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(Message started by: ClusterChuck on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:04am)

Title: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:04am
Alright, all you old farts, where were you, and what were you doing 40 years ago today?  Most of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing.

Me?  I was in study class with Mr. Cavanaugh, in the 8th grade.  He was called out into the hall, and was told what had happened.  He came into the classroom, with tears in his eyes, he told us about our president.  

I can remember so clearly the shock, sorrow, and fury of the people in our small town.  The television coverage.  The look on Jackie's face, while witnessing the swearing in of LBJ.   The sight of John-john saluting as his father's casket went by.  Ruby shooting Oswald.

So many memories.  I can clearly remember so much of that horrible time.

So where were you?


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:21am
John H. Reagan High School....Houston, Texas

10th grade.......Art Class......Teacher was Ms. Moore

Remember it like it was yesterday!!!!        :'(

Jean..who is NOT an old fart...but have friends that are

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by jonny on Nov 22nd, 2003, 7:00am
Shitting in my diaper.....LOL

You old farts...... [smiley=JAW_DROP.gif]


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 22nd, 2003, 8:48am
....hmm, the end of innocence:

-the sophomore French Lab at Midland School, Los Olivos, California,  (teacher: Mr. Rhodes), which, strangely enough, is not far from JackoWhacko's Neverland...

...not a conspiracy?....BIG hmmmmmmm

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 22nd, 2003, 9:03am

on 11/22/03 at 07:00:11, jonny wrote:
Shitting in my diaper.....LOL

So you have been doing that for a long time ... Hmmmmmm .........     :P :o ;)  ;;D


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Paigelle on Nov 22nd, 2003, 9:04am
This happened before my time!  But I can tell you where my mom, her best friend, and one of my best friends were.  I can tell you where I was when Elvis died, JFK Jr., and John Ritter.  

My mom has told me numerous times about the day Kennedy was shot.  She has about 5 books on it and all of the different theories.  She often wondered how Jackie got through the whole thing after her husband being shot right beside her.

Very sad time for America.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:36pm

I was very young, I had no concept
of what was happening/had happened
until many years later.

3 lives taken...
(JFK, Robert K, MLKJr.)
sad time in America.



Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:40pm
Sophomore…..Boulder City High School….Mr. Hinton’s History class.
We got the rest of the day off.

When I was in Vietnam my Commanding Officer was Col. (Dr.) Pierre Finck. He was part of the team that did the autopsy on Kennedy. He didn’t agree with the other pathologists and refused to change his report to agree with the “Official” report. He was sent to Vietnam and told his retirement was soon to follow.

I also remember where I was when Elvis croaked.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Kirk on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:59pm
Yep I remember.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:26pm
Watching "Divorce Court" on TV, when they interrupted the program (never did find out how THAT divorce came out) and made the annoucement that JFK had been "shot". Thirty minutes later - they announced that he was dead.

I sat in shock for hours waiting - I don't know for what - maybe for them to announce that it was a gag or something. But when my roommate came in from work that afternoon, I was still sitting in front of the TV. By then it had registered and I was crying.

later that night, my roommate and I went to our local "Cheers" bar to just be around other people.

It WAS the end of innocence and no, I'll never forget it. Every year, it all comes back - just like it was yesterday.

And YES, before any of you "younguns" say anything - I AM an OLD person with "vivid" memories of my lost youth........ That was the day most of us had to grow up for real.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Ree on Nov 22nd, 2003, 3:17pm
I was in front of the tv my mom was watching As the World Turns and I was waiting to go to afternoon session of Kindergarten... believe it or not I remember it like yesterday and I was 5 years old...I was the one that told my mom because she was in the other room... and at 5 I also remember feeling  the heartbreak for John-John when he saluted the casket carrying his Father.
  No one sheltered us like they do to kids now and life was good... thanks for remembering this fellow Bostonian ,and remember "Ask not what your country can do for you...Ask what you can do for your country"
love Ree

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:18pm
7th grade, history, Mr. Mulholland. Even the class bully cried.

CH came along 33 yrs later,

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2003, 4:43pm
100 percent of the people that answered C'Chuck's question admit to remembering the Kennedy assasasanation.

100 persent of the people that answered C'Chuck's question also admit to having Clusterheadaches.

Kennedys cause clusters. ::)'s better than the guy that said Jello was the cause. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Jackie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 6:22pm

on 11/22/03 at 07:00:11, jonny wrote:
Shitting in my diaper.....LOL

Hell, jonny, I was already smokin' cigarettes...still am.  Are you still pootin' your britches.... ;;D

Serious....I'll never forget the day or the days that followed.  I've often wondered how history would have read had he lived.

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Charlie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:42pm
I was 17 in high school print shop. Mr. Joy left the room, came back and they plugged in the PA system to the radio which played the rest of the afternoon. The one thing I remember was the dead silence. Nearly 2,000 kids walked to their next class without saying a word. We sat in front to the TV all weekend.

Lots of younger types don't understand what the big deal was with the Kennedys.  Aside from being so different and young, they were FUNNY. There was hilarity at news conferences and many of them.  

Everybody had his version of the Kennedy accent. You heard it everywhere. Even my dad, the staunch Republican, had one. They made politics fun.

It was very different


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:17pm

on 11/22/03 at 22:42:44, Charlie wrote:
Lots of younger types don't understand what the big deal was with the Kennedys.  Aside from being so different and young, they were FUNNY. There was hilarity at news conferences and many of them.  

They made politics fun.

It was very different


Right on Charlie..... Even if you didn't like them -- you loved them. Weird but true. Things haven't been the same since....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by nancyc on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:24pm
I remember the minute they announced it at my school..I was in the auditorium and suddenly after the announcement everyone including myself, starting was such a sad time... :(nancyc

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:52am
I was in the third grade in Mt Sterling IL, Mrs Moore's class.  The thing I remember the most was after Igot  home that day and my Dad came home.  Dad HATED JFK because of the Bay of Pigs, and never had any good thing to say about him.  When Dad came in the door that evening he was crying, something I had never seen before.  I asked him what was wrong and he said "President Kennedy has been shot."  I asked why he was crying because he hated JFK so badly.  He said something that has molded my outlook on life a lot.  He said, "Yes, but he was MY president, and the president of MY country."  That has meant more to me in the last forty years as I have shaped my political views and mylove for America than anything else.  


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by thomas on Nov 24th, 2003, 12:06pm
Hey, I got to ride with Ted once - man what a shitty driver. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Tiannia on Nov 24th, 2003, 12:26pm
No sorry - I was not even a twinkle in my dad's eye yet.

I know and understand the impact that JFK's death had on the nation.  There was an elegance that surrounded the white house that was lost.  The office does not hold the same stature that it had in those times. Now the office is more of a joke.  We do not treat it will respect in this nation and we elect them to it, so in a way it makes sence why people from other countries do not treat it with respect either.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by TomM on Nov 24th, 2003, 1:49pm

on 11/22/03 at 16:43:51, BobG wrote:
100 percent of the people that answered C'Chuck's question admit to remembering the Kennedy assasasanation.

100 persent of the people that answered C'Chuck's question also admit to having Clusterheadaches.

Kennedys cause clusters. ::)'s better than the guy that said Jello was the cause. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Jacks was already smoking cigs.
Jonny was already shittin' his diapers.
Jack still smokes.
Therefore I was almost 12 months old and do not remember.

Thomas--you obviously did not cross any bridges with Teddy.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by vig on Nov 24th, 2003, 2:18pm
soiling my diapers.
But I distinctly remember telling my mom that it was a conspiracy and someone needed to look at the grassy section.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 25th, 2003, 12:34am
That noise they heard on the grassy knoll was me farting while my mama was changing my diaper.

In fact, i was only 4 when it happened. I do remember when Robert Kennedy was killed, and i remember when Elvis croaked too. I also remember when that whacko killed John Lennon.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 25th, 2003, 12:43pm
If you must know...I was still swimming in the vas deferens of my Father's Testicles....ewwwwwww. But I remember I was shocked & saddened, even as a young sperm.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 25th, 2003, 8:25pm
I was in the third grade, walking home from school (somewhere around ten miles)  ;;D. Stopped by a freinds house, he came running out of the house screaming "Kennedy is dead Kennedy is dead" in a happy tone. His parent's were happy as well. That was my first real fight, kicked that kids ass right in his front yard. Been a Democrat ever since.

Grumpy old Lee

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Carl_D on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:27pm

Carl D

P.S. - If you don't get it, then you're too young and I am too old.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Charlie on Nov 25th, 2003, 9:36pm
Some years ago, you could buy anti Ted Kennedy  bumper stickers at gun shows which read: A Blonde In Every Pond. I suppose they're still around.

I was with the GOP too until they decided God was a Republican.


Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:17pm

on 11/25/03 at 21:27:23, Carl_D wrote:

Carl D

P.S. - If you don't get it, then you're too young and I am too old.

Carl, I must be in the twilight zone. IJDG

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Carl_D on Nov 25th, 2003, 11:45pm
Back in the 70's, the origional cast of Saturday Night Live did a talk-show skit where they asked each guest what they were doing when President Kennedy was shot. Bill Murray jumped out of his seat and yelled "Oh my god! The President's been shot? When?"
Maybe it was just funnier then than it is now, dunno.

Carl D

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Orneryolefart on Nov 26th, 2003, 11:15am
I was teaching a General Science class at Clear Creek Junior High School located at Webster, TX....between Houston & Galveston.  At that time I was going to law school at night in Houston.  The day before the Dallas event, the President was in Houston. I was going to law school for classes and was caught in a traffic jam on I 45 above Broadway in Houston.  The President's convoy and the President drove beneath me in an open convertible.  At that time, there was much bitterness in the South toward the President and I wondered as he passed below me, how vulenerable he was.  A person could have quite easily thrown a hand gernade into his car.
   Based on the other letters I have seen, I suppose I'm truly among the senior clusterheads.  I've been plagued since 1958 and thought I was done with the bastards until I got the current attack.  First one in 8 years.   Thank goodness for the internet to get information.
       Orneryolefart in Texas

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by BobG on Nov 26th, 2003, 3:29pm

on 11/25/03 at 21:27:23, Carl_D wrote:

Carl D

Good one Carl.
There was also a blip on the news a while back that the Dodgers moved out of Brookline. They went to some crummy left coast city. It'll never work out, they'll be back soon.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by jep22 on Nov 26th, 2003, 6:31pm
I was just seven at the time but my biggest memory was watching TV 2 days later with my dad and seeing Oswald killed by Jack Ruby.   Do you think we live in a democracy?  Ha!  What a joke.  What a bananna republic.  How dis-illusioning.
Jim P.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by Donna on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:22pm
To Ornery:

Whewww....At first I was the proud recipient of  being the "elderest" kid on  Then, when I started remembering when I was the youngest in any group, the feeling changed.

It was and wasn't an honor that I happily relinquish to you!!!

I was a secretary for an Interior Designer who, for starters,  serviced the Firestone family in Akron, Ohio when JFK was killed.  My third job since being married and owning my first home.  I was 26 at the time.  My heart broke for the whole Kennedy family, but especially for Jackie and the kids.

It felt like someone in my own family had been killed.  There was a definite grieving period.

Title: Re: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 26th, 2003, 7:25pm
I was attending St. Louis King of France and in the 3rd grade.

I was in love with my teacher, Ms. Weber.  She went and got married just before the assassination. Broke my heart.  

What was the big fuss about the President?  Did anybody give a shit about me?  

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