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(Message started by: andy on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:48pm)

Title: Statistics are great
Post by andy on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:48pm
 Statistics are great!

The number of physicians in the United States is 700,000.

Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year is 120,000.

Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. (US Dept. of Health & Human Services).

The number of gun owners in the US is 80 million (yes, 80 million!).

The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.

The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .0000188.

Statistically, doctors are about 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners

Fact: Not everyone has a gun, but almost everyone has a doctor. Some have more than one!

Please alert everyone you know to this threat. We must ban doctors for the good of humanity.

I have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear that the shock would cause people to seek medical attention.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:58pm


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 10th, 2003, 4:06pm
And you can pull my gun from my cold dead hands, C.H.

or something like that...............


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Mikey on Nov 10th, 2003, 4:19pm
Good god, and i have more Docs than i have guns!! Shit! i'm in big trouble.  Better make a will now cause i'm a dead man for sure!!

Mikey,  :-/

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Ueli on Nov 10th, 2003, 6:39pm
I wouldn't call that a statistic, but a typical example of the miserable manipulations some people go to vindicate their shitty, ignoble mentality.

Physicians pursue the target to save live. They are not perfect in saving severely ill or injured patients, and therefore regrettably lose one on occasion. But in view that over the last century the live expectancy has almost doubled, one could say that the medical community has given a second life to everybody.

On the other hand, every gun-owner is a potential murderer. 1500 accidental gun deaths per year are 1500 too many, and this blood toll caused by macho gun slingers cannot be justified by any sane reason.

The abusers of statistics shall be stricken by lightening while producing such crap! And shame on the miserable creatures that disseminate such shit.

(Fuck the NRA)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Cerberus on Nov 10th, 2003, 6:41pm
  ****Incoming Subspace transmission*****
  ***           Starfleet Command                ***
 UssCerebus Confirming orders............Fire at will...repeat.....Fire at will..............Acknowledged.

          ;;D...........Targeting......... ;;D

 *** End transmission***

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:00pm
[quote][On the other hand, every gun-owner is a potential murderer/quote]

Sorry Ulie, that is just good old fashioned bullshit. Can we say the same about everyone who owns a knife, drives a car or talks on a cell phone while driving? By your analogy we would all be would-be Killers. I’m 48, I own 14 guns, I have never thought about shooting another human being. It won’t happen.

Lee ::)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:14pm

I'm with Ueli on this one.

You own 14 guns :o

Why on earth would anyone need that many?

I am glad I don't live in the USA. Guns are still rare and our Police aren't even armed here and gun ownership is really tightly controlled (even Farmers have to work quite hard to get a shotgun licence from the Police) Hopefully I'll be in my box by the time that changes, which it inevitably and sadly will. Where the USA goes, we follow!

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:24pm
I feel this country is safer with Lee having 14 guns....if only the dirtbags had guns what kind of world would this be?

Lee, blow a hole in a scumbag if you ever get the chance dude!!!

God knows ill open a scumbag wide open with the hollow points if I have too.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Prense on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:28pm

on 11/10/03 at 15:48:55, andy wrote:
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year is 120,000.

on 11/10/03 at 18:39:38, Ueli wrote:
Physicians pursue the target to save live. They are not perfect in saving severely ill or injured patients, and therefore regrettably lose one on occasion.

Ummm, I am fairly cerain this first quote implys accidental deaths...not the "oops, you were just too damn old and I couldn't save you" deaths.  

on 11/10/03 at 18:39:38, Ueli wrote:
On the other hand, every gun-owner is a potential murderer. 1500 accidental gun deaths per year are 1500 too many, and this blood toll caused by macho gun slingers cannot be justified by any sane reason.

Then I guess the same holds true for any car owner?  Anyone who owns a knife?  Bow?  Oh hell, people drown about a boat?  ...just to name a few.

Back to the original statistics...add in the intentional deaths from gun owners and the results will probably be staggering.  I don't think the same could be said for doctors.  At least, I hope not!   ;;D

Oh well...

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:33pm
Pubgirl, every gun is designed to kill different things under different circumstances, if you have never been hunting, you would never understand. Our constitution guarantees our right to bear arms, most people who own them have never thought about harming other humans, they only enjoy the hunt. By the way I only own long guns. All are designed for different kinds of game, from elephants to rats. Some are antiques and are valuable investments. It’s  like a hobby.

Lee ::)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:41pm
I can see that. Old guns can be very beautiful things.

I don't care if it is blasphemy here though, I think that element of your constitution is insane.

Amended: Silly question here then, how come some states can control the carrying of guns then if it is against your constitution?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:45pm

on 11/10/03 at 19:41:44, pubgirl wrote:
I don't care if it is blasphemy here though, I think that element of your constitution is insane.



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:45pm
did a search in google for "accidental deaths" and doctors" or "physicans" and guess what?

The exact same article (word for word) showed up a bazillion times.

If ya read it on the internet, its GOTTA be true!    ::)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:47pm

And your President is as thick as pigshit!

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:49pm

on 11/10/03 at 19:41:44, pubgirl wrote:
Amended: Silly question here then, how come some states can control the carrying of guns then if it is against your constitution?


Because people are stupid (yes, I said stupid)
enough to let them have control in the first place.

I live in a "Make My Day" (law) state.

Don't test the law at my house.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:52pm
We have got some things a bit arse about face here. A man shot a burglar who was in his house here and the man who shot him was sent to prison.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:55pm
What kind of cops dont have guns?

Dumbass cops.....thats who....LMMFAO ;;D


Edit....Be good or our cops will throw rocks at you.....LMMFAO....LOL ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:56pm
Yeh but your dumbass cops get killed. Ours almost never do, truthfully it's only about 1 a year in the whole of the UK.

Why did no-one argue about GB being thick?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by BruceD on Nov 10th, 2003, 7:59pm

on 11/10/03 at 18:39:38, Ueli wrote:
On the other hand, every gun-owner is a potential murderer.

And every woman is a potential prostitute ... all the equipment in the right places. Yet we don't seem to need to lock them all up, do we? ;)

No offense Ueli, but that argument has gone rather dry with me. I too am a gun owner and hunter and like Lee I have absolutely never had the inkling to shoot another human being. The argument of equating all guns with death and evildoing is an equally flawed argument - the same as blatantly spouting statistics. It is not the gun, but rather the miscreant individual who chooses to do ill and harm another human being. Just look at cities like Washington DC and the murder rate. Guns are outlawed, yet they continue to lead the nation in per-capita murders.

Take care

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:02pm

on 11/10/03 at 19:56:58, pubgirl wrote:
Why did no-one argue about GB being thick?

Cause Queen Charles is raping the butler.....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:03pm

on 11/10/03 at 19:55:17, jonny wrote:
What kind of cops dont have guns?

Dumbass cops.....thats who....LMMFAO ;;D


Edit....Be good or our cops will throw rocks at you.....LMMFAO....LOL ;;D


More like:

"Stop! or I will yell Stop! again!"



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:04pm

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:05pm
They don't even have mace so they probably shout "Stop or I might hit you with this very small stick I carry, watch out it'll sting!" ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Prense on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:08pm
When I first got to Okinawa in 1991, the local police didn't carry guns and drove a car that resembled the "K car".  Generally speaking, guns are banned there.  When I left in 1995, they were carry 9 mils and driving CBRs.   ;;D

I guess they figured all those years of being dumbass cops was a little too much.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:11pm
In America a cop will ask you to "Freeze".....if you dont he will put a bullet in you......I feel safe


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:13pm
THIS happened in Switzerland!

AI INDEX: EUR 43/006/2001     29 June 2001  

Public Statement

29 June 2001
AI Index EUR 43/006/2001 - News Service Nr. 111

Switzerland: Urgent need for reform following deaths during forcible deportation

On 3 July 2001, Bulach District Court is due to issue its verdict in the trial of three police officers and a doctor employed by the Canton of Bern who are accused of the manslaughter of Khaled Abuzarifa, a Palestinian who died in March 1999, during a deportation operation via Zurich- Kloten airport.

Khaled Abuzarifa was given a sedative tablet, had his mouth sealed with adhesive tape, was bound hand and foot, and strapped into a wheelchair in preparation for deportation. He was only able to breathe through one nostril. A post-mortem report indicated that he died of asphyxia as a result of the restraining measures. It also criticized the escorting police officers for losing valuable time in removing the adhesive tape after observing he was unwell and noted that they had not received relevant training. The doctor, who had witnessed the taping of the mouth and approved it as safe, was criticized for failing to provide relevant instructions to the officers.

The use of adhesive tape to cover deportees' mouths and prevent them shouting ceased to be an officially-sanctioned method of restraint at Zurich airport in August 1999. Amnesty International has, however, expressed concern about a number of other dangerous methods of restraint which could impede the breathing of a deportee. A specially-modified rubber boxing helmet was in use at Zurich airport in 1999. A 'chin-cup' forcibly closed the jaws and a cover could be placed across the mouth, containing a small aperture for a breathing tube. There have also been reports of restraint techniques which could lead to death from positional asphyxia.

Khaled Abuzarifa's tragic death was not the first or only case of its kind. Five other deaths occurring during deportations from Western Europe between 1993 and 2000 were accompanied by the use, shortly before death, of dangerous methods of restraint impeding respiration. These individuals died during or immediately following forcible deportations from Austria (Marcus Omofuma in 1999), Belgium {Semira Adamu in 1998} , Germany (Kola Bankole in 1994 and Aamir Ageeb in 1999) and the United Kingdom (Joy Gardner in 1993).

In May 2001 Samson Chukwu, a Nigerian, died at the start of a deportation operation from the Canton of Valais, Switzerland. Forensic examinations are still trying to establish the precise cause of death but the possibility of positional asphyxia is being examined.

There have also been a number of reports that police escorts have subjected some deportees to physical assault and racist abuse, that recalcitrant deportees have on occasion been given sedatives in order to subdue them, rather than for purely medical reasons, and that a number of deportees have been deprived of food, liquid and access to a lavatory for many hours, until they reach their destination. Some have even been offered the degrading option of wearing incontinence pads -- an officially-sanctioned practice at Zurich airport, abandoned in the course of 2000 and replaced with special urine-absorbant airline seats.


public document
Last updated : June 29

AI INDEX: EUR 43/006/2001     29 June 2001  

:o :o :o :o

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:14pm
Ours say " Excuse me sir, would you mind getting out of the car?"

Different planet, never mind a different country

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by floridian on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:15pm
Ueli - I think it was supposed to be a joke - the last few sentences were my clue to this.

We must ban doctors for the good of humanity.  I have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear that the shock would cause people to seek medical attention.

I don't think they really want to ban doctors, although some of the mountain people I've met in the southern US don't seem to think they need em.  

I thought every able bodied Swiss male had to undergo military training, and maintain a rifle in their household. Yet Switzerland is not a violent society.

While we're adding fuel to the fire, let me throw this one in (it was left out of the list that has been going around):

You might be a Republican if ... you are opposed to anything like euthanasia or right to suicide for the terminally ill, but you believe that everyone should own a gun.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:16pm
Are there any Swiss people here to get upset?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Ree on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:18pm

on 11/10/03 at 19:56:58, pubgirl wrote:
Why did no-one argue about GB being thick?

I'll argue with ya Pubgirl you forgot the W  its GWB !!!!


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:19pm
Just checked, there are 21 members registered , one of them is called Beat , is that a real name?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:19pm
I am not trying to "upset" anyone.

Just showing the facts.

Not all countries are without blame.

Including ours.



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:20pm
Hi Ree, we don't call him Bush over here, we call him Thicket

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by floridian on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:33pm

Are there any Swiss people here to get upset?

I wasn't trying to upset the Swiss, but thought Ueli was Swiss (red flag, white cross). Even if no one here is Swiss, my point was that guns don't make people violent.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:39pm
...speaking of's a couple:

yep, THESE are AMENDMENTS to The Constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA....(nobody gets their shit straight on the FIRST try)

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

...there are some OTHER really COOL ones.... ya oughta read 'em sometime.... it's sorta why we threw ya BRITS off the North American Continent awhile back..... bwahahaha....

so....pubgirl...while i defend your right to disagree ..... i think yer talkin outcher...

...ahem... a gentleman would not use the word which I first typed....  and have now *deleted*.....

and while I think Charleton Heston is an IDIOT... and it's very obvious you have a POINT:

And your President is as thick as pigshit!

...the reason I am armed and dangerous, is because The Boyz who founded this country were PRETTY DAMN SMART...

THEY knew that POWER CORRUPTS.... and absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTELY...

...Ashcroft and HIS *BOYZ* wanna do something AMERICANS have been fighting AGAINST for 200+ years... i.e. get in your house, read your (e)mail, check yer prescriptions, tell you to stay off the STREETS, meet yer friends, ....yadda....

... welp, ONE  reason that these goons don't line us up in the street: we're ALL fuckin' ARMED...... really does tend to cut down on *coups d'etat* and *dissolution of the Parliment* and suchlike.....

ya know-what-I-mean?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:42pm
Oh Christ....who woke his grumpy ass up.......LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by BruceD on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:47pm
Not4  ;;D  ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Cerberus on Nov 10th, 2003, 10:37pm
I wonder if the stats mentioned in the original post reflect the number of accidental killings due to improper handling and/ or misfires, blocked barrels etc?

saw a stat once that said 3/4ths of all the worlds firearms ( not necessarily military) were in the United States. I can believe it.

 Here's a real stat for you anti-gun people. There are supposedly 80 milion gun owners (REGISTERED OWNERS,granted) and exactly how many times have YOU personally been shot.
 I own guns, and I must say that if the gov't suddenly outlawed firearms in the USA, There would be just a little more than a few pissed off Postal and fast-food workers to deal with.  A purchase waiting period hasn't worked, Police "buy back programs" are a national joke. In fact , the two combined have only managed to get a SMALL portion of shoddily crafted and/or broken/useless equipment off the streets.
All I want is to be allowed to hunt a few birds and small animals for food and sport. and take some target practice. Is that a crime? Why should I be robbed of something that makes me happy? I haven't done anything.

highly opinionated,

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Lori on Nov 10th, 2003, 10:41pm
I think Not4hire has a point. Americans better wake up before it's too late...Freedom seems to be slipping away.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:49pm
I forgot to say that rats are the best but kinda hard to hit.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:58pm
What a coincidence…

… I was cleaning my .40 Beretta whilst cruising through this thread… (no bullshit)

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by 5-string on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:03am
A friend of mine(who has since passed away) owned a gas station at one point in his career.
One night 3 young men came in to the shop, he was behind his desk doing paperwork. He told them he was closed and one of them started laughing and knocking things over. the second one went toward him and jumped over the desk. My buddy had a gun in his desk drawer,pulled it out and shot and killed the kid.The other 2 took off.
He was arrested and charged of course. But eventually the charges were dropped.
  I'm glad my buddy got off. I don't think he did anything wrong. The kid did not even have a gun on him and I don't feel sorry for him. His mother and father, without a doubt,not him though.
    You can prove anything you want with statistics. Try me..

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:08am
"There are Five kinds of lies:
Damned Lies,
Politicians quoting statistics
and Novellists quoting Politicians on Statistics."
--Stephen K Tagg

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:08am

You can prove anything you want with statistics. Try me..

Prove your insurance isn't charging you too much.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:20am
It's 12:15 am over here, but I just had to long in and say:

Right on, Not4Hire.

My thoughts exactly.

It ain't about republican or democrat...

Long Live Libertarians!

--- Steve

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:40am

Amended: Silly question here then, how come some states can control the carrying of guns then if it is against your constitution?

This is a State by State law here in the US, Some states allow concealed weapons, others do not. This has no effect on the individual to own or possess a gun. They can’t carry it legally without the proper training and so forth without the proper training.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:56am
This has been an interesting argument that I have refrained from up to this point.  However, I have one question to pose to those of you who are against me having a gun.  Why is it that the states and cities that have the strictest gun control laws also have the highest chrime?  Along with that, why is it that the states and cities that have loosened the regulations on gun control have seen a decrease in violent crime?


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:22am
For ( Bill Clinton )
Against ( John Ascroft ) Let those bastards..............
see ya in the slammer

stfu Lee

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by forgetfulnot on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:42am
Charlie, wake up.



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 11th, 2003, 2:16am
While I am a firm believer that 2 things that shouldn't be argued are religion and politics, I have to insert my thoughts here.

Just my thoughts....not an argument.      8)

Before I retired from law enforcement, I had worked for several men who carried the title of "SHERIFF".  Not saying that I liked all of them, or agreed with their ideas or policies.  However, I felt a loyalty to the Department, and therefore supported whomever held the title at that time.  I can honestly say that I NEVER displayed any disrespect towards that commander.

As an American, and a damn loyal one, I do and will support whomever holds the office of President.  We live in a free Nation.  Whether republican or democrat, our President will protect our rights as afforded by the Constitution of the United States.  This I believe !  My loyalties lie within this great Country of ours.  I will support whomever is given the task of protecting our rights.

Now as for the guns.........I gottem......and I ain't givin' em up!  I have never been shot, and I have never shot anyone.  However, I would indeed shoot someone if my life was threatened.  And all of you would do the same.

No place is perfect........I choose to place my loyalty with my matter who is leading.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by samurai on Nov 11th, 2003, 4:41am
   I just wanted to throw my two cents in on this one.  Guns are just like any other tool. Cars and heavy machinery claim many victims each year. It's the user/ operator that needs to be examined. I believe people attach a lot of emotion and drama to guns. Guns don't demand fear, just respect. I believe that familiarity and safety training should be more prevalent. I was raised around firearms, and safety was paramount, consequently I am a very conscientious and careful gun owner. I was shocked when I went to basic training and saw recruits waving our M16s around and pointing them at each other! We need to take the mystery and fascination out of it. Make it mundane again. It's just a tool.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Charlie on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:51am
These "statistics" mean little. I get stuff like this every week in email. We all do but it's GUNS this time. Here, of course we have a gun fetish. Too many newer gun owners have them because of advertising or they like what they see on TV. These are the owners who are likely have the dangerous and useless weapons and to not know what they're doing. Gun deaths are not cinematic.

I grew up surrounded by dozens of family guns. Mom was a pretty good skeet shooter too. Because of my selling military antiques, I've been to dozens of gun shows. These things no longer have as much to do with guns as they do selling survival junk to frightened people and derogatory Ted Kennedy bumper stickers.  It's quite a business. It's been awhile since I went to one and I can imagine what 9-11 has done to these big shows. To be fair, there are some small rural shows that aren't attended by drooling Hummer driving wannabe militiamen. Rarer to find today though.

I'm guilty of this gun fetish myself. I have three left. I haven't played with them since I was 27.  I have no real need for them. I intend to make buck or two from them someday. The thing is that it's impossible to get rid of guns here; they‘re everywhere. I'm been offered German, Japanese, British and American machine guns from car trunks in front of my house more than once. Even some light artillery. Most of the time when my friends run household sales, guns will be found in little old ladies homes somewhere.  

Because of all this, I know better. Guns are here to stay and banning them would have little effect. I'm not anti-gun but I'm anti-wacko. No one needs a gun for every occasion. It looks dumb too.

I’ll take my chances with the AMA over the NRA anytime.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:03am

on 11/11/03 at 07:51:09, Charlie wrote:
I'm been offered German, Japanese, British and American machine guns from car trunks in front of my house more than once. Even some light artillery.

LMAO!  You from Jersey?  If not I am sure somewhere in the NE.

Very good points though Charlie, and it is quite a shame that we go on such a defensive tangent for what started out as a joke.  Where's our damn sense of humor?   ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Boots on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:02pm
Does anybody know what the statue on top of the white house is called ?????????

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:11pm
Every instance of genocide in the history of the world was done to an un-armed populace.  That's all I have to say on this subject.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:18pm
Genocide has some broad meanings...  It's not just a physical act.  It can be mental as well.  Also, genocide doesn't infer success, just an attempt.  The turks are a good example of this.  They are armed.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by thomas on Nov 11th, 2003, 12:22pm
Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, those are who I am refering to.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by floridian on Nov 11th, 2003, 1:04pm

Does anybody know what the statue on top of the white house is called ?????????

I didn't know, but just looked it up.  Very interesting story behind it.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Jackie on Nov 11th, 2003, 5:59pm

on 11/10/03 at 18:39:38, Ueli wrote:
On the other hand, every gun-owner is a potential murderer.

Interesting statement/opinion.  I am a gun owner and have been for many years.  I travel all over the country shooting competition skeet.  I have become acquainted with and shot with thousands of gun owners.  They, for the most part, are professional people...doctors, lawyers, judges, CEOs, business owners.  To date I have not noticed any potential murders among us....but there could be.  Perhaps I should inform the Boy Scouts and the 4-H people that they should not be bringing their young people to us for hunter safety courses and safe gun handling instruction.   Maybe the children's hospital we donate thousands to each year should be informed that we potential murders.

Ueli....I have always held you in high regard as a well educated, intelligent gentleman.  However, I find this statement a bit substandard and based on opinion....not that you give a shit what I think.

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:03pm
I don't usually jump into these either, but since we're here   :-* ;;D... I agree with you in principle, but not in reasoning.

Whether republican or democrat, our President will protect our rights as afforded by the Constitution of the United States.

... I don't know... it seems that both republicans and democrats are willing to barter 'our rights' and personal responsibility at an increasingly alarming rate.  I don't trust them.

No place is perfect........I choose to place my loyalty with my matter who is leading.

'... no matter who is leading' is a pretty strong sentiment that has led some nations to disaster.  I think there there has to be personal accountability and reponsibility among the populace.

I keep some rather strong Libertarian leanings in my politics.  I am also quite a cynical bastard, LOL.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:16pm

I agree. I'm a closet liberal and a cynic.. Most of what I posted last night was a bit tongue in cheek (sorry!) but being serious for a second Jean, I admire your certainty and conviction but, following your country's leader out of patriotism has some terrible historical precedents. Remembrance Day should jog a few memories.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:27pm
Hi Pubgirl,
No need to be sorry, this conversation is great fun (right Charlie, you like this stuff, LOL).

I am a cynic, but I'm certainly not a liberal... or even a conservative, for that matter.  I consider myself Libertarian.  I just had to distance myself from 'liberals' (LOL), a lot of people see the word 'liberal' in Libertarian but Libertarians are certainly not liberals (nor conservative), LOL.

--- Steve

BTW, Look what you started, Andy!  LMAO!  (just kidding)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:31pm
yeh, I like Libertarian better, it's a good word. Libertine is quite good as well ;;D
We have to be careful with English/American English because of course we have a Conservative and Liberal here as well as 'conservative' and 'liberal'. And 'demo' means something different here too!

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:32pm
Jolly hockey sticks!!


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:34pm

If I have read past posts right, you would be a Libertine!

Dictionary def: " A person who habitually leads a sexually immoral or debauched life"

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:37pm
Ooops do I get in trouble now?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:37pm
LMAO Pubgirl, you rock!


... and to think this thread started out with 'statistics'...

--- Steve

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:40pm

on 11/11/03 at 19:34:29, pubgirl wrote:
Dictionary def: " A person who habitually leads a sexually immoral or debauched life"

I could be wrong but if your asking if ill slip you the Mule.....Nah.....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:43pm
Can't catch me on that one, I may be a 'newbie' but I've heard of the mule.

No mule needed here ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:45pm
Gee, didnt know I was that big overseas.....LMMFAO ;;D


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:47pm
Not big, infamous

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:50pm
Well, looks like ill be starting a world tour ;;D

Aint this much better than that BS political talk?


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:56pm

oops or did I mean [smiley=finger.gif]

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by jonny on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:57pm
....................................... [smiley=guyflash.gif]

Thats not nice, Wendy

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Tiannia on Nov 11th, 2003, 7:57pm
This was a good thread.  

Personally, I grew up around guns and learned how to shoot by the time I was 10.  I was out hunting deer and elk with my dad since I was born.  

Right now, I have 2 hand guns and a rifle in our house.  My 6 year old knows that they are there and understands that they are not toys,  and when she gets older she will be toaght how to shoot as well.  

I had a gun held to my head at the age of 17 when a guy broke into our house.  I was scared to death of guns for about 8 years until my husband MADE to handle one so that I  could learn to get over that fear. I can personally say that I would never pull a gun on another human being, but if someone was stupid enough to come into my house they would not get up again.  I am a good enough shot now to have a CCW in Nevada and that is not a simple task.  


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Cerberus on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:08pm
I also have to concur with N4, liberties and freedoms are quickly becoming a thing of the past, especially within the current regime. It is up to US ,however, to put a stop to it. WE are the vote and should let our politicians know that we will not tolerate anymore.
 As for the gun thing........I too, got a little offended when the subject of control came up, and admittedly spouted off harshly in my comments.

First I'd like to clear something up........the statistic was of REGISTERED gun owners (how many more own firearms and are not required  to or haven't registered?)

Someone asked why is it that the cities and states with the strictest control laws seem to have the highest crime rates........................well, I suppose it is possible that the addition of stricter gun control laws suddenly made more criminals out of gun owners (sort of by proxy) Keep in mind also that  spitting on a sidewalk is a crime in some places and suddenly again the "stats" jump up.

 I also agree with most of the gun owners here, it is up to the individual to make the right decisions when dealing with firearms. My shotgun is my friend, it has been with me in the field many times and has never failed me, in return, I keep very good care of it and I MIND THE SAFTEY FACTORS!!! I went through the states hunter education training, I make sure not to abuse my hunting privledges, and I will not hunt or shoot with someone who is not equally as mindfull of the dangers of the shooting sports. When the time comes (and I feel that they can handle the responsibility) I will send my kids to hunter safety and firearm saftey classes and when it comes time, I will be their supervisor when utilizing their skills. THE INSTANT A RULE IS BROKEN (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant) my children will be stripped of their privilages and be made to re-earn their opportunities. As it was with me and my old man, and was so with his.

 Weapons are a part of all the worlds history, the sword was the weapon of choice in most, especially feudal Japan (where one could lose their head at any given time for no apparent reason) and was carried until the end of WW2 as standard equipment. Funny thing about apparent records of legislature, or lobbying, or rallying against the carrying of swords. WHY? it was common practice and accepted, the difference being? nothing, except the weapon of preference, and the modern mentality.

Guns are here to stay folks, pass all the laws you want, but if it somehow comes to pass that firearms are banned in the USA, it will be a sad turn of events, because the reality is that CRIMINALS will get guns in spite of any legislature, and then we will truly be outgunned.

I have to wonder though..............what exactly considdered to be an accidental shooting? Its pretty hard to accidentaly shoot someone unless it is plain carelessness, a drive by, or kids playing with things that should be kept locked up and inaccessable. Most states require the latter no matter what their control laws are. the statistic of  truly accidental shootings......Oh yeah ,WAY too much human error and recklessness. how many would have been avoided with proper instruction, warning and assuredness of target? Thats the "stat" that counts.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:19pm
In MO, you don't have to register anything.

You DO need a permit to purchase a gun under 13" in lenth, but there is nothing kept on record.  After 30 days, the Sheriff’s Dept. has to dispose of the permit, and any record of you requesting it.

I think a lot of people get “Gun Registration” confused with “ConcealABLE Weapon Purchase Permits”…

And being allowed to purchase a Concealble gun, and getting the permit doens't allow you to carry it concealed.  You need a seperate permit for that, which is under HUGE debate (cause it's trying to get passed) in MO's legislature.

You can't even conceal it within your vehichle, IF it's loaded.  The pistol can be in the console, and the clip in the glovebox, but they can't be in the same compartment, or it's illegal.

But since I spend so much time in rough area's working, I'm willing to break that law for my own safety.

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:21pm

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Jackie on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:26pm

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 11th, 2003, 8:27pm


Very sincerely


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Prense on Nov 11th, 2003, 9:46pm

on 11/11/03 at 20:19:53, Big_Dan wrote:
You can't even conceal it within your vehichle, IF it's loaded.  

That varies from state to in New middle of no where Mexico, it is legal to have a loaded gun in your vehicle...on the seat, in the glove box, where ever you so desire to keep it.

Don't think for a moment that a record of all gun purchases from dealers and gun shows isn't kept.

Sad but true...

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:06pm

on 11/11/03 at 21:46:58, Prense wrote:
Don't think for a moment that a record of all gun purchases from dealers and gun shows isn't kept.

Sad but true...

I don't...

... But the my Sheriff is a close family friend.....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by andy on Nov 11th, 2003, 10:19pm
Sorry, ive been gone since i started this thread. PC crash, reformat,re-install windows.... Now ive got lots of reading to do.
i dont even own a gun or have a doctor.

I have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear that the shock would cause people to seek medical attention.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 12th, 2003, 1:12am
I'll muddy the waters just one more time to correct a small mischaraterization of my question earlier.  I know it was unintentional, but Ramon, my question was why the states and cities with the most controls have the most "violent" crime.  There is a big difference.  Illinois, where we both live has rather stringent regulations, and in the city of Chicago an off-duty policeman from a surrounding community is not allowed to carry a gun on his/her person even though they are required to.  Even Federal officers are not legally allowed to carry a gun when not on duty.  Why then is Chicago one of the leading murder cities every year?

As to the rest of your post I agree wholeheartedly.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by gmlevenhagen on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:22am
I was reading this post yesterday afternoon, did not have an opinion on it really. Then I got in my car and left work I was listening to talk radio 780 in chicago and a story came on about two neighbors. The first neighbor shot the 2nd neighbors dog with a pellit gun to stop it from barking. When the 2nd neighbor tried to enter the 1st neighbors house. The first neighbor shot and killed him.

Now here is the kicker! Because they live in a state that has a Make my day law, the first neighbor will not be arrested for the crime of kill his neighor.

I belive that  he will face charges for shoting the dog though.

So as I see it, if you are an animal you have more rights then a man????

Gena  [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Unsolved on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:38am
Indiana has concealed carry permits and just about everyone I know is packing heat  (including me) !! I can go right down to the gunshop and purchase and AK, or bigger weapon, if I wanna (and keep it in my car !).

Muggers, thieves, robbers (etc)...better be careful who you f*ck with in Indiana...they might just put a hole in you ! MOM packs a 9 mm !!  :o

America will NEVER be able to stop it's people from possessing guns...IMO, it would cause a civil war. Besides, there's too many out there now...there's no way to get them all. I have several that are UNREGISTERED (grandfather clause).

who has stunguns, handguns, shotguns, and AR's !

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by don on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:06am
Mark Twain once said.........................

"There are three kinds of lies,


BIG lies


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by River_Rat on Nov 12th, 2003, 3:11pm
Well!! Ueli, I'm quite sure we wouldn't get along, actully it's the first thing I've ever read on here thats pi ssed me off.

I have several guns, and I'm a life member of The N.R.A. Sometimes I point them at my kids to get them to shut up. Personally I think Rush Limbaugh is to far left for me.

You should go hang out with Rosie.

Just kidding about pointing at the kids ;;D.

Jonny, we could be related, I'm sometimes refered to as MULE!!LOL


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 12th, 2003, 4:28pm
This last month, 2 kids were shot and killed by a classmate in a nearby high school...freaks me out a little because it's so close to home and I'm going to work in a middle school next year, but...

Pubgirl, how prevelant is school violence in GB?


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by cathy on Nov 12th, 2003, 5:11pm
Chris...Violence in British schools is not tolerated...hell you can't even carry a pen knife over a certain size, it would be considered an offensive weapon....having said that, a 14 year old lad was stabbed and killed near us just last week, this happened at school by another pupil.

This is a very rare occurance....however gun crimes are rising in the major cities.... I've re-posted Marks post here...and my thoughts...

A friend of mine(who has since passed away) owned a gas station at one point in his career.
One night 3 young men came in to the shop, he was behind his desk doing paperwork. He told them he was closed and one of them started laughing and knocking things over. the second one went toward him and jumped over the desk. My buddy had a gun in his desk drawer,pulled it out and shot and killed the kid.The other 2 took off.
He was arrested and charged of course. But eventually the charges were dropped.
  I'm glad my buddy got off. I don't think he did anything wrong. The kid did not even have a gun on him and I don't feel sorry for him.

All I can say fucken sad ....I don't have an opinion either way about whether or not guns should be owned and won't comment because I live here and you live can you not feel sorry for the Kid that got shot...he was after all a KID growing up, doing stupid things, learning by our mistakes...we've all been there...thank god we don't all end up dead and thank God I got to grow up and have feelings....

Maybe killing people just because you can and not worry or feel anything about it is what happens when everyone has guns and killing another human being is dismissed so easily.......


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:21pm
Cathy is right about the schools. Very little is tolerated here, but it is changing slowly for the worse.

As I said before, where the USA goes, we follow, we even have those "I married a one-legged sex pygmy and he cheated on me" type programmes now!

Please will someone shoot me with one of their fucking millions of guns if we ever get an Evangelist television channel though.

Hallelujah and praise the Lord people [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by River_Rat on Nov 12th, 2003, 7:30pm

on 11/12/03 at 19:21:13, pubgirl wrote:
"I married a one-legged sex pygmy and he cheated on me"

YEAH! that was a mistake, but I loved him!


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:18pm
Food for Thought....

You are walking down a city street and a mugger/rapist/criminally insane, murderous type grabs you and pulls you into the shadows.  

A good samaritan sees this happen and yells at the mugger/rapist/criminally insane, murderous type person to stop.  

They don't. Your life is imminently in peril.

The good samaritan pulls out a gun (which he does not have a permit for, but carries it anyway) and shoots mugger/rapist/criminally insane/murderous type person killing them and saving your life in the process.

What would YOU do?

1.) Thank the good samaritan and go home to your family/friends and tell them "If that guy had not been carrying a gun I would be dead right now!".  


2.)Call him a criminal and have him arrested for murder and carrying a concealed weapon?

I live in Texas...can  you guess what MY answer is...?

Until you have walked in those shoes (I have)  you will never know your TRUE feelings about Gun Control.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Roxy on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:20pm
I had almost decided to not reply to this thread......but imagine that.....I couldn't resist...... ::)

I live 25 miles outside of town, and shotguns and rifles are actually needed where I live.  Homes in the country have a tremendous incidence of burglary.  If we call the police, it's a twenty minute wait.....and we have been broken into before.  There is a reason that all the homes out in the boonies have signs that say...."We don't call 911".  

I actually couldn't do my job around the ranch effectively without carrying a gun.  I have had to put down my horse, and numerous cattle.  If I am outside for any length of time, there is always the nice chance of running into a pretty big f'in rattlesnake.  Some of those babies are so big.....I'm not tackling them with a damn hoe....(I did once blow away a batch of scorpions, but they were everywhere.... :o.

I honestly have to have guns to accomplish my work around the ranch.  Skunks, coyotes, snakes.....hand to hand just won't cover it.  And I don't have to heart to see an animal suffer for long periods of time, just because I don't have a gun handy.

We do not keep handguns.  I don't think there is any use for a handgun, other than hurting other human beings.  We got rid of all of those when I came down with CH.....much safer that way.

But do not try to take my .20 gauge, .22, or my .243.  All those snakes are waiting for me...... :-*

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Cerberus on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:43pm
Alrighty then...........the poulace has effectively spoken.
We know the laws in Texas............after dark you can legally shoot your neighbor after giving "fair warning" as long as he in on your property.
 Illinois...........F.O.I.D. card, handgun registration a must, Concealed weapon permit not an option. The home is considdered sacred here, feel free to shoot anyone in your home without permission, AS LONG AS THEY ARE IN THE HOME. And if they aren't you have two options:
1. drag em in and shoot em dead.
2. shoot em dead and drag em in.
(they don't even have to have any of your stuff on em)

Callico: anytime there is a massive population in a relatively small area there is going to be violent crime. I chalk MOST of the shootings in Chicago to be of a gang related nature. Hence, total disregard for law in the first place. I would also have to think plain ignorance of the law is also partially to blame. As to law enforcement officers, I know a few in more than one state, and they are concerned with very little as far as when the LAW says they can and can't carry.
In fact, almost all of the ones I know carry at all times and were told to carry in Academy TWO weapons. One is your service weapon, the other a plant in case of the accidental shooting of an unarmed man/woman/child. The mentality here is the #1 rule of all Government COVER YOUR ASS. (sickening)
The second point is that officers are told, again, in academy that they are never truly off duty and are to respond within their jurisdiction to any crime they may be able to prevent. (direct circumvention of the true law) therefore they are always to carry their service weapon. ( many states, allow a weapon to be carried by "off duty" officers if their badge is clearly visible)(again....................never off duty if that is the situation).
And finally, how many police officers are gonna turn another in for carrying his/her weapon. If you are a cop and get stopped for speeding, more often than not you can get out of it by stating that you are an officer and show a badge. Hell ,they told a personal friend of mine (former cop) that it is better policy to never squeal on a fellow officer, because you never know when or if you are going to need his assistance in the future ( find that sick? I do, but it makes sense). Federal agents..............yeah right I'm sure they abide the law religiously, NOT! ever seen a federal agent without his/her service weapon? Chances are if you have you just couldn't see it. (I'm sure also that the new homeland security laws offer a bit of le-way as well)besides, ya wouldn't wanna get caught without it. The same buddy I just mentioned told me that while in academy they instructed them to ALWAYS shoot to kill, none of this maiming crap (also sick but again makes sense) because if you INJURE someone mistakenly they can turn around and sue for damages even if they were participating in a crime, so better to kill them so they can't.
 These are all REAL, people, your officers that you so readily accept as protectors are instructed to protect themselves and their own kind before you. Feel safe still? Nope, I'd rather paint myself white and walk around the former "Cabrini Green" at night with $100 dollar bills taped to my ass. Illinois is wierd for the gun laws etc. and not a good example to set standards by I'm afraid.


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 10:47pm

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by BobG on Nov 12th, 2003, 11:37pm

After reading (some) of this string...............

I feel like killin' something.

This string would be a good start.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 13th, 2003, 5:56am

"No arguments in request ".

At least, that's what comes up
when I go to the above site.

A non-argument site.

What a concept.

Just thought I would share.



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:52am
Okay, Heres my 2 cents worth.

I hate fugging guns. I hate pistols, assault rifles. They are strictly for killing people.

BUT, I love my Constitution. And i would die defending it. My constitution gives me the right to bear arms. So therefore, i support anyones right to own firearms.

Now, lets play the Devils advocate here so you'll know i aint a complete Moron.
Archie Bunker said " Hey little girl, would you prefer they pushed him out a window"
Point is.....There are many ways to kill a person. Guns just happen to be the most powerful way!

I don't own a gun, But i got lots of knives, sticks, a car, and big rocks!

Oh yea, GWB sux, and Bill Clinton got sucked. Ronald Reagan was my Hero! The old GB was a Reagan wannabe! Jimmy Carter should have stayed at the Pulpit. Gerald Ford had a mean slice! Richard Nixon was a "Crook"! Lyndon B. Johnson was happy when JFK got shot. JFK was a w-hore. Ike was a war monger. But somebody voted them in, so i'll try my best to support them!

Patrick  ;;D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Ueli on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:45pm

on 11/13/03 at 05:56:45, KingOfPain wrote:

"No arguments in request ".

At least, that's what comes up
when I go to the above site.

A non-argument site.

What a concept.

Just thought I would share.



What does the King Of Pain want to tell us with this post?

That his real name is "King off Dumb-asses"?

Why doesn't he ask a 10 y/o kid from the neighborhood, who could tell him he needs to type a word into the search box of "Merriam-Webster Online" at if he wants an answer.

In case he finally decided to look up the meaning of the adjective "potential" here is the result from M-W:

Main Entry: po·ten·tial
Pronunciation: p&-'ten(t)-sh&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English potencial, from Late Latin potentialis, from potentia potentiality, from Latin, power, from potent-, potens
Date: 14th century
1 : existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality <potential benefits>
2 : expressing possibility; specifically : of, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, liberty, or power by the use of an auxiliary with the infinitive of the verb (as in "it may rain" )

"Every buyer of a lottery ticket is a potential Jackpot winner."


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Charlie on Nov 13th, 2003, 4:47pm

Lyndon B. Johnson was happy when JFK got shot. JFK was a w-hore

Made Clinton look like a choir boy but you still win the prize.

When I was a kid. My best friend shot a neighbor in the finger with a pellet rifle. Another shot my best friend in the abdomen with an "unloaded" pellet pistol. Lots of pain but no blood.....that time.  My widowed neighbor put a BB hole in my kitchen window because she missed the sparrows in her bird feeder that she put up soley to attract her "targets." She was very sorry and stopped this little game. It was the only intelligent thing I've known her do. One can’t prevent this kind of stuff but Crosman and Daisy make this stuff easy. Here, we get our Roy Rogers BB guns when we are 12. I did.

Guns are messier and less efficient than what is shown on television. It’s never as easy, reliable or antiseptic to kill a man “cleanly” with a gun. You need a Phaser for that. Guns are a bit.............overrated.

No matter what they say on cable news channels; we are safer today than they would have us believe.  I’ve read one or two exceptions here but I ask my silly neighbors why they install alarm systems in their little ranch houses and how many times they have been a victim of crime or violence. So far: none. Jamestown is a pretty nice place to live, but paranoia has set in. Cable news goes all over the place trying to find something sexy with marquis value so you will sit through the Ginsu and Viagra ads for the next bloodbath they can put on the screen. It’s not an accurate picture. There was more violence in the past but it got filtered by time and that  it wasn't so immediate. There wasn't there space for it all. We weren’t bombarded with this kind of thing in color 24 hours a day. Reading 100-year-old newspapers can be an education. I wouldn’t want to be poor in the good old days.

Whew......I went off the deep end. Anyway, FEAR is commercial now and has become political too. An awful lot of money is being made on survival gear, Mace, pretty useless gasmasks, and....oh yeah.....guns and ammo.  Most of it’s harmless unless your kids suffocate in your plastic sheeting and duct tape. Gotta be more careful with your gun collection though.

Oh, and don’t go off the deep end voting for those who promise to scrap the Bill Of Rights because of WTC.  Having Patriot Police is scarier than guns.

Charlie, who can't believe he has to shovel off his walk  :o

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 4:58pm
Charlie, what is the little guy in your picture box doing/what's he supposed to be?

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 13th, 2003, 4:58pm

on 11/13/03 at 14:45:00, Ueli wrote:
What does the King Of Pain want to tell us with this post?

That his real name is "King off Dumb-asses"?

Why doesn't he ask a 10 y/o kid from the neighborhood, who could tell him he needs to type a word into the search box of "Merriam-Webster Online" at if he wants an answer.

In case he finally decided to look up the meaning of the adjective "potential" here is the result from M-W:

Main Entry: po·ten·tial
Pronunciation: p&-'ten(t)-sh&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English potencial, from Late Latin potentialis, from potentia potentiality, from Latin, power, from potent-, potens
Date: 14th century
1 : existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality <potential benefits>
2 : expressing possibility; specifically : of, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, liberty, or power by the use of an auxiliary with the infinitive of the verb (as in "it may rain" )

"Every buyer of a lottery ticket is a potential Jackpot winner."


Ueli, Sir.

I realize there are cultural & language
differences at work here.

My last post was meant as humor.

Nothing more, nothing less.

If you didn't "get it", I have no
control over that.

This is the third time you have insulted
me, twice in public, once in private.

Like I told you in HSG Chat (when you
insulted me, once again) last night,
"nice try".

I will not insult you, in private or in public.

It serves no purpose.

There is nothing wrong with people
agreeing to disagree.

Everyone has their opinion & is
entitled to it.

I respect your opinion, as to
the gun issue.

Again, I can't control if you
respect mine.

Pain Free times to you, always.



Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Charlie on Nov 13th, 2003, 5:15pm
Beats me Thomas.

I'm hoping he's suppose to be a Joe Cool or a beat type.

He's called "smile dance." Dunno......sounds a little gay.  ::)


Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 5:25pm
He kinda scares me a little, don't know why.

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 14th, 2003, 1:50pm
Thomas, Charlie's ...little either a Dancing 7Up dot or a rebel m&m (dancing because he is refusing to wear his m )  LOL.

KOP...well spoken.  Everyone is entitle to his/her opinon.  That is all this thread is, someone's opinions.  No one is trying to change the viewpoint of society they are just saying how and why they feel the way they do.  If the subject were the size of prizes that come in a cracker jack box, instead of guns,  people would still have opinions.  
Ueli...Don't take offense.  You know what they say about opinions and... well, um, well. you know... everybody has one.  Not everyone has to agree all the time we just have to respect each others right to free speech.  

This has been a most interesting thread to read.  With 1300 views I don't think I am alone in THAT opinion.  LOL.  

Donna D

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by goaway on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:21pm

on 11/11/03 at 19:45:57, jonny wrote:
Gee, didnt know I was that big overseas.....LMMFAO ;;D


MULE (mammal), hybrid offspring of the jackass (male ass) and the mare, much used and valued in many parts of the world as a beast of burden. The head, ears, croup, and tail resemble those of the ass, but in bulk and stature the mule resembles the horse, and seems to excel both its parents in sagacity, muscular endurance, surefootedness, and length of life. The hinny is the hybrid offspring of the jenny (female ass) and the stallion (male horse). It has a bushier tail and a heavier body than the mule and is by nature a more tractable animal.

Male mules are generally sterile, but sterility is not a necessary consequence of hybridization.
Female mules have been successfully crossed with horses or asses to produce foals.

(Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)

Sorry jonny, couldn't resist. :) :) :)

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by goaway on Nov 16th, 2003, 5:22pm
awww, it's a little bit funny....

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by TomM on Nov 17th, 2003, 8:39am
For the first time in my life I'm a fair weather fan. The Colts are 8-2 and I'm watching. It's been since 1984 when my beloved BALTIMORE Colts left town in the middle of the night but since they're winning, I'm watching.
Johnny Unitas was my hero along with Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, and Joe Namath. Remember those razor commercials Joe did? What about the stockings? And he appeared on the Brady Bunch.
Geez, I'm geezing. Soon I'll be as old as Ole Charlie. ;
Just trying to derail this thread...

Title: Re: Statistics are great
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 17th, 2003, 12:16pm
Yea - and he was on the Simpsons, too! Remember when he was going to give Homer the meaning of life or something? And Homer's mom turned into a 60's radical because of his long flowing locks...

Mmmmmmmmmm....bagels and locks...


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