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(Message started by: ClusterChuck on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:15am)

Title: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 11th, 2003, 6:15am
Are you ready to get REALLY PISSED OFF?  Go here:


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:22am
You don't even want me to get started on this shit. :-X >:(

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by ShariRae on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:37am
Absolute bullshit if this lawsuit goes forward...just my opinion

Title: Yeah, me too!
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:06am
Why is America mad at the illegal "working girls" and not at their labor pimps at Walmart?  Who is really driving wages down?? Who is creating the opportunity and incentive for illegals?  Lets punish everybody who broke the law, with the penalties scaled according to the magnitude of the violation.  Jose without a work permit, 1 violation.  Walmart, thousands of violations.  I want to see white collar criminals to do hard time.  And if Walmart (and their contractors ;)  ;) ) don't pay the legally required wages, let them defend themselves in a civil lawsuit.  Their crime in hiring illegal workers doesn't protect them from having to follow other laws.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:12am
Which part pisses you off Chuck?  The part about yet the lawsuit or the part where Walmart hired illegal aliens?

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:54am
Both piss me off!

Neither one is right, IMHO!

WalMart should be severly fined for it, but the illegals should not be able to sue Walmart.


Title: Re: Yeah, me too!
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:55am

on 11/11/03 at 09:06:44, floridian wrote:
Why is America mad at the illegal "working girls" and not at their labor pimps at Walmart?  Who is really driving wages down??

Unless I misread the article, these folks were contracted which should mean that wally world didn't pay them directily.  Contracted typically means that the company being contracted controls it's employees...benefits, hours and pay.  Seems to me, the contract company is the "labor pimp".

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:58am
However they are not as juicy a plum as Wal-Mart.  The leeches that call themselves attorneys - not lawyers, there is a difference, always go after who has the money, not who is at fault.  Whoops, I got started.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:06am
right.  There's a LOT wrong with this picture, its not one party, its all the parties involved.  
Yea i think I"ll be shuttin' up about now.  [smiley=hurl.gif]

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Giovanni on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:24am
The implications is now the "company" has to be responsible for the employees of their sub contractors or vendors.  This make the cost of doing business impossible for the average business in the U.S. This is a sue crazy country.

Also, before 9/11 I had illegals under supervision from the courts for various convictions.  I would call the immigration and naturalization service and advise them of their illegal status.  They would tell me that they were not interested unless major felony.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:55am

Unless I misread the article, these folks were contracted which should mean that wally world didn't pay them directily.  Contracted typically means that the company being contracted controls it's employees...benefits, hours and pay.  Seems to me, the contract company is the "labor pimp".

Yes, and no.  If I bump into a guy in a van who offers to sell me a nearly new racing bicycle for $50 or a giant color TV for $75, I could be nailed for illegally receiving stolen goods if I make a purchase.  Yes, that's right - I have a responsibility not only to pay for things, but to make reasonable efforts to be sure that I am not buying things procured illegally.  The same standard should be applied to corporations.

The contractors broke the law first, but that doesn't clear Walmart. The Feds say they have evidence that Walmart officials knew what was going on.   If so, then Walmart is central to the conspiracy.  If not, the situation is analagous to receiving stolen goods.    Especially since this thing has happened to Walmart before, and a prudent corporation would have taken measures to prevent it from happening again.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by sixtyminuteman on Nov 11th, 2003, 11:09am
Agreed Floridian. IMO, these workers are people who have taken a big risk to come here to work in order to give their families a better life. Yes, they're here might I be if I were facing what they face back home. And, whether they are here legally or illegally, taking someone's labor and refusing to compensate him for it is theft of the lowest kind. Walmart uses these subcontractors as windowdressing to cover its arse. Sorry--I have no respect for the company and its shenanigans. The way it treats its workers in general is a crime.  >:(   That's my  [smiley=twocents.gif]

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Boots on Nov 11th, 2003, 11:29am
Why do illegal aliens have to come here to work,we just sent them a new Maytag refrigerator plant from central Ill.We lost 1400 jobs at 15 bucks an hour,I read that they will pay the workers there 5 bucks an hour,hell why leave home

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:13pm

on 11/11/03 at 10:55:46, floridian wrote:
If not, the situation is analagous to receiving stolen goods.  

So, an illegal alien is a stolen good?  I don't see the correlation.  If wally world knew of all this, I agree...burn em.  If not, I don't see the fault.  In my line of work, we deal with many contractors.  I couldn't imagine asking for a green card from anyone who looks hispanic.  I'm pretty sure eventually, I would get sued for discriminating or harassing.

For the type of business it is, wally world offers some outstanding benefits to its full-time employees...just hard to see them contributing to slave labor.

Oh well, they sue, lawyers get a shitload of cash, and the aliens get somewhere around 1k each and a free ride back home.  They're all happy.  That's what it's about.   ::)

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Boots on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:24pm
wally world and slave labor.........they at 1 time ran 500 factories in china to make stuff to sell in there stores,many were gated compounds that the "full time" employee's were not allowed to leave,the article said they had 300k chinese working for them.America,the land of Mcjob......

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:38pm
Wow, I had no idea they were into international business!  Oh well, live and learn.

Where's that article?  I am curious now.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:39pm
In Pat Buchanan's America, this would never have happened.

Build a HUGE electric Fence (a la Jurassic Park) around the country and Tort Reform would take care of itself!!!

Problem solved!!!


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:55pm

on 11/11/03 at 12:39:54, Brian_Y wrote:
In Pat Buchanan's America, this would never have happened.

Build a HUGE electric Fence (a la Jurassic Park) around the country and Tort Reform would take care of itself!!!

Problem solved!!!


Sometimes you  have such a rocks-fer-brains. ::)  Damn B.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:04pm
Main Entry: iro·ny  
Pronunciation: 'I-r&-nE also 'I(-& )r-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirOnia, from eirOn dissembler
Date: 1502

1 : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning -- called also Socratic irony

2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance

3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play -- called also dramatic irony, tragic irony

But a moat would work too.  Fill it full of gators and eels and piranah.  Hoo-boy!!!  They'd stay right where they were if they thought that working for Wal-mart was worth getting a limb chewed off.

America is for Americans!!!!  And lawyers.

You goddamn hippies.     [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:13pm
keep digging, you got 3 more feet to go.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:23pm
O, and English can only be spoken in public.

And if you are not white, you have to carry your "papers".

It'll be just like Apartheid, but with khaki pants.

Do you understand what I am trying to say?

Does anyone not see the paradox of being upset at Wal-mart and these poor immigrants?  It don't add up.

But, damn, a moat around the country WOULD be cool!!

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by 9erfan on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:50pm

on 11/11/03 at 06:41:49, KingOfPain wrote:
The term "illegal" means illegal, doesn't it?

How do illegal, law breaking people have
any right to sue anybody in this country?


Guess the same way the "illegal"
people get free health care, food,

while hungry, no insurance, unemployed,
American citizens get told "no" everyday.
Yes, some of our fellow CHers get told
"no" too.

Something is very wrong with
this picture.

Just my opinion.


I'm with KOP.  What a bunch of crap!  Don't get me started on this subject.  Living in California, this is a problem that runs rampant!


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Karla on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:51pm
Don't get me started!   This makes me so mad my blood boils.  I can not believe people who accepted those wages and knew what they were getting paid with and had the right to quit at any time has a right to sue.  This is so stupid. I better shut up or I will really go off. :-X :-X

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:54pm
Let me clarify something too while I am at it.

I think that these folks should sue Wal-Mart.  I think they should sue them for all it’s worth.  Wal-Mart is a Moloch and what better example of their slave labor practices exist than the fact they allowed these disenfranchised people to be in this position in the first place because they think they can circumvent the system.  Let this be a lesson to you fans of John Ashcroft and the Patriot Act and whatever anti-immigration nonsense that exists out there.  Eurocentricism is an ugliness that needs to be erased immediately.

My two cents.

He who came from Italian immigrants.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 2:06pm
Yeah, but in Jurassic Park, that electrical fence barrier didn't work.  What happens when the solar flares and declining infrastructure investment from deregulation combine to give us the mother of all black-outs??  The fence would fail, and Cheech Marin would raise his arms like the messiah and lead a teeming mass across our failed techo-border like he did in "Born in East L.A."  Better go with the moat.  

I'm not anti-immigration.  But I am in favor of having immigration rules and enforcing them.  Too little immigration and our culture gets stale. The work ethic of first and second generation Americans is far above most of our gen-x/gen-y 'native' mall rats.  Science, medicine, business, and cuisine in the US all benefit from immigration.  

But with too much immigration, people don't assimilate, and we could balkanize.  Yugoslavia is not my model for a multi-cultural society.  Yes, I know that immigrants want their kids to learn English and be sucessful (which definitely happened with my immediate forebears). I am not for slamming the door now that my goldbrick self has made it in.   But when the immigration rate is too high,  the culture can be destabilized.  The larger the enclaves, the slower the assimilation.  

Both the illegal workers and their employers are in the wrong.  I symapthize with the little guy, and want fairness and even some leniency for them.  But I see no paradox in enforcing the rules for everyone.

PS  - The Boers and Afrikaans did wear khaki.  Contrary to popular belief, it was not invented by the US Banana Republic chain for safari themed posing.
PPS Can the sharks in the moat have "laser-beams" on their head??

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 2:49pm
But immigration IS the culture.  I think a homogeneous society is more dangerous than theoretical cultural imbalance.  I have lived in the south and in Iowa.  Guess which place is more "stable"?

And I knew the Afrikaners wore khaki.  They just did not have the wonderful luxury of getting it from L.L. Bean.

O, and fuck Wal-Mart.  If I were an attorney, I'd take this case in a heartbeat and go after those slime-bags in Arkansas. Phhbt.  I SPIT on them.

Immigration rules are commendable and I am not saying to open up the borders to everyone without some accomodation for the rule of law, but to discount the power, influence, and richness our southern neighbors have contributed to America is folly.

And frickin' laser beams are key.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:34pm


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 3:48pm

on 11/11/03 at 15:34:57, KingOfPain wrote:
Read for yourself.

And a commentary.

You may want to let everyone know these "articles" are right-wing propoganda.  Straight out of Berlin, 1936.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:16pm
I am here to tell you this is not an "opinion".  A smattering of "facts" with unsubstantiated data does not a truth make.

Those sites you listed are one step above white supremacy.  I am not suggesting YOU are one, but you do need to know that calling Hispanic groups "hate groups" and equating Mexican immigration (illegal or otherwise) to the influx of terrorist cells in America is tantamount to fear mongering.  A tactic used brilliantly by the right under the guise of "patriotism".  Look up what the National Front in France does and their leader Jean LePen.  Just Google his name...

I'll leave it at that.  Those sites are pure, unadulterated fascism.

And I respect your opinion as well, so do not see this as an attack, but we have some first generation immigrants who visit this site and I cannot see them as being anything less than offended by them...


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by cootie on Nov 11th, 2003, 11:11pm
ALL the people that work at our Super Walmart are 'special' if ya get my drift......mentally challenged shall I say. There all nice folk 'don''t get me wrong'.... but I have always wonder'd 'what's up with that'...when I say ALL I do mean ALL includeing the deli and managers ! It's always bother'd me since they open'd.....what's that all about and "who's in charge" ? Pam that may sound mentally challenged after this

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Charlie on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:15am
Paranoia sells. Fear keeps everyone on their toes. How to get re-elected with no ideas: Sell fear. Works every time. All it takes is to find someone to blame. The thing is, illegal migrants barely register on the scale. Trivial stuff but sounds sexy.  

Bush wasted all the goodwill after 9-11, trying to scare the shit out of us and making it too hard deal with him. Real dumb. Instead, he said: Go shopping, buy jewelry and cars.....go to the theater.  Presidential.........of the Philippines.

Bush and his medieval bunch decided it was time to hack away at the Bill Of Rights and starve all the New Deal legislation that created for the first time a middle class. Gonna soon be hard to sell all that “Made in Amurrika” stuff to us when no one can afford it. They turned 9-11 into a contract on America. Doing a bang up job so far.  Be sure to arrest immigrants though. Solves everything.

Dumb sells too.

Please; no Eagle Forum bullshit. It’s to the right of Louis IV.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:34am

Exactly.  Well put.

No offense meant, but with my education, experience, and salary, I am not worried in the least from getting my job taken from a person who comes from, effectively, a quasi 19th Century, agrarian society.

Fear does sell.  And evidently has sold it well to these folks...

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:54am
Hey Charlie, just what is that walking smiley doing anyway?  Brian-Y your jobs are going over seas as well.  We are exporting white collar jobs at an alarming rate.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:58am

on 11/12/03 at 08:54:38, thomas wrote:
Hey Charlie, just what is that walking smiley doing anyway?  Brian-Y your jobs are going over seas as well.  We are exporting white collar jobs at an alarming rate.

Ummm, what does that have to do with illegal IMMIGRANTS?  My job being exported overseas has jack shit to do with an illegals IN this country.  That is a different issue.  Stay focused.

Bottom line:  This is racist, fear mongering and SHAMEFUL!!!!

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:01am
Sorry it's early in the morning for me.  Had a rough night.  Hard to stay "focused" right now.  So I'll just be quiet.  How's that?  I would like to say, however, I'm in favor of immigration as long as it is done legally.  You can not circumvent our immigration laws and expect any legal recourse from our justice system - that's just insane.  Look what the great Bill Clinton did to that poor boy from Cuba.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:12am
This is not directed at anyone in particular, but I HATE the Middle Class.


I have to go take a shower now....

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:20am
Yeah they are such scum, they pay the taxes for the rich, support the poor and they're the only group that has NO representation in Washington.  Those are facts, not opinion.  

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by drnoe on Nov 12th, 2003, 11:41am
A cluster dust up. And over POLITICS. Fascists terrorista and Clinton.Bomb the middle class. Kick out ALL immigrants whatever generation.No. Wait a minute...
Kidding aside folks I'm glad to see some diversity but we know that a group like ours w/ one main thing in common is probably going to be in line w/ national demographics and that means we're as divided as the country in general. I personally don't see political opponents as enemies but the temptation is great.
Can we aknowledge the differences and move on?
Respecting your right to be wrong,
PS Oops. Didn't mean to make non US nationals feel left out. This is non-CH but part of the mix here .

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 11:44am
I think debate is healthy, a little diversion from the beast perhaps.   :)

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by drnoe on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:10pm

YES, debate is good and diversion from cussing cluster's even better.
I wonder sometimes if CHers are the types who fall into road rage and the like cause we're under pressure. Mostly I think we seem to be pretty good at self-control but I'd think twice before provoking a clusterhead, just in case. Y'know?
It's just prudent to be wary of anyone in pain.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:17pm
Wow!! I didn't think I was provoking anyone.  If I did, that wasn't my intention.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:27pm

on 11/12/03 at 12:17:25, thomas wrote:
Wow!! I didn't think I was provoking anyone.  If I did, that wasn't my intention.

I was.  And it was my intention.

Hmm.  I guess I failed again.  My dad always said I would not amount to much.

Death to Wal-Mart!!  Throw off your chains of oppression!!

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by drnoe on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:31pm
Sorry Thomas
Didn't mean you or anyone else was provoking. Just remembering that politics or religion is a provocative brew.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:35pm
Well you did provoke me with the middle class comment.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by drnoe on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:40pm
Beautifully written apology, KofP
No need in my case.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 12th, 2003, 12:46pm
No apology needed sir.  I am the most thick skinned individual you will find.  Even if I wasn't you still would not have to apologize to me for voicing your opinion. :)

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:36pm
The vast majority of us are all immigrants anyway to some degree or's what this country was founded on.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Cerberus on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:54pm
Ok I have only read HALF of this thread and am now going to comment on it.

 Why should I? because I know first hand a thing or two about illegal immigrants working in the U.S. (My Kitchen manager was fired this mid-year for knowingly hiring the same).

 First let me point out that knowing if someone is an illegal alien is NOT always easy. There is a method to this madness................
  Most of the illegal mexicans in the U.S. are here strictly on a mafia style system. A man comes to america and applies for a visa and gets to legally reside temporarily in the States. This same person will then pay to have relatives transported or visit him here. This turns out to be a "permanent" visit. The "boss" then pays for false identification, Social security cards and all of the necessary paperwork to legally get work. All based on a handfull of birthcertificates of legal borns, relatives, or deceased relatives.Those brought in illegally are obligated to work for this "boss" until the debt is paid back. Then and only then are they allowed  to fend for themselves.

 I have seen it first hand and know exactlyhow it works. of the guys we had to fire had three drivers licenses, three social security cards, and a fake green card for some guy who wasn't even him, NOR looked or resembled in any way the person who's papers he was using. (of course we didn't find this out until AFTER the whole fiasco when he came back trying to get his job back he offered my boss all three in an effort to keep his job.)(and all the names and numbers were different)

 No justification from me for illegals working and residing here. a Definate no-no, however, in the wal-mart incident. I have to agree with floridian the company that contracted these folks should be the target, unless Wal-mart can't prove that they had no idea. As for the illegal workers? Well, deportation is certain,but,what about the money? shouldn't the IRSmaybe subject them to back taxes? should they maybe serve jail time for fraud and work for free to repay the money? or are we going to just send em home to do it all over again? Guess what.......the answer is C, we're sending them all back to do it again and again.

 A smart judge should throw this one for wal-mart, but should press for a full investigation and charges against the contractor and prosecution of the illegal workers. A deterrant is needed here folks make the penalty for getting caught in the U.S. illegally so costly (in one way or another) that it isn't worth the effort to get here. is legal for Mexicans to have wives in Mexico AND in the U.S.A. (interesting no?)(Mexico is still very much a male dominated society the men earn the money and the women raise the kids and do the housework) (this is slowly becoming more obsolete)(besides, marriage of Mexican women to American men in Mexico is not recognized by the U.S as a legal marriage.......therfore two wives possible even for American men what better way to get relatives across the border.)

Fact.................American men can LITERALLY BUY a wife in Mexico.

Fact................You can purchase land and have a respectably large home built on it for less than 50K.

So there's the motivation............good pay, no taxes and no accountability......even better,if you make it in, the chance of you getting caught are slim to none. The government keeps track of all the social security numbers it issues, a computer or several has a record of them all, but, with more than 250 million people it takesa while (even for a computer) to compare and match numbers fed it to weed out the illegals. So the likelyhood of being caught are that much more narrow.

The Corporation I work for, is the entity responsible for checking these things. i.e. we only have to secure copies of I.D. , S.S. card and/or green card and fill out an I-9 form to employ, it is the corporation's responsibility to follow up on the legitimacy of them. We don't get called, unless a red flag goes up about it so we have no-way of knowing if papers are fake unless Corp. figures it out.

Upsetting? hell yeah, Why should an illegal immigrant get paid more than I do, and not pay taxes, LET ALONE get to send all their money outside the continental U.S.
 Should it maybe be illegal to send large amounts of cash out of borders, how are you going to stop it? going back to another thread........................just another excuse for the keeping of firearms ;;D J.K. Here's another sickening thought...........these same people can burglarize your home, and rape your wives and/or kids, or even murder you all........................and not get caught or pay a price for it, why? because technically they don't exist. And even if they WERE caught, their deportation would probably happen before the crimes were discovered.

There's gotta be a solution,


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:21pm

on 11/12/03 at 21:58:08, lioness wrote:
and lets not forget they breed like rabbits
and because their children are born here
they cannot be kicked out

LMAO!  Don't hold back!!   ;;D

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Peppermint on Nov 12th, 2003, 11:47pm
It is incredible to read it, but here it is before my very eyes.  

There are few things I take exception to in this thread but  WOW.

FYI - I happen to live in a primarily white neighborhood.  A good majority of the people in this area are on welfare, though it is a fairly "nice" neighborhood, or are somehow on the dole, and sit in the park looking pretty and playing chess and whiling the time away.   A good portion of them are European immigrants, collecting every dollar they can from the gov't, using programs they qualify for to buy a house, pay their rent, collect food stamps, pay their utilities, start a business, send their kids to private school, while they look their noses down at the rest of us working "minorities", born and raised in this country, whose parents were immigrants and have broken their backs to give us a college education, etc., simply because we have a little too much Cafe in the Au Lait.   They lie to the gov't, and they are here legally, yes they are, about their marital status, some run their own illegal activities, and seem to live so much better than their working neighbors.  

I am a single mother, I hold a decent job in Corporate America, have a college education, and live soley on my income.  NOONE and I mean NOONE gave me anything and I don't want any handouts.  No matter how you slice it, it is still a struggle, just like for so many other people in this country.

That Walmart story is a damn shame on many counts, and it is complicated for economic, legal and well I can think of a few other reasons - as in some of the  points you bring up Crash.  As far as money leaving the country, many legal immigrants send their families money, not just the Mexicans.  

However, looking at some of the other comments, I take exception to outright bigotry, and every time I see it, hear it, or experience it, it reminds me that this country has got a godamned long way to go.  

BTW, you can call me a rabbit but I don't breed like one.    ;)

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:46am

on 11/12/03 at 21:58:08, lioness wrote:
Yes all should be held accountable for the actions.......

But this country should keep a tighter hold on the borders.......

I am a single mother of 2 small children
I work in a lowclass job
I pay childcare
I do not get child support
The only income my children and I live on is mine

I have been told by Social Services that I make too much money to get any kind of help.
But lets see, these mexicans come over here
do not have to get vaccinated
and i pay for their
and all assistance they reiceve
some things wrong here
i work hard and am getting nowhere
i cannot even afford winter coats for my children
but the mexicans can get all the help they need

and lets not forget they breed like rabbits
and because their children are born here
they cannot be kicked out

something is wrong with this picture

and they need to learn to speak english

I have not had breakfast this morning.  Good thing too.  You are a racist swine.

Jesus H. Christ.....

Shame on you...

Goddamn, I wish I was the admin on this board sometimes.  Your ass belongs on a Skinhead board, not here.  


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by JDH on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:07am

on 11/12/03 at 21:58:08, lioness wrote:
Yes all should be held accountable for the actions.......

But this country should keep a tighter hold on the borders.......

I am a single mother of 2 small children
I work in a lowclass job
I pay childcare
I do not get child support
The only income my children and I live on is mine

I have been told by Social Services that I make too much money to get any kind of help.
But lets see, these mexicans come over here
do not have to get vaccinated
and i pay for their
and all assistance they reiceve
some things wrong here
i work hard and am getting nowhere
i cannot even afford winter coats for my children
but the mexicans can get all the help they need

and lets not forget they breed like rabbits
and because their children are born here
they cannot be kicked out

something is wrong with this picture

and they need to learn to speak english

I've been following this thread for a few days now trying to stay out of it but I gotta tell ya that's probably THE most racist bullshit I've EVER read on here.
Maybe the worst over all post ever.
Take your racist views somewhere else lady.
Like Brian sez, that kind of stuff belongs on a skinhead mb.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:54pm
I have to agree that those comments are racist...discrimination based on race.  However, comments like "I hate the middle class" is just as bad.  Use of the word hate along with the stereotyping.  Statements like that make you no better than anyone else.

I hate no one, and middle class MF'ers like me protect  you every day.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Charlie on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:11pm

I just caught up with this.  Yikes  :o

The thing we have to remember is that in our zeal to seal our borders and scare people; it would be a tragedy if we made this a place where people would not want to come.  

I do agree that it's a good idea to learn some English if one is to stay here. Like it or not, your chances of getting anywhere are pretty slim without it.  It isn't necessary of course but it's handy.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:13pm

on 11/12/03 at 21:58:08, lioness wrote:
Yes all should be held accountable for the actions.......

But this country should keep a tighter hold on the borders.......

I am a single mother of 2 small children
I work in a lowclass job
I pay childcare
I do not get child support
The only income my children and I live on is mine

I have been told by Social Services that I make too much money to get any kind of help.
But lets see, these mexicans come over here
do not have to get vaccinated
and i pay for their
and all assistance they reiceve
some things wrong here
i work hard and am getting nowhere
i cannot even afford winter coats for my children
but the mexicans can get all the help they need

and lets not forget they breed like rabbits
and because their children are born here
they cannot be kicked out

something is wrong with this picture

and they need to learn to speak english

Lioness, you need to reread what you posted.  I have highlighted the areas that are VERY racist.  If you did not pick out a specific nationality, as you did, we might accept your denial of racisim.  

No one here ever mentioned anything about your color or nationality.  You do not have to be of a certain color or national origin to be a racist. In order to be a racist, you have to do just what you did, denegrate a whole nation's population  just because they are from that country.  

I hope that you can change your way and attitude before your young children become as racist as you are.  Racism and bigotry are not inherited traits, they are learned.  Try to remember that as you are raising your children!


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:13pm

on 11/13/03 at 19:54:07, Prense wrote:
I have to agree that those comments are racist...discrimination based on race.  However, comments like "I hate the middle class" is just as bad.  Use of the word hate along with the stereotyping.  Statements like that make you no better than anyone else.

I hate no one, and middle class MF'ers like me protect  you every day.


I didn't take into account possible sarcasm in your remark...If that was the case, I sincerely apologize.  I'll still protect you though either way.   ;;D

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by jonny on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:16pm
CHRIST!!! How long we gonna beat this fucking horse?


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:23pm
I saw it move...I swear it!   ;;D

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:57pm
I wanted to excuse the views expressed here as the result of too many CH drugs or anger caused by too much pain.

But I can't because lioness doesn't have CH I don't think? Grovelling apologies if I'm wrong, but if I'm right,  suggest you stick to supporting.


No CH but plenty of guts to apologise and keep posting!

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by BobG on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:11pm
I don’t know what side to take here. But,

Wal-Mart.. they should be fined heavy duty for their slave wages and working conditions. I don’t shop there. Why? Because they sell junk. I believe in buying the best quality I can afford. If Wal-Mart is the best you can afford then fine, go for it. If you can afford better quality than Wal-Mart offers then do it. Quality pays off in the long run (and keeps the profit margin down at Wal-Mart).

Illegal’s (they are NOT all Mexicans. Just because they speak Spanish doesn’t mean they are from Mexico, they could very well be from South America)……..Sucking up taxpayer’s money. Hmmmm, that doesn’t seem right. I think they should join the US Military, spend a couple years with Uncle Sam and then go to college on the GI Bill. I did. It worked pretty good. After 23 months in the US Army I got the VA to pay over a hundred grand for my 6 years of college. And you know what? I’ve never worked a day in my educational field. But I do have a couple of nice degrees to hang on the wall. Thanks American Taxpayers. And the VA also financed my house at a low rate. Thanks again Taxpayers!

Living off the taxpayer……….my parents are on Social Security ( and a tidy nest egg they saved) My father has been collecting (maximum) for only 18 years and my mother for 15. Already they’ve received more than they ever paid in. They are both in good health so they should be collecting for at least another 10 years. Thanks American Taxpayer.

And speaking about my house, we just had some major renovations done. The stucco guys, the painters, the drywallers and the carpet/tile setters were all Hispanic. They showed up every day, worked 8 hours and left after cleaning up after themselves. The electrician didn’t show up for 2 days. He was too hung over to work. Oh, and he was  a white, American, union member.

I just don’t know what side to take here.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by lioness on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:27pm
For all I have offended I do appologize.

I was not trying to offend anyone just stating my opinion
Again I am sorry


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Prense on Nov 13th, 2003, 9:28pm
We survive CH...we can survive anything!   ;;D

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:51am
Where can one see a good boxing match between two monkeys?

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Unsolved on Nov 14th, 2003, 11:29am
How can they (Walmart) take out taxes, give them insurance, contribute to workers comp...They are ILLEGAL immigrants ?!

I hate walking into an American store and finding that NO ONE speaks English. Has this ever happened to you ?

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by thomas on Nov 14th, 2003, 11:44am
Uhh.. they weren't employed by Wally World - they were subcontracted labor from a maintenance company.  You've got a fever so it's an ok mistake.  Get better.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 14th, 2003, 12:36pm

on 11/14/03 at 11:29:39, Unsolved wrote:
I hate walking into an American store and finding that NO ONE speaks English. Has this ever happened to you ?

Yeah, once when I was in Louisiana, I went into this store and everyone there spoke French.  And CAJUN French to boot which was really tuff.

Thank GOD I speak French and am not some goddam uneducated prole.

America is just plain CRAZY!!!!

O wait...

Never mind.  Cajuns are white.

This example does not count.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by BobG on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:44pm

I hate walking into an American store and finding that NO ONE speaks English. Has this ever happened to you ?

Yep. I spent a week in Texas one day.

Couldn't understand a word ANYONE said.


Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 14th, 2003, 9:18pm that I live in Texas, me 'n' my Peruvian wife feel right at home... hardly ANYbody speaks English... even the Chicanos can't speak Spanish.... and the Mexicans have all the GOOD jobs... but the damn TEXANS are the worst: they're just so...... polite... and they give way in wit' DAT?

yep: This REALLY pisses me off!

[where's the BITEME smiley?]

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by BobG on Nov 14th, 2003, 9:27pm
LOL Not4Hire,

The Chicanos can't speak Spanish but they can speak Southern California English.

It's the Texas-Americans I couldn't understand.

And you're right about being too polite............they drive Way to slow.

Title: Re: This REALLY pisses me off!
Post by Charlie on Nov 14th, 2003, 9:34pm
Yeah. Walmart has never been the same since Sam Walton died. Remember the joy it was back then? [smiley=laugh.gif]  ::)

Things have really gone to hell.  :-/ They even had to hire old farts like me who who we now know couldn't speak English were there soley to mislead us at the door. Ya never get a break. :-/

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