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(Message started by: tsayswhy on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:35am)

Title: shadow's
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:35am
This is for the one that get shadow's before or after cycle.

I am having troble understand just what they are and what happen's when you get them if someone could give me some info on this please.

                Thanks  :)

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Unsolved on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:40am
"Shadow's" are still clusters that are just not full-blown. Less than a 5 on the KIP scale I would think. I used to get these at the end of my cycles (Chronic now though) and I knew the cycle was ending soon.

Hope maybe that helped a little

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:03am
A shadow also can be described as the feeling of dread when you know a HA is coming on, but is not full blown yet.  It is to me often almost as though the beast is just around the corner where I can't see him, but he has just enough of a claw in my eye that I know he is there.  It is almost as if he is tormenting me, telling me what he is going to do to me when he gets ready.  Not a very scientific answer, but the best I can do.

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by goaway on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:36am
For me the shadow is "that dull familiar ache" which either follows an HA or warns of one coming.

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Prense on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:49am
Although I am chronic, I do get shadows at various times...

Shadows are exactly like a CH attack, but they stop short on the KIP scale...  For me, if it doesn't escalate above a 4ish KIP in about 30 minutes, it wont.  My shadows can last for hours.  They abort in the same manner as an attack, but if I ride it out too long, they can be hard to get rid of fully.  One other thing I have noticed...I can have attacks that can go up and down the scale like a roller coaster over the span of a couple of hours.  For me, shadows get to a certain pain level and stay there pretty much until I intervene or until they go away on their own.

Of course, I don't get cycles, but this is how I describe a shadow...


Title: The Shadow Knows.......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:19pm

on 11/15/03 at 01:35:38, tsayswhy wrote:
I am having troble understand just what they are and what happen's when you get them

Ask 5 clusterheads what shadows are, and you'll get 6 different answers...........because at least one SOB is going to lie and vote twice.
Me......I put everything into the "shadow basket" that is even Faintly related to CH, other than a CH itself.  They're particularly interesting during the months after a cycle.........just enough of a residual Hint to keep living that "Totally Justifiable Paranoia" lifestyle.

Twice voted SOB,

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Cerberus on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:42pm
What Mr. Happy said..........

 just enough to keep you guessing.


Title: Re: shadow's
Post by don on Nov 15th, 2003, 4:27pm
Shadows are sort of "phantom" headaches we get, usually as a warning that an attack is on it's way.

(From one on the first pages of this site)

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by 5-string on Nov 15th, 2003, 8:21pm
I also agree with Mr.Happy.
My cycle ended 2 months ago,but did it??? it's driving me crazy.
Does a cycle really end if shadows keep apearing?
I'll be fine for a week or so then I get a shadow. I'm feeling one right now. All the symptoms of an attack but just mild enough to be more annoying than painful(if that makes any sense).
I feel pressure behind my left eye and nostril and at the base of my neck. It's bothering me enough to stay put and not do anything physical but I'm not anywhere near a pacing stage.
Man, what a pain in the ass these thing are huh?
I hope this helps you some.

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Little Deb on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:17pm
Torment. Just a brush of the beasts fingertips gently at the base of my head on the left, then he lightly sticks his little finger into my skin, barely breaking the flesh. I can feel the warmth of his hand, getting hotter, and hotter. I start to breathe faster with anticipation, and panic begins to set in.  I am afraid to move, to breathe, to blink.  I pray that he will just let go and have pity on me.  I wait in a special kind of agony, being somehow thankful that it is still "just a shadow".  There is still hope that I can fight it.  My left nostril starts to close, and his finger starts to crawl behind my eye. I can feel him softly massaging the back of my eyeball from inside my skull.  He teases me, with an evil grin on his wicked face.  "Not now.", he says, and like a gust of wind, the heat is gone, and I can breathe again, until next time...


Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:52pm

on 11/15/03 at 22:17:36, Little Deb wrote:
Torment. Just a brush of the beasts fingertips........... gently at the base of my head on the left........ then he lightly sticks his little finger into my skin............... barely breaking the flesh............ I can feel the warmth of his hand, getting hotter, and hotter............. I start to breathe faster with anticipation, and panic begins to set in..............  I am afraid to move, to breathe, to blink...........  I pray that he will just let go and have pity on me................  I wait in a special kind of agony, being somehow thankful that it is still "just a shadow".........  There is still hope that I can fight it.............  My left nostril starts to close, and his finger starts to crawl behind my eye.................. I can feel him softly massaging the back of my eyeball from inside my skull............. He teases me, with an evil grin on his wicked face.............  "Not now.", he says, and like a gust of wind, the heat is gone, and I can breathe again, until next time...............

Holy steamish! I musta _Spunked_ 9 times reading this one. Your writing talents are misplaced. Pass the hankies. We're talking retailable historical personal medical smut Gods.

........He said, with a queer gleam in his eye, as the water lapped at his thighs,

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 15th, 2003, 11:27pm
After many years of suffering these things, ya just kinda know whenever one is coming. I get this feeling in the side of my head that feels like my veins are twitching. I call that 1 version of a shadow. The other version is when i actually have a CH that registers on the Kip scale but is more of a Dull headache than a sharp CH! I'd say a Kip3 or less.

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: shadow's
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 16th, 2003, 12:36am

my doctor told me that's what was happening to me after i finish my cycle in sept. but i was not sure what they were. i was having a dull pain same side as the cluster's and every once in awhile it would be strong enough to make me take imitrex but for the most part it was a dull pain. thanks now i know Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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