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(Message started by: BUBBADOG on Nov 9th, 2003, 6:53pm)

Title: looking for docotors
Post by BUBBADOG on Nov 9th, 2003, 6:53pm
i am new to this site. i was finally diagnosed in april of this year. i felt like i was going nuts. family doc and local neurolgist told me i was just drug seeking could not be having this many headaches. the insurance company told me to go to the diamond headache clinic in chicago they have been a god sent they understand ch. i can not keepm flying to chicago to see these doctors to costly for someone who is not working. i live in PA and was wondering if anybody knows of good doctors in the PA or MARYLAND area. i am willing to drive a couple  of hours just can not due the flying anymore  

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by BillyJ. on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:17pm
A couple places to look:

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 9th, 2003, 8:39pm
Hi Bubbadog.

Here's my neurologist in the Hershey/Harrisburg area:

I have seen my share of docs, and he is, without question, one of the best physicians I have ever seen.   He is very receptive and one of the nicest persons you'll meet.  The hard part will be getting an appointment scheduled.  You will probably need a referal.  If you can't get in right away, get on a 'stand by' list.  If you're episodic and your cycle is about to end, schedule anyway, even if you're not in cycle.  At least one other member of this message board goes to him for CH.

--- Steve

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by BUBBADOG on Nov 10th, 2003, 1:00am
hi eyes_afire

  thanks so much i will be calling his office in the a.m. i am a chronic suffer . i have not slept yet tonight due to HEADACHES..... I AM SOOOO SICK OF THIS I WOULD LIKE JUST I MONTH OF NO PAIN!!!!

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 10th, 2003, 6:04am
Bubba - some of us chronics would like a week without pain too.  Maybe someday........

Good luck on finding a doc who knows something about CH. We've all been to a BUNCH of them. There are some good links here. Go to them and see (if the one you're going to call doesn't work out) who's available in your area.

Hoping you'll be pain free soon......

Hugs BD

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:34am
Hey Bubbadog, Welcome to the "House of Pain". Go to the OUCH web site and you will find a list of Doctors in your area that are proven to be good CH doctors.

Good luck, Patrick

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by 5-string on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:16am
Hey there,
I live in the Baltimore,Md. area. And I have a top notch neuro in Columbia. I'd be happy to send you her name/address...
let me know,

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 10th, 2003, 1:40pm
You may also want to try:

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Dept. of Neurology.  

They're in Philadelphia


BTW...Welcome Aboard I also have another Neuro I see in Langhorne, Pa. I don't know how far all this is for ya. But if you're interested...drop me a line.

Title: Re: looking for docotors
Post by BUBBADOG on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:29pm

      i am intrested in your doc that is in columbia please
e-mail asp.   thank you

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