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(Message started by: BT on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:35pm)

Title: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by BT on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:35pm
Hello,I can not tell you how much help this forum has been.

My wife found it and turned me on to it.

I am having 4 to 5 full blown clusters a day top scale.This is the first time I have had so many in one day.I have tried all the meds but the only thing that seems to work is imitrex but it is killing my guts.

I may try the shrooms I have been reading about to break the cycle,but I worry what if it makes it worse(if it could be worse).

I am going nuts let me tell ya!

Peace BT

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by thomas on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:41pm
Try melatonin and magnesium - it's cheap and worth the try.  Welcome aboard there a lots of good people here that are willing to help in any way they can.  Read as much as you can - the wealth of information here is phenominal. :)

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by Mac on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:51pm
Welcome aboard.To bad you had to find us though.I'm assuming that your using Imitrex in the pill form.I use the nasal spray and it works and doesn't upset my stomach.Hope this helps.

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 21st, 2003, 2:24pm
Hi BT,
Welcome to the board!

Lots of good info and great support here.

Sorry you are having a rough time.....but am very glad that your wife showed you the way!

There is also a supporter's post would be great if she would post also.  I can promise that she will be welcomed with open arms.  We have some great  supporter's here.  

The sufferer's are quite awesome, too.         8)                

We have a great time here.........we suffer and support together for the cause.        ;)

Sending you lotz of pf vibes.


Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by BT on Nov 21st, 2003, 2:58pm
Thanks for the replies.

I am now getting a shadow on the left side.It's freaking me out.

Peace BT

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by Little Deb on Nov 21st, 2003, 6:56pm
Just want to welcome you.

Stick around, we are here for you.


Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by Lori on Nov 21st, 2003, 11:52pm
Glad you found this place but sorry you need to be here. Check out the oxygen info on the left. Read and print and get a doctor who treats Clusters (you must ask questions when setting appt) or as long as you GP (if this is all you have at the moment) is willing to prescribe o2, it's worth a try. It works for many here. You need to use it right though, so read up on the link to the left. Hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:45am
Hello BT

just want to say welcome

sorry your going through this but lots of info. here about
cluster so read as much as you can

and a warm welcome to your wife she will need us as much as you will  :)

Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:43pm

Pain Free times to you.

Thanks for posting.


Title: Re: New to the forum,but not the pain
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 22nd, 2003, 2:44pm
Welcome to Clusterville, where there's help and support around the clock. Read EVERYTHING and then take what you need and what works for you.

Glad you "finally" found us, but sorry you had to look.

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