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(Message started by: brain_cramps on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:48pm)

Title: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:48pm
I found someone new wandering around in the archives and thought I'd move this up here.      ;;D

on 11/12/03 at 21:36:58, Paths wrote:
Hello all, Im new to the boards. The first time I had the a-bomb go off in my head was about 2 years ago. Luckily it only lasted for about a week and a half. So now 2 years later the monster has decided to rear its ugly head. I guess im not as bad off as some of the others, Im lucky enough (well if you want to use the word luck when talking about ch) to only get them just about once a day at about 5am. Lately though, I seem to get a wake up call  in the form of a  slight "twinge" behind my eye that lasts 2 seconds. About 10 mins later the first signs of the demon show. I was just curious if any one else gets this early warning twinge?

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome Paths
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:52pm
Hello Paths
Glad you found this place

I get warning signs as well, I feel 'odd in the head' (yes I know folks, don't say it!) and my neck feels stiff and one eye has a dull ache behind it. Then I know I'm in the shit.

What are you taking/doing to deal with your CH?


P.S, Grant, have you let Paths know you picked this one up and moved it?

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by Cerberus on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:55pm
Welcome Paths......

Yep the "twinge" is there for me too.


Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome Paths
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:56pm

on 11/12/03 at 21:52:46, pubgirl wrote:
P.S, Grant, have you let Paths know you picked this one up and moved it?

Yep --- hopefully it won't take long for Paths to figure out the IMs.        ;)

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:19am
Welcome aboard :)

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by vig on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:41am
my episodes always started with the eye twitch...

I knew what was a comin'...

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by tsayswhy on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:55am
Welcome Paths
sorry your going through this :(

Cant say i get any warning sign's i look for them but before i know it they are just there.


Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:48pm

WELCOME....This place is sheer paradise! ;;D

All the best, Zaira

Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by Tiannia on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:52pm
Welcome to "Clusterville" Paths.  

Yep I get warnings, but my eye twinges come and then I imediatly get the heat flash on the one side or full face sweats.  If I get the sweats then I know that if i do not get to the imitrex soon I am in for it.


Title: Re: Everybody...   Welcome "Paths"
Post by Little Deb on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:52pm
[smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif]Hello Paths.
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