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(Message started by: Carl_D on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:07pm)

Title: OUCHFest Changes
Post by Carl_D on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:07pm
"Powertrip" will not be playing OUCHFest due to personal matters. Instead, to close the show, there will be an open mic jam session with whomever wants to sit in. Should be fun and interesting. A little birdie also told me that a certain local rapper will be at the fest to check out Izzy Biggs set. Won't say who it is,  lets just say "batter up!"

Since I could only get 2 items donated for the raffle, I almost said to hell with the raffle idea, but came to this resolution: the 2 items to be raffled off will happen through the night and at the end of the show, the winning ticket holder will win half of the raffle-pot.
I almost felt like this is defeating the whole purpose of the raffle : to raise money for OUCH. I have to keep it interesting enough to make people WANT to buy tickets, so I'll have to resort to this for the raffle prize. I tried to get a guitar donated from a music store, didn't happen. Seems like every road I have taken the last month has been dead ends. I'm not giving up though, I don't care if only 5 people show up; at least we tried. I am thankful for the few people here that actually care about what we are doing, and at the same time, kind of disheartened that out of so many Clusterheads, there are only a few that do care. I wish I had more to offer and more to give. I'm just afraid OUCHFest will turn out to be OUCHBust. In the beginning so many people said they were coming. So far I know of two. Gonna stop beating myself up over this. It is less than a month away, and I am only 2 months behind in recording.

As for me, I am not doing good physically. Won't bore you with details, just too much shit to deal with all at once. The head won't cooperate, and just getting over the flu. Was laid up all weekend when I was supposed to be at the studio laying down music tracks for Izzy Bigg. My head feels like it weighs 500 pounds, and to make things even more glorious, my pain management Doc referred me back to my gp, as he is inexperienced in the field of headaches. Just my luck.
Oh well, I'm down in the dumps in case you can't tell. Been having panic attacks so bad I thought I was having a heart attack a few times. I can't really talk to my bandmates, as there is already so much tension there. So what I don't express here I hold in and wear a smile to appease onlookers while in my mind I am playing jumping jacks on train tracks.

Carl D

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by taraann on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:21pm
SOrry life sucks  so bad for you right now.  You should vent here instead of bottling it up...that's not healthy.  I wish I could go to OUCHfest but I'm all the ways in NH with 2 toddlers and a teen and I definately don't have the money to travel right now.

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by nancyc on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:28pm
Bro, i know our SC gathering is nothing compared to your OUCHFEST but we planned it in about two weeks or less...several times it looked like noone was everyone was backing out, etc...but Chuck and I decided it was going on...with or without anyone..and guess what, there were lots of clusterheads there..not too bad for a spur of the moment hang in there and know it will be will be what it is suppose to all you can do, then let go, and let God.....I send you good vibes and lots of prayers...Pray it is a huge success for OUCH, bro...cause that is what it is all about anyway... ;;Dnancyc ps now, start feeling better...

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by Just Deb on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:16pm
Sorry I can't make it up there.  Hang in there though.
Day by day...

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:54pm
Vibes goin up to ya Carl.
Did my 100 brochures that I printed out for the event Jinx ya??  :)

You'll have a good turn out, even if they aren't all clusterheads.  You'll have a great time!!

thanks for all your hard work :)

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by JDH on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:31pm
Dude, I'm THERE so that's 2 more clusterheads than most people have ever met  
Hang tough CD, it's gonna get better...or so they tell me.
talk later


Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by cootie on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:57pm
Carl........even if just 5 clusterheads were ta show up ya need to know there's 1,000 that WISH they could of been there !!!! Not always easy for alot of us ta pick up and travel otherwise 'we'd' be the first ones in the door !!! Sorry yer goin thru such tough times.....isn't music supposed to calm the savage beast ? Maybe....jus maybe....yer in too deep with tooooo much responsibility on yer shoulders ?? Did that make sense.....did it used ta be alot of fun.......gotta look back and see when that changed. Music is a cool thing ta be in......we have alot of musician freinds....have seen alot of em get way too involved and break up. Keep yer chin up.....wishin PF days to ya ! Yer doin a good thing with the Ouchfest !!!! I WISH WE COULD COME Pam

Title: Re: OUCHFest Changes
Post by amen on Nov 12th, 2003, 4:47pm
Ok, I am new here and am not sure what OUCHfest is.  Where is it?  I am in Michigan and noticed that you are only in Illinois.  I can't garantee that I could make it. (I have 4 kids and a job) but if you give me the details I sure will give it a shot.  I don't know if there is really anything I can donate but I do have a small side business with vending machines and have been known to donate snacks or drinks to sell for church bazaars and stuff.  PM me and let me know.
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