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(Message started by: Unsolved on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:08pm)

Title: How far have you gone ?
Post by Unsolved on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:08pm
Hold on now ... this topic is not what you think !  [smiley=laugh.gif]

CH sufferers will do just about anything to help stop the headaches. I was just wondering what the farthest distance you have traveled is to seek medical help. (Doctor appt.'s, hospitalization, treatment, drugs)

I have 2 neuro's at the moment. One is about 5 miles away and the other is about 400 miles away. I'm traveling 400 miles (one way) to a doctors appointment in the morning. Sounds crazy, huh !?

Unsolved (

Title: Going, going, gone......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:15pm
I have traveled as far as 7 miles to get to the Neuro......the pharmacy is 1.6 miles away. Thankfully, treatment protocols have been at MY discretion, and they worked, too. I like this place.

MapQuest Not Needed,

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by Woobie on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:15pm
hi michael!!!!!!

not crazy at all - if you get some relief that you deserve!!!

Hope you get it!!

Tina :-*

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by Unsolved on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:30pm
Damn Mr. you were responding...I was looking at Mapquest  ;;D

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by Prense on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:51pm
240 miles 1 way...every 6 weeks at least.

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by Little Deb on Nov 16th, 2003, 8:31pm
I drive 3 1/2 hours to get my hair cut.
But I have yet to find a doctor that is worth the drive.
Hhmmmm. :-/


Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 16th, 2003, 8:46pm

...and the International Category: a "contendah">>

...90 kilometers (about 55 miles) in a broken-down Toyota pick-up to a hospital... where there was no Oxygen and One  count'em (1) syringe of morphine (i passed: the Peruvian guy on the gurney next to me had compound fractures to both legs and was makin' a lotta noise)

... followed by 12 hours of pacing up and down a filthy hall (I estimate at least another 2-3 kilometers)... but the MOFO kept coming back about every hour and a half so walking was better than HURTING somebody....

...then a *MANDATORY* flight to Lima (500 air miles) to be checked out by a COMPANY doctor.... he gave me a script for Valium...  [smiley=mellow.gif]  ... 30-50mg will sorta fuck-you-UP... and you'll agree to most ANYthing...

...then another flight to the US.... mebbe 8,500 miles?... to a clinic in Denver... they were thinkin' DETOX: I was agreein'... but it had quit hurtin' by then.... and they DID have OXYGEN in a mask that hadn't been used by (tubercular/terminal/yeeech) other patients....

[FIRST liar ain't gotta CHANCE.....}


Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by cootie on Nov 16th, 2003, 10:27pm
Brad travel'd "mentally" over a year solid with no help on his own......does that count ??? Pam that's not always on track

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by totka on Nov 16th, 2003, 10:52pm
[smiley=JAW_DROP.gif] Wow Unsolved! Hungary is only 350 miles long!

Title: Re: How far have you gone ?
Post by sandie99 on Nov 17th, 2003, 6:25am
Well, aguess you could say that I did travel from Finland to UK... :)

Okay, I study in London anyway. But now I've been treated for CH in here as well. And I must say, that my GP here seems to take me more seriously than the neurologist did in Finland!

And what's even better, she gave me this nice painkiller called maxalt (rizatriptan) 10 mg wafels, which actually take the ch pain away! ;;D

Best wishes & PFdays,
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