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(Message started by: Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 1:53pm)

Title: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 1:53pm
Eskimos 34   Alouettes22 bwaaaahahahaha! ;;D
Edmonton Eskimos 2003 Grey Cup Champions
Hey Margi.I think in your first post to me you said something about feeling sorry for our sports teams.Thanks again :-*

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 17th, 2003, 3:01pm
Not bad.  It only took you 18 hours to finally post about your victory.  (I've heard Edmontonians are slow that way)

Seriously though (and you have NO idea how much it pains me to do this).....Congratulations Edmonton!! You did deserve the win.  You outplayed them, plain and simple.  I s'pose we can let you have the cup every 10 years if we HAVE to.

Hey, Bryan Adams ROCKED, didn't you think???  Poor old Ryan Malcolm though - someone better teach him how to lip synch a lil better.   ::)  AND, he should sing the anthem in English first...but that's only this lowly westerner's point of view.  

Again, congrats, Mac.  Enjoy the victory.  (because it won't happen again for another 10 years, right?)

You going to the hockey game at Commonwealth this weekend?  Brrrr...

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by miCHel on Nov 17th, 2003, 3:58pm
Hey Mac!

Congratulations dude!  The Eskimos played great and the Alouettes played terribly.  You guys deserve it!

I had a bunch of friends at the house to watch the game (and not much beer when they left) and everyone agreed this game was yours... [smiley=bag.gif]

But then again, you guys have so many ex-Alouettes out there, no wonder you won this one ;)

I was at the Al's game at the Big 'O in Montreal last week and it was very tough against Toronto.  We are going to have to make some changes if we want to bring the Cup back!

Enjoy it while it lasts... ;)


Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 4:38pm
Ryan Malcolm's lip sync gaff was more obvious than Shania but can someone tell me why they didn't get Don Matthews a tissue?It was hard eatin' chili while "the Don"was  a drippin'[smiley=hurl.gif]
It was all pretty CFL.  ;;D

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 4:48pm
Margi, as to your question about going to the Heritage Classic I'm playing that night but I'll be able to watch a lot of it on the tube. They should have maybe made it Calgary stars against Edmonton stars but Calgary didn't have any :o what a burn  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 17th, 2003, 5:02pm
LOL Mac - yeah, we had to look away when they were interviewing the Snotmeister.  Ewwwww !!

And, might you be referring to the Calgary Shames, sir?  I'll have you know they're on a winning streak right now.  They're what, one in a row or something?  

Is it true that Guy Lafleur is going to be PLAYING? Global has an ad on right now and it sure looks like he's playing.....are we SURE he's not coaching?? The man has GOT to be hittin' sixty, doesn't he?  He's still pretty though.

Too bad The Whiner's gonna play though.  He'll probably run cryin to the ref before the second face off.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by miCHel on Nov 17th, 2003, 5:26pm
Hi Margi,

Yes! Guy "Flower" Lafleur will be playing and he's not that old (I think 52) and he is still in great shape.  I saw him playing last year and he still looks good on the ice.

This game played outside should be a blast.  It's funny because the trainer of the Mtl Canadiens has asked the Green Bay Packers a few tips on how to keep the players warm!  Hockey players are not used to the cold like some football players are!   That's strange...

Anyway, I hope we do something like this in Montreal soon.

And the beer should be cold in the stands ::)

miCHel, football and hockey fan

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 17th, 2003, 5:33pm

I shook Guy's hand here when the Flames first arrived from Atlanta and we were playing the Habs.  We were like the kids in those lifesavers commercials....waiting for the players to come out of the dressing rooms.  LOL  We didn't wait for our own team - we waited for Montreal!!

He has SUCH pretty brown eyes.... what a beautiful skater.  The man is poetry in motion.  OK, I'll shut up about him......*sigh*  one of the greats!!

Good to hear he's still playing!!  Might even be worth a 3 hour drive up to the frozen wasteland to the north of me.  I'd imagine tickets are pretty scarce though.

MiCHel, I'm betting there'll be brandy in those thermoses..... ;)

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 17th, 2003, 5:55pm
To All Calgarians (?)

Margi...   I think yer on yer own here.  ;)     Even when I lived in Calgary, I was still a Rider fan.   Born a Rider fan and I'll die a Rider fan!    

Fun to go to the games between the Stamps and either of the Esks or Riders.   More fans for the visitors than there is for the home team.

As for yesterdays game...     DAMN Riders shoulda been there  >:(  (if only they had shown up BEFORE the 4th quarter when it was too late)

And the Heritage Classic...   I have a few friends going up there for that.  They are from a Habs fan clubs from Saskatoon  (biggest Habs fan club outside of Quebec    [smiley=hurl.gif])

Yep...   "Old-Pros" probably don't remember the last time they played outdoors.   I'd love to be going even though I HATE both teams.   ;)

grant             8)
Canucks and Riders fan even after 15 yrs in Calgary

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 6:43pm
'And, might you be referring to the Calgary Shames, sir?  I'll have you know they're on a winning streak right now.  They're what, one in a row or something?'

Actually Margi I think the Flames just lost in overtime to...let's see..oh yeah the OIL.snicker    ::) as The Friendly Giant used to say"hey Rusty have you seen Jerome?" "Yeah Friendly, he's packin' his bags cause he's outta Cowtown - before the end of the season(that's my fearless prediction!)

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 17th, 2003, 8:20pm
The "OIL" indeed  ::)

And, uh, lissen up can diss the Shames all you want....(most Calgarians do too, now :()  but do not...I NOT take the name of Friendly in vain.

EsPECIALLY not Rusty!!!

(only a Canadian kid can hum that tune. ;))

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 17th, 2003, 8:22pm

on 11/17/03 at 20:20:44, Margi wrote:
(only a Canadian kid can hum that tune. ;))

awwww!    the memories!!!!!     :D

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by BobG on Nov 17th, 2003, 9:32pm
Wow  :o This is so cool.

One statement and 11 replys and I didn't understand one word of any of it.

I love it when that happens. Reminds me of when I got married.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 17th, 2003, 10:30pm
must be the language barrier, Bob       ::)

grant             ;;D

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 17th, 2003, 11:52pm

on 11/17/03 at 21:32:33, BobG wrote:
Wow  :o This is so cool.

One statement and 11 replys and I didn't understand one word of any of it.

I love it when that happens. Reminds me of when I got married.

this will probably really disturb you BobG

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by BobG on Nov 18th, 2003, 12:05am
Is that the musical clusterheads that Peppermint is looking for?

Disturbs Me? It scares the heck outa me.  [smiley=eek.gif]

I'm going under the bed now. Please let me know when it's gone. Please.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 18th, 2003, 2:49am
HEY, I grew up with that dude!!  I think I just had a flashback...

Mast, who doesn't live in Canada, but she's right on the border.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 18th, 2003, 5:01am

on 11/18/03 at 02:49:26, Mastifflvr28 wrote:
HEY, I grew up with that dude!!  I think I just had a flashback...

Mast, who doesn't live in Canada, but she's right on the border.

LMAO Michelle!!! [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 18th, 2003, 9:49am
Aw, THERE they are!!  Jerome!!  That old castle....  I always wondered how they got Rusty into that little bag.  And figured it MUST be a giant's castle, because Jerome never had to worry about hitting his head.  

And, Mast, that's ok - we've already adopted you to be an honorary Canadian.  :)


Thanks for the pic, Mac.  For an're ok.

Oh, and BobG....this is one of our favourite indoor sports (making all y'all go like this:

Title: [smiley=bash.gif]Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by miCHel on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:02am
Ahhhhh The Friendly Giant!

Bored the hell out of me even when I was a kid (I'd probably enjoy it more now  ;;D).

Has anyone ever heard the radio spoof of "The Unfriendly Giant".  At the end of every episode, Unfriendly would kill one of the othe other characters in the worst way possible.

Now that was funny...


PS  Margi, when you shook Guy Lafleur's hand, did you notice how huge they are?  Unbelievable!  They had a big story in the paper this morning about him.  The journalist said that at 52 (I was right for once), most twenty year old kids would be ashamed to compare themselves to him without a shirt on.  He's still in great shape.  

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:14am
Oh, absolutely, MiCHel!!  My hand just disappeared in his.  

Same with Bobby Orr - we met him out in Kelowna (yes, he was drinking Kokanee!! It's the beer out here! :)) and the man's forearm was bigger than my leg!  

And, MiCHel - you DO know Friendly's watching from his castle in the sky now, don't you?  psssst.....buddy......he's a GIANT!!!   :o  he could squash you like a bug for saying that.  I will admit that that lil Rusty dude was a little creepy but Jerome was sweet enough for the both of them.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:30am

on 11/18/03 at 10:14:41, Margi wrote:
I will admit that that lil Rusty dude was a little creepy...

LMAO!!!    Wouldn't you be if you spent your whole life in a bag?   ;)

non-practicing Rastafari,
grant          8)

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:46am
What the heck WAS Rusty, anyway?  Was he a chicken?

Wait.  Chicken in a Bag.  See?  Friendly beat Colonel Sanders to the punch!!  LOL

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:51am

on 11/18/03 at 10:46:53, Margi wrote:
What the heck WAS Rusty, anyway?

Rusty the rooster   (if memory serves me ;) )

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 18th, 2003, 11:00am
oh.  duh.  Yeah, that makes sense, Grant.  Thanks :)

Pretty scrawny little rooster.  I wonder how many Canadians have deep-seated Rusty phobias from their childhoods.  His mouth didn't MOVE, man.  He WAS creepy.  And that squeaky voice of his.  Like fingernails on the blackboard.

Maybe he was the forerunner to Barney.....

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 18th, 2003, 11:20am
Here are some interesting tidbits about the show. Jerome [smiley=mellow.gif]was a stoner [smiley=slowlaugh.gif].He was always high - he is a giraffe after all. I think The Friendly Giant wore leotards and that's why he was so "friendly". His close friends called him "The". A few years after the show went off the air Rusty came out of the bag and declared that he was gay. He and his partner Casey of  Mr. Dress Up fame live in Vancouver.

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Margi on Nov 18th, 2003, 11:34am
well, thanks Mac - that does explain a lot.  No WONDER Jerome was always so mellow.  ;)

Casey and Rusty, huh?  I hope they didn't corrupt poor Finnegan in the process....

I bet Mr. Dressup taught Casey everything he knows (if you know what I mean *nudge, nudge, give us a wink, then*)   I think there was probably porn in that tickle trunk.  

Yeah, Jerome and Finnegan were cool though.  Finnegan was a little dopey but, that was his charm.

And then there was Miss Ann and her kick ass mirror - you know, the one where she could see ME and all the other good lil doobees.  

Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 18th, 2003, 10:39pm

My whole childhood is flashing before my eyes and you guys have now CORRUPTED IT!!!

Ya gonna start on Sesame Street now??  HUH?


Title: Re: To all Calgarians!
Post by Mac on Nov 19th, 2003, 12:11pm
Don't get me started on Bert and Ernie  [smiley=gossip.gif] Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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