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(Message started by: ClusterChuck on Nov 8th, 2003, 10:45pm)

Title: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 8th, 2003, 10:45pm
Chuck says: Nancy's house will never be the same!  The poor girl!  Heehee ...  What an experience!  Meeting clusterbuddies!  WOW!

Mia says:  What a blast meeting in person my extended family.  Nancy is the hostest with the mostest...and boy oh boy Mikey has really destroyed her bathroom!  ;;D

Barb says - "THANK YOU MIKEY" I know have another job - repairing this mess!

Kim says:  Thank you Nancy for all your hospitality.  This has been awsome!  An experience I will never forget.

Mikey says: Send donations to repair Nancy's bathroom - I told you I would wreck it....and it ain't the chili.

Just Deb is SO HAPPY to meet some really awesome Clusterfolk. Yippee!!!!

Toby (the dog) fell in love with Just Deb...and Mikey's arm!

Nancyc says: I am making chili cheese eggs in the morning...the florida gang is really missing a great breakfast...I just wish everyone could have been here to meet this fantastic bunch of clusterheads...there were four of the greatest supporters here I have ever met too...Buddy (YES!  He REALLY does exist!!!), Kim , Barb and Debbie...This is one nite I will never forget...thanks for the great memories, gang!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Elaine on Nov 8th, 2003, 11:02pm
I had a ball and so did Buddy! We just got home.
I met some more cool Clusterheads and am glad I did.
Buddy has nicked named JustDeb to Little Deb. I think Nancy you have hooked Buddy now. He is ready for another Trip. This was Buddys first time with more than two clusters at a time the group thing ! You guys made him feel right at home ! Thanks!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Elaine on Nov 8th, 2003, 11:23pm
l almost forgot Patrick_A I hope you make it at work tonight. I sure enjoyed talking with you. It was really nice putting face with your post.
Thanks for a great afternoon!
I don't know how your staying up all night cause I am dead tired headed to beb now and will think of you up all night ! It was Nancys fault you was late for work!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 9th, 2003, 9:32am
Hey Elaine, I made it! It was tough but worth staying there the extra time. I truly hated going! It was nice talking to you and meeting everyone else!

Patrick  :)

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 9th, 2003, 9:55am
I regret not being able to make it to Nancy's, but the lunch was fabulous!!!

Who is gonna post the pics?

All the best,


GREAT meeting everyone.

BTW everyone, Chuck is not right!!!     ;;D

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 9th, 2003, 10:03am
LMAO Brian, If i was you, i'd say the same thing!

Patrick  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Ree on Nov 9th, 2003, 10:21am
ree says where are the pictures................. my house was fun too Sean is on the front page of the paper ... brought him in with a police escorted limosine.... very awesome..................... so happy today... he is asleep in his own to you guys glad you had a nice time with Nancy...................Ree

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Roxy on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:09am


Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:44am

Me and Elaine are working on a bunch of pics now, gimme half an hour :)

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 9th, 2003, 12:29pm
OK OK OK, they are UP!!!

Elaine says she's sorry the Buddy didn't get pics of the other Deb, not just Deb, and there are no pics of Buddy, cause he took all the pics.

Have fun,

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Elaine on Nov 9th, 2003, 1:46pm
More pictures will be up later! As soon as everyone gets home. Nancy is going to email me with hers.
there will be pictures of everyone. Even Buddy :-)!

Also everyone that bought tickets your subs will be in the mail tomorrow.

I had a ball as always!

You guys should have seen  us all driving from the bar to Nancys house. We looked like a funeral possesion! Nancy was in the lead, she forgot to tell us her turn single wasn't working LOL! I think there were seven vehicle.

We had a great time Nancy did a wonderful job as a host.

There were 13 people there and it was a blast! It was also very educational!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by nancyc on Nov 9th, 2003, 2:05pm
E, give me about 30 more minutes and i will have the pictures to you..i pray..working on them...I am sitting here so damn lonely now..Toby is so sad, he is alone in the living room crying..the house is just not the grandbaby, son and daughter in law came by today to meet you guys and got to meet Chuck and Deb before they left...said to tell everyone they were sorry they misssed you..had to take Tristan to the hospital last nite as he was sick...I had a terrific time...and again, I will never forget the Love i felt from the Supporters that came...That to me, was truly awesome..thanks for making my nite...Buddy, i am so glad you are are a helluva nice guy and E is one lucky wonder she smiles so much now...Welcome to the family...You are stuck with us now ...Cant' wait till January when we do this again...Just Deb (Little Deb) has offered to host the next get together)...smiles and lots of hugs to you all,nancyc  ps to the florida group, you missed the cheese eggs..i suggest you make the next gathering in NC...LOL

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by nancyc on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:53pm
Elaine, my pictures have been sent to your Earthlink account..atleast the ones that dont have to be censored..those will cost you big money. :o...or maybe i could trade them for the ones you are planning to blackmail me with [smiley=huh.gif]nancyc

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by cootie on Nov 9th, 2003, 4:03pm
All that was missin was the tie dye on the old hippie Chuck !! Blahhhhhhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha.....jus JOKEIN Chuck...ya know I love ya !!! Can't beat a CH reunion can ya !? Pam that still misses that dam porch

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 9th, 2003, 11:58pm
OK, Folks, I made it home.  Took a little longer than I wanted but, sometimes ya just gotta pull over and stop driving .. Know what I mean?

Then I got home, and talked to Princess Jezebel Bitch Cathi, hung up, and SLAM!!!  Nailed agin!  Just making up for the light day yeasterday!  But that is cool!  I will treasure this weekend!

BTW, while driving from the restaurant over to Nancy's house, I got another hit, and while we stopped, for something, at a gas station, someone came over and kicked me out of the driving seat, and took over the rest of the drive.  I am sorry to say, I don't even know who that was!  Whoever you are, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!  Aren't Clusterbuddies AWSOME?

A while ago, there was a thread about what makes you smile while getting hit.  I answered that NOTHING did.  I have to say, even though the beast has been a bit of a bastard this afternoon and evening, I kept thinking about the people that I met this weekend, and it sure made those hits SO much easier to deal with!

Everyone who has met other chers has always said, wait until you do!  I now join that list!  There is NOTHING like it!  TOTALLY AWSOME!

Sure sucks to now be home alone and no chers to laugh, cry, hug and flirt with!

DAMN, it was great!


PS:  Since when did I become a hippie?  This is a totally an untrue statement!

PPS: Nancy, did I leave my bong down there?  I found the ziplock bag of "oregeno" but ... Hmmmm ...

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by nancyc on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:22am
Glad you made it home finally, bro...Btw, I think i found your bong...or should I say Toby found it...well, it is sort of messed up now...I found it in his I need to say more...anyway, i could not figure out what the hell it was ...LMAO....thought it was a dead squirrel or something...(this is a joke, ofcourse for anyone taking us serious LOL) ;;Dnancyc  PS, I am sure you are missing a certain tall ,suave clusterhead..., but get OVER IT!  You will live ....

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by CathiP on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:26am
Nancy...I have been laughing all day!!! ROTFL!!!!!
Chuck.....are ya lonnnnnesoommmme toniggghhhtt????HeeHeeHheeHee!
Duckng and running.....
Princess C athi ;)

nancy- didja read my story???? ;;D

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Mikey on Nov 10th, 2003, 8:24am
Nancy, you said to call when i got home!!  Damn, how long was ya'll on the puter? Soooooo.....i sent ya a PM hoping ya got it not too long after i left it.

I ditto exactly what Chuck said!!  You guys that have never met another clusterhead, you don't know what yer missing.  I couldn't help but to jerk a tear or two after leaving Nancys house, because i felt so loved and understood by everyone that was there, and ya know, if ya go to one of these type meetings, you will (without a question) go to a convention, if you've never been.

I can't wait for our next one.  I'm excited already about that!!!

Nancy, tell toby i miss him a whole lot!!.......LMAO!!!!!

Everybody that was at this one, just better be at the next one too, and lets try to add more of us!!

Mikey,  ;;D

PS Mikey missing everyone... :'( :'( :'( :'(

PPS: And no Chuck ain't right at all!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by nancyc on Nov 10th, 2003, 10:54am
Ok, Mikey..tapping my foot...did you forget about my cellphone  ;;D....I got your message, bro....I sure miss all of you....still going thru withdrawals here in SC....Just Deb is planning something for January in her area...cant get here fast enough for me ...Toby sends his love... :)nancyc PS...Hi, Deb and Ernie if you are out there lurking...miss you guys!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Mikey on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:10am
Oh yeah,......LOL.....I did forget your cell phone, but heck i forget i even have one!!! SSSSSSSOOORRRYYY.
what area is just deb in?  January better get here fast!!

Mikey,  ;;D

PS tell Toby i send mine as well...LOL

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by nancyc on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:07pm
Raliegh, NC there or be square, bro...i will have a ways to drive but who cares..i am coming... ;;Dnancyc  ps going to update my email list of NC, SC , Ga. clusterheads so who knows..we may have even more folks at this one!

Title: Re: Trashing NancyC's House!
Post by Mikey on Nov 10th, 2003, 2:38pm
I'll be there Sis, and won't be square!  

Yeah it would be nice to have even more clusterbuds at the next one, that way we can really trash Debs house..LMAO!

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