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(Message started by: ZAIRA on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:05pm)

Title: Zaira Update
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:05pm

It is difficult to stand up, difficult to understand who you are, where you are, but sure is that I’m here ;;D. Read you, listen to you and share the same pain with you is for me a reason for big pride, you are special people!  :)

Is it this the “present” of the beast??

I had a swift augmentation of the attacks from 2-3 to 8-9 a day. It can happen. I can’t take Lithium because the blood test was not good and I have many allergies to meds (cortisone also) for CH treatment. The doctors decided to give me some sleeping draught, very powerful, used for people who have to have important operation (to the brain) and who need a deap sleep. I have been sleeping for 2 days, without big attacks. The sleep has been so deap that also the beast “slept”. It is a proof that the neurologists in Italy are doing on us sufferers, and many people have been good results. The only problem is that when you wake up you are dazed... but better than 8 attacks a day... ;;D

I read the Opus’s post...  thank you very much to all for the messages, and vibes and prayers... and thanks to be here for me also!! ;;D

And a special hug to my officier clusterbuds... Opus, vig, MarkC and catlind (who hires me her back to cry, and more else... I love you :-*!!).

A thought to whom is suffering now,

LYG, Zaira


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by vig on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:10pm
We're here for you Zazi,
Please get well!

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Opus on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:15pm
 You are most welcome, Stay hard our Italian friend,
and PFDAN forever,


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Tiannia on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:25pm
I am glad that you are ok, but I am sorry that you went through that.  Stay strong sweetie, and I hope that the beast stays away for a long time.


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by suzy617 on Nov 19th, 2003, 5:16pm
Stay hard my little sister.   [smiley=hug.gif]


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Mark C on Nov 19th, 2003, 6:13pm

on 11/19/03 at 16:05:54, ZAIRA wrote:
A thought to whom is suffering now,

Amazing....what a Clusterbud.


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Jackie on Nov 19th, 2003, 6:58pm
Bless your heart, Zaira....
Sending positive thoughts, big vibes and prayers out for you, Sweetie.

Love & Hugs,
Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Giovanni on Nov 19th, 2003, 7:07pm
Hi Zazi,

So glad you're getting some relief and rest now.  Just know everybody in clusterville are thinking of you.


Your friend,


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Woobie on Nov 19th, 2003, 7:25pm
Oh Zaira ---   :-[

STAY HARD!!!!!!!!!!

tina   :-*

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Little Deb on Nov 19th, 2003, 9:12pm
Glad to see you back.
Wishing you well.
LD [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 19th, 2003, 9:17pm
Hi Zazi.....

Great to hear from you, sweetie!!

Enjoy the rest you are getting...........take care and know that you are in our hearts.           :-*

Sending pf vibes across the miles......


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by catlind on Nov 19th, 2003, 9:44pm
Lo Zazi, lei sono più di il benvenuto per il sostegno. Voi tutti daremo il sostegno lei ha bisogno di. Ciò che è il clusterbuds fa. Lei sono una donna molto forte, e lei
vincerà la lotta con la bestia, e saremo lí la destra accanto a lei ogni ed ogni volta lei combatte.

Ricordare i suoi amici sono sempre qui per lei.

Zazi, you are more than welcome for the support.
We will give you all the support you need.  That's what clusterbuds do.  You are a very strong woman, and you will win the fight with the beast, and we will be there right beside you each and every time you battle.

Remember your friends are always here for you.

Luv Cat

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by pubgirl on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:04pm

So glad you are back and still fighting.

This place needs you, one of the few people who WHATEVER is happening to her never has a bad word for anyone and always has the time to think of others.

Big Hug to you


(go on, admit it Zazi, you must have pulled the head off ONE doll when you were a kid  ;;D)

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:20pm
Hey Cat, did you do all that yourself??


Zazi, so glad you are back,
take care, stay hard,

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Mikey on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:26pm
I'm so glad that you finally are getting some help!!  You are a very special person, and very much so, needed that break!! I hope that the beast continues to give you a break ( at least, somewhat of one anyway).

Continue the fight Zazi like i know that you will!!

I'm still praying and sending all the vibes that you can handle!!!


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Charlie on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:27pm
Glad to see ya and that you're getting a little help.

We're here for you and rant away. It's our thing.


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by goaway on Nov 19th, 2003, 11:45pm
Atta girl!

Rest up now.  We'll still be here when you feel more like coming around.  Keep your chin up!

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:11am

Glad you are doing better.  We've been praying for you.

Your recent drawings did more I think to help my wife understand CH than all that I could tell her.  The emotion you were able to capture really told the tale.
God bless you.


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 20th, 2003, 1:00am
Zazi, my love, it is SO good to see you back!  Keep fighting, and don't let the bastard win!  You are so loved here, and we all feel so bad that you are having such a rought time!

I am so glad you got some rest, and the doctors are treating you so well.

Kick ASS, girl!


Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by totka on Nov 20th, 2003, 1:26am
Glad to meet you again Sleeping Beauty!

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 20th, 2003, 7:53am
Why so much suffering [smiley=huh.gif]... fuck you, Beast and God Bless you all to reinforce my spirit.

My English limits to a simple "thanks" but its value is more than a big speech.

Love you all, Zaira [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by thomas on Nov 20th, 2003, 8:42am
Hang tough, I can't wait untill you have pfnad. :)  My thoughts are with you.

Title: Re: Zaira Update
Post by Jewel on Nov 21st, 2003, 10:17am
Love you hon'....Stay strong!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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