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(Message started by: taraann on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:20pm)

Title: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by taraann on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:20pm
Just thought I'd share my offroading experience with you guys to share a laugh.  Well we went in my hubby's 1979 Ford F250 truck out in the woods last night.  We followed some friends of a friend (so we didn't know them all too well) down some trail that they knew and we didnt'.  The first trail up then down a mountain wasn't to bad some nice mud holes and bumps and we took it nice and gently (no sense going fast cause then you break something) and that one was a blast!  Then we follow the other vehicle (a jeep cherokee) up the next mountain....started to get a little nerve wracking.  We stop and the guy in the Jeep comes over to talk to us and he tells us he's been down this trail before and we can turn around a little further up if we need to.  Well  the trail was AWFUL and there was nowhere to turnaround at all!!!! [smiley=eek.gif]  Our truck sit's very high but also has a long wheel base and there were these HUGE mounds (more like walls) of dirt with deep ditches in front of them.....we had no choice but to go the rest of the way down the trail.  We got stuck on one of the mounds wheels off the ground the truck resting on the frame!  The guys were able to lift up the rear of the truck and we got unstuck.  Then we continue down the mountain and we LOST OUR BRAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [smiley=JAW_DROP.gif] It was nervewracking as all hell.  Finally after pretty much flying down the hill (while hubby is pumping the brakes trying to get them back) and over the bumps, mud, and rocks.  We get to the end of the trail and we stopped (FINALLY) and talked with the ppl in the Jeep and the KNOW IT ALL GUY THAT TOLD US LIES (lol) asks if we want to go down another trail.  NOOOOOOO we said we were all set we didn't plan on wrecking our truck and we went home ....  So far it just looks like we broke the brakes and the steps on the truck....keeping our fingers crossed that nothing else turns up broken (Sam looked at it this morning and said he doesn't see anything else broken)  

I wish I had pictures of the trail we went down....I might have a few ina couple days (one of the ppl in the Jeep was taking pics with a disposable cam) cause now that we are home and looking back it would be pretty comical pics but not while it was all happening!

Oh welll I just thought I would share our HELL of an Offroading adventure .... hopefully made someone laugh at our stupidity! hehe [smiley=ohjez.gif]

BTW  I got hit on the way down the last MTN and that was an experience to say the least! [smiley=hammer.gif]

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by cootie on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:38pm
Coots say: Never follow beaten path of total stranger ! Pam that is glad yer ok after that 'hairy' expierience

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:46pm
WOW --- and I thought you didn't have mountains out there, just big hills!

Oh... and the story is scary too.    ;)

Glad you made it home safe and sound,

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Opus on Nov 9th, 2003, 5:51pm
  I guess you have learned your lesson to never follow a jeep becouse it was really designed to go off road. I think even a jeep cherokee can turn around with 3 feet. Next time check and see if the othe vehical has a roll cage or not. If it does then DON'T follow it! Also never follow a range rover or hummer, they are designed to go where even jeeps fear to tread. I used to go off roading in the back 40 with a 53 willys overland and a 69 volkswagon bus, both were loads of fun and neither had brakes.


Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by CathiP on Nov 9th, 2003, 6:12pm
WHEEEEEE!!!! Tara ann.....It does sound like it wasn't nearly as much fun in the execution....BUT.....honey...ya need 4X.....Jeeps can go anywhere.......'rucks cannot!
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Man, though, cannot even imagine getting hit....a rollercoaster ride inside a rollercoaster ride...poor Tara...
Cathi whose Jeep has never intentionally been muddied, but LOVES sandy beaches! ;)

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by BillyJ. on Nov 9th, 2003, 7:31pm
Did someone say MUD?!?!
Sounds like fun except for getting hit.

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 9th, 2003, 8:30pm
I was wondering when you'd post to this thread, Mr. Mudder.   lol

Linda, who never grew up

Title: Life Options......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 9th, 2003, 10:04pm

Pick up your prize HERE. (

Middle of the Pack,

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by cootie on Nov 9th, 2003, 10:14pm
Is that you guys mud boggin on the way to the bar when you all left bar hoppin in NY at the convention ?  Blahhhh-ha-ha-ha ! Nice pics Billy........thanks !! Pam her dryness (blahhhh mud)

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by taraann on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:12pm
Awwww I'm worthy of a [smiley=bow.gif] Darwin Award, I'm just so proud right now [smiley=crackup.gif]

Coots say: Never follow beaten path of total stranger
Great advice Pam ... lol

Cathi whose Jeep has never intentionally been muddied, but LOVES sandy beaches!
I also Love the Beach (much more than that trail lol) and Sam and I were saying that we have a new respect for Jeeps after last night hehe

both were loads of fun and neither had brakes.
 Opus, offroading without brakes on PURPOSE!??!?!  You consider that FUN?  OMG that's crazy LMAO ;) ;;D

Hey Billy are those mudboggin pics of you driving?  either way Cool Pics!

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Charlie on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:32pm

Sounds like you had a good time nonetheless.

Quite a story.  :o


Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Opus on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:37am
 Yes, off roading without brakes is an adventure. The trick is to put the ignition on a switch that is easy to get too and turn off the engine to stop. Of course that doesn't always work.

I was climbing a steep hill through the woods in the volkswagon van when it stalled right before reaching the top. The van started going backwards and popped out of gear! I had to ride it down the hill backwards and at the bottom I spun the wheel to get it sideways, that worked well until I hit the tree with the drivers door. I was slowed down a bit so it wasn't too bad except for being a little stuck on the tree. The Willys got it free and I got it home. That van was so much fun becouse it could go almost anywhere except the swamp.


Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Hirvimaki on Nov 10th, 2003, 6:05pm
The clown's been crueler than usual - this weekend was a bust - but I saw the "off-roading" post and could not resist a peek.  I drive a Jeep TJ and go off-road whenever I get the chance.  I'm glad others enjoy it, too!  When I actually do get that website up to post all my art, I will also post off-roading pics. Some of the adventures we've had in Moab, Utah will make your head spin.

Off to the O2, off to beat my head on the wall, off to Pain-ville.


Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 10th, 2003, 6:50pm
If you can't run with the Big Boys...

... keep 'er parked.... ;;D

-Big Twuck

Title: Re: Offroading last night (not CH related at all!)
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 10th, 2003, 10:45pm
I used to have a CJ with a three inch lift kit, and oversized mud tires!  Awsome ride!

I remember going mudding with my buddy and my kids (only three, at the time).  My buddy was shotgon, my two boys were on the outside in the back seat, and my infant daughter was in her baby seat in the middle of the back seat.  I had the doors off, but the top on.

My wife was shocked when we got back, and saw that my daughter was covered in mud!  She could not understand how she got that way.

BTW, my daughter slept through the whole ride!


Title: Aging opinions
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:12pm

 Yes, off roading without brakes is an adventure.

Yes, well..............acceleration is fun. Deceleration let's you Do It Again. I still think Darwin was on to something

Tomorrow's another day...........(for some).......
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