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(Message started by: sunrise on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:44am)

Title: new here!
Post by sunrise on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:44am
Hi everyone! :)

I'm new to CH, new to this site! But what a lonely site this is! :D I'm glad I found it. :)
I'm episodic and well, middle of stubborn cycle. I'm trying to stop it with verapamil (didn't work) and now I have just maxalt for the pain, which works. Don't know what to do next, but hey, we'll see about that.

I was just wondering... just how medicated we all are...?lol! ;;D

Lots of luck to everyone,

Title: Re: new here!
Post by mikeyd on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:56am
Welcome sunrise, glad U found the site...lots of info on the links to the left of the page. You have a lot to read to keep you entertained! I find the jokes page to be a great place to laff and relieve the stress...(thanks to all the joke posters!) Hope you feel at home here and you will find many great folks here.  Have fun and glad U found something that works for you. I didn't like the Maxalt...took too long to work and made me feel all ooogie.
Here is your welcome lick...hehehe [smiley=lick.gif]

Title: Re: new here!
Post by thomas on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:59am
Welcom aboard.  Read all the stuff on the left.  Read the med boards.  There are a lot of us that have had some luck with melatonin. :)

Title: Re: new here!
Post by sandie99 on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:03am
Hi sunrise! :)

Welcome aboard! :)
Not nice to have CH, but this site is indeed a blessing! ;)
By the way, for me maxalt works, too... :)

Good luck with your HA!
Best wishes,

Title: Re: new here!
Post by maggie_may on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:10am
Welcome aboard Sunrise!

Glad you found us - sorry you have to be here.  Definitely read up lots on the links over to the left, they are VERY helpful.  

BTW, you mentioned that your verap isn't working this time around.  How much of it are you taking and for how long during this cycle have you been taking it?  Some us here take upwards of 900mg of verap before it works.  

welcome and wishing you pfdans,


Title: Re: new here!
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:11am

I am very sorry to hear you are a clusterhead :'(, but glad you found us.     We all understand what and how you feel, it is a good relief to know that you don’t suffer done.  

Welcome sunrise!!! ;;D

Stay with us.... Zaira

P.S. (My combo is Lithium and Verapamil ;;D.)

Title: Re: new here!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:29pm
Welcome aboard!

Zazi beat me to it, but many have had good luck with the combination of verapamil and lithium.

How about the number one abortive, oxygen?  Read about it on the left.  But make sure that you take it properly, as it will not work if you use the nose canula and not enough flow.

Grab an oar, and start rowing!


Title: Re: new here!
Post by Kirk on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:37pm
Welcome aboard sorry to hear from ya.
I find O2 to be a lot of help.
Like everyone says. The reading library is to the left.
Good Luck dear.


Title: Re: new here!
Post by Cluster_head on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:57pm
I'm sorry to welcome you to the board,  but I'm glad you found it!  I have learned volumes on this board.  As previosly stated, Oxygen works like magic for some (me included!)  

Good luck doing battle with the beast.


Title: Re: new here!
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 20th, 2003, 1:01pm
240mgs of Verapamil and 60mgs Prednisone stopped mine in their tracks. Some people here take upwards of 960mgs of Verapamil to stop theirs.

Good luck, Patrick

Title: Re: new here!
Post by 5-string on Nov 20th, 2003, 1:06pm
Welcome Sunrise,
I'm sorry your head hurts.
 Al I can suggest is: read,read,read
   and don't forget to share.
 Take care,

Title: Re: new here!
Post by totka on Nov 20th, 2003, 3:14pm
'morning Sunrise,

You have a cheerful name  :)


Title: Re: new here!
Post by Paigelle on Nov 20th, 2003, 3:20pm
Hey Sunrise!  Glad you found this place.  I can't take Verapamil or any other blocker.  Just found this out!

Title: Re: new here!
Post by Little Deb on Nov 20th, 2003, 3:40pm
Just want to welcome you to the site.
Wishing you well.
Little Deb

Title: Re: new here!
Post by Prense on Nov 20th, 2003, 9:00pm
Welcome Sunny!

Can't add to what's already been said...just wanted to extend a warm welcome.   [smiley=wave.gif]

Title: Re: new here!
Post by Charlie on Nov 21st, 2003, 7:23am
Welcome aboard and I just want to say Hi as I haven't much experience with drugs. They didn't have many when mine began.....during the Punic Wars. You'll find the others here can tell you a lot about medication.

Mine have been in remission for a dozen years and the only thing I had was Inderal. It's not effective for many but it helped me most of the time.

Stick around an let us know how you're doing.

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