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(Message started by: HannahFroukje on Nov 16th, 2003, 6:17am)

Title: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 16th, 2003, 6:17am
Hi all,

Well, I'm working on this questionnaire that I brought up in one of my first posts on this site. This was about if there were any CH-sufferers willing to fill out a questionnaire that would be used to gather info to be able (in the future) to treat Cluster headache patients BETTER with homeopathy and herbs.

This questionnaire is going to be in English. Usually that would not be a problem, BUT I don't know the English names to some things, like to: common children's diseases and vaccines you would usually get as a child. I know the Dutch terms ...

So perhaps there are one or two mums who have just been through this and who would be so kind to email me on:

and tell me the names of vaccines you get as a child in America and Great Brittain, and the English names to  the common children diseases with a brief explanation, so that I can figure out what this would be in Dutch?

Thanks in advance, it would be most helpfull!

PS and "no" I am not saying cluster headache is related to vaccines or childrens diseases, this info is solely meant to be able to distinguish homeopathic pictures and finding remedies that can help on CH.

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by floridian on Nov 16th, 2003, 7:52am
Check out this link from the US Centers for Disease control.  This is the current official information on childhood vaccinations here.  It includes a brief description of the disease, etc

Many of these were not available a few years ago - I did not get the vaccines for hepatitis B or chicken pox, but those are commonly provided for children today (not all are mandatory, I believe, but are available and promoted).  The schools usually require a doctor's statement that the mandatory vaccines have been given to the student.  

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by pubgirl on Nov 16th, 2003, 8:59am

Great Britain is pretty much the same as the USA in terms of the vaccines recommended and the common illnesses. Floridian's link is excellent and has most of what you need on it I think.

The big difference here is that parents have a little more freedom to choose whether to immunise or not. Schools do not ordinarily require proof of vaccination and in fact, large numbers of parents are not giving their children the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella/German Measles ) vaccine owing to some major scares about the risks associated with it.
(Don't get me started on that one, I could write a book as I have  4 year old boy and have just been through all this)

Many parents who follow a homeopathic lifestyle here don't immunise at all, they use a homeopathic method but I've forgotten what it is called.

Hope this helps. Message me if you want to ask anything.


Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by Unsolved on Nov 16th, 2003, 12:18pm
Why would anyone 'choose' NOT to immunize their child ?


Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by pubgirl on Nov 16th, 2003, 12:48pm

Many parents believe the vaccines carry more health risks for the child than the disease itself.
It's too long to write about here but if you are interested go to the links section of and that will give you loads of links to the vaccination websites in the USA and rest of the world. Some are really rabid, some are quite sensible.


Can I stress I wasn't advocating not immunising, just letting Hannah know what the situation is here in the UK

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 16th, 2003, 3:13pm

on 11/16/03 at 12:48:22, pubgirl wrote:
Can I stress I wasn't advocating not immunising, just letting Hannah know what the situation is here in the UK

And thanks for that  ;;D.
I don't have the intention to start a big discussion about vaccinating or not. There's stuff to say in favour and against it ....... I just wanted to know the "routine vaccines" in different countries that's all.

So thanks

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by Unsolved on Nov 16th, 2003, 5:19pm
ah ha ! This must explain why I got the flu after I got the flu shot !!


PS. As you already know, kids in the US are required to get certain vaccinations. I have to make sure my kid gets another shot before he can enter the 6th grade. (They won't let me register him without proof of the vaccination)

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by Charlie on Nov 17th, 2003, 5:46pm
I'm late with my reply but here you go:

So far as I know or remember it's very difficult to enter elementary school without proof of basic immunizations. I'm not a parent but I suppose some are voluntary but always a good idea. I suppose one can get exceptions ala strange religions nad the like but it wouldn't be easy.

One cannot get flu from the vaccine. Never. It's dead. Those who think it's caused by them, were already exposed or contracted a different strain.

Hmeopathy and herbal treatments have little if any effect on diseases, and it's doubtful CH would be an exception. It would be great though.

I hope we've been some help for you and good luck


Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by pubgirl on Nov 17th, 2003, 6:10pm
Weird post here, but you already know I'm weird.
This is a small, slightly relevant warning

Any new dads and mums out there? The medical profession have a nasty habit of forgetting to tell you that when they give your baby the Polio syrup/vaccine that the little darling excretes live Polio for a few days afterwards.
So make sure your immunisations are up to date BEFORE the baby is done and DON'T take it swimming in the local pool!


Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 18th, 2003, 7:30am

on 11/17/03 at 17:46:03, Charlie wrote:
Hmeopathy and herbal treatments have little if any effect on diseases, and it's doubtful CH would be an exception. It would be great though.

Yes, thanks all for the info.

Well, let me help you out with your doubts on this last subject  :D. I surely don't agree (you might have guessed) since we've seen just yesterday evening another example of (this time) a combo of orthomoleculars (Mg) and homeopathics, that has worked on Jos, who 's in his cluster now. He is a regular, that is 1 attack each 3 hours, and a straight 9 or 10 on the scale.

Yesterday gave him the Mg, first it got worse, gave him homeopathics add-on too, to regulate the Mg intake, he falls asleep after his attack, and is sound asleep for more then 10 hours, and untill now the attacks stayed away. So from that moment on he missed out on at least 4, perhaps 5 appointments with the beast.

Now a 100% sceptic would still say, oh yeah but perhaps this would have happened anyway. Then I would say: well yeah, when I had gotten new med's from the doc, and gave him a regular pill, everybody would have gone like  [smiley=biggrin.gif]  [smiley=biggrin.gif] [smiley=biggrin.gif] this is a super drug!

Problem with homeopathics so far is, the attacks ALWAYS return after 1 or more days. It's not so that ALL remedies work, placebo's didn't work (I tried, they're cheaper!), only well-selected remedies work.

I'm trying to figure out how to make the effect last.

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by Paigelle on Nov 18th, 2003, 7:43am
The only problem I have had with the vaccines for children is the chicken pox vaccine.  I have a 3 yr old and they gave him the chicken pox vaccine, then the Dr was kind enough to let know it wasn't 100%,  it wasn't even 75% effective.  Of course it would shorten the pox and it would be a milder case.  Still made me angry that I wasn't given all of the information until after the fact.  

Anyway, please tell me what you are doing homeopathically.  I was brought up pretty much that way.  My grandparents are farmers and my grandfather had some firm believes in how to treat most illnesses.  I still use ginseng for sinus problems and coughs.  I also use sugar for earaches.

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by floridian on Nov 18th, 2003, 8:25am
I'm big on immunizations - the benefit/cost ratio is very high. Immunizations, clean water and antibiotics are the biggest factors in improving lifespan.  High tech medicine is important for some people, but look at the numbers, and the biggest gains for society come from these 3.

Some vaccines are better tested than others - veterinary vaccines don't get nearly as much testing. Took my dog in a few months ago, and the megachain vet office asked if I wanted this vaccine and that. I figured, what the heck, lets load up on protection.  The dog had an allergic reaction, his faced swelled up, and it was a trip to the emergency room.  Turns out that lyme disease and some of the other shots that were administered are very rare in dogs around here, and the value of that shot would be low even without side effects.  Not going back to that vet.

Also, have talked to doctors in the Navy, and there is a real concern about the anthrax vaccine causing side effects. From a risk management standpoint, it may make sense to protect the troops, but there may be a cost to that protection.  The swine flu vaccine a few decades ago was not tested enough, and there were real problems with that.

So more vaccines are not always better, but I think the standard childhood vaccines do lots of good with relatively few side effects.  Then there's the freedom issue - should government force people to take a particular medical treatment, or wear seat belts?  That's another ball of wax entirely.

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 18th, 2003, 8:28am
I would love to share info on homeopathics , but I don't think that would be a good idea, because if you try a remedy that does NOT fit, you would probably make it worse.

If you can get your hands on a homeopathic book and have a little understanding of it, or you know someone that does, read the sections about minerals, and sort out which one suits you best! My experience is that mineral homeopathics sometimes give a day or two days of rest. Well at least in our case  :-/. But you always have to figure out which remedy suits you best. That's why I will never give examples of remedies I used on Jos, remedies that worked for him, could make things worse for somebody else! It's too personal, I'm right on top of it and watching him from hour to hour, if the picture changes I see it immediately and can respond to it by giving him something else. Or if something goes wrong, I bring in an antidote.

If you want to email me about it, my address is



PS Ginseng and sugar have nothing to do with homeopathic drugs, but I'm sure you know that, just for the record  :D

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by Paigelle on Nov 18th, 2003, 8:37am

I have came to the conclusion that most of the "old fashioned" remedies are best anymore.  It is so strange that no one wants to go back to what worked for people for years and years ago.  Do you know what I mean?  I am always willing to try something natural before I try something consisting of chemicals.

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by HannahFroukje on Nov 18th, 2003, 8:47am
Personally I always find it a bit strange that people are shaking their heads hearing that Jos usually uses 6 or 7 Imitrex injections a day, and tell me "oh but he shouldn't" ... and when I tell about how homeopathics work and that attacks ACTUALLY can stop ... temporarily yes, but nevertheless  [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] ... then they shake their heads again and say "oh ... well .. now that can't be possible".

Well, darned! I'm watching this whole ordeal closely and I learnt how to count at school. And if a person has 8 attacks for days in a row, and you throw in something homeopathic and it goes down to nill, my common sense tells me that is 8 less then normal, believe it or not.

Anyway, I'm not in for a big discussion on homeopathics, if someone is interested, feel free to email. I'm also trying to find people who want to help me by filling out a big questionnaire, perhaps I can solve this problem and find some homeopathic cure that works longer than 2 days.

My time's up, I have to get back to my books, because he just had his first attack again .... SIGH ...... well, it got us of the hook for ... ehm ... let me see .... 16 hours, not bad eh?

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by thomas on Nov 18th, 2003, 5:15pm
If homeopathy works - use it.  If abortives work use it.  The one constant with this condition is that nothing works the same for everybody.  All of us have gone through years of trial and error - just to find something that helps.  Nothing so far has cured - that's why we are all still here.  I will never bash someone on their choice of meds - unless they're a junky looking for pain killers.  Then they can get lost.  What I'm trying to say is Everyone should have an open mind as to how others medicate/treat their on chs. :)

Title: Re: Please help out with a bit of info
Post by thomas on Nov 18th, 2003, 5:21pm
Oh yeah and Jos is damn lucky to have someone like Hannah to be there and help him. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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