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(Message started by: FrankF on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:18pm)

Title: Michael Jackson
Post by FrankF on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:18pm
Did anybody see the slow speed police chase today with Michael Jackson driving down the US-101 highway in a white Ford Bronco with a scalpel aimed at his nose?  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:26pm
Every time I see this wacko, I can't help wondering what he'll look like when he's70 :o.....wouldn't bet on it but we need new words to describe this bizarro.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:46pm
If, and I say, IF he goes to jail............he won't have to worry about turning 70.

He'll be some big buck's girlfriend before midnight!!

Inmates have a way of taking care of child molestors.

Doubt that he will live long in jail.

Disgusting........that's what he is!!!!

Jean......(just giving my opinion)

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:53pm
Not good mental images to go to bed on : :-/

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:03pm

on 11/19/03 at 22:26:08, Charlie wrote:
Every time I see this wacko, I can't help wondering what he'll look like when he's70 :o.....wouldn't bet on it but we need new words to describe this bizarro.


New words like "same" and "indifferent"...


-Big Dan

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by FrankF on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:23pm

on 11/19/03 at 22:26:08, Charlie wrote:
Every time I see this wacko, I can't help wondering what he'll look like when he's70 :o.....wouldn't bet on it but we need new words to describe this bizarro.


Is it possible to look any worse at 70?

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:25pm
Can you imagine jailhouse tattoo's on that freshly bleached skin ? Good thing he can already sing soprano Pam

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Carl_D on Nov 20th, 2003, 3:16am
Hm, I heard the police chase was with Michael Jackson going down the highway in a pink Mary Kaye cadillac with Webster in the passenger seat. The poor guy. What is a man to do when he grows tired of his chimp?

Carl D

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:48am
I am sure that "Bubba" is waiting to make Michael his "wife" once he gets to prison!  What with all his facial modifications, and then becoming "Bubba's wife", I am sure he will not be such a pretty boy after a few years!

Can't think of anyone who deserves it more, if it is true (as I think it is).


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:59am
Is it my imagination or is this getting a tad cruel  :(

How about locking him up in Neverland for life with only Barry Manilow records and Liz Taylor for company?

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:27am

on 11/20/03 at 05:59:19, pubgirl wrote:
Is it my imagination or is this getting a tad cruel  :(

How about locking him up in Neverland for life with only Barry Manilow records and Liz Taylor for company?

First...   for a child molester, I don't feel this is at all cruel.

Second...   I think it should be Barry Manilow records and bubba instead of Liz Taylor.  Hell, lets throw Barry Manilow himself in there too for all of the "pain and suffering" he's caused over the years.


P.S.   Frank --- can you take down that pic?  I can't scroll past it quick enough!    

watta freak!

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:41am
Being serious for a second.

Can someone remind me when he was convicted?

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 20th, 2003, 7:32am
Convicted?     Pretty tough when the investigation just started the day before yesterday.     ::)

I think most references here are relating to...

In 1994 he reached a multimillion dollar out of court settlement with a 14-year-old boy who accused him of sexual molestation. No criminal charges were brought and Jackson strenuously denied any wrongdoing.

In February, he revealed in a British television documentary that he sometimes shared his Neverland bedroom with young boys. A 12-year-old cancer survivor called Gavin, spoke of his affection for Jackson and of enjoying sleepovers with the pop star at Neverland.


sheesh --- gimme a break ----- 10 yrs ago, if he wasn't guilty, why would he make a multi-million-dollar settlement?

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by don on Nov 20th, 2003, 7:37am

How about locking him up in Neverland for life with only Barry Manilow records and Liz Taylor for company?

You just flew past the "tad" in cruel. How about some weekly visits from Jay Leno and Letterman just to spice things up.

And for Christ sake take down the pic! Your scaring my pirahnas.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 20th, 2003, 7:56am
[smiley=sgrin.gif] Advocate


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by mikeyd on Nov 20th, 2003, 8:09am
Jeez...he looks more like Janet Jackson than Janet Jackson.  [smiley=laugh.gif]Is that glue letting go on (what's left of) his nose again? [smiley=laugh.gif]

I think I'll go listen to some Fat wierd AL Yankovic ;)

Yer right guys...can't scroll past that pic fast enuf!


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Giovanni on Nov 20th, 2003, 8:38am
TxBasslady is right, "Bubba" loves these types.  Hope justice is served this time $$$$$.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TomM on Nov 20th, 2003, 8:48am
I gotta get in on this thread....

on 11/20/03 at 06:27:42, brain_cramps wrote:
First...   for a child molester, I don't feel this is at all cruel.

Let me help Grant out here. I believe him to be an accused freaking child molester and his punishment should include, but not limited to, conjugal visits by Jim Nabors, 24 hr loop video of Brittany Spears, and his soon to be new hubby Long Dong Bubba.

Don--hope your piranha survived. My *gerbil* saw that pic and went Tango Uniform.  ;)


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by jimbo on Nov 20th, 2003, 9:09am
Regarding that pic, Is it me or does he look like the female ape from newer  Planet Of The Apes movie?

In jail Bubba says to Jackson "What do you want to be the husband or the wife?"

Jackson replies in his girly voice "I wanna be the husband!"

Bubba says "Good, then come over hear and suck your wifes dick" [smiley=laugh.gif]



Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TomM on Nov 20th, 2003, 9:20am

on 11/20/03 at 09:09:35, jimbo wrote:
Regarding that pic, Is it me or does he look like the female ape from newer  Planet Of The Apes movie?

In jail Bubba says to Jackson "What do you want to be the husband or the wife?"

Jackson replies in his girly voice "I wanna be the husband!"

Bubba says "Good, then come over hear and suck your wifes dick" [smiley=laugh.gif]



the newest planet of the apes...

LOL!!!! Good stuff.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by vig on Nov 20th, 2003, 9:57am

on 11/20/03 at 06:41:26, pubgirl wrote:
Being serious for a second.

Can someone remind me when he was convicted?

Michael convicted himself when he paid the child $22 million dollars NOT to testify.

Innocent people don't do that.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:33am
I shoulda send suma my circus midgets friends over there and then sued the guy for molestation (little people are little people rite)......geeze....I could use the money !!! Pam that's not into midget porn

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Mark C on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:34am

on 11/19/03 at 23:25:32, cootie wrote:
Good thing he can already sing soprano Pam  

Pam Rocks!  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Tiannia on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:51am

on 11/20/03 at 09:09:35, jimbo wrote:
Regarding that pic, Is it me or does he look like the female ape from newer  Planet Of The Apes movie?

Yep the same, but I think she looks better. she definatly has better clothes.  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:15pm
ssa zuud zaa..thriller
sha mon..sha mon

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Kirk on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:29pm
Is there anyway this could be tied to area 51? I mean he sorta looks like.......
Where's Art Bell when ya need him.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by stevek on Nov 20th, 2003, 3:51pm
I think child molestation is about the worst thing someone can be accused of, so I hope this isn’t just someone trying to get rich (I know it isn’t a civil suit).  I’m not a Jackson fan.  I have been on horses near his ranch.  I find it a bizarre place – that irritating it’s a small world music playing.  The guy is into self-mutilation and other weird behavior.  But that is why I wonder what these kid’s parents are thinking by allowing their child to be around him without them being present.  It should come as no surprise that Jackson would do something weird.  I don’t know if it is child molestation but I’m sure parties at his house are not what I would call normal.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Tiannia on Nov 20th, 2003, 4:15pm
As many have said, if it is true, I hope that they do find him guilty and that he does nt simply buy his way out of it or find some way to get away with it.  The worse thing that I can think of is killing a childs trust. And thatis the worse thing that could be done to any child.  

If it is, like his lawyers are making out, simply that he has a new album coming out and people are tryig to get rich, then I hope that he has the guts to let it play out and prove the alligation false rather then just making it go away, like he did years ago.

I can not say that I would ever let my kids be around him, no matter how great he was whatever. I dont let anyone be alone with my kids no matter what.  But I d not want to convict him on presumptions and allegations.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 20th, 2003, 4:36pm
Here's is the boy's declaration. (  It's sickening.  MJ is going down (whoops, pardon the pun)


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:02pm
Personally I think it's easy fer other parents now ta jump on this band wagon for big bucks by sayin there kid was molested too......suma them investagators practially put words in the kids mouths anyhow fer there own case. Parents prolly thought it was way COOL there kid was stayin sumwhere with such a famous rich guy.....and fucking "stupid" to the fact that he had an alternative plan for the kids.....can you be THAT stupid tho when it comes to your own child? I think the parents are guilty as hell too if ya ask me....lettin there kids stay and knowingly SLEEP with him in private in his own bed in hisown private room......(and heard in sum cases they git to stay over in there OWN room there). Hmmmmmm...didn't they ever question what was goin on behind closed doors. Would they of let the kids do the same if it was Barney the Dinosour ? Come on kiddies sit on my lap and take yer clothes off Pam

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by 9erfan on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:33pm

on 11/20/03 at 16:36:00, fubar wrote:
Here's is the boy's declaration. (  It's sickening.  MJ is going down (whoops, pardon the pun)


This is the statement from the kid from 1993.  I was only able to read a little before smoking gun's website crashed.  Everyone is probably trying to get on to see it.  I'm sure they'll have his mugshot by tomorrow.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:47pm

Can someone remind me when he was convicted?

The man's (and I use that term loosely) home is a Pedophiles wet dream!!  He has created his own amusement park to lure in his prey!!  Oh, no.  He doesn't have to sit for hours at the local playground scouting out his next victim.  He let's the victims PARENTS bring them to his home--to stay--UNSUPERVISED--WITH SOMEONE WHO PAID 22 MILLION DOLLARS TO THE LAST KID WHO "ACCUSED" HIM OF MOLESTATION!!!!! I missing something here.  He's guilty as hell!

Get a rope!

Donna D.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by don on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:48pm
Doesn't matter if his new CD is a flop.

He just got a new corporate sponsership deal that will pay him millions.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by 9erfan on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:57pm
Just saw the mug shot on!  Could he be ANY scarier-looking???  That CANNOT be a real person!  :o

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 20th, 2003, 5:57pm
So......shall we rename 'Never Never' bout Lurker Land Pam

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:03pm
Yeah, I missed the fact that declaration was from the older case.  That's makes it even worse knowing he could simply buy his way out of that one.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:08pm
Can't stand Michael myself. Never seen a sadder creature. He's a little boy. He has no idea of the real world. He's a terrible liar as are most children.

This is a real mess, and we're ones getting the punishment by having to sit through probably months or years of this horror. It won't be long before they wind up the cameras for more Michael movies. Bleaugh. Gonna be hard to find someone as bananas as Michael. Maybe we can find Saddam in time. He qualifies.

It's the end of the world.

HELP!  Charlie

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by vig on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:11pm
I just read the account by the boy.
I'm ready to hurl.

His parents that accepted the $22 million are just as guilty because they allowed him to continue.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by jonny on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:19pm
5'11"...120 lbs?

Must be industrail strength cocaine....Christ!!!!

Must be booting the shit cause air aint even going up that fuckin nose ;;D


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Peppermint on Nov 20th, 2003, 6:33pm

on 11/20/03 at 16:36:00, fubar wrote:
Here's is the boy's declaration. (  It's sickening.  MJ is going down (whoops, pardon the pun)

I know you said this is the old case... nonetheless.. it is a vile account of details by that youngster.  
This is so sad.   I know some people think maye he's being set up.  Its hard to read this account and agree.. my stomach is churning.  I think you're right.  If this new case is anything like this - without the money factoring in - he will NOT be getting out of this one.  

Pepper [smiley=ugh.gif]

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 20th, 2003, 7:24pm
"as one commentator once noted, only in America can you be born a black man and end up a white woman."


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Little Deb on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:25pm
Ok, I gotta throw my  [smiley=twocents.gif] in.

Michael is extremely eccentric.  And yes the plastic surgery thing is weird.  He used to be cute.

But Michael is not a real person like the rest of us.  He is like a character.  Like Mickey Mouse, or Pooh.  Any kid would love to have a slumber party with a character.  Most real people take the costume off.  Michael is always his own character.  He gets to play the part 24/7.  He has the money and can make dreams come true, fantasies come true for young children.  For dying children.  He is a live creation of what stardom has made him since childhood.  He has never had to grow up.  His money allows him to live in a fantasy world and make people happy with his music, and make children happy.

He has given to children so unselfishly.  He has done alot of good in the world.  And let's face it.  There are alot of people out there who just live to make other people unhappy, ruin them, or sue for their money.  Why would any parent let their child stay there unsupervised???  A sick parent who wants to turn around and get rich maybe??  

Would it be so weird if alot of teen girls wanted to have a sleepover with Britney or Madonna?  If you had the chance to sleep over with a character, would you want to leave and go sleep in another room?  Why not all sleep in the same bed.  Everyone sleeps in the same bed or same room in other countries.  Our country is the only one who worries about what other people think.

Maybe this kids homophobic father put him up to all of it.  The kid wasn't complaining when he lived with his mom and sister.  The trouble started when he went to live with his dad.

Does Michael really hang out at a Rent a Wreck??
Do you really think Michael doesn't have like a zillion of his own staff watching him all the time?  Michael is paranoid.  He would want people to protect him at all times.

He wears a mask and breathes oxygen.  He is a germaphobic.  Would a germaphob eat someones semen?????

It just doesn't seem right.  The statements weren't a 13 year olds.  I work in a maximum security prison with the worst of the worst.  My intuition says Michael is innocent.  The picture just doesn't fit.

I know I am going to get slammed.  Go for it.  But I had to add my thoughts.  I pray I am right.  I will be very sad if I am wrong.

Yes, Michael is different.  But accept him for the good he has to offer.  Don't judge him on hearsay, or by his cover.  He is a very talented musician, an artist.

If someone accused you of something, and you didn't want to deal with court and all the bullshit, and they would take $20. and go away, wouldn't you pay it, and know you were innocent and just get on with your life, rather than have your name in the paper over and over for months and go to trial??  $20 million is nothing to Michael, just like $20. to us.  I would think it would not be all that questionable if you really think about it.  I would probably pay it too.  Doesn't mean an admisson of guilt.  Just a smart financial move.  How much would he have lost sticking around for a long trial??  Not to mention the mental grief he would have had to go through fighting it.

Who would accept all that money and not file charges, knowing that they let him get off and that he would do the same thing to another child???  What kind of father would do that???

OK, I'm done.

Bring it on!!!

Following my intuition...Little Deb

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 20th, 2003, 10:42pm
Little Deb

You've cited some of the reasons why I was 'playing devils' advocate' with the 'has he been convicted' question. I knew I was going to get a pasting but HOWEVER weird he is (and he is about as weird as it gets) he is entitled, the same as everyone, to be innocent until proven guilty.
I am an ex cop and I have seen some incredibly impressive statements by victims that were the biggest load of crap you ever saw.

I'M NOT SAYING HE'S INNOCENT (my instincts say otherwise)
but no-one, not even him deserves conviction and some of the pretty vile punishments that have been suggested by the kangaroo court here when they haven't even been fully investigated yet.

Got my asbestos suit on ready!



Finally got onto the link to the kids statement. Is it just me or would Michael seriously go to Rent a Wreck to get a car (his only car??) because his had broken down? Himself? Not send a minion?  (Just asking as I don't know Rent a Wreck)
Also a great deal of the language in that statement is quite formal and adult. It may be that the person taking the statement has made the mistake of phrasing it for the child.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:12pm
As much as I dislike MJ.........I would never slam you for stating your opinion.

You asked, what kind of father would accept 20mil and not file charges?  Now, really.....20 mil is alot of money.  The old saying "money talks".  He is the kind of father that is thinking of his own financial security.  So what if MJ does that to another child....why would this father care?  He's lined his pockets.

I also worked in Law Enforcement.  I do agree, that some of the wording in that document seems to be a bit too .......grown up. (Can't think of the word I wanted to say, LOL)  However, I have a 14 yr old grandaughter, that can carry on a conversation like a college professor.

Guess it's 6 of 1 and 1/2 a dozen of the other!

Suppose the Courts will decide.........

But you have to admit.....he certainly has the means....financially and entice many youngsters.  Not many youngsters would tell him no.

Just my op........ 8)

I made an earlier post to this.....if you read it, you know that what I said in that post is true.  This freak will NEVER survive the system!!  Jail will not be like "Neverland"......he will have NO authority in the system.  In jail, in general population......he's a goner!


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:16pm

That first statement is ten years old.  As Wendy says, playing the devil's advocate...

1) Why would Michael be at a rent-a-wreck?  Who knows?  Maybe he actually found out that this boy's father worked there.  Maybe he made an effort to find this man after meeting his child.  According to the declaration, this was a rather long process of getting the boy where he wanted him.  I'ts not like Michael was able to pick up the phone and 'buy' a sex toy 12-year old.
2) The statements seemed like they came from an adult.  Well of course they did.  Surely this declaration was made after a lot of discussion about what was and was not illegal, and they made the declaration in a very careful way.  It was not an 'interview'.  Declarations go through many revisions before they are submitted.  That's just how it works. It's the initial salvo that let's everybody know exactly (and succintly) what the case is about.  It requires careful use of language.

Let me tell you folks, I am literallly famous for defending the rights of a certain world famous criminal that actually counted me among his victims.  I did not do this out of any liking for the individual.  I did it because I believe in due process, and he was being denied the very rights that I expect to have if I am ever accused of anything.  In the end, I did help him get out of prison, where he had spent almost 5 years.  Those 5 years happened to be the last 5 years of his dad's life (he died of cancer).  In the end, I felt great pride in the fact that I stood up for MY rights by defending HIS rights, regardless of what he had done to me.


Michael has proven to the world that he is a freak.  A freak who, by his own admission, likes to sleep with young boys in his bed.  A freak who lives in a fantasy world with few connections to reality.  Not only does he fit the peadophile profile, he lives in a world where it's easy to slip into a detached-from-reality existence where people forget that the laws apply to them like everybody else.  He's already been accused of this crime, and he paid off the victim and his family to avoid facing legal consequences.  How many innocent people do that?  Don't tell me $22 million is chump change to him... that's real money to ANYBODY, including Michael.

I know I'm judging him in my mind and I should wait for a 'jury' to decide, but ever since OJ I have lost faith in the court system whenever defendents with HUGE pocketbooks are concerned.

Like I said before, the day you can't buy your freedom in the USA is the day we experience real Justice.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:19pm

IF he ever actually does time, he will find PLENTY of scumbags willing to defend his ass in the pokey so they can gain favors later.  Think of it... you're a criminal behind bars with no future.  Then Michael shows up.... Hey man, I'll be your bodyguard if you remember me when you get out, or send money to my family.  It's not just likely, it's inevitable.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:44pm
That is a very true statement.  As long as MJ makes timely deposits in the Inmate Trust Fund, he more than likely will find protection.  It is a common practice!

Guess that's why I said "general population".  Doubt they will EVER put him in with the gp.  Too much liability for the County/and or State.

IF he is guilty....and IF he goes away, they (system) will have to provide a certain amount of protection.

You made an excellent I had not considered.      


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Little Deb on Nov 20th, 2003, 11:51pm
Well, alot of money didn't help Mike Peterson when he went to jail for murdering his wife.  He wasn't there 2 hours and got the snot beat out of him.  The same thing will happen to Scott Peterson when he goes to GP.  If ever.  He will be on death row.  Inmates don't like child molestors or wife killers.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:02am
I won't slam you. You see more twisted freak shows than I.  

I have some questions about what else may be going on. More to come, but I'm not so forgiving. This thing is old. It wouldn't surprise me that they have enough on him to force him to continue his so-far sloppy sex-reassignment.....although I have strong doubts that remaining human was on his mind.

He needs better friends that will warn him when he slips too far out of our dimension.

Gonna be tough. Even priests get offed in the can.

Like Pepp says: He looks like a Animie cartoon. Best observation I've seen so far.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Little Deb on Nov 21st, 2003, 6:04am
He needs better friends that will warn him when he slips too far out of our dimension.  

I definately agree!!!


Thanks everyone, for not sending me into the flames! [smiley=sgrin.gif]

Little Deb

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 21st, 2003, 6:28am
Again, all this crap is going on right in my back yard here in L.A. I can’t get away from it, just like the O.J. trial. I might have to move back to Kansas City, MO, at least K.C. has a football team (Dad and I had season tickets for 10 yrs. starting at the old Municipal Stadium then Arrowhead, wish he was here for this one), but I digress….again.

My gut feeling; Back when all my friends were getting married and having kids, I was every kids favorite babysitter. I was, and still am, childlike. I had finger-paints, crayons and coloring books, we made paper airplanes and littered the street with our “test flights”, we made homemade kites, small enough to fly out the window using dental floss for string and yes we all took naps together all crashed out on the living room floor. There is something about being around children that makes the world go away.

Pedophiles tend to have predatory tendencies, I don’t feel that M.J. is in that category. In his mixed up way, the only people he can be himself with, the only people he can emotionally trust, are children because they don’t have as much history, they don’t know that he owns the Beatles’ discography, and they don’t know what he used to look like.

On the other hand, how many complaints has this prosecutor had in the past in which the parents were not willing to subject their child to a trial?

On the other other hand, what kind of parent would let their child sleep over at Michael Jackson’s in the first place?

Why did I waste so much time on this?
David J.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 21st, 2003, 6:37am
OK. I just went back and read the boy’s statement on Fubar’s link, uh, just the first 2 ˝  pages, and I’ve got to say no matter how adult the testimony sounds, the fact that the kid always slept in MJ’s bed is proof enough for me. I won’t delete my above post, but consider it amended.

David J.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 21st, 2003, 6:44am
I don't know. For all I know Michael Jackson left these kids alone but Jeesh, this is weird city. Aside from the bizarre pajama party, after hearing and seeing this very sad creature's idea of life, I think I'd pass up the invite.

Seriously, they can't find something better than this Fellini Land?  Bleaugh.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 21st, 2003, 7:37am
Can I ask a favor of everyone?

Please don't refer to this FREAK as MJ.    

MJ was Michael Jordan, is Michael Jordan, and will always be Michael Jordan.

This freak is just some gender-bending, sperm-burping piece of shit.

done.     ;)


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Paigelle on Nov 21st, 2003, 8:00am
What is wrong with a parent who would leave their child alone with some stranger?  I mean, the parents should be beaten for their vast stupidity!  I am sure they must of thought possibly he was harmless, or they were just looking the "what can I get out this" thing.

MJ is not well!  I agree that he is a cartoon character.  I firmly believe he thinks he is Peter Pan.  Makes me sick to think about it.

As far as being guilty, I believe he is guilty.  However, I believe he thinks he hasn't done anything wrong.  Somewhere in his twisted silicone head he thinks everything he has done with children is okay.  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Jewel on Nov 21st, 2003, 10:14am
Eww...that picture made my stomach roll.   :(

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by thomas on Nov 21st, 2003, 10:33am
I've really been trying to hold back on posting on this, but here goes.  If MJ did anything to any children, the puishment can't be too severe, I don't care what it is.  The life-long effects molestation can have on a child are devastating.  It's the worse crime you can commit - you completely destroy true innocence and trust - forever.  I think there should be a special place in hell for molesters.  It's just sickening that someone could do that to a child.  I'll never understand them - however I will always hate them.  I'm sorry doesn't cut it.  They destroy lives - they should be removed from this earth.  That's all I have to say about this.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Giovanni on Nov 21st, 2003, 11:15am
Pedophiles' Cure = death

I wonder what they found in his home?  Usually these people have multiple tapes and downloaded children's porn.  This will be interesting.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 21st, 2003, 11:40am
I wonder if we will find out what and if anything was found at Neverland.  Guess time will tell.  I agree, it will be interesting.

You are right!!!!   Would NEVER want Michael Jordan put in the same category as Jackson!!!  Consider any future posts of mine corrected.  Thanks for setting us straight!


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Tiannia on Nov 21st, 2003, 11:50am

on 11/21/03 at 08:00:18, Paigelle wrote:
As far as being guilty, I believe he is guilty.  However, I believe he thinks he hasn't done anything wrong.  Somewhere in his twisted silicone head he thinks everything he has done with children is okay.  

You are correct here and I have the distinct feeling that if it does look like they have proof enough to convict him they will probably get him off on the fact that he does not live in reality and that there is more then enugh proof that he does not understand the difference between right and wrong as he has never had to deal with the Real World.  The fact that he does have the  mindset of a child is evedent in the TV interviews that he has given and if anything else was found at his home in Neverland they will find more then enough proof to back that he can not be convicted because due to mental imbalance.  

EDIT - Mentally Incompotent to stand trial is what I was trying to remember that it is called.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by BobG on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:24pm
Now that Clusterville has tried, convicted and sentenced Michael Jackson to death-by-Bubba can we move on to something more important like whacking Kobe's balls off?

Oh wait......he's a sports star

He can't be found guilty.

Never mind.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by thomas on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:28pm
Sorry Grant. :(  I wont make that mistake again.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Ree on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:47pm
Ok I was absent yesterday, Wednesday night I brought this subject up in chat... I have a tendancy to believe that he didnt do it too... sorry folks Im with Deb on this one.
 First of all I am ALWAYS leary when the child is over the age of 10 and the incidents happen more than once.  
The charges said that it happened at various hotels etc. It happened more than once... Why would this kid hang out with a man that was doing this to him after the first time it happened. This child is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.  Kids are taught about improper touching in school all over this country.  
 As I told everyone in chat the other night WE the public have made Michael Jackson into the freak that he has become. He was never allowed a childhood, I can relate to that. I don't want to grow up either.   I feel sad and sorry for him.  
I dont believe that this happened.  I may be wrong but in my world you are innocent until proven guilty... show me the evidence. Ree  

Now Dave adding his 2 cents says Michael Jackson has too many cars to ever ever end up at a renta wreck... so I don't know if I believe that this is the true statement.  He figures the kids mommy pushed the relationship on the kid... finds out the other kid got 20 mil and voila...
                       We will see but what a sad state our country is in... this sue you screw you attitude... I work with kids too and I am afraid to do anything for fear that they will say I improperly touched them........ ree

(just my opinion spoken in a soft tone, with Dave barkin in the background)

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Paigelle on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:48pm
I just saw where there has been video released from inside of Neverland that is so disturbing!  There are actual pics of naked children and stuff in secret rooms there.  The only way to get to the guest room for children is to go through his master suite.   [smiley=hurl.gif]

Anyway, about Michael Jackson being called MJ.  It is just easier to type MJ.  Yes, Michael Jordan is MJ, and I can't even insult Michael Jordan, please his mom lives just down the road, he has a house here and he graduated from high school here.  So sorry to even come close to insulting such great initials.  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 21st, 2003, 12:55pm
I have a friend who is extremely wealthy and talented. He is so like this Jackson character, it's scary. He's really into ships - his multimillion dollar home is built like the interior of the Titanic.

He pays male officers, firemen, pilots, etc. to let him put on their uniforms. He tries to pay them to go on ride-alongs, has occasionally been successful at that. He owns 3 former cop cars. His life is a fantasy.

He also has a secret life that I can't talk about in public - but it mirrors the Jackson stuff...very closely. "Fortunately" his obsession is with adult males.

Perhaps it all is innocent...perhaps. But, if it's not - set him loose in a regular prison. NO excuse, none at all.

Chris - don't even know why I'm bothering to post about this person. It just gives me the willies...

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by nancyc on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:28pm
I doubt if anyone will ever know if MJ is guilty...only MJ will know and the children involved....But everyone is so quick to say he is guilty....just like the world we live in....One thing I can say for sure....MJ did alot for disabled children and their families....he had several families in the US that he had adopted and remembered them on special occasions, reached out when the children went into the hospital, etc.....One of the families was my daughter in law's....Her parents live outside of Atlanta and her brother is disabled...he is a teenager now....Her father is a prominent businessman who is very involved in his children's lives and her mother had severe medical problems for years along with having a disabled son.....The entire family has known MJ for years ....they have been to Neverland, been to alot of MJ's tours as he has sent them tickets, etc....My daughter in law has tried to explain to me what MJ is like..Her and her brother were never in his bedroom but spent the day in his home with lots of other families around them...Never had they ever been alone with MJ and never had he ever attempted anything with them according to Ali ( my daughter in law). The invitation was always to the entire family , not just to the children, according to Ali and her parents were always there..I am quite sure most parents would find it alittle more than strange if a star invited their children to a spend the nite party...I know I sure as heck would...I work in the mental health field as a nurse...I feel MJ has very severe problems and would not want my grandson to be alone with him for this reason alone...but there are alot of people i would not let my grandson be alone with either....When my son and daughter in law got married , MJ's secretary sent gifts, when my grandson was born, gifts arrived...His secretary always kept in touch with Ali's family...In her words, MJ is a child..nothing more, nothing less..She is devastated over this because the person she knew is not capable of this..she knew the CHILD , the person who remembered her birthday every year, supported her brother when he had to go into the hospital and go thru treatments, etc...She knew of his compassion and caring....I have no idea what he is truly like...all i know is I grew up with his music ....I do  know he deserves to be given a trial just like anyone else, and be given the chance to be proven guilty or innocent....yes, he is different but i truly pray he is not guilty of what he is charged with...And if he is guilty, he deserves to be given the maximum punishment just like anyone else...this is truly a tragic thing.  It breaks my heart to hear about things like this...

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by thomas on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:43pm
I just want to be clear there was a big "IF" in my post - it was directed to child molesters in general.  This is still the USA - innocent until proven guilty.  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 21st, 2003, 1:50pm
Article on the secret room video (

pictures of the room (

This is America, and I'm damn proud to live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty.  Time will tell.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 21st, 2003, 2:13pm
For those that think this is the work of a gold-digging dad, a couple of facts:

1) The abuse was not reported by the father.  It was reported by the child’s therapist.

2) The parents are now both fully cooperating with law enforcement.  They were contacted by the police, not the other way around.

Molestation causes severe problems.  It doesn't seem odd to me AT ALL that a parent of a child who has been molested might seek therapy for that child, even while being completely clueless to the molestation.

from New York Post online:

Quote: was the boy's revelations during therapy, which he started several months ago, that led to the search warrant, "Celebrity Justice" said.

Under California law, if a therapist "knows or reasonably suspects" abuse, he must report it to authorities.

Court TV correspondent Diane Dimond said the boy and his family aren't interested in money and that they indicated they plan to go to trial.

Look, I know MJ has been one of the best 'givers' in the world.  That does not mean he isn't an evil person.  None of this proves MJ *is* an evil person.  But damn, it sure looks bad.  My gut tells me he's guilty.  My gut tells me that you don't build a secret chamber for kids to sleep in unless you want secret things to happen in there.  Sure, I guess you could say it was just MJ being a grown up kid wanting secret chambers built into his house, but the decor and everything else just don't add up.

I want MJ to be innocent.  Not because I like him, because it would mean that no children were harmed.  I have a sick feeling that children were harmed, and as a dad, I can't help but want him put to death if it's true.

People wonder why or how a parent could let their children hang with this freak.  Money does strange things to people.  Simple being in the presence of money or power really clouds your judgment.  This doesn't surprise me at all.  Seemingly rational, intelligent people lose their heads when they are dazzled by the extravagance of it all.

Ever since OJ was let off, I don't expect the super-rich or super-famous defendents to be convicted unless they are caught on videotape, and maybe not even then.

Enough from me...


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by BobG on Nov 21st, 2003, 2:27pm
About secret room video and why it is just plain bullshit.

From "Extra"? That's like saying "It has to be true, otherwise The National Inquirer couldn't print it"

Let's look a some of the words in Extra story:

Jackson's creepy lair
the oddball entertainer's
These show a great deal of prejudice toward Jackson. A true reporter would not allow his personal feelings corrupt the story.

behind a trapdoor
8-by-7-foot secret chamber
A bed
a nightstand
a square console
A trap door? In a Mansion? Get real! No one builds a multi-million mansion and puts in a "trapdoor".  
An 8-by-7 foot chamber? Get real again. Do you know how big 8 by 7 feet is? About the size of 2 office desks. And in the 8 by 7 feet chamber there is a bed, a night stand and a square console.

Anyone that would read the Extra report and think it contains one grain of truth is an idiot and a fool.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by fubar on Nov 21st, 2003, 2:51pm
Yes, "Extra" is total crap.  I think their stuff is usually more sensationalized than 'made up' though.  It's not like you'll ever see them report that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston are really space aliens.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 21st, 2003, 3:57pm
Maybe they'll find weapons of mass destruction we been lookin for in Mikey's house at Lurker Land....and Sadam hide'n in the the closet with Bin Laden on his lap ! Pam that thinks anything can happen at Lurker Lurker Land  :o

modiy: my spellin still sucks

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Tiannia on Nov 21st, 2003, 4:15pm
I have not siad anything about whether i think he did anything or not.  I simply believe that no matter what it will not go to court.  I have senn no evedence either way. And if you want to condemn him first, there is plenty of stuff out there that seem really insane and crazy to the rest of us.  But might not be.  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by JDH on Nov 21st, 2003, 4:30pm
Q:  How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
A:  From a catalogue.

Q: What's black and comes in little white cans?
A: Michael Jackson

Q: What do you do if Michael Jackson is drowning?
A: Throw him a buoy !!

Q:  Why are Michael Jackson's pants so small?
A:  Because they aren't his!


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Ree on Nov 21st, 2003, 8:09pm
You are right Fu... about the parent thing... when I was about 10 years old my parents let a local Catholic priest take me and my friend to his sisters pool... My friend was very developed for her age. He had asked her to go and  she actually begged me to go with her on this field trip... Well come to find out this Priest (now dead) was one of the ones that was having his way with young kids(mostly girls) in different parishs in the Boston area... He never touched me, that I remember.    But that girl friend she spent a long time in Macleans hospital here in Belmont MA (a psychiatric hospital) in our early teens... We have lost touch but I would bet you anything she was a victim of his... We were young impressionable girls and our parents thought it would be good for us to hang with a Priest...........wrong!!! Power of a different kind I guess... so you are right about the power thing...  

just ree............. hopin no kids were hurt (and hopin I don't remember anything)

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 21st, 2003, 9:00pm
Is he being persecuted for being rich and famous? For what it's worth, there are plenty of celebrities that do great things for kids - and are not under suspicion for child molestation.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by jonny on Nov 21st, 2003, 9:04pm

on 11/21/03 at 16:15:17, Tiannia wrote:
  I simply believe that no matter what it will not go to court.  I have senn no evedence either way

Gee, didnt know you were part of the prosecution or defense team......LOL

How bout every one of you go look in the archives and come back with what you think is the most helpful post from the past?

Nah....digging up the past to help the newbies is to boring right?


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 21st, 2003, 9:41pm

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Mark C on Nov 21st, 2003, 9:52pm
OK....look here (;action=display;num=1033892167) for some real CH history. Geez...took me long enough to find.
MY most important post. Notice the time, familier?

;;D   ;;D   ;;D

Thanks to this place I am almost a month PF.

Can I get a HELL YEAH!  

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 21st, 2003, 10:09pm

Hard to beat it. Here's to another 980 months.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by sandie99 on Nov 22nd, 2003, 9:09am
Whatever has been said about Michael Jackson, he still has made few pretty good songs for all of us to enjoy.  ::)

I'm one of those silly peeps, who believe that one is innocent until proven guilty.... :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:29am

on 11/22/03 at 09:09:29, sandie99 wrote:
Whatever has been said about Michael Jackson, he still has made few pretty good songs for all of us to enjoy.


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:29pm
Twisted thought for the day: I think he's had all them surgery's ta look more like the kids do gooder fantasy character Peter Pan......seriously........maybe he jus wants ta "be" a KID IDOL and live in a fantasy world with them as one of to speak.....far far away from the public eye and better then a greyin ole black/white man shrivle'd up tryin ta play with toys and kids. After all Peter Pan lives forever in people and esp kids minds and does no wrong. Should we change how our kids interpret story book characters esp men ones ? Every book should start with....Warning: Do not sit on laps of stange story book characters or spend to much time ALONE in any situation. Pam that remember's his song BEAT IT.....blahhhhhhh !

PS: "Fucheneh Mark".... in the dreaded Micheal J thread !!

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by pubgirl on Nov 22nd, 2003, 12:51pm
For anyone who is interested in the author of Peter Pan (J.M Barrie) or any amateur psychologists out there there might be some interesting parallels with Michael Jackson

(there were some very odd ideas about little boys going on with him too!)


P.S. There are some websites about J.M. Barrie and paedophilia but you really don't want to go there!

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by cootie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 1:51pm
Ahh ha !!!! We've found the missing link....jus maybe !! Pam that is now tossin out Brad's green tights  ;)

Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by Charlie on Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:16pm

Whatever has been said about Michael Jackson, he still has made few pretty good songs for all of us to enjoy

I'm with Cramps


Title: Re: Michael Jackson
Post by BlueMeanie on Nov 23rd, 2003, 1:23am

on 11/20/03 at 09:57:11, vig wrote:
Michael convicted himself when he paid the child $22 million dollars NOT to testify.

Innocent people don't do that.

He could have hired Johnny Cochran for $22 million and would have gotten off either way. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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