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(Message started by: Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:07am)

Title: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH related
Post by Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:07am
Can anyone give a little advice on having a safe fire?? Yeah, this may sound so stupid but I really need advice, please :-/ Ok, I've lived in Central Florida many years..never had a fireplace..never had one growing up either in Connecticut (needed one!) and now after 3 years break in the Virginia mountains (needed one then too) I am in Northern Florida. Well, it gets colder here so the fireplace will come in handy. Tonight it was cold for lit it up for the first time (renting 10yr old home) and man the fire got REAL hot and it seemed to smell a bit too smokey in the house. Could it be the wood? (My husband just picked up these logs from God only knows where) or should I have let one log almost burn out before putting two more on?? OR is it something else? It's our first time lighting a fireplace (and hubby fell asleep) so, it just doesn't seem like it should smell so smokey and it was REAL hot! So, what did I do wrong? Man, I thought a nice fire would be easy enough! Maybe I should buy special logs from the store?? HELP!

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by BobG on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:21am
Did you adjust the flu damper to get the correct draft?

It also gets cold here. You can try what we do...........

set the thermostat higher.

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:24am
LOL..yeah we turned the heat on for the first time last night..but the fire is for atmosphere! We opened the flu all the way up! Is that not right?? How would you know if it's right?

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:25am
Most likely the flue was open, or the smoke would have driven you out of the house, so you were good there.  Anytime you have a fire, you will get some smoke or burning wood smell in the house (part of the charm of them).  Depending on the design of the fireplace, you may have a slight problem with the draft.  Some fireplaces need to have the fire at the very back of the fireplace.  With a good draft, you don't have to worry, but you don't know how well it is built.  The longer the fire burns, the better the draft.  

The type of wood that you burn is important.  Do not burn any type of pine wood.  The pine has a lot of pitch in it, and that will collect in the chimney and eventually cause a chimney fire.  You can use pine (scrap 2X4's or such, but NEVER use pressure treated wood) in order to start the fire.  Once your fire is started, use hard woods.  They burn longer, and cleaner.  If you can get apple wood, you will have a marvelous fire that smells super!  Oak, maple, and elm are good woods to burn.

If you let the fire get down to just one log that is bairly burning, you get almost no heat, as a mater of fact, there are those that feel that causes you to loose heat, as it is taking too much from the room, than what it is generating, and all that heat goes up the chimney.  Keep a few pieces going, and make sure you keep it to the rear to make sure the smoke does not get into the room.  Sometimes, people will even crack a window to let fresh air into the room and to improve the draft.

I hope this helps, and you get to enjoy the heat and beauty of your fireplace.


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:29am
Two suggestions.  As Bob asked, check the damper in the chimney to be sure it is open enough for the smoke to go out.  Also make sure there is nothing in the chimney that would block the smoke, such as bird nests or animal nests.

The second is a little more complicated, and you will need someone a little more knowledgeable.  Be sure your chimney is high enough to provide a good draft.  A lot of times builders will not put the chimney high enough to clear the ridge line of the house and the chimney will not get enough air movement over it to draw the smoke out.

It doesn't make a lot of difference what kind of wood you use as long as it is dry.  Wet or green wood will tend to smoke more than dry, cured wood.  You will have to experiment with how much wood to put on the fire to determine how much is to much.  That is totally trial and error.

Enjoy!  I have not had a fireplace since I moved back up north, and I miss it!


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:37am
Thank you guys for the help! I really do appreciate it. I sure hope there wasn't a nest or animal in my chimney! YUK! I think it would be dead by now though. I would like to enjoy the fireplace but don't want to burn the house down! So, thank you and we'll experiment a bit to see if we can get it figured out.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Thanks again!!!

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Annette_Emond on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:19am

It's our first time lighting a fireplace (and hubby fell asleep)

My concern here is possible carbon monoxide!  Please have someone who is knowledgeable check out your fireplace before using it again!

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:47am

on 11/15/03 at 01:07:04, Lori wrote:
... I am in Northern Florida. Well, it gets colder here so the fireplace will come in handy...

on 11/15/03 at 01:21:40, BobG wrote:
It also gets cold here.
  (Las Vegas)

geeze  ---  you people crack me up!!!!!      [smiley=crackup.gif]

on 11/15/03 at 01:07:04, Lori wrote:
...It's our first time lighting a fireplace (and hubby fell asleep)...

Seriously, Annette is right.  It might just be a coincidence, but you should really check it out.

just basking in a balmy 16F this morning,
grant                       8)

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by kim on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:46am
Hey Lori,
Have ya ever had the chimney swept?  It's a good idea to call the chimney people and have em check out the fireplace.  We do it every couple of years - just had ours swept out - it costs $45.00.

After chimney is cleaned and checked out, make sure good quality seasoned wood.


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by FrankF on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:51am

on 11/15/03 at 01:21:40, BobG wrote:
Did you adjust the flu damper to get the correct draft?

It also gets cold here. You can try what we do...........

set the thermostat higher.

South Los Angeles on Thursday...

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 15th, 2003, 10:55am

on 11/15/03 at 10:51:26, FrankF wrote:
South Los Angeles on Thursday...

no shit!!!!    waaaaay to funny!      ;;D

Title: To burn or not to burn.......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:52pm

on 11/15/03 at 01:37:40, Lori wrote:
I would like to enjoy the fireplace

Enjoyment is about all a fireplace is good for.  Fireplaces in REALLY suck......lots of air out of the room and up the chimney.
Put a set of glass doors on the roach. You'll get full visual effect, won't have to fool around w/opening - closing the damned damper, no worries about rampant sparks flying out onto the rugs, little or no smoke kick back, and you won't have cold downdrafts the next morning after the fire burns out.
Always remember that a clean chimney is a happy chimney.

Fire in the hole,

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Margi on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:42pm
Word of warning to clusterheads - yes this CAN be CH related!!

When a fire is starting, it does tend to suck oxygen out of the room.  This can be a trigger situation for clusterheads.  Mike's had more than a few attacks start this way, when we've lit a fire in the fireplace.  ALWAYS open a window or a door in the early stages of a fire.

Just food for thought and a reminder at this time of year.

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Cerberus on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:49pm
The L.A. Pic has gotta be a'll be 78 by the end of the weekend. I STILL think it was a cocaine dealers misfortune to let all that product go to waste. ;;D (costly no doubt)

Cold in Florida and Vegas LMMFAOROTF!!!!!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

When the temps drop below 0 with a 25 MPH wind then talk to me about cold.......even better yet ask a Canadian what COLD is.


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by don on Nov 15th, 2003, 4:21pm
Remove dead raccoons from flu.

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by kim on Nov 15th, 2003, 5:26pm
Hey.....who ARE the chimney people anyway :D  Weird job when ya tink about it ;;D  

Who was the first "chimney guy"? [smiley=huh.gif]  

Mary Poppins

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 15th, 2003, 5:37pm

on 11/15/03 at 17:26:44, kim wrote:
Who was the first "chimney guy"? [smiley=huh.gif]

ummmmm.....    Santa Claus?

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Charlie on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:15pm
Hard to add to this.

Hap is right. Fireplaces can be a pain in the ass. They keep you on your toes all damn day.

Dampers and screens are big things and don't use fire starter stuff.

Charlie smiley.gif

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by BobG on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:33pm

Hey Frank,

Nice pix

Marshmellow factory explode?

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Little Deb on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:33pm
Wow Chuck,
you covered it all! Did you teach a class in boyscouts or WHAT!!!

I will add that I heard....the logs you buy at the store, like Duraflames, are bad for the chimney, they clog them.
They are romantic though! :-*

I have a propane fireplace. No logs, no sparks, no smoke, and a ton of heat!  And pretty.
And a nice $200.00 bill in the winter! :'( :'(  per month.

Buy a CO2 detector.

And some marshmellows.  We'll be over....


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:40pm
Yeah Ramon, I KNOW it's not cold like in the North Pole or anything..believe me I like my cold compared to yours.  :D

Charlie..cute chimney.

Thanks again everyone for the help. It's warm again, so no fire tonight!

Have a great weekend

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 15th, 2003, 8:20pm
MMMMMMMMMMM Most fireplaces in homes fifteen years or younger are better suited for gas logs. Most are too small to deal with a real fire. Anything less than 24" deep, 24" high and 30" wide is a ?. MMMMMMMMMM happy is right, you recieve zero heat from most of em cause most of it goe's up in smoke.

Lee ;)

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Opus on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:01pm
 As other have said fireplaces and all wood burning devices use a lot of air. Try this start the fire and let it get hot, then open a window near the fireplace a crack, if you can feel the air rush in or even whistle then you have found your problem. Most houses that have been tightened up will not have enough air leakage to keep them going. The solution to the problem is to provide a air source from out side that can be opened while using the fire place.


Title: OLD wood heat...
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:19pm

on 11/15/03 at 21:01:13, Opus wrote:
The solution to the problem is to provide a air source from out side that can be opened while using the fire place.

Down to the heart of the matter, at last. Any true fireplace is spacious,  plenty of chimney draft.....and a "Back Door" outside outlet that intakes air from the back....not the front (ie: yer house).  True art.
Heatilators are a whole nuther venture in the true fireplace. The air cavities created that run from the floor to 4-X feet high........built into the brick/stone, etc......that heat as the fireplace burns........suck in cold room air from the floor, and convect it back out higher up. Dang near makes a fireplace worth while.

Haven't seen one in 30 years,

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Lori on Nov 15th, 2003, 11:27pm
Man! I'm impressed! See, this is why I asked you all this question! I knew I would get help. You all sure know a ton about fireplaces.  ;)

Deb..I am going to get a co2 detector because we also have a gas furnace. We have always had all electric in the past, so this is a little new to us. I hate gas! Always afraid the house could blow up.

Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by Charlie on Nov 16th, 2003, 12:46am
Not to worry. I've lived with gas furnaces since 1951 and look what it's done for me......clusters, epilepsy and a slowly deteriorating brain. Can't beat it.  ::)

Don't worry, gas is one of the best....really. Too expensive for us but safe.


Title: Re: New Fireplace too smokey in house..NOT CH rela
Post by jonny on Nov 16th, 2003, 12:49am
LMMFAO Charlie......LOL ;;D

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