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(Message started by: CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:25am)

Title: switching from AM to PM???
Post by CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:25am
Hi all...
Throwing out a question...
My husband has always had his CHs during the day.
He is in the middle of a cycle now, yesterday he had a great day...them BOOM...during the night last night he had one about every 2 hours!  
He did say he kinda preferred them at night because of the darkness....but I just wondered why the change???
Anyone have this happen before?

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:31pm
If he is using imitrex to abort, he may be experiencing rebound headaches.  Otherwise cycles can change from year to year - this one may be a more severe cycle.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:37pm
Oh, and if he usually gets his ch at night, try melatonin and a 20 min hot steamy shower 45 min before bed time.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:48pm
thanks he is not using anything right now except o2.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by vig on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:50pm
Mine started during the day but as the disease progressed, the night "sh@#$" started happening.

Could it just be part of the natural progression?

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:59pm
Thomas...we don't really know what a rebound headache is...can you x-plain please?  What do those feel like?

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by floridian on Nov 13th, 2003, 1:00pm
My aches come middle of the night, early morning.  The one time I switched to afternoon was after several days of sleep deprivation.  After a week of sleeping only a few hours each night, I pulled an all-nighter to finish a presentation.  Gave my talk in the afternoon, came home and sat in front of the TV to relax, then BAM!   A few days of clusters in the light, then back to my midnight-6 am pattern ever since.  

I prefer my clusters in the late night/early morning, because its very quiet, and in between the pain, I can watch the farm reports.  

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Margi on Nov 13th, 2003, 1:25pm
Hi again, Cindy
Your husband's very lucky to have only been hit during the day.  My husband, Mike, has ALWAYS gotten the night time attacks - and I think that's quite common here, actually.  It's when they hit REM sleep that the night-time attacks occur and a few of us have found that taking Dramamine (non-prescription travel sickness med) before bed can SOMETIMES prevent those attacks.
Worth a try and very little side effect, except it's not good to take it for more than a few days in a row.  It doesn't allow the user to get into REM sleep and REM deprivation over a long period of time can get dangerous.

also, I noticed you were advised to send him through a hot shower before bed.  That really surprises me - during Mike's last cycle, he was feeling pretty run over and decided to get into our hot tub to see if it would help him sleep that night.  BIG mistake.  The heat of that tub sent him into one of the worst attacks I've ever seen.  NEVER again will he try heat.  Please ask Gregg what feels better for him before you insist he try the hot shot.  A large number of folks here prefer ice at onset of attack - on the back of the neck,sometimes in the form of frozen peas or corn.  I guess everyone's different, though, but just a word of warning for you.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 1:56pm
Since last night was the first time for nighters...we'll just wait to see what happens now.  My hubby (who's name is Devon) seems to think hot showers make hime feel good.  
The daily CHs are new to us.  He has had them for several years...but only 1 every month or 2.  We are going on 5 weeks of dailys (now nightlys too&#$@^)
We do not have any meds....just oxygen!
That seems to be helping... :)
I wish your hubby the best with his CHs!

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Margi on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:09pm
I'm sorry, Cindy - I thought you were Gregg's wife.  My mistake.

One thing you said in your post here (and also in your first one in this thread....)......he only used to have ONE attack every couple of months?  Has he been diagnosed by a neurologists to have clusters?  That's not really cluster behaviour, having only one every couple of months.  Normally, there are repeated yet individual attacks through a day, and the "cluster" (or cycle) lasts for weeks or months.  Migraines can behave the way you describe, though, and they can change to become daily as well.  They can also hit during the night.  You say he was getting hit every couple of hours.  Could it be that it WAS one long headache that was just spiking and waking him up?  (I've had that happen with my migraines, during the night - I think Ree has mentioned this too.)  Or was he totally pain free between attacks?  Hard to tell, I guess, if he was sleeping.  

You say he prefers darkness, too....again, not typical to have photosensitivity for clusterheads.  Migrainers, most definitely.  Have you taken the cluster quiz for him?  Might be an idea to do so.

Not trying to flame you, just trying to help you treat the problem the right way - please understand that.

p.s.  oxygen is a great abortive for both types of headaches.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:10pm
Here is definition of rebound headaches  When I have used O2 in the past it has "messed up" my cycle also.

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by NotH20 on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:21pm
Hey there Cindy.......

Usually the ch's hit most people about 1.5 hours or so after they go to sleep.  Sometimes my cycles start off just during the day and as I get into the cycle more, they are more often and vary between the day and night.  I will usually have one around 10 AM every day - one in the afternoon and then a few at night as well.

As for the hot/cold issue - I too Margi was hit after attempting to relax in the hot tub.....but it only happened one time for me so I'm still at it and enjoying every minute of it!  ;)

Even though us ch'er usually have no sensitivity to light, I prefer a darker place when getting hit.  It's just a little more calming for me personally and maybe Devon prefers that as well.  

I'm interested in hearing about his diagnosis as well Cindy - most ch'er wish they only had 2 ch's per month - please keep us posted.  You mentioned only O2, but was wondering what other meds he's tried.

Keep us posted - we all wish you and Devon much luck...


Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Unsolved on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:25pm

on 11/13/03 at 14:09:20, Margi wrote:
You say he prefers darkness, too....again, not typical to have photosensitivity for clusterheads.

I'd have to argue against that one. During my cluster attacks...I am photophobic and phonophobic.


Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Opus on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:24pm
   I have in the past been able to stop most CH wake up calls by sleeping propped up high on pillows, a recliner works good too. This may help Devon for a few cycles. This cycle I have started getting up to two wake ups a night. The pillows help still becouse I wake up just as the CH is starting, instead of a full blown attack. This allows me to abort before it even  really starts. I hope this helps.


Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:31pm

on 11/13/03 at 11:25:27, CindyC wrote:
....but I just wondered why the change???

I don't know... [smiley=huh.gif]... I have been suffering of CH for 10 years and I have always had attacks in the evening and during the night...... ciao, Zaira

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by CindyC on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:34pm
Margi and Mia,
Margi...he has not been diagnosed by a nuero...
He has taken the quiz...and everything matches..except for maybe the sensivity to light.
But I guess that is different with different folks.
Since he is not under a doctors care...we only have the O2 for now.  My brother is a pharmicist in another state...and he is sending verapamil and imitrex nose spray.
Like I said earlier...he used to have them infrequently...and not as severe in pain...but none the less...still the same traits as clusters.  However for the last 5 weeks it has been daily...and very much seems to be clusters.  Whatever it is ... it sucks!
Margi...not to worry...not flamed...just frustrated  [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Margi on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:47pm
Good, Cindy - I'm glad you're not insulted - certainly not my intention.

Might be a good time to try the water treatment while he's med free like this.  (doesn't work well at all when they're on meds though.)  Read the Water x 3 button on the left.

Best of luck to you both!!

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by cathy on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:58pm
Hi Cindy, I hope Devon gets some PF time soon. When my hubby Wes first started getting Ch's he only got hit on a Sunday morning 10am for the first few weeks..then only during the day 2 of 3 times a day...

The next cycle and those since (usually twice a year) have followed a more consistent CH pattern...night and day usually about the same long has your husband been suffering with CH's...


Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:05pm

on 11/13/03 at 13:00:13, floridian wrote:
I prefer my clusters in the late night/early morning, because its very quiet, and in between the pain, I can watch the farm reports.  
Heh heh - this kind of cracks me up...late night TV is an odd, odd thing...especially on the premium channels.... [smiley=bag.gif]

Re: Heat: Heat SLAMS me...I have lots of plastic ice packs filling my refrige. That and 02 are godsends for the night attacks.

Thomas - that rebound stuff, that is making me reconsider trex. The last 2 go-rounds for me have lasted WEEKS longer - the only thing I can think of is my use of trex. I still carry it in my purse, but I try to keep the 02 handy.


Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:19pm
Some suffer from migraines and CH...the infrequent ones may have been migraines and these CH?  Since they were not as severe as these...   Just thinking out loud here...

Title: Re: switching from AM to PM???
Post by Charlie on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:30pm
Hi Cindy.

I'm not sure this is relevant but I know that some years ago...1989 or so, my CH began to disappear. It would pop in now than then for 2 more years but in 1991 when I was 45, it left and has been gone for more than 13 years. It ain't missed.

There is very little I can point to that would explain why this happened. I can tell you that I was under the most stress in many years and that I became more and more nocturnal. I still am.  I'm more willing to believe that all this is coincidence and that there may be an age factor but one never knows.

Let us know how things are going and stick around.

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