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(Message started by: BarbaraD on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:07am)

Title: Need help with a name.......
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:07am
Yesterday hubby found a little chihiahia (one of those little 'yeppy' dogs about to get out on the highway. He yelled at him and put him inside the fence for safekeeping - knowing someone would "claim" him.

Well, all day he played in the yard with our two "babies" and NO ONE claimed him (he's well taken care of and although I haven't taken him to the vet yet - looks like he might have some papers on him somewhere).

So now, we've got a new baby - about 5 pounds and still has his baby teeth - at the chewing stage. And HUGE ears that stand straight up.

So we've got Rudy and Gunther (mini pin and mini dachund) and we need a name for "little puppy". He's made himself at home and the others have accepted him, so it looks like he's decided to "live" here. Can't just keep calling him 'puppy".

HELP! Thought about Brutus, Max, Taco - but they just don't fit him.  Any suggestions.......

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Melissa on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:04am (you need to register here)


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:21am
If he's little and cute and you want a Mexican name but not Taco, how about Pepe?


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Peppermint on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:20am

on 11/13/03 at 07:07:20, BarbaraD wrote:
And HUGE ears that stand straight up.
Thought about Brutus, Max, Taco - but they just don't fit him.  Any suggestions.......

Hugs BD

Barb... you sure he's a chihuahua and not one of those big chihuahua-looking kinda of rodents?  Very similar looking.......I mentioned it only because you mentioned the big ear thing.  

Name....How about George?  ;;D

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Svenn on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:27am
How about naming your pet after the 1 that started this incredible place called Clusterville BarbaraD ?


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:55am
Great minds think alike. I've been trying out Deej on him. This morning he was in no mood to listen. He wanted to be cuddled (it was cold outside) and to sleep (he's just a baby).

And NO, he's NOT a  rodent!!!! My dogs took a vote years ago and decided Mickey Mouse was the only rodent we were going to have in the house. And Rudy thinks that's ONE too many. Had to take out the "talking" Mickey phone. He kept attacking it. (I have a very extensive Mickey collection -- my son outgrew him - I didn't!) LOL!

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:56am
You want Barbara to name him zipperhead??

Have fun with the new baby Barb,

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Margi on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:01am
Oh Barb, you know I have a soft spot for this stuff.

I think you've answered your own question here.  His name HAS to be Mickey.  But at least give him the surname of Moose, would you?  It will make the poor lil dude feel better about himself.

Congratulations on your new baby.  ;)

p.s.  don't call him DJ - the 2-legged DJ will never forgive you.  He's a lab man, remember?  Don't you remember his two labs?

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by nancyc on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:02pm
I agree, Mickey is very fitting for him....and for his surroundings...hell, everything in your house is Mickey , so why not a dog named Mickey... ;;D...Mickey, Rudy and Gunny...what a threesome... :)nancyc

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Margi on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:43pm
LOL Nancy....sounds like a gang of desperados, if you ask me.

The Henderson Boys are on the LOOSE!!

God HELP the squeaky toys.  

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by drnoe on Nov 13th, 2003, 1:43pm
Come on!
Gotta be Ren.

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by catlind on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:05pm
Drop the Chalupa ;)

YOu could have a little chalupa....


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by NotH20 on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:07pm
how about Chili.....just a suggestion...

good luck....


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Little Deb on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:43pm
How sweet.
I have a rat named "Scoobers".  Probably about the same size!

I was going to suggest Lucky or Lupe, but I agree that Mickey Moose is the cutest!

I also like "Mouse".  I wish I would have named the rat that! ;;D

Congrats on your new addition!!


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Little Deb on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:44pm
Oh!  How about Cheetos [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by nancyc on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:36pm
Ok, MOM...the suspense is killing me...what the hell did you name the little runt???????  Mickey, Mouse, runt, or whattttt????? ;;Dnancyc

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Charlie on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:42pm
You guys need help  :o

Barb, you gotta name little tiny dogs something that sounds BIG, something scary.  You already have "Gunther" though.  8)

Give it some thought  :-/


Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by nancyc on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:56pm
Too late, Charlie....Barb just emailed me...Bill , her hubby, jumped the gun and named the runt...PINTA...pain in the ass....the Henderson boys are now complete, Margi...they have a pinta... Hell, i thought they had that with Barb LOL.(could not resist, barb..payback for all the blonde jokes.).:)nancyc

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by BILL_L on Nov 14th, 2003, 6:34am
Hey Barb

Pinta is good. Me thinks it means PINCH IN THE ASS

Got pics        Bill

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:56am
I was going to say Chico, but Mickey (Mickey Rat)  sounds good.    ;;D

grant          8)

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Prense on Nov 14th, 2003, 10:43pm
Notcho Cheeeese

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 15th, 2003, 2:51am
Small dog-Big about Gizmo?

Donna D.

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 15th, 2003, 4:41am
Thanks guys... PINTA he is - answered to that one. Pain IN The Ass!!! It really fits him...  :P

And Bill - you can't PROVE that was my hand!!!! (Opps - I guess you can - but I can swear someone else was wearing my ring)... How's the battery search going.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Need help with a name.......
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 15th, 2003, 11:02am
Wait a minute.  What about..what about...Ed?

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