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(Message started by: DJ on Nov 6th, 2003, 9:23pm)

Title: Which would you choose?
Post by DJ on Nov 6th, 2003, 9:23pm
Of course this poll comes from the post about Imitrex extending people's cycle or causing "rebound headaches".  But it's meant more to answer a simple question.

If there was a FREE DRUG invented tomorrow that was safe and EVERYONE COULD USE IT, which option would you choose?

Longer cycles, less pain?

Shorter cycles, more pain?

This question is really that simple...

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by 5-string on Nov 6th, 2003, 9:39pm
Hi DJ,
I would take longer cycles with "tolarable" pain any year.
 I can function at kip3-4. kip 8-10 every day if even for a couple weeks is not a good thing.
I'll take longer and milder.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Roxy on Nov 6th, 2003, 9:39pm
Can those of us on the never ending cycle merry go round answer this?  

We could pretend that the cycle will come to an end...... ;;D  I know...I know......since ours isn't ever going to end, we would all pick the less painful.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 6th, 2003, 9:56pm

Nice haircut.
I had enough relative fun au Naturale.......

Better living thru chemicals,

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by totka on Nov 6th, 2003, 10:06pm
The first one please!

('morning Randy)

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 7th, 2003, 12:06am
Ya know, As i was reading the options, in the back of my mind i was thinking.... Those are my options when i am in a Cycle. I always elect for the medicine because a Kip10 is no fun at all!


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by nancyc on Nov 7th, 2003, 12:16am
Is this a trick question for chronics :onancyc

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Pinkfloyd on Nov 7th, 2003, 1:17am

on 11/06/03 at 21:39:57, Roxy wrote:
Can those of us on the never ending cycle merry go round answer this?  

We could pretend that the cycle will come to an end...... ;;D  I know...I know......since ours isn't ever going to end, we would all pick the less painful.

I promise you Rox.....the cycle WILL WILL still be breathing.....and once again be able to enjoy not only a sunrise, but a sunset.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by paul_b on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:00am
Less pain is the only choice

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by K. on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:05am
Longer cycle, less pain is the one I would choose.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by samurai on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:07am
 I have a high tolerance for pain, and I read the question and think, if I could shorten the cycle it would be worth it to suffer more, but I know that if I was having a k10 I'd do whatever I had to to make it stop. Especially when the headaches last for a while.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Kirk on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:19am
Being cronic I would choose the one on the left.



Morning Randy

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by J.ten_Dam on Nov 7th, 2003, 3:25am
same here
on 11/07/03 at 00:16:09, nancyc wrote:
Is this a trick question for chronics :onancyc

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 7th, 2003, 7:11am

I'm not sure I like how the question is worded.  

I know a lot of people here that don't immediately take a shot because of the concerns of overuse and subsequently have their pain go above a KIP 5.

Also, "a FREE drug that was SAFE that EVERYONE COULD USE"...     (I hope that's in there for comic relief.   ;))    If it was FREE and SAFE, there would be no reason for the originating thread.

I started the previous thread because of the large number of people that SEEMED to have a longer cycle resulting from imitrex use.  If that wasn't the case for me, I'd be the first person in line to buy "acquire" a LOT of it.  (forgot that it was free!)

Its not like I enjoy the pain, its the 18-day cycle part instead of 6+ weeks that I enjoy.   ::)

just an observation.

Cool way to do a poll.  Maybe this should be used more often.

grant                  8)

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Maggi on Nov 7th, 2003, 7:32am
I am so unbelievable happy to find you all!!

That im not alone anymore talking to windmills about my headaches.

I have had cluster for tvelve fifteen years, im not sure, they only found out like five years ago what it was, the fuckers!  All this time i have felt like an ashole trying to tell people what it was i was experiencing. Wow! And to run through your message board is like walking in my own biography You are telling me the story of me and I had no idie we had a voice!
I have tryed all there is to try as you all have done i guess, cause of the nature of this beast, you look out for everything you can think of to get rid of this shit.

I live in Iceland and well, there are not many of us here. So THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!!!

My attack started on monday and i havent sleept proparly since then. I take Imigran and that seems to help me in most cases, not all. Im ok at the moment, but i feel he i there waiting to jump on me.
When it starts in the nighttime theres little to do.
I found out a couple of years ago when i lived in LA that when drinking like gallons of water it seem to have some effect, but then again you have to piss it all out afterwards and you get little sleep for that aswell, but anything but the pain, right?

i hang everyday on my hands (im probably saying this wrong) to get rest in the shoulders when the bodie relaxes that way and i think there is some relief in that, I lie to myself probably, but i do i anyway because it gives me comfort.

Anyway i just wanted to say Hi and to thank you all for being here, it means everything to me.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Jimmy_B on Nov 7th, 2003, 7:59am
I quess I'm in the minority so far...but I would rather the cycle be shorter. Some times a nagging duller, or shorter pain kills me more then a severe, get it the hell over with pain...


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by thomas on Nov 7th, 2003, 8:45am
I just want it to be over, so I took B.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by JDH on Nov 7th, 2003, 8:54am
definitely A
Too old, tired and lazy to deal with those k6+'s anymore.
And besides, sometimes those high k#'s are just down right scary.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by don on Nov 7th, 2003, 9:47am
I would use the trex while in cycle to abort the attack while persuing other treartments  (DHE) to abort the entire cycle.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Boots on Nov 7th, 2003, 12:17pm
I remember my first ch's,they would come at the same time every day for 6 weeks,the pain would last for 1 hour all k8's+.Needless to say this waiting for ha time would cause a lot of stress for me,not to say what it did to my wife and kids.Now with drugs to kill the pain the ha's come at different times,is this also a different kind of stress?I'll take a longer cycle with less pain...


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Unsolved on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:22pm
I choose B...of course I really didn't get to choose because I got:
C) Having a VERY longer cycle, with more frequent cluster's that you ever thought possible but you know you can control it in 10-30 minutes with a shot... with the pain ALWAYS going above a Kip 7-10 on the scale...  

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Mikey on Nov 7th, 2003, 3:59pm
I'm chronic and choose the "A" option but it's kinda like Nancy said " it's a tricky question for a chronic"....I think that is because we would like to have some sort of control over the beast if we could, even if it's just the length of an attack, that would be good, and it would be wanderful to know that we wouldn't get one higher than a KIP 3-4!!...As it is we have no control, and absolutly no guess of what is to come, or when we'll get a break.....but on the other hand the eposodics are teased with this, but that's another story.......Soooo, i guess that's why i picked option "A".

Mikey,  ;;D

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by amen on Nov 7th, 2003, 6:31pm
Hello, this is fun!  I mean the board and this website!  I am still new.     ;;D Any way, right now while my head does not hurt, i would say more pain shorter cycle, however 3 hours from now or in the early morn. 2 hours into my 3 hour that kips at about 8 I would have to change my answer!  I would shoot myself in the foot if I thought it would make my head feel better at that time! :-/

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Charlie M on Nov 7th, 2003, 6:49pm
Less PAIN, the the only choise in my book. When I'm in cycle, the wait and intensity on the pain is overwhelming.  I can't function after 3:00 pm. So i cast my vote for less PAIN   Charlie M

Title: Hey, Maggi !!
Post by floridian on Nov 7th, 2003, 7:04pm
Hć, Maggi,

Velkommin!! ég tala pinnu lítill Íslensk - ég var búsett Ţar milli 1986 og 1990 og eiginkóna mín er frá Akureyri. (Ég er ekki Íslensk málfrćđingur, Ţađ er augljós).  Athuga póstkassa Ţín í Ţessi skilabóđ kerfi!!  Bless, Nonni.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by maggie_may on Nov 7th, 2003, 8:14pm
I'd definitely choose A.  Less pain=more gooder in my book any day.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Prense on Nov 7th, 2003, 8:35pm
The idea of attacks remaining between 3-5KIP....Let's see, stump my twice a day for the rest of my life, or break my arm, leg, rib and ummm...collar bone once a year all at the same time.  Sorry toe...   ;;D

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Charlie on Nov 7th, 2003, 9:15pm
I choose B. It's what I had and I'm still here. I was able to knock them down quickly with my technque.......most of the time the shorter ones worked for me. Easier to deal with.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 7th, 2003, 10:04pm

Like getting trapped far from home, after a passing cold front, on a motorcycle.

Ride home fast as shit and freeze alot, for a little while.

Steve G

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by bluesunshine on Nov 7th, 2003, 10:47pm
I would deal the second option with the Beast.  
Because, that' s what I go trough 4-5 weeks a year.
Ya, come fuken me up hard for those 4 weeks, but I never want to hear from you for the rest the year, is that clear!

I don't want this in my life, but now that I have to, rather be short and painfull than ''playing'' with me longer.  I'm tough.

PF for us all

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Not4Hire on Nov 7th, 2003, 11:03pm

on 11/07/03 at 22:04:07, stevegeebe wrote:

Like getting trapped far from home, after a passing cold front, on a motorcycle.

Ride home fast as shit and freeze alot, for a little while.

Steve G

Tocayo: we gotta LOT to talk about in N'Orlins... Steve(N4H)

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 8th, 2003, 8:39am
Less pain.... but I'm chronic so, of course, we want LESS pain. We'd rather have GET RID of the damn things.....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by suzy617 on Nov 8th, 2003, 9:23am
I went many years without meds and just suffered thru the pain but now that I found Imitrex I definitely have to say less pain, longer cycle would be my route.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by River_Rat on Nov 8th, 2003, 2:58pm
When these things hit they really change my life for a while. I would choose to shorten the cycle so I can get on with my drinking Life.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by sherryberry on Nov 8th, 2003, 8:53pm
Definitely shorter cycle for me...  I don't like the idea behind WHY the meds make the cycle longer or even change you to a chronic.

I'm episodic, 3 to 5 months every 2 years once it's past a shadow, its kip 7,8 or 9... have had maybe 2, what I would call, 10's.

I'm used to 7,8 and 9... I'd like shorter cycles... or NO CH!!  I'm tough too,(2 thumbs up bluesunshine!) and I have a great life.  I'd rather have less intrusion into it by this crap.  And I don't want other health problems/risks from taking these drugs.  I know, DJ, you said SAFE, but do you know that human beings had decided that certain amounts of radiation is SAFE, such as x-rays.  I guess they decided that if the skin doesn't blister and the person doesn't get sick and they don't get cancer within a couple of months... it's safe?? ... but they are now finding out, it is NOT. Not even x-rays.  Not even low dose (as they call it) radiation.  
Certain drugs that were considered SAFE, are no longer considered safe... in fact are considered harmful! Like the wonderful SAFE drug Thalidomide!  Definitely ok to give to pregnant women to help with that pesky morning sickness!  But, UH-OH, looks like it wasn't SAFE after all!
I saw an Imitrex commercial today... of course for migraines [smiley=ohjez.gif] but it said "In rare cases people without any history of heart disease can develop serious heart probems"  Is that something I want to be taking every day... many times a day...AND which may make my cycle longer and my attacks more frequent, so I have to take even MORE??  I'm sorry, but that kinda stuff scares CH won't kill me... a heart attack or stroke could.

No offense DJ, cuz I know what you were really saying... it's just that, in reality, I know who is telling us some drug or procedure is SAFE...and, I don't trust them.

I've been dealing with this crap for 32 years... If they find a CURE and I mean a CURE!  Not a cure for some, but not others and not something that only keeps the pain away while you are taking it or that only takes SOME of the pain away SOMETIMES.  Something that will take it away forever, with no horrifying side effects or a 50/50 chance of dying or being a vegetable... then, I will look into it.  Until then,  I have my ice packs... I have my coffee, I have my tabasco... I have my life.

Just my personal opinion.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Margi on Nov 8th, 2003, 9:50pm
My husband, Mike, picked the shorter cycle, fewer but stronger attacks.  He's gone years unmedicated but has never had a cycle last as long as this last one with meds.

I think the fear of going chronic is a huge and terrifying issue for an episodic, and when they pass that six month mark, it becomes visible in the horizon.  Why tempt fate, right?

I asked him last night and he said 'definitely, shorter cycle'. He'd much rather deal with 2 or 3 tens in a day, and be done with it in a couple of months, than have sevens or eights for six months or more.   As a supporter, I'd rather see him have a lower pain level, but I'm coming to learn that you clusterheads are amazing with your pain tolerances.  So, yeah - let's just get it over with.  

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by drnoe on Nov 8th, 2003, 11:39pm
The number of people willing to face worse for shorter is impressing the hell out of me. Serious reconsideration here.
That bit about causing heart conditions where there were none and considering the source of these meds to be untrustworthy rings true.
 Always good to have a new challenge.

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by ozzman on Nov 9th, 2003, 9:19am
I am currently experiencing A, and it is getting old. I can't get off of Verapamil. This is the closest I've gotten to being chronic, in the last 12 months I have had a little more than 2 months of PF time where I could not worry at all about having a beer or two. Where I wouldn't  wake up in the middle of the night, or have out of nowhere anxiety attacks, or had to grin and bear and attack while the trex worked, etc. I have had the short brutal 3 week cycles, and I miss them. I'm blaming the preventatives. Next go around, I'll try to go without the preventatives and see how long the cycle lasts.

I've been thinking (pulling lots of these threads together)..

Verapamil + Trex = Looong and mild intensity cycles (less frequent attacks)

Trex alone = Medium intensity and length of cycles (more frequent attacks)

No meds = Short cycle, heavy hitters

Shrooms = Brutal for a day or two, and done with it. (Disclaimer, the above statement is not from personal experience from shrooms, yet, but it comes from lots of reading)

No magic bullet yet, but the evidence seems to point the shroom way


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by cootie on Nov 9th, 2003, 3:33pm
Proclamation of Independence: Give me longer shorter or give me quoted by the Bradksi ! Pam that can't spell worth a shit but who cares

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by jminmilwaukee on Nov 9th, 2003, 8:11pm
Shorter cycle, more pain.

As a non chronic I have found the longer the cycle, the more worn out I become and the less tolerence I have even for the more "mild" hits. Not to mention the emotional and physical drain.

I would assume the longer cycle would include the wake up call every night which is something I would prefer shortened.

Of course, you all know my story and my treatment BUT if I still was in your shoes this is what I would choose.


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by sandie99 on Nov 10th, 2003, 5:46am
I can take any pain, but first one, please! :)

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Shadetree on Nov 10th, 2003, 11:33am
This is Dave (of Dave and Ree) I go for more drugs less pain. Definately A   final answer  


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by Cerberus on Nov 10th, 2003, 12:31pm
**** Starfleet Subspace Transmission****

Captain R.D.Brown of the UssCerberus Reporting....
Longer Cycle, Less Pain definately.....

**** End Transmission****

Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by NotH20 on Nov 10th, 2003, 3:51pm
We talked about this at the SC gathering - less pain and longer cycles seemed to be the winner - I'd have to totally agree .....


Title: Re: Which would you choose?
Post by cedarqn on Nov 12th, 2003, 5:12pm
Tough question - shorter and pain, or longer and dull.  I'll take the shorter and get it over with.  A few heavy duties that will repreive inbetween to less than 3-5 is worth it.  The 3-5 over and over again, what I'm having now and can't stand.   Have to agree, that "safe" isn't so safe for everyone.  I have to agree, if the bad ones come back - I'll look for those shrooms myself rather than head back to the Dr. and then spend a year dealing with the allergic reactions.   Done with med's here. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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