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(Message started by: Ouch on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:04am)

Title: Im new......Hello  
Post by Ouch on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:04am
I just wanted to say hi. I have read alot of these post and I think this will be home.. I have had clusters for about 6 yrs. The Dr. called me a cronic. I have never met anyone with clusters, and its hard to explain to people what they are and what we go through.. I guess Im finally found a place where people understand...

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:13am
Hi.......and welcome to the board.

You will find several CH sufferers here from your part of the U.S.

You didn't mention what type of meds you take for CH.

Lots of good info located in the links to the left.  

The support here is the best in the world.  Usually someone here round the clock.

Keep posting and let us know more about you and let us know how you are doing.          :)


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by cootie on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:16am
Hi Ouch.......nice to meet you !! Hmmmm why does that name ring a bell ?  ;) Pam that wears ouchless pantyhose  ;;D

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Ouch on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:25am
Well like I said im new (2nd post) Ive had ch for a while.  But just got a computer last week. Im (now) on verap. 240 twice a day, methylprednisolone, and imitrex,and  di...something plex...  500mg. once a day. Dr. said lith was next. But he also advised me he wouldn't let anyone at my job find out about the lith. So im trying 2 hold off.  And hold on.  This is really the first time ive talked to someone with my condition. And ive got over 6 yrs of stories to tell.  

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Edna on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:37am
well start telling us your stories!!   We're here to listen.

Glad you found us and glad you took the time to tell us all hello.

Welcome and look forward to hearing more from you,

ps wishes,

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:50am
Welcome aboard.  Glad you found us.  Pull up a piece of floor and start reading.  There is a lot of info available to you, plus all of the support you can use if you will just ask.  

I'm also chronic.  I'm on 240mg of verap twice a day, plus I'm on 300mg of Lithium twice a day.  Between the two they have mine fairly well under control.  I wouldn't worry to much about people finding out about the Lithium.  It is used now days for a lot more than just mental problems.  


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 19th, 2003, 2:02am

on 11/19/03 at 00:25:23, Ouch wrote:
And ive got over 6 yrs of stories to tell.  

Wowsers. There's nothing like a good story....and I'm willing to pay DOUBLE. Spill your guts, mate. And make sure to tell us about your great successes with O2, 2.
Glad you found a parking place.

Tell them tales,

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:35am
Welcome to Clusterville Ouch. There's a bunch of us in your same shoes.  so tell your stories... we're here to listen and laugh or cry with you.

Read everything you can on what's worked for others and go to your doc armed. Lith ain't that bad. We all take something (or most of us do). I take topamax (an antiseizure drug), so whatever works - do it. I've been chronic for too long too...

Welcome and glad you found us.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by sandie99 on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:39am
Hi Ouch! :)

Welcome aboard!
When one has ch, this is the place to be. Always someone is here :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by hootchdom on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:49am
Welcome Ouch,

All I can say is when your at your lowest of lows or your highest of highs you've found the right place to be. Even thou you might not know the people they know what you have or are going thourgh. Just reading the forum at times has been a godsend for me. And every once in while just posting a rambling vent. But that is what this site is here for. So use it to your advantage.


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by don on Nov 19th, 2003, 6:37am

Im (now) on verap. 240 twice a day, methylprednisolone, and imitrex,and  di...something plex...  500mg. once a day. Dr. said lith was next.

Sounds like you have a knowledgable Doc there.

Seeing more and more of that. Still not enough but more.

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 19th, 2003, 7:45am
Welcome aboard, OUCH!  So sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us.

I agree with Don, you seem to have a very intelligent doctor!  You are SO lucky!

So now tell us more about your experience.  How many hits a day do you get?  How long do they last?  Describe how they hit you, and how they feel.  We are a bunch of nosey inquisitive individuals!

Now, grab an oar, (Cootie is in charge of those) and take your seat (Jonny will show you your seat) and help rowing!  It takes all of us to get this boat to our destination, Cureville!


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by TomM on Nov 19th, 2003, 8:16am
Welcome to da family!

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by thomas on Nov 19th, 2003, 8:29am
Welcome aboard.  :)

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Paigelle on Nov 19th, 2003, 8:36am
I am sorry you have to suffer also.  But if you have to suffer, this is a great bunch to suffer with.  It just helps knowing everyone is here and someone is always here.

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Mark C on Nov 19th, 2003, 9:26am

Have you seen this ( page? It is a good one.  Welcome aboard!


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by mikeyd on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:07am
Hiyas Ouch,
Welcome to the meeting of the bigheads...hehehe [smiley=laugh.gif] Really good info here and what a great bunch of people. Misery loves other words....glad to see [smiley=laugh.gif]
I sure hope you feel at home here, I do...the reading makes me feel better to know that there are others out there that know what I go through with these danged things. Just know that you are loved and supported whenever you need someone to understand.
PFD ahead and once again...welcome to the CH family!

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Miklos on Nov 19th, 2003, 10:18am
I went 19 years without meeting anyone else. This place is pretty cool and helpful. It's occasionally weird, but still cool.

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by totka on Nov 19th, 2003, 2:18pm
Welcome Ouch

Im finally found a place where people understand...
it's a happy feeling

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Ouch on Nov 19th, 2003, 3:34pm
WOW!  The response is overwelming.  Cluster Chuck you asked about the attacks.  Well from what I can tell its just like most peoples on this board.  I went a very long time before I went to a neuro. My family Dr. put me on antidepress. medication. I tried to explain that wasnt the problem.  So I went to another family Dr.  He put me on another antidepress. Untill finally I fell asleep in his office one day and woke up with an attack. You know.......temple throbing, pouring sweat, right eye swollen, gasping for air. They staff rushed in......took me to the back, I looked at the Dr. crying....I told him "see im not depressed I need some help" With a office full of people, he dropped what he was doing called a neurgst and got the ball finally rolling. My Dr. now has helped me greatly. But not cured me. I have been dealing with the fact that this is probably something I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. SUX. It has had a great effect with my day to day life. And at one time my emotional state. My wife is very supportive , but at the same time I try not to let it show, just so it won't upset her. I have a 2yr old that dosn't understand and doesnt want to see her dad hurt. My friends can't comprehend the pain, so I don't show it with them. Untill the time comes and it hits you..    

please excuse my spelling!

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Little Deb on Nov 19th, 2003, 3:55pm
Welcome dude!
Glad to see you are in NC.
I am in Raleigh and we are planning a get together at my house Jan. 31st. Put it on your calendar and hope you and your family can make it. I just met my first clusterheads after 25 years of CH a couple weekends ago and it was great.
I will add you to my list.
Little Deb ;;D ;;D ;;D

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:10pm

Oh....Nice to meet you!!! ;;D To know that you are there to fight the same battle as me/us, has changed my/our life. This doesn’t cancel the pain but reassures  ;;D the spirit.

Welcome home!! You are in the right place!!

PFDAN, Zaira  [smiley=bulb2.gif]

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Ouch on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:30pm
Little DEB Have you been a sufferer that long?  What exactly goes on at your house?  Im in Richmond Co.  Ever heard?

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by cathy on Nov 19th, 2003, 4:42pm
Hi Ouch....Welcome to the board...!!

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by thomas on Nov 19th, 2003, 5:41pm

Nobody does except us. ;)

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Jackie on Nov 19th, 2003, 6:06pm
Hi OUCH and welcome to the board.  This is a pretty good bunch around here....willing to help when they can and always ready to lend an ear....

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by Charlie on Nov 20th, 2003, 12:04am HAVE SIGN.png

Welcome and stick around you'll find some good ideas here and ways to cope with this horror.

This worked for me:

Good luck,


Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 20th, 2003, 2:52am
Ouch, I am like you, I also hide when I get hit.  I even felt funny when I got hit while meeting with other clusterheads, but they all knew, and were super about it.  Print out this link, and keep a copy with you, to give to those that you want to tell about it:

Rockingham is not too far from Raleigh.  I hope you can make it to Lil Deb's shindig.  We would like to meet you.  You have no idea how awesome it is to meet others that KNOW what you are going thru!  

It would also be good for your wife to meet and talk to other supporters.  They have it tough, too, and need someone to talk, vent or cry to.  You should get her to join here also.  There is a special section just for the supporters (even though a lot of us sufferers go there too).

And don't be afraid to meet with us.  Lil Deb has promised to put away her axe that she uses in her axe murderer activities.  (Oooopppsss!  I think I am going to get a nasty phone call from her now!)  haha!

Again, welcome aboard!

Title: Re: Im new......Hello  
Post by pubgirl on Nov 20th, 2003, 2:57am
Hello OUCH!

Adding my best wishes to you and your family too from over the pond.

Your brain must be working pretty well because your name on this site is about as appropriate as it could be! Can't believe no-one else had nabbed that name!

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