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(Message started by: hootchdom on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:22pm)

Title: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by hootchdom on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:22pm
I know you all have probably discussed this before but I would like to get your opinions on this.

Cluster Headache cycles are rhythmic in each person whether it be every six months, year, eighteen months, two years or whatever. From all of your descriptions and my experiences each cycles for the most part are the same. What deviation probably can be attributed to medication, age or other changes in life.

If this happens on such a regular basis (chronics excused), one would have to conclude that the body is repeating the same process each cycle. From what little I’ve read (and I do emphasis little) this could be a some type of chemical imbalance, hormone imbalance, biological resetting, something not firing correctly in the brain. But whatever is wrong after a given amount of time (once again chronics excused) the body rights itself and the cycle stops. Only to start again………

With the body repeating a certain process at a regular interval (even though it various by individual) and with all the modern diagnostic tools available and with as much knowledge we have about the human body HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO FIND OUT WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF CLUSTER HEADACHES???????????????

Is this over simplifying it? I’m intrigued that the body can be so punctual in its punishment year after year but can figure out a way to fix itself. It normally has a way of healing itself

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:29pm

on 11/11/03 at 15:22:23, hootchdom wrote:
Is this over simplifying it? I’m intrigued that the body can be so punctual in its punishment year after year but can figure out a way to fix itself. It normally has a way of healing itself

If you aren't oversimplifying it, then we would all be cured, and this site would probably not exist as it does today.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:43pm
I agree with you in part, however I am under the belief that these things are caused by different reasons in different people.  Maybe thats why some treatments work for some and not others.  As far as a logical explaination - We're all going to heaven, because hell would be a joke to someone with ch.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Tiannia on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:52pm

on 11/11/03 at 15:43:18, thomas wrote:
We're all going to heaven, because hell would be a joke to someone with ch.

That has to be true Thomas.

As far as a simple explaination, I dont think that there can be, due to the fact that there are so many variations. ie What age did they start, smoking triggers vs not, etc...

If it is season triggered, then how would that be different here in Las Vegas, verses someon who lives in Wisconsin. Totally different Seasons, really.  

I dont think that this is a simple thing.  But people try very hard to put it in a simple box.  But all of us fight the beaast in different ways, whether we are chonic or not.  

Not sure if I made any sense really. /shrug  [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Bob_Johnson on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:54pm
Your assumption re. regularly is incorrect.  Clusters may come in a series and then stop but there are many folks who do not have them in highly predictable times.

Still, your basic question is valid: why is there any cycling? At this point, I've never read anything which attempts to explain this aspect of clusters.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by hootchdom on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:10pm
Next question. Almost everyone says the cycle stops as quick as it starts. What has transpired in the body to make the cycle stop? Something has to have taken place hasn’t it?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:29pm
Yeah, the beast finds somebody else to mess with.  Circadian rythmes - that's the key for episodics, I think. [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:09pm
May be very wrong here but somewhat of an explanation HAS been attempted I think. The current theory is that we all have deformed hypothalamuses. We probably also all have inherited a genetic predisposition to get CH which may or may not happen depending upon a set of circumstances/events/lifestyle (not defined yet)
The hypothalamus affects hormones and circadian rhythms (amongst many other things) so is the most likely explanation of the seasonality/cycles but I don't think anyone has been more specific or sure about this.
We may also have an inherited gene which causes this abnormality.

Have I got this right folks?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Just Deb on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:39pm
Logical??? [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif]

My logical exlanation is this.

You sometimes have to experience the bad in life, then you can really appreciate the good.

I appreciate every second of a PF day.  I am sure the rest of you do too.

IK, reading it over and over, makes no sense what so ever in regards to CH. >:( >:(

I give......... [smiley=huh.gif]

Life sucks, then you die. [smiley=frown.gif]

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:47pm

on 11/11/03 at 19:09:11, pubgirl wrote:
Have I got this right folks?

That sounds about right based on what I have read.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:49pm
In other words ANOTHER thing you can blame your parents for ;;D

Title: There is a logical explanation for CH !!!!!!
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:00pm
There is a logical explanation for clusters.  Unfortunately, the puzzle is not yet solved.  We have lots of pieces, but a wholistic understanding is not in place.

The genetic case for clusters is not very strong but it has been noted to a degree.  The hypothalamus is involved, but we don't know that is THE cause, or why it's abnormal (it could be an effect of something else).  The immune system is torqued up (extra IgE).  Pain transmission is messed up (substance P, NMDA/glutamate).  Serotonin is off kilter and melatonin is low and non-cyclic compared to the average person.  Inflammitory cytokines are high (TNF-alpha, some interleukins).  Nitric oxide production is way high, and opens blood vessels too much, maybe pinching nerves.  Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide and CGRP are elavated, and cause blood vessels to open wide, while Neuropeptide Y is trying to clamp the vessels closed.  Cell membranes have characteristic defects in phospholipids and receptors.  The list goes on.  What is the primary cause, and what is a secondary effect??  Is CH the result of some particular combination of these dysfunctions?? And what about the damn cycles - every 12 months in spring; every 12 months in winter; every 18 months; maybe no cycle at all.  The truth is out there - stay tuned.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:04pm
Floridian, I think you are out of date. The genetic case is looking very strong, though as yet unproven.

Of 6 identical twins studied where one had CH, they both had it. There are also many 'cluster families' being researched in the UKwhere a genetic link is looking almost definite although the actual gene is way off being identified.
There is a the largest ever CH gene reserach programme going on in the UK now so lets hope they come up with something

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:13pm
Sorry, add on, Floridian, you are right about the hypothalamus. It has been shown on brain imaging to be abnormal DURING an attack as well, but did it start the attack, or respond to it, who knows?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Giovanni on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:13pm
If we have a defective hypothalamus then this must be cause by a defective gene which is inheritable by our children.  Everything that I have read says that cluster headaches are not inherited; that offspring are no more likely to acquire cluster headaches than the general population.  Perhaps we have caused damage to the hypothalamus by our personality types and or life styles?

Interesting though I was described headaches that my late aunt used to have in the mid 1960’s whose symptoms were exactly text book cluster headaches.


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:15pm
No, don't buy that "we did it to ourselves" crap.  I prefer to believe I was just unlucky

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:17pm

on 11/11/03 at 20:13:46, Giovanni wrote:
 Perhaps we have caused damage to the hypothalamus by our personality types and or life styles?

Just how does that fit with a 12 yr old?

been chronic since 12.


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Giovanni on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:25pm
That's right pub-girl, I don't want to think I did this thing to myself.

And you're right too Jonny.  Maybe no logical explaination for this curse.


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:27pm

on 11/11/03 at 20:25:09, Giovanni wrote:
And you're right too Jonny.  Maybe no logical explaination for this curse.

Id love to kill the prick that came up with it though.....LMMFAO ;;D


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:33pm
We have to be careful about the very important distinction between heredity and genetic predisposition.  I believe there is a distinction, right?  Someone correct me if I'm wrong.  For genetic predisposition, it is not required that the illness be prevalent in a family.  Not all genes are expressed... some illnesses are transmitted through recessive genes.  Whereas heredity usually implies the expression of those genes.  So, if my mother and grandmother had CH, it may be plausible to say that I 'inherited' them and was genetically predisposed to get them.  However if neither my mother nor grandmother had CH, it would still be incorrect to rule out genetic predisposition... because the genes may be recessive.  In that case, I wouldn't think to say that I 'inherited' them since they were never genetically expressed in my parents.  And yet I couldn't rule out genetic cause.

It all may seem like nothing more than semantics, but when considering the scientific research setting, it is a very important distinction.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:42pm
You are right about the genetic component.  I haven't read as much on genetics as on neurotransmitters and immunology.  In the long run, the genetics are critical for understanding the big picture, and more likely to get at a real cure.  In the short run, the other research is more likely to result in incrementally better treatments. But its all good.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:16pm

on 11/11/03 at 20:33:14, eyes_afire wrote:
So, if my mother and grandmother had CH, it may be plausible to say that I 'inherited' them and was genetically predisposed to get them.  However if neither my mother nor grandmother had CH, it would still be incorrect to rule out genetic predisposition... because the genes may be recessive.  In that case, I wouldn't think to say that I 'inherited' them since they were never genetically expressed in my parents.  And yet I couldn't rule out genetic cause.

It's easy to assume this, however...  

Dating back to my great grandparents (both sides) I cannot find one instance of anyone in my family who has had anything resembling CH.  My Mom's mom had 9 siblings, my mother has 8 and so do I.  Big ass family...

Migraines are not even prevalent in my family.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by jep22 on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:42pm
Its Simple!  Clusters are a vestige of our ancestors fight/flight mechanism.  When chased by the sabertooth they would have a CH, turnaround screaming in pain and scare the tiger away. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Charlie on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:33am
The only thing that I can come up with that makes any sense is that CH is a perfect example of sloppy engineering.

Keep after him kids


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by rumplestiltskin on Nov 12th, 2003, 3:47am
for what its worth

I think Pubgirl's first post in this thread is the most on-target view as we ponder the "cluster"..."cyclcal" nature of Clusterheadaches given the state of current research focusing on the hypothalmusthingy. "predisposition" to CH is facinating.

The curious might do well to search the very old archives of this site for many of GARY G's posts and the surrounding threads. If you really want to delve you can get lost there for days. He even did latitude studies...and I quote "hell - if light processed through the hypothalmus makes birds migrate like clockwork (which it does),it certainly can set off these attacks somehow !" June 23 1999

Walk in the sunshine

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 4:36am
Steve and Floridian

I am pretty sure you are both right and if there is a gene that creates this predisposition it MUST be recessive or there would be many more cases of CH than there are and more evident 'cluster families'.

As far as family history goes, a recessive gene may not manifest for several generations, also the thinking is that it is a predisposition, so other things come into play to make the CH manifest. The other important factor is that any CH sufferer in your family in the past may have hidden it , and almost ceriainly would not have been diagnosed. I have heard lots of stories of CH sufferers who start asking around and start hearing things like "Oh yes, I remember your Great Aunt used to go to her room with 'headaches' quite a lot"
Add in the fact that people who had illegitimate children or were pregnant by another man also wouldn't talk about it, so the genes are different but no-one would know it.

All this together may explain why, if it is genetic (which looks incredibly likely) it is not that obvious in direct 'inheritance' of the condition

I'll shut up now 'cos I'm only a layman, know nowt about genetics other than what the genetics Professor doing the research told us at our conference

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 12th, 2003, 5:04am
We've run survey's on about everything and still can't find a "common" length to a "reason". We have however dispelled some common myths about these darn things.

I'm not sure family history plays a part. My Grandmother, Father and Son had/have migraines. My mother had Temporal Aritis(prob. mispelled).

I now have chronic clusters and arthritic migraines.

some may be inherited, but I still think there's another explaination out there somewhere. The hypothalamus is the best choice we have right now.

I just want them to find the cause soon, so we can start working on a cure....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:44am

on 11/12/03 at 04:36:53, pubgirl wrote:
The other important factor is that any CH sufferer in your family in the past may have hidden it , and almost ceriainly would not have been diagnosed. I have heard lots of stories of CH sufferers who start asking around and start hearing things like "Oh yes, I remember your Great Aunt used to go to her room with 'headaches' quite a lot"

This is why I asked about migraine history as well...

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by ozzman on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:14am
This whole thing about predisposition blows me away. A couple of weeks ago, I found out that my cousin has just been diagnosed with CH. For the longest time I had my suspicions that her father (my father's brother) had CH. When growing up, I remeber hearing that he had really bad headaches, turns out he'd never been diagnosed and he is textbook. So this sorta makes a case for genetic predisposition and also complicates things even more....


Title: Genetics - one gene or many
Post by floridian on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:26pm
Recessive genes can explain why some diseases skip generations.  Here's another possible reason -

It may be that there is no CH gene. Cluster headaches could be the product of interaction between several genes.  It could be that a person needs one particular gene for screwing up their serotonin,  AND needs another gene for hyper nitric oxide production,  AND needs another gene for disturbed CGRP production.  If each of these genes are present randomly in 10% of the population,  then one in every thousand members of the population (0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 = .001)  would have all three genes and get cluster headaches.  People with only one or two of the genes might have lesser maladies, but not CH.

(the factors I chose were just to illustrate the point - I have no idea if they are really at the root of the cause.  The ten percent numbers are also made up to convienently give a product of 0.001, which is the approximate occurence of the disease according to some sources.  Genes are not usually randomly distributed in a population. But the interaction idea is a real possibility).

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:53pm
Wow, you may be on to something heare floridian.  I wonder, has anyone been treated by an endrocinologist for ch?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 1:39pm

That theory would make a lot of sense!

Does that mean that the current genetic study could still identify them if there are several rogue genes we have in common?

(they took blood samples at the largest gathering of CH sufferers ever in the world last year, then took more from members of their families -sufferers and non-sufferers, and also samples from supporters with no CH and no genetic link to the sufferer.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by floridian on Nov 12th, 2003, 2:20pm
Genetics could still solve the mystery, but it would probably take longer if it is a multi-gene interaction.  Genetics is one front in the war on the beast.  We are making progress on all fronts!!


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by vig on Nov 12th, 2003, 2:36pm
We now have the first instance of CF (Cystic Fibrosis) in our family.  So, I guess (they tell me) we (my family) have all been carrying the broken gene, but it didn't actually bring on a case of the disease until one of us married another with the same broken gene.  So it could still be one gene, but it is needed by both parents...
Is that possible too?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by don on Nov 12th, 2003, 5:30pm
My suggestion to any sufferer is to stop looking for a "logical" cause for an illogical condition.

Your time will be better spent searching for logical treatment and leave the causals to the researchers.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:12pm

That is what a recessive gene is I think, one which needs another recessive gene present for it to 'work' as it were.

I'm very sorry about the cystic fibrosis, it's an evil condition we need a cure for so badly.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by floridian on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:14pm

 So it could still be one gene, but it is needed by both parents...
Is that possible too?

Yes, that would be the recessive gene scenario that someone else mentioned first - recessive genes are partly or wholly masked by dominant ones, but become apparent when two recessives occur together. Hope its that simple.  

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:15pm

on 11/12/03 at 17:30:29, don wrote:
My suggestion to any sufferer is to stop looking for a "logical" cause for an illogical condition.

I see nothing wrong with taking a proactive approach.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:01pm
I think you may very well be correct.  I have long thought that CH may be a condition of several possible and/or combined defects.  It may explain why some meds (unrelated to each other) can help.  Several of the most common preventatives are chemically very different from each other.  For this reason, I don't think there will be a logical explanation for CH in the near future.  Brain chemistry is incredibly complex.  Brain chemistry can't be thought of as 'individual chemicals'... for they are all inter-related.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by BobG on Nov 13th, 2003, 12:24am
I've been saying it for years..........ya'll have a broken hypothalmus! You got it from your ancestors.

We may also have an inherited gene which causes this abnormality.

ANOTHER thing you can blame your parents for

The genetic case is looking very strong

we have a defective hypothalamus cause by a defective gene which is inheritable by our children.

the very important distinction between heredity and genetic predisposition.
if my mother and grandmother had CH, it may be plausible to say that I 'inherited' them

It's like diarrhea..... it runs in your genes.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by don on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:34am

I see nothing wrong with taking a proactive approach

I didn't say there was anything wrong with a pro-active approach.

What I said was that a sufferer will benefit more from receiving appropriate treatment than they would seraching for something that learned researchers have been unable to determine.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Svenn on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:59am

For what its worth

Cluster has a medical history .Its first written case"not diagnosed"is datet 1306 according to what i have found out.Believe it was first diagnosed back around 1950 something in US

My question to all is where in hell have the neuroe`s been all this time.

Any ideas out there


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by amen on Nov 13th, 2003, 5:53pm
I just want to say add that (MOST) of my symptoms indicate that what I have is CH and my doctor said that is "Sounds like thats what I have" but the things that make me wonder is that My father, brother, sister, paternal aunt all get them and I was "told" that it does not run in families, it is "more prevalant in men".  I  don't have regualar cycles.  It might be a year in between, it might be 6 months.  This last time it was 5 years.  But when I get them it is the same time everyday, same side every time, swollen red runny eye.  Usually I pace, or try to squeeze my head as hard as I can, cry etc. etc.  My doctor has just put me on a med for "tension headaches" (fiorinal) but it seems to be working.  However, I have experienced where a med will work for one cycle but be totally ineffective the next.  I guess all i am trying to say is that it is so different in everyone, that it makes it difficult to determine a cause.  I started getting them at about 22 and was JUST told in the last month that "It sounds like what I have is CH"  I am 32 now and I think part of the reason that it took so long is because : I am female, and I have a "family history" so they didn't make the correlation because "CH are not hereditary" is what I was told.  OK I am done rambling now.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by jonny on Nov 13th, 2003, 6:18pm
"Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????"

Its have a fucked up brain, a special brain if that makes you feel better.

Anyone here thinks they know why CH happens (or at least thinks they do) should go join the leading researchers  team and lend them a hand.

Everyone else should try and find a prevenitive med that actually works for them.


.........................................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:40pm

on 11/13/03 at 18:18:30, jonny wrote:
Its have a fucked up brain, a special brain if that makes you feel better.

Jonny's kids!  lmao   ;;D

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:56pm
You are all beating up the wrong bush!  You are SO wrong!

The cause is right there, if we were only to stop and look at it.  If you look at the true reason, everything else falls into place.

The cause is very simple.  We have all been abducted by aliens.  On the planet where our abductors come from, they perform sex on one's head, via the eyeball.  When we are in a "cycle" the abducting alien is horney, so he comes down, and has his way with us, and when he is fully satisfied, he leaves.

What is so difficult to understand here?



PS: Being a chronic, I had the luck to be selected by a REALLY horney bastard!

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:04pm

This is the best post ever ever ever ever ever on this subject. NOW I understand, shall try and remember this next time the bastard starts humping away.

Wendy (I'm Hooter at 'the other place' in case you are confused as well!)

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by jonny on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:42pm
Chuck dude,

You forgot the alien bitches that lie their way in to the human race and then make us pay by fucking up the family structure.....I hate those bitches......LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:11pm

"You forgot the alien bitches that lie their way in to the human race and then make us pay by fucking up the family structure.....I hate those bitches......LOL  "


The peasant alien

And for the record,  I didn't deceive the family twice. You drove me away and I felt too intimidated to return as me.

Happy now?

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:22pm

on 11/13/03 at 19:56:05, ClusterChuck wrote:
The cause is very simple.  We have all been abducted by aliens.  On the planet where our abductors come from, they perform sex on one's head, via the eyeball.  When we are in a "cycle" the abducting alien is horney, so he comes down, and has his way with us, and when he is fully satisfied, he leaves.

What is so difficult to understand here?



PS: Being a chronic, I had the luck to be selected by a REALLY horney bastard!

Ever see  a CH sufferer in a straightjacket??  I'm sure it's a sight!  Make sure they take pics Chuck...   ;;D

Title: starin at her genes
Post by rumplestiltskin on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:34pm
I've had Olesen and Goadsby's "Cluster Headache & Related Conditions" book in my bathroom for months...I'm only on page 50. I understand about 1 out of 3 words. For the sake of this thread I skipped ahead to the genetics chapters...73 yr old grandfather episodic CH, the 42 yr old father chronic CH evolved from episodic and the 8 yr old son chronic...YIKES!...what a family!

The genetic link, undeniable as it is, sure seems so varied as to keep the scientists scratchin their heads though.

My wife and I both have CH and we are doing genetic research. Not as often as Georgia would like. I'm old. She's a nypho.

She has an honest-to-god x-ray of "something" in her head that she claims aliens placed there...causing her headaches....ever seen her picture? tell her different.

Want another CH explanation from the archives? Todd...Oct 14 1999...Wheres Todd?

Good Grief

PS: Oh yea...and thanks Don...for worrying about how we spend our time. We'll be OK. We won't fergit to take our pills.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by BobG on Nov 14th, 2003, 12:08am
Dang Den, I didn't know that.

All this time I thought it was a manure allergy.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by paul_b on Nov 14th, 2003, 12:48am
Naw, it's just a shitty headache that defies logic.

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by pubgirl on Nov 14th, 2003, 5:01am
After reading that, I'm sorry I haven't 'met' Todd.

Wow, bet his brain would be worth imaging!

Title: Re: Is there a logical explanation for CH ?????
Post by taraann on Nov 14th, 2003, 5:15pm
Headaches are a big part of my family history.  Most notibly my Grandfather had CH (called histamine headaches back then).  Also my mom had migraines and looking back at some of her bad headache times it seemed she may have had clusters too (the very notible one sided sharp pains coming back every couple days for weeks at a time then disapearing)  Also my sister gets very bad headaches every so often, doc told her its muscle spasms in her head, but I think maybe it's CH I dunno, she's going to seek better treatment after she has her baby so maybe she will get a better diagnosis, and find out what she really is experiencing.

Title: Re: starin at her genes
Post by cathy on Nov 14th, 2003, 5:46pm

on 11/13/03 at 23:34:30, rumplestiltskin wrote:
My wife and I both have CH and we are doing genetic research. Not as often as Georgia would like. I'm old. She's a nypho.

Just a quickie here Den...whats a nypho....

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