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(Message started by: pubgirl on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:00pm)

Title: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:00pm

I understand that the etiquette is to introduce myself.
I am an episodic sufferer from England. I am also a newish member of OUCH UK but felt that the best way of attacking this beast of a condition was to get as much information as I can from everywhere I can. So hello to everyone else from all over the world.

I take Imigran and 02 but no preventatives. I usually get 2 cycles a year but things are a bit odd this year and I am still waiting for the second!

That's about it really, I am pubgirl because when out of cycle I like pubs! I probably won't post much, just read and get the hang of you all until you are not so scary.

My friends call me Annie


Title: Re: New board member
Post by Unsolved on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:24pm
I guess ill be the first to welcome you Annie

Here it comes:


Unsolved (

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Prense on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:29pm
Welcome aboard Annie!

Although my prevents are not working...I'm still trying.  Guinea Pigs R' Us!   ;;D

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Elaine on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:30pm
Pull up a chair and join us!
Welcome to our family !

Title: Re: New board member
Post by cathy on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:42pm
Hey Hi Annie....glad to have you with us...they're a crazy bunch, but all friendly and there barks are far worse than they're grab an oar and row the boat to a cure with us....!!

WELCOME TO CLUSTERVILLE..and here's hoping you have to wait a long long time before you come into cycle again.... 8)

Cathy  :)

Title: Re: New board member
Post by drnoe on Nov 9th, 2003, 8:11pm
Welcome Annie,
May you skip the second cycle this year and get some extra pub time.

Title: Re: New board member
Post by nancyc on Nov 9th, 2003, 8:15pm
Welcome Annie...I love our English you know Mo and John from OUCH UK?  IF so, tell them HI from nancyc.... ;;Dnancyc

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Edna on Nov 9th, 2003, 9:33pm
Well a pubgirl sounds like fun to me!!

Hi Annie, glad you found us and our crazy family. And also glad you've become a part of us. I respect your wish to not post often, but really hoping you decide to stick with us and change your mind. We'd love to continue hearing from you.

And, join us at our chat site too when you get the chance. That's where the "nutty" bunch hang out

Welcome and wishing you pf times,

Title: Re: New board member
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 9th, 2003, 9:51pm
Welcome to the board, Annie.

You'll find alot of support and genuine friends here.

Sending you lotz of pf vibes from Texas.       8)


Title: Re: New board member
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 9th, 2003, 10:29pm
Welcome to "The House of Pain" Annie, Where the fun never ends! Just by reading, you'll find loads of information but you'll also miss out on a great bunch of people. I hope ya change ur mind and talk to us!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: New board member
Post by cootie on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:12pm
Hi Annie.....I'm onea the crazies welcomeing you !! Pam nutz 'r us

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Charlie on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:44pm
Welcome Annie:

Simon has great site. This place is full of good ideas too and also has some good ideas about dealing with this this horror. We do our level best to keep it light. The following needs a rewrite but it worked for me:

In any case, stick around and let us know how you're doing.


Title: Re: New board member
Post by Lori on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:54pm
Annie..glad you came to visit. Hope you don't get a cycle for a lonnnnnggggggg time! If ever!

Title: Re: New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:45am
Thank you very much for the welcome everyone. I will stick around and visit often. Shall only speak when I have something useful to say though!

here's hoping for pain free times for me and EVERYONE!

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Karla on Nov 10th, 2003, 5:21am
Welcome to the family.  Hope you find what you are looking for.  There is lots of usefull stuff in the archives.  

Title: Re: New board member
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 10th, 2003, 5:58am
Welcome Pub,

It's a great site to visit and to "speak up". don't be shy... we're not all EVIL... and we don't bite (or at least not this week...)

Read everything available (go to the left and click on what you need).

Hope you're "out of cycle" forever. But don't go anywhere - lurk all you want and post when you feel like it..

Hugs BD

Title: Re: New board member
Post by sandie99 on Nov 10th, 2003, 5:58am
Welcome aboard, Annie! :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: New board member
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 10th, 2003, 9:47am

Hello Annie, I think I lost your message on OUCH UK MB.  [smiley=laugh.gif]

BTW, Welcome by me too!!!

Greetings from South of €urope!  ;;D

Zaira  ::)

Title: Re: New board member
Post by vig on Nov 10th, 2003, 9:48am
Nice to meet you Annie,

Title: Re: New board member
Post by Cooked Brain on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:13am

[smiley=hiya.gif] Annie, and welcome :)

Title: Re: New board member
Post by River_Rat on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:35am
Welcome Annie!


Title: Re: New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 8:59pm
Hello All on the site

You have my sincerest apologies for the above, I didn't mean to dissemble but I deleted my old profile as I was upset and then couldn't resist coming back after I had been away for a while and licked my wounds. That's what I call an addiction. Jonny rumbled it.

My friends do call me Annie as it is my middle name. I live in a pub so I didn't lie

Thanks you for all your kind messages, it shows how new people are treated when they arrive and I apologise again but if ever I post here again I will be me, I promise. Sorry if I have upset anyone (other than the people I meant to upset of course ;))

Wendy Ann the Brit

Steve/eyes afire ; Bet you don't think I rock now :'(

Title: Re: New board member
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:14pm

on 11/09/03 at 19:00:59, pubgirl wrote:
I probably won't post much, just read and get the hang of you all until you are not so scary.

LMAO!!!   45 posts in 4 days!

I was going to mention this yesterday as I thought it was hilarious!    ;;D

Welcome back!
grant                     8)

Title: Re: New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 12th, 2003, 9:39pm
Thanks Grant!

Just can't resist it can I? Actually I still think some people here are pretty scary! You know who you are 8)


I passed your message on to Mo and John last week who send hugs back! Mo was very pleased to be remembered I think. And there is a picture of John on the main OUCH members board which she hadn't seen!

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Little Deb on Nov 12th, 2003, 11:49pm
Welcome from me too.
Just FYI, I use Nifedipine as a preventative and it works for me.  Not many others use it though.  I still get pretty bad shadows, but it helps alot.

People here aren't scary.
The BEAST is scary.

Everyone here is HUGGABLE!


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by NotH20 on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:10pm
Welcome Annie....   :)


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by thomas on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:12pm
Welcome aboard :)

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by cootie on Nov 13th, 2003, 2:23pm
I like ya no matter what ya call yerself girl.......Pam that still remains a less important Coot of sorts

Title: Re: New board member
Post by ZAIRA on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:17pm

on 11/12/03 at 20:59:58, pubgirl wrote:
Hello All on the site
You have my sincerest apologies for the above, I didn't mean to dissemble but I deleted my old profile as I was upset and then couldn't resist coming back after I had been away for a while and licked my wounds. That's what I call an addiction. Jonny rumbled it.
My friends do call me Annie as it is my middle name. I live in a pub so I didn't lie
Thanks you for all your kind messages, it shows how new people are treated when they arrive and I apologise again but if ever I post here again I will be me, I promise. Sorry if I have upset anyone (other than the people I meant to upset of course ;))
Wendy Ann the Brit
Steve/eyes afire ; Bet you don't think I rock now :'(

Wendy... you have tricked me ;;D... LOL... happy to see you here again... :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Hugs, Zaira

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Opus on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:35pm
Wendy, Ann, or the other name.

I recognised your style of writing ealier and thought you were wendy but the emails didn't match up. Don't worry about not posting for long periods, we all know about BT.
Don't forget about the other place now that you are back here.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Svenn on Nov 13th, 2003, 3:40pm
Welcome to Clusterville.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:18pm
Cheers all

Thanks for the understanding. I appreciate it!

Tiannia, there are a few scary ones here, hope you never meet them. Some people here would say that I do bite back, but I'll try and be good in future ::)

Paul it wasn't BT but that's a good excuse! I won't forget 'the other place', I will still pop in and keep any eye out to make sure my friends are still batting.

Zaira- sOOORRRRY! I won't do it ever again, didn't mean to trick you :-[

Come and see us again in OUCH UK soon!

I'll go back under my stone now


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:25pm
Hello, Pubgirl

... Welcome aboard... ;;D

Imitrex, O2 and Prednisone have been my favorite poisons so far...

... and we're not scrary... just disfunctional...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 13th, 2003, 7:57pm
Wendy, Annie, Pubgirl, Whoever!

Glad you are back.  Missed ya!


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 13th, 2003, 8:30pm
Why if it isn't the wasckally welch wench, Wendy!  

Welcome back, girl!

You so bad!!!!  heehee


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:12pm

on 11/09/03 at 19:00:59, pubgirl wrote:

I understand that the etiquette is to introduce myself.
I am an episodic sufferer from England. I am also a newish member of OUCH UK but felt that the best way of attacking this beast of a condition was to get as much information as I can from everywhere I can. So hello to everyone else from all over the world.

I take Imigran and 02 but no preventatives. I usually get 2 cycles a year but things are a bit odd this year and I am still waiting for the second!

That's about it really, I am pubgirl because when out of cycle I like pubs! I probably won't post much, just read and get the hang of you all until you are not so scary.

My friends call me Annie


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:19pm

I would feel like that if I didn't know the reasons why I left. I wouldn't trust me or welcome me back. I knew I was going to get attacked if I came back as me so I didn't feel able to.

And I was proved right. I am being driven away again.
I know I'm not the first this has happened to, and I won't be the last.

I CANNOT tell you why I left and why I was afraid to return as me. It would be too damaging to people.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:27pm
I never knew the circumstances as to why you left in the first place... and maybe it might be none of anyones business.  But you have to understand where I am coming come here and tear at the heartstrings of so many sweet caring persons... it just seems very dissappointing to me... sorry I feel that way but to see that everyone thought that you were new and were genuinely touched by your problems... just makes me wonder how many REAL ch sufferers that any of us support each day and ARE WE wasting our time coming here.   Ree

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:35pm
sorry wendy, but I gotta agree with Ree.
That just ain't right.

Even though you KNEW you'd get crap for doing this...but signing up as a newbie??  Such wonderful welcomes to you and advice??  It's hard enough for me to see new people come here everyday...and you did THIS??

I don't care why you left, if you think anyone has enough power to "drive" you away from here, then you have a prob.

Nope, just ain't right...we are TOOOOO caring here!

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by fubar on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:40pm
Ree, You know I love you.

I just stumbled onto this thread, and I must have missed a lot, but I wanted to defend our pubgirl for a second.

At the same time that I can understand your reaction, I can easily see a completely valid and well-intentioned reason for Wendy want to start over with a 'clean slate', or at least be able to post a few times before being attacked again.  I would probably do the same thing if I had to, but here's my real point... If I did it, I wouldn't have the forethought to even speculate a scenario where this would cause the pain that you describe (the destruction of trust).  While it's a matter of fact that it happened, it doesn't make me think of it as an act that was meant to cause that kind of pain.  Does that make sense?


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 10:52pm

I understand your feelings.
I knew I would get crap for coming back as someone else, but it's nothing like the onslaught I am getting now people know it is me. I can't win either way. The only other option was to stay away, but that is what person wanted me to do.

If you think that no-one has the power to make someone leave, then I'm afraid you are very naive.
You have no idea, but why should you have if I don't tell you? As I have said, I can't make my reasons public so I would apprecaite if this were dropped, I'm getting enough shit on the other Nite Nite thread


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Little Deb on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:01pm
Bummer. I feel had.
I was giving what I thought was an honest welcome to a newbie.
Slap my keyboard and call me blonde. :-[


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 13th, 2003, 11:07pm

I can't apologise again and be any more sincere than I was yesterday and today

and I can't explain why I had to hide, it will do too much damage.

I'm tired and can't take any more abuse tonight
(I don't mean you Deb)

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 14th, 2003, 3:25am
Wendy~~~ I can understand you needing this board, and missing it (and us)... and Fubar I love you too bud, thanks for the insight... I just need those 3D glasses so that I can see who's who i guess...  Den was right too on the other thread about this same subject... freedom of speech. I just cannot imagine short of murder what would keep someone from posting here.  We all have our spats...just me blabbin in the middle of the night cuz I cannot sleep.................
is anyone awake.....and feel like chatting???? ree

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by thomas on Nov 14th, 2003, 12:41pm
Wendy, don't take this the wrong way.  I'm sure that you feel like you had good enough reason to leave the board - you shouldn't have left, some here may have been hurt by your absence.  I'm glad you have returned, we all do need each other.  I don't know what your problem with Jonny was, but from everything I've seen, he is one of the biggest shoulders to lean on here.  I have noticed a few battles between members in the past and present - that's part of life.  We can't all be friends.  Just look at history.  I'm not asking you two to put your differences aside - sometimes that is impossible.  But if you're here to help and recieve help, it must be done in a manner not to destroy trust, and if there is a potential safety problem that you know about, but are unwilling to tell everyone else, that makes you a willing accomplice.  

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by jonny on Nov 14th, 2003, 3:50pm
Heres why she left, this shit about being forced off the board and afraid to come back as herself in fear of being attacked is just that SHIT!!

Ever hear of a website called a site full of real death pics, if you go inside my profile theres a link to it......I got this from her a couple months ago


I want you to remove the link to your Death site immediately.

I cannot believe that you think photos of children whose heads have been run over by trucks, kids who have been murdered, pictures of naked dismembered female corpses, and all the other unbelievably sick and vile images on that site should be for public consumption.

I am equally horrified that you put the link on a site that is for sufferers of an illness.

Please reply immediately with your promise that you have removed the link.

Now we all know when someone TELLS jonny to do something your just going to get a big fuck you....LOL and thats what she got

She took it up with DJ and he said "Leave me out of this"

So she deleted herself, only to come back as Pubgirl...I never once told her to leave or not to come back, I just dont like to be told what to do!...if ASKED I probably would have took the link down. It is INSIDE my profile and not in every one of my posts like my web site link is for a reason.


BTW...I and another person combed that site and couldnt find one pic of a kids head run over by a truck.  

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:16pm

I think everyone here knows me and you well enough to know that the link did not come from me. They also know me well enough to know that I would find the link and the site intolerable. I think my message to you at the time said it all. I went away because you wouldn't take it down and accused me of trying to bad mouth you about it. I didn't, I didn't tell anyone it was your link, and I still haven't. You then replaced the link with an innocent one about Johnny Rotten, but certainly yesterday I saw that the original link was back.

I am very sad that you have to stoop so low as to lie like this to try and get rid of me. I am also sorry you are now giving people the link again to go and look at these photos. This was the last thing in the world I wanted.
I have no problem with sites like this if people seek them out that is what people have the freedom to do with the Internet, I do have a problem that you had (and have now as far as I know) it on your profile as your website. People like me who considered themselves to be an internet 'friend' clicked on the link in all innocence thinking it was your website,then were faced with the vilest images imaginable.
The kid whose head had been run over by a truck may have been removed by now, it was the one that upset me the most as I have a small child, but frankly most of the other stuff on there is pretty vile.

I would encourage everyone here to quell their curiosity and not click on this link. I accept that is a bit of a feeble request as things stand now, but nevertheless I ask it.

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by jonny on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:21pm
I could give two shits if you post or not, get it?


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 14th, 2003, 4:25pm
I get it Jonny.
You think the site is Ok, I don't.
We'll never agree.

We've had our say

Shall we let everyone get on with their lives now?

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Tiannia on Nov 14th, 2003, 6:15pm
Warning not politically correct adn completly my opinion. If it offends anyone I am sorry, but I needed to get it out cause I did not want to have to tink about it anymore.
[quote author=pubgirl link=board=general;num=1068424619;start=25#31 date=11/13/03 at 19:18:36]Tiannia, there are a few scary ones here, hope you never meet them.

Zaira- sOOORRRRY! I won't do it ever again, didn't mean to trick you :-[/quote]

Maybe it is the fact that I am ina shit load of pain right now, but I have to admit that I can totally understand where people are coming from being pissed at this.  

I have been on this site for almost 5 months now and I have yet to meet anyone whom I would consider scary, but I do have to admit that you scare me that you believe that it is ok to log onto this site claiming to be new and assume that everyone who be ok with this once it is found out.  

If you felt that you where going to be given a hard time about coming back then you either should have accepted that it was going to happen and delt with it or chose not to come back because I am sure that you are getting more crap because of the way that you chose to do it.

There is an unspoken trust that many of us assume on this site, because this is our safe haven from the hell that we deal with on a daily basis.  This is where we can come when no one else in the entire danm world understands  and the fact that you decided that is was ok to "trick" anyone is really fucked.  

This is the place that many (if not all) of us come and disemble and pour our souls out so that we can deal with the "real world" and not destroy everything in our life because this damn beast hunts us.  We exchange phone numbers, addresses and pictures trusting that everyone on this site is upfront and honest.  The fact that you desired to act in the manner that you did, does not make me feel comfortable to do that.  

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by cathy on Nov 14th, 2003, 6:30pm
Tiannia...YOU do not know Wendy and YOU should just STFU!!!

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by River_Rat on Nov 14th, 2003, 6:49pm
WOW!! Is this one of the bad family fights holy shit this is soo petty lmmfao!!

Check this out, this comes from my blood family, here goes, My brothers son got sent to prison for robbing and beating up an old man<<< pretty bad huh so we all think he's a piece of shit for doing that, but forgave him, but while he was in prison my brother (his dad) got his wife pregnet WOW! but we forgave him for that, meanwhile my sister robbed a KFC with a .45 and went to prison we visit her twice a year, my brother-n-law pulled my speaker wires out at a party because he thought the music was too loud so I beat his ass (broken nose, & 4 stitches) the next day we went boating and got drunk and joked about it, Oh I'm sure I could go on for days My Mother-n-law dropped her son off at our house for an hour so she could go to the store, well she didn't come back for three days, she had a gambling problem My wife had to call in sick to work, to take care of the lil brat, oh well alls forgiven,

All I'm trying to say is people do stupid things, Wendy if ya didn't like the site don't click on it, and to everyone that thinks she's bad and can't be trusted GET OVER IT, it sounds like she needs us!

That's just my openion!


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Tiannia on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:30pm

on 11/14/03 at 18:15:32, Tiannia wrote:
Warning not politically correct adn completly my opinion. If it offends anyone I am sorry, but I needed to get it out cause I did not want to have to tink about it anymore.

No Cathy - I dont have to stfu. That is why I put this at the top of my post because I knew that it was not nice and it is "MY OPINION"  and after I stated it I am done.  Like I said I did not want to think about it anymore, even though I spelled it wrong.  ;;D

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by cathy on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:35pm
In MY opinion I think you should keep YOUR opinions to yourself in future....



Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Marc on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:38pm

Sorry, but on a message board we can only "know" someone based on their actions here. I for one, don't appreciate being played the fool. Shall we all create multiple new identities and have some fun? I guess it depends upon how you feel about credibility.

I personally believe that respect and forgiveness can be earned, but sometimes we have to take our lumps for what we do.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by River_Rat on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:40pm
CATHY?? Your nicer then that!


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 14th, 2003, 7:52pm
What Tiannia said was right Cathy and I felt the same way... though I am not mad at Wendy because she has her own appologies to make and be done with it... I think this is more petty than any fight there has ever been here. I also think she is a big enough girl to fight her own battles... You have been doing this alot lately.  Wendy doesnt want this to be dragged out.  You are just making your own enemies...

also Jonny didnt say that Wendy sent him the link he said she sent this a couple of months ago, and THEN he posted the letter he recieved from her.......... so everyone is blowing this out of perportion... I am done now... jonny is my friend and I have never seen anything but someone that wants to help people here.  If you don't like his choice of entertainment don't look... he said he would take it down if he was asked... but to have that demanded in such a letter?  THIS is a he said she said...lets get back on with life here and pain ... ps what name is Wendy keeping Im so confused...........ree

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:00pm

on 11/14/03 at 19:52:19, Ree wrote:
... ps what name is Wendy keeping Im so confused...........ree

[smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Tiannia on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:00pm
Thank you, Ree.  I was not trying to pick a fight with anyone or make any enemies. And I was trying to stay out of it as I know that I do not know Wendy.  But it just kept running through my head and I was tired of it, so to get it out I posted.  Like I said, if my post offends anyone I am sorry.

PF Weekend for everyone.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by jonny on Nov 14th, 2003, 8:57pm

You complete and total bitch.

Call me tommorrow we'll do lunch ;;D

Im a sick bastard......LOL ;;D


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 14th, 2003, 10:35pm
and I guess jonny can fight his own battles too... Im feeling the need for another break~~~~ after reading this and the Ouch board on whether or not they want stuff public or private  eye-yeye-yeye... Let me know when someone needs support from me.  Have a fun weekend folks........................ree

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Charlie on Nov 14th, 2003, 10:37pm
:-/ End SIGN.png


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by cathy on Nov 15th, 2003, 6:55am

on 11/14/03 at 19:52:19, Ree wrote:
1/ What Tiannia said was right Cathy and I felt the same way.....

2/ I think this is more petty than any fight there has ever been here.

3/ You have been doing this alot lately.  

4/ Wendy doesnt want this to be dragged out.  

5/ You are just making your own enemies...

6/ look... he said he would take it down if he was asked... but to have that demanded in such a letter?

7/ ps what name is Wendy keeping Im so confused...........ree

I'll try to cover all your points Ree....

1/ I never said Tiannia was wrong...

2/ I have to agree with you...


4/ Again I have to agree with you...

5/ Please don't concern yourself about me, thanks for the concern but I can look after myself too and fight my own battles....but thanks again that was sweet of you.

6/ Are you gonna let this drop or drag it out..??

7/ So confused..?? whats new....she's Pubgirl....

Marc....good post and I totally agree with you.

Tiannia...I apologise to you but I hoped for Wendy's sake that the post would die a natural death it should have time i'll keep it to IM's...but your post after Wendy's just rattled my cage...sorry. you at 2pm... ;)


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:31am
Ree....   Cathy...

Back to your corners...   at least until we can get a truck-load of jello here!


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by goaway on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:34am

on 11/14/03 at 19:38:35, Marc wrote:

Sorry, but on a message board we can only "know" someone based on their actions here. I for one, don't appreciate being played the fool. Shall we all create multiple new identities and have some fun? I guess it depends upon how you feel about credibility.

I personally believe that respect and forgiveness can be earned, but sometimes we have to take our lumps for what we do.


I know, I'm late as usual.  I agree with Marc.

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Giovanni on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:37am
One thing that we ALL have in common are these DAMNED headaches.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 15th, 2003, 3:17pm

on 11/15/03 at 06:55:21, cathy wrote:
Cathy you called me out publicly and I thought about taking this to PM, only thought, then it pissed me off so badly I had to address this... You are like Dr Jekyll... you told Tiannia to STFU and now you are telling me to STFU.  You should know that this will never happen!!! Where do you get off?    

I will explain point # 3... You did this same thing with several other posts... when the person that started the argument in the first place ended the quarrel you kept it going... then you wrote me several... I mean SEVERAL PMS TO APPOLOGIZE TO ME... you madame have a serious hormonal issue.. I don't think you are funny, and I don't care to hear your appologies ever again.  If you need more of an explaination I will take it to email but I will never and that is never deal with you on this MB again... and I keep my word... ree

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by kim on Nov 15th, 2003, 4:21pm
Ya knowwhatreally cracks me up?????????

Wendy...........I can see why you did what you did.  I PERSONALLY can't see MYSELF going that route.  After all is said and done, it's your life babe and ya do what ya feel ya gotta do.  If folks don't like it they will always tell ya.  Can't keep changing who you are to fit the moments...............that said, folks with half a brain and time on the road themselves will see the big pic.  In the end, it's all sorta ok, know whati mean?

Ya can't reinvent yourself, ya must take a deep breath and jes be yaself.  Be patient.  Be willing to take a punch and keep standing.  Say your piece.  And whatever you do don't expect people to eat your views up in the same way you spit them out.  If you are going to stand up, my friend, then stand up and take what comes after.  Other wise don't ever say anything you feel.  Folks might not like it and have to disagree in varying degrees.

All of us are guilty at one time or nuther of thinking we are the only righteous sumbitch going.  Not so. :)  

Fight the fight with who you intended - face to to one.  Chin to chin.  navel to navel.  Foryaknow it your in love :) ...............put it in the playground and all sortsa shit piles on................

The only time I am guaranteed a satisfactory answer  is when I am alone.  Gamble or don't.

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by pubgirl on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:39pm
I don't want this thread to carry on any further but a dying woman is allowed a last statement I think (as well as a last cigarette)?

Kim is a wise woman. The nose to nose chin to chin fight is over as far as I am concerned.

I've learned a lot of very useful things over the last few days.
To those of you who are able to separate behaviour from personality, I thank you for your sincere messages of "your behaviour stank, but I still think you are an OK human being"

To those of you who sent private messages of "support" oozing compassion from every pore that you didn't mean, you can ............well you know what you can do with it. I prefer honest abuse.

P.S. Ssshhh, don't tell anyone but I'm not the only one who has come back with a different name, I think I may be the first one to apologise for it though ;). You know who you are!

Sorry for posting again. Please post on all the other threads quickly to get this bumped away from the main page.


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by kim on Nov 15th, 2003, 7:47pm

Heres to the evenin I send ya with a heartfelt hug and a warm kiss to your cheek and warmest regards from the WOILEY BOIDS (that's the Hurley's ;;D) for peaceful and most PFDAN to you and yours.****]

See ya***

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by cathy on Nov 15th, 2003, 8:05pm

on 11/15/03 at 15:17:05, Ree wrote:
You are like Dr Jekyll... I AM  :o

You madame have a serious hormonal issue....I DO  :o :o

I don't think you are funny....You don't  :o :o :o

I don't care to hear your appologies ever again... :-/

But I will never and that is never deal with you on this MB again  :'(

And I keep my word... ree  ::)

Cathy  :P

Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by kim on Nov 15th, 2003, 8:11pm
flap's dark outside. look great in bell bottoms.

Cathy.....i'd kill to be a squirrel finding a home in you hair. ;;D  Plus............well. Your kinda cool. 8)

Oh yeah.  I was just headin for the microwave popcorn and so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lips run.  SHit appens.  Oh yeah. What were we tawkin about? [smiley=huh.gif]


Title: Re: Public apology:New board member
Post by Ree on Nov 15th, 2003, 9:07pm
Yes I do~~~thankyou KIM!!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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