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(Message started by: Mr.Happy on Nov 6th, 2003, 5:39pm)

Title: Movie time - rerun
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 6th, 2003, 5:39pm
A couple of CH video clips worth watching........(again, for some)

The Drip (

Bob P speaks (

Doc Goadsby (

New to some, old to some.........a good waste of bandwidth, never the less.

Annnnnnnd...... ACTION,

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by jonny on Nov 6th, 2003, 5:57pm
DRIP...... :'(


Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by taraann on Nov 6th, 2003, 6:12pm
In tears here....thanks for posting that, I haven't seen them b4......but for some reason my pc wont let me view the Doc Goadsby one?

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by thomas on Nov 6th, 2003, 6:37pm
Who did the Drip clip ??? - incredible.  Had to be someone that really knows about ch or one hell of a great actor.

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Bob P on Nov 6th, 2003, 6:56pm
I asked the rat bastards over at ACHE, the people with the copywrite to the Drip, if we could use it for our lead-in page at OUCH.  Fuckers said no.  I'm talking with one of our members, who is a video producer, about making our own.

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Cerberus on Nov 6th, 2003, 6:56pm
when i click on THE DRIP
it tells me this page cannot be displayed...

it must be me - since the rest of you are in tears....

Mr Happy - please advise..........   :-*


oops this is ramon's name --- sorry

WAIT - actually - it wont let me play any of them.   :-[

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 6th, 2003, 7:10pm

on 11/06/03 at 18:56:44, Cerberus wrote:
when i click on THE DRIP
it tells me this page cannot be displayed...

Sorry, Woobs.......must be one of them filthy java/plug-in things. Try this place ( to update your java crap. If that don't work, turn off your toaster, and go redeem yourself with tons of cheap sex. That outta make you cry, too. At least.....if you do it right.....heh.
(Ask Ramon to fix it when he get's'll still be here......)

Damn if Bob P ain't photo-generic........for a jewish/latino/welsh/wannabe. Praise Wotan I'm not a bigot.

Siskel & Ebert,

on 11/06/03 at 18:56:31, Bob P wrote:
I asked the rat bastards....Fuckers said no.
The bastiches that made the Drip flick life in my area code...........mayhaps we can tickle their Leaf by Niggle(ing). Just a passing thought.....

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by cootie on Nov 6th, 2003, 11:39pm
Don't feel bad Woob.....mine is "STILL" connecting.......I think I was hypnotized by the busy curser........hey what day is it ? Pam that is dizzy and bizzy

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by totka on Nov 7th, 2003, 2:11am
Sorry Randy,

but how I can open the last one?

First one is gorgeous!

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by KingOfPain on Nov 7th, 2003, 3:44am
Dr./Professor Goadsby BBC (story/interview) link:

Not sure what the deal is with the
Goadsby video either......  Hap?


Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by suzy617 on Nov 7th, 2003, 4:24am
Hmmm, tried your link, Happy to make it work but says IV50 decompresser not found.   ???


Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Bob P on Nov 7th, 2003, 11:02am
I talked on the phone with the guys who made the Drip.  They referred me to ACHE since that's who they made it for (it's linked on the ACHE site with the other headache videos the company made).  I called ACHE.  The lady in charge wouldn't even talk with me.  Had her secretary tell me no, we couldn't use it.  Obviously a lady who doesn't get clsuter headaches!

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Margi on Nov 7th, 2003, 11:33am
Wow - that Drip is VERY moving.   (I'm only able to get the audio of it, but's enough)

Breaks my heart.   :'(  How many times have I heard those very sentiments....expressed by my husband and my friends here.  I hate clusters.  

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by J.ten_Dam on Nov 7th, 2003, 11:34am
may I share this with the Dutch sight?

and if I may how do I do it?

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by hdbngr on Nov 7th, 2003, 3:56pm

These are new to me. Thanks for sharing. I couldn't open the Doc Goadsby one...what software do you use to play a .ram file?

The Drip was amazing...

Maybe we could send a kind, sensitive letter with supporting documentation asking pretty please...

If that fails, we could always take turns bombarding them with email requests...

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by Bob P on Nov 7th, 2003, 4:07pm
.ram is Real Media, use RealPlayerOne

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by thomas on Nov 21st, 2003, 3:22pm

Title: Re: Movie time - un-running reruns
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 21st, 2003, 4:37pm
The damned Goadsby link quit working the day this was put it seemed time to contact the BBS.

You send letters out, you get letters back.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 07 November 2003 17:40
To: NewsOnline SiteProblems
Subject: Site Problems.

Comments submitted:

Howdy folks!
The above link just quit working on 11/6/03. Is it possible to
re-establish the link, or could you let us have a copy of the interview
with Dr. Goadsby? It's one we like to refer to on occasion when
informing others about cluster headaches.

Randy Jones

Subject: FW: Site Problems.
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 12:32:12 -0000
Thread-Topic: Site Problems.
From: "NewsOnline SiteProblems" <>
To: <>

This is working for us.


I'm still coming up with "Unable to locate server. The server does not have a DNS entry." Hope y'all have better luck.

Ah well, what the hell,

Title: Re: Movie time - rerun
Post by BobG on Nov 21st, 2003, 4:53pm
I don't know what part of Goadsby's work you're after but here is his first study.
Click and scroll down to the response "Goadsby's First Study posted be drummer.

Ted, on November 05, 1999
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