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(Message started by: SommelierCH on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:53am)

Title: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:53am
NEWBIES: Fire stations and fire trucks always have Oxygen. You will get faster O2 relief in an emergency (i.e. getting hit hard with an empty O2 tank, or getting hit out of town with no meds) by going to the local fire station than you will waiting in the ER. We just have to educate them.

The recent fires in my neck of the woods, here in Southern California, burns into my consciousness, again, the incredible heroics that our firefighters go through. With 9/11 the country saw up close and personal just what is in the heart of firefighters. But more than that, in my city the first team on the spot for any type of emergency call, be it heart attack, traffic accident and yes even a fire, is always the Fire Department! We owe all of them a thank you for being there for us.

It would be great if each of us wrote (snail mail?) to both, our Local and District Fire Captains, thanking the Dept. for the job they do, and introducing ourselves as ClusterHeadache sufferers or supporters within their district. Perhaps we should include a page from Dr. Goadsby, explaining why we (any ClusterHead) might be stumbling and cursing onto their doorstep in the middle of the night, seeking O2.

With our grass roots ability to reach out, individually, town to town, across the country, if not the world, we will lay the ground work for any Clusterhead, caught in a strange city, without meds, to find relief at the local Firehouse. The Fire Departments come in contact with lots of people, this will also help to get the word out.

U.S. Fire departments, online

Here is a web site that has the addresses for fire departments in the U.S. Click on your state, then click on your town.

Maybe we could send the Firehouses a decal to put in the window, like a “Neighborhood Watch” or “Block Parent” sign. If someone sends me a design, I will print them out on my Photo ink jet with decal transfer paper and mail them to y’all.

Could somebody please, post a brief, general form letter, to the Fire Captains, for us to copy?

Post back here, with pride, if you sent a letter or an email.

David J.

U.S. Fire departments,

U.S. Fire departments,

U.S. Fire Departments, Web sites

U.S. Fire departments,

U.S. Fire departments-ems,

U.S. Fire Departments

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by ShariRae on Nov 14th, 2003, 9:58am
I did that very thing last year.. I went to the local fire companies, took the O2 print out & explained what the "beast" was all about & how they could help someone in pain. They were ALL very receptive & posted the info on the bulletin boards for all the personnel to see. They all agreed that this was something easy they could do to help the community & now it is standard procedure to for any Clusterhead needing help. Give it a try.. I bet none of them say no!!

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 15th, 2003, 1:29am
My brother is a full time fireman so i wrote him  a letter today and sent him info on cluster and o2.

He already know's what i am going through but he should be able to get the word out.  ;)

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 15th, 2003, 4:03am
Great Idea....what a way to get the word out.  Most firefighters, especially in smaller communities are considered "first responders".  In other words, they are first on the scene in most, if not all, medical emergencies called in to 911.  My father-in-law is the captain of our local paid fire department.  He and I have had several discussions regarding CH.  Funny thing is, he is certain that he has them (HA'S) as well.  His next trip to the doctor should "confirm"  but based on all information he has given me, he is a classic episodic CH sufferer.  I am going to approach him about speaking at thier next meeting.  

Most volunteer fire departments meet on a weekly basis for training and informational purposes.  I am sure that guest speakers would be a welcome addition.  Medical advice does not have to be given, only literature (preferrably from Doc G.) and you could answer simple questions about CH based on your own experience.  You don't need to be an expert to do that!

Even if you are not into public speaking, contacting these departments could go a long way to further the mission of education about CH.  

Once the newsletter is complete (and it will be soon) maybe printing out a couple and taking them to the local station might be a trip worth taking.  These guys have downtime and usually internet access.  Reading material is always welcome in firehouses.

The idea of a decal is a great idea.  I know there are a lot of talented artists out there...c'mon somebody step up to the drawing board.  

Understanding CH has to start somewhere.  Why not a grassroots movement?  Hmmm...I think Ben and Jerry's gives a grant for ideas like that.  No kidding.  

I am extremely busy with work and Newsletter right now, but I may have time to draft a letter.  Need to put those "effective business writing" classes to use somehow.  LOL.

What could it hurt?

Donna D.

Edited Note:  I checked out grant info I previously referenced.  We may be eligible for a 1000 grant simply based on a letter of interest.  Worded correctly and specific to this particular threads idea it could work!  

Here is the link if anyone wants it:

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by SommelierCH on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:32am
ShariRae, tsayswhy, Donna_D.
Thank you ladies, it sometimes gets lonely out here in left field, but the bull-pen keeps passing me joints, so I can’t complain. Any one of your post’s shows me again, why I keep plugging away at this stuff.

Donna D. I’m with you girl. I’ve always thought that this Message Board of ClusterHeads and Supporters, was the ultimate “grassroots organization”. We have ONE GOAL, yet we are spread out everywhere. What makes us special is that we all congregate in one place, this Message Board. World wide grassroots. Ben & Jerry’s have got to love that. The following is from the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation site.

“The Foundation will only consider proposals from grassroots, constituent-led organizations that are organizing for systemic social change. We support programs and projects that are examples of creative problem-solving.

What do we mean by the term "grassroots organizing?"

Grassroots Organizing implies activism from the ground up as opposed to top down decision making. Local, constituent-based and disenfranchised are words that often describe the leadership and membership of grassroots organizations. Specifically, we look for groups who are working to help themselves, help their own communities, and help others like themselves through self-empowering, community organizing efforts.

Generally we fund organizations with budgets under $250,000. We only distribute funds to organizations with 501(c)3 status, or who have a sponsoring agency with this status.

Types of Grants
Full grants - Awards are granted ranging from $1,001 - $15,000.

Small grants - Each cycle the Ben & Jerry's Foundation may fund a small number of material grants for $1,000 or less for innovative programs that fit into our general guidelines and that are infused with a spirit of hopefulness. Applications for small grants are reviewed at our regular grantmaking meetings three times a year."

I would volenteer to help write a proposal. I’ve been thinking about our Cluster prediciment and plans for attack, for almost a year. Damn, it’s exactly 1 year today, I just went and checked. Gotta go, this calls for a beer.
David J.

P.S. Can anybody tell me how to make a link for a specific page in the archives, or even the current board? And what’s the best way to save our message board pages, so that I can use them in Word; is it Web Page Complete, Web Page Archive or Web Page HTML only? The frames seem to screw me up no matter what I do. Thanks.

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 15th, 2003, 8:40am
Donna, great idea on speaking to the Firefighters.. And contacting them.

We might also get an organized "speech" together to speak to the Chamber of Commerce in our respective towns and cities.

Most of us are NOT public speakers, but if we had a "script" to work from could probably "fake it till we make it". I've seen the tapes of some of our CHers who went on TV to "promote" awareness of CH and they were great - passionate as hell when they started talking about CH.

Awareness is the key to getting help.

Writing for the Ben and Jerry's grant is a great idea, but **caution**, put it through the BOD of OUCH before you send it..  That way only ONE letter will get there. Whoever can do it - needs to get on it. This is great ... we're making progress kids......

Hugs BD

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:47am
If the "grassroots" idea does not impress them, maybe the "shroom tea" will!  LOL

Seriously,  I saw this about a week ago when researching available grants on the internet.  I think this is the way to go...I will help however I can, but my time is very limited (newsletter, job, kids, etc.) David J. just let me know what I can do.  

We gotta grab the bull by the horns folks!!  Do you want to get rid of these headaches!!  I do...

Donna D.

Title: Re: FIREFIGHTERS & Oxygen
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 16th, 2003, 1:31pm
Talked to my husband's uncle today.  He is a volunteer firefighter (also in a small town near here) and he said that they are required to attend "In Service" meetings.  
These are meetings for educational purposes.  Cannot think of a better way to get the message out!

Keep thinking folks!  David, I will write letter.  Give me a couple of days...

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