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(Message started by: Peppermint on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:23pm)

Title: Size matters
Post by Peppermint on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:23pm
Now that I got your attention ;;D.....

It seems that every day is a learning experience and this is no exception.  

I'm trying to kick somebody's butt into keeping 02 handy when needed... but I do not see the info I need on the 02 link to the left, and I have tried looking on the net, but its hard to tell....that kinda makes the butt-kicking ineffective.  

What are the different size tanks, the best being a portable one that can be kept at work?  Gee, thought I had all the info I needed - I know an E tank is small, but how small?  Is a concentrator worth it, is it too noisy (that's what I hear).  Size does matter when you need to keep an 02 tank at work, and trying to be as discreet as possible.  

Anyway, may I pleeeease hear from all you 02 gurus out in the audience?  School me, I'm beggin' ya. ;;D , and help me kick some butt while yer at it.

Title: Re: Size matters
Post by jonny on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:27pm
From what ive read a concentrator aint worth it if you can get tanks.

I have a 60 CI tank at home that I can carry around the house if I have too, an E tank is best for the car in my opinion.


Title: Re: Size matters
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 14th, 2003, 5:15pm

Is a concentrator worth it, is it too noisy (that's what I hear).

Yes, no.

If I get on em fast a 5lpm concentrater gets rid of a lot of em, if not I resort to Imetrex Inj. The sound they make is like white noise, sort of like a cat purring. Puts me right to sleep.

Lee  ;)

Title: Re: Size matters
Post by Cerberus on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:50pm

 My O2 system is an E tank. it is small but it holds enough for me to use it three or four times, I suppose if you are chronic that wouldn't be near enough, but, I get as many bottles as I want/need so I'm all good

E tank (34L or about 2000psi)
H tank ( the big ones like are used for Co2 or helium)

Thats all I got,

Title: Re: Size matters
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:51pm
...just a copy/paste job from the o2 button..... y'all can READ, rite?....(some shit I wrote one day: TWYN,LTR)

there's some other stuff under that button....but it's maybe/probably just been written by a buncha whinin'  HEADachers....

*****Reprinted from the message board*****

Re: The price of oxygen (please help)
« Reply #2 on: Nov 29th, 2002, 9:33am
hey Mel.....good to see you're looking into o2's hard to answer your question, because use is variable. Most people need 10-12-15 liters per minute to be effective and the oxygen concentrators can't go over 8LPM...and that's at about 95% o2....the tanks deliver 100% and come in all sizes from "M" at 6 cu.ft. which is the kind you can carry around ...through
-"C" @ 8.7 cu.ft.--
-"R" @ 20 cu.ft.--
-"D" @ 18 cu.ft.--
-"E" @ 22.5 cu.ft.-- (the type most people have and is 30" tall x 4" Diam. --weighs about 10 lbs. (this one is good for about 4 headaches @ 10-12LPM x 12-15 minutes)
-"Q" @ 83 cu.ft.--
-"DEY" @ 124 cu.ft.--
-"S" @ 154 cu.ft.--which is the largest you can reasonably manage at home--4' tall x 7" Diam./ weighs about 75-90 lbs.and requires a wheeled "dolly" ---MY personal choice because I only need to refill once every 20-25 (one week for me) headaches---@ 10-12LPM for 12-15 minutes.

YMMV (your mileage may vary)

There are larger tanks, but probably ex$pensive and you would need to contact your Medical Supplier.

There are 2 types of regulators (that I know of): the small ones for the "E" (et al.) tanks that have an (almost) idiot proof connection--only one way to connect--and one capacity gauge--and the larger, threaded connector type with 2 gauges--one for capacity and the other for flowrate. As far as co$t: YMMV........I got a used, certified 2 gauge regulator for $75---new is about $125. The small "E" types are probably $70 new.

Title: Re: Size matters
Post by Peppermint on Nov 14th, 2003, 10:08pm
Thank you J-man, Lee, Crash and Esteban.  :-*  

Shoot Steve, I was rushing cuz I was trying to get this info before the weekend.  How could I possibly have missed that info, its exactly what I needed to know.  I'm not very good at gauging things like cubic feet - you say an "E" tank is good for the small portable size.  The bottom line is getting one that can be fitted into some kinda duffel or something to be kept at work without having to let everyone in on the sick show (as it was put to me) when its time to use it.  This would be an "E" tank, yes?  That's what it looks like to me.  

Sorry I'm still a neophyte ;;D, I'm trying but its a lot for my pea brain to completely absorb.   Maybe I'd do better with pictures see.....  

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