smug.gif]

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Cerberus on Nov 23rd, 2003, 9:06pm
I have a question to have answered before I answer ;;D

Am I garanteed to die the next day? ;;D Cause I got a LOOOOOOOOOOONG list of folks to "get even" with before I go and I wouldn't want to miss any opportunities to make things right between us all::) ;;D


Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 12:14pm
Let somebody cut open my head and see what the hell is wrong with it - so maybe someone can benefit from it. Wishing pfdan to all.

Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by Tiannia on Nov 24th, 2003, 12:50pm
I have to agree with Ree.

But probably at least once a week my husband and I will turn to each other and ask if we have any regrets.  If we do then we try and see how to make it happen so that we dont have them any more.  I refuse to live this life with "What If's".  If I allowed regrets to happen, then I would not have my son.  Doctors told me NOT to get pregnant because of health problems with me.  4 years after my daughter was born I ended up pregnant (while on the pill) I regreted for those 4 years that we never even tried to have another child because of the doctors advise. I figured if I lost the baby then it was not meant to be, but it killed me to not know. We were very blessed that all of the things that "might have happened"  did not and he ended up with a very healthy son and I am fine as well.  

This life is uncertain and you will not get any forwarning when today is your last day. So live life.  Every day that you wake up breathing is a gift, (even if a CH is part of it) be grateful that you have it.  


Title: Re: Here's an interesting project
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:45pm
Dost thou love life?  Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin

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