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(Message started by: P_Farr on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:30pm)

Title: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by P_Farr on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:30pm
Please excuse my grammer tonight.  I Have suffered with CH for 8+ years now and for the last 2 weeks have been the worst of my LIFE!!!!  My clusters have always been on my left side, but in the last 2 week all but 2 where on my right side with the most intens pain I have ever had before.  Predesone was always my savory when i had a bad bout with my CH but this time the Predesone at 70 mg for the 1 st week isnt even touching it.  For 2 weeks now I am getting hit with attacks about 2 to 3 hours and i am at the end of my rope!  Went to the ER and the samo samo thing there just want to dope me up with demerol.  With the pain switching to my right side, I can feel and hear fluid in my head and i never felt that before.  I resently had 2 attacks in which both my hands went knumb and it felt like they where both viberating (buzzing).  These are really starting to scare the hell out off me.  I have relade all this information to my Doctor and again another change in meds, Topamax now.  I have never tryed the mushroom thing, But I think I got nothing to loose now.  Again sorry for my grammer I just over anotherCH attack.  Any suggestions out there PLEASE pass them my way.


Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by Donna on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:43pm
Paul.......sorry you're going thru such a hard time!

Have you tried Imitrex injections or oxygen to abort the headaches? The 02 needs to be of a high dose.  Oxygen mask must be the non-rebreather type or it won't help.  Theres info here on that...look at the oxygen info in the left margin.

Also go  to the left margin and print out some info for your doc and if he/she won't help you out ASAP, get another doc (preferably a neurologist) who either understands ch or is willing to work with you. The printed info is important.  

Hope you get some real help soon!

Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by Lori on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:44pm
Glad you found this site. Can't give any medical advice but can advise you to read all you can here and on the OUCH site (see button to your left) I guess I would actually suggest you contact your doctor anytime something concerns you, like the numbness. You just never know. Best to check it out though. Hope you get relief soon, and keep us updated.

Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by nancyc on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:57pm
Paul, dont know how long you have been on the topamax but tingling is a side effect of it..i am going thru the hand numbing/tingling at nite..and i am on topamax too...You are in my prayers...I am a chronic but pf with my meds at the present...My chs have switched sides too and so have alot of other clusterheads around here..hang in there and stick around...the support here is fabulous...also, check out the medication section... :Dnancyc

Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by P_Farr on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:06am
Thanks for replying Donna and Lori:
To Answer a few questions.  I am now tripping over my oxy tanks in my living room and if it wasnt for Imitrex Injection i dont know what i would do?  I have been to just about every Neurologist from Bakersfield Calif to San Dieago Calif in the last 8 years.  They all seem to have the same meds.  I have been cronic for 4 years and have dealt with it, But this change has really got me on the run!.  Its a new type of pain I cant really discrible?  I just want the pain to stop.  I dont wish this to my worst enemy.  Got to go here comes another one!!!!!

Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by CathiP on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:13am
Paul, I am so sorry you are going thru such tough times...but I'm glad you found this gang! Welcome! Additionally, you might visit CalOuch....many CA clusterheads, it would be great if you could meet someone who lives nearby......please go to what's happening there, as well.
There's a ton of info for you....just look thru the buttons on the right. sad to say, you are not alone...happy to tell you there a plenty here who understand, and will help.
Grab onto the rope and hang on!
Take care....and keep us posted, please.

Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:20pm
Hi Paul,
So very sorry you are suffering.  This is the best place to be for support and information.  The information is priceless and the support is unbelievable.     8)

The prednisone taper worked for me, but as you will see by reading the threads, not everything works for everyone.

Hope you find the answers you need, and remember there is usually someone here 24/7, in case you want to talk or just vent.

Keep us updated on how you are doing.        ;)


Title: Re: Am I Going Nuts???
Post by Prense on Nov 10th, 2003, 2:41pm

on 11/09/03 at 23:30:29, P_Farr wrote:
My clusters have always been on my left side, but in the last 2 week all but 2 where on my right side with the most intens pain I have ever had before.  

I can give you some medical advice...

Get your ass back to the ER and get a MRI done!

Worst HA ever?  Whatever it takes...ER, current doc, you should be getting a MRI quickly.  If you had one on your last visit, then disregard.  I'm not sure if a MRI covers everything a CT scan does...if not, get one of those too.

The symptoms you describe with your hands and such do not sound like CH to me.  Also, two different sides in the same episode...  Might be two different conditions.  I wouldn't hesitate at all to follow up.

Either way, welcome aboard and let us know how it goes.

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