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New Message Board Archives >> Oct-Dec 2003 >> boy, are off the topic
(Message started by: grumpett on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:44pm)

Title: boy, are off the topic
Post by grumpett on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:44pm
Why can't we keep this site for what it was meant to be?  ABOUT CLUSTER HEAD ACHES AND SHARED EXPERIENCES.
I for one am getting tired of reading digs to each other about things that do not relate directly to our problem here!
I think the good vibes and shared personal opinions are good but.... this is getting out of hand.
I for one don't need the extra stress of political differences from fellow sufferers of c.h.
I think some topics to stay away from are politics, religion and gossip.
I am Canadian, proud to be, love ALL my american friends ( i live 1 minute away from the border) and thought that this site was part of my family now.
Some of the things i am reading lately are insulting, rude and NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS SITE!
is it just me or am i right?
I will stick around awhile longer, but if this keeps up, I will be looking elsewhere for support on ch.
I am sure others will follow....

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Bob P on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:00pm
It's all that freakin' hub's fault.  I told everyone we should have kicked the dang meegrainer outta here long ago.  But NOOOOOOO..., the bleedin' heart Europeans said to let him stay.  Next thing ya knew, people were trying to sell us potane for $9.77 a plate (US not CDN).  People got fat and broke at the same time.  We became lethargic and forgot that we were to talk about MoyaMoya disease.  Then the King Moya says his head hurts and some jerkwad takes off on a headache thread.

Let's get back on track here folks.
Here's a poll to help us focus:

Republican or Democratic?
Jew, Christian or athiest?
Pro-Life or Choice?
Gay or straight?
10 toes or nine?

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by jonny on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:03pm

on 11/04/03 at 15:44:34, grumpett wrote:
I will be looking elsewhere for support on ch.
I am sure others will follow....

Good luck....theres no where but here to go.

All family's fight and that includes this one.


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by BobG on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:08pm
Republican or Democratic?  Yes.
Jew, Christian or athiest?   Also yes.
Pro-Life or Choice?   I'm Pro if you're talking about me.
Gay or straight?   Another yes.
10 toes or nine?  Are you asking about just one foot or both counted together?

I am also a cluster sufferer. (just want to stay on the subject)

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by JDH on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:09pm

on 11/04/03 at 15:44:34, grumpett wrote:
Why can't we keep this site for what it was meant to be?  ABOUT CLUSTER HEAD ACHES AND SHARED EXPERIENCES.....

Not sure if you noticed or not BUT this is the "General Topics" part of the Message Board.
You're liable to see anything and everything written about on here.
And like Jonny sez, there's nowhere else to go anyway so chill out, ok?


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by grumpett on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:18pm
I won't just chill out!!!

I am outta here!  [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]

This is exactly what I was refering too!

Wishing every one else pain free days.

bye for good.

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by taraann on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:26pm

on 11/04/03 at 16:18:52, grumpett wrote:
bye for good.

Then why isn't your name in black which would indicate you took yourself of the member list?

Sorry but maybe I'm just cranky today and your thread just annoys me

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:34pm

on 11/04/03 at 16:08:05, BobG wrote:
Republican or Democratic?  Yes.
Jew, Christian or athiest?   Also yes.
Pro-Life or Choice?   I'm Pro if you're talking about me.
Gay or straight?   Another yes.
10 toes or nine?  Are you asking about just one foot or both counted together?

I am also a cluster sufferer. (just want to stay on the subject)

I am a hedonist, existentialist, xenophobic, myopic, WASP.  I also like sushi and caviar and goat cheese.

Mmmm.  Sweet, lactose goodness!!!!

O, I get CHs too.

Everyone here hates me grump, but I will not go away.  Your leaving means they win!!     [smiley=smartass.gif]

It's a cookbook, for the love of God, it's a cookbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by thomas on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:43pm
That's why there are 3 different areas to post on this board, maybe you should stick to the meds and treatment section.  Some of us just enjoy a little friendly banter with those who go through the same fucking hell that we do.  You know some one who can relate?

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 4th, 2003, 4:53pm
Why isn't anyone listening to me?  It's a cookbook!!!

Thee humanity!!!!!

Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!

Goddamn simpleton.

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by BobG on Nov 4th, 2003, 5:28pm

Sweet, lactose goodness!!!!

lactose makes me poop.  [smiley=frown.gif]

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by thomas on Nov 4th, 2003, 5:37pm

Goddamn simpleton.[/quote]
Must be me.  To Serve Man.

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Bob P on Nov 4th, 2003, 5:49pm
Was that a Twilight Zone or an Outer Limits?

I think we should all go back and delete our posts to this thread and just leave old grumpy's sitting here all by themselves.   Then people will look at it and say, "What the fuck?"

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:01pm

on 11/04/03 at 16:18:52, grumpett wrote:
I won't just chill out!!!

I am outta here!  [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]

This is exactly what I was refering too!

Wishing every one else pain free days.

bye for good.

Then beat feet, bitch.....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by thomas on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:10pm
90% sure it was twilight zone.

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by cathy on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:17pm

on 11/04/03 at 15:44:34, grumpett wrote:
Why can't we keep this site for what it was meant to be?  ABOUT CLUSTER HEAD ACHES AND SHARED EXPERIENCES.

:o Damn shit why didn't someone tell me that back in December I thought it was a confessions board and im still having surgery for 90% burns...I lost most of my toes but luckily im a chiropodist/podiatrist so I can get hold of toes no not good with the scalpel yet...


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:35pm

on 11/04/03 at 17:37:22, thomas wrote:
Goddamn simpleton.Must be me.  To Serve Man.

No, no Thomas--Not you, I was referring to grumpett.

And yes, it was TO SERVE MAN.  And a TZ.

Best one next to the Burgess Meredith one where he was a big reader and the H bomb went off.  You all know the rest of that story.  Spooky!!!

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by thomas on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:39pm
Yeah, and he broke his glasses, what a great show.

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by River_Rat on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:48pm
Big Dan took my answer!!


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by goaway on Nov 4th, 2003, 7:13pm

on 11/04/03 at 16:18:52, grumpett wrote:
....I am outta here!  [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]....
bye for good.

I got dibs on the handle "grumpett"!!! :D :D :D

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Bob P on Nov 4th, 2003, 7:13pm
Grumpy was a woman?  I need to pay closer attention.  Well all the better because everyone knows:

Title: Topic schmopic.......
Post by Mr.Happy on Nov 4th, 2003, 7:24pm
Ahhhhhh.......there's nothing like a good Blood Letting to relieve the evil humors residing in the recesses of our veins.
You folks piss me off 9 ways from Sunday, every day.
It's like a vacation from Married Life w/kids.
That's why I stick around. It's not just the great pay, the minimal hours, benefits and cheap's the intelligent comraderie. Put all us nits in a room, and ya still won't come up with one Whit. Big deal.
At least we ain't running short of Lemmings yet. Praise Wotan (

Slammy lives.......

PS: Ain't sure what a HUB is.....but will Blue Ointment or anti-biotics take care of it?

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Ree on Nov 4th, 2003, 7:34pm
Whoooooooooooo started this thread??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh put a sock in it... lol.It would get pretty boring if all we knew about each other was that we get headaches... it would go something like this...:

"Last night my head hurt, I took imatrex." Today my head hurt... I took imatrex" Tomorrow my head will hurt I'm trying 02"  How boring is that.......... now we have ...

My head hurts but guess what, there are other things going on in my family my life and the world...
Love to you all... the other Meegrainer...LOL

disclaimer= nothing said in this thread was meant to be political in anyway... any thing said is fictitious... any thing seemingly like anything anyone else has said is purely coincidental.............  

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by 9erfan on Nov 4th, 2003, 8:00pm

on 11/04/03 at 16:18:52, grumpett wrote:
bye for good.


This thread cracks me up!! Like Ree said, non-politically speaking, this would be a pretty boring place if all we talked about was our damn heads!


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 4th, 2003, 8:29pm
Facts about my head:

I wear 7 7/8 hat size.

I have thick, reddish brown hair which I keep short and conservative tho I am neither.

I part my hair on the right side, sort of.

I have not "brushed" my hair in over 8 years.

RE the above point, I ususally wear a little gel, run my hands thru it.

My head is full of strange and wondrous ideas.

My head tells me to drink beer when it us not appropriate.

My head tells me that dreaming in French is OK.

My head tells me that it must be served a martini at least once a week or it will tell horrible lies and spread innuendo about me.  I comply guiltily.

Meet....MY HEAD!!!

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by jonny on Nov 4th, 2003, 8:36pm

You and Jack Boyd would have got along great!!!.....LOL ;;D


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 4th, 2003, 8:41pm
At work tomorrow, mess up your desk...I dare you.

Steve G

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by ckelly181 on Nov 4th, 2003, 9:26pm

on 11/04/03 at 19:13:58, Bob P wrote:
everyone knows:

and men can't have babies and we are better shoppers. We are truly the superior sex...

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 4th, 2003, 9:45pm
Brian... there are times that I wish I could be as much of a smart ass as you.... ;;D

-Big Envy

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 4th, 2003, 9:50pm
Hmmmmmmmm.  Personally I always liked Hub, Bob.   So I don't think this was HIS fault.  As a matter of fact yesterday Margi smelled a Kack.

Your little sneaky way of adding initials to your message was recieved with disdain as usual.  According to the sex ratios in cluster headaches.  It is now 2.3 :1   Put that in your cigar and smoke it.   LOL   :-*

Now Grumpett or whatever your name is...can't you see that sometimes we all need to laugh at each other and ourselves and have a little fun?????   I'm sorry for you if you can't.


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Brian_Y on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:03pm

on 11/04/03 at 20:36:05, jonny wrote:

You and Jack Boyd would have got along great!!!.....LOL ;;D


Who's Jack Boyd?  I am awash in curiosity now.

And Dan, my being a smart ass has gotten me into TONS of trouble.

My fraternity house in college, alcohol, my smart mouth, and a fire hose spring to mind.  But that was aaagggeees ago.  Yes, ages.       [smiley=bag.gif]

Good times, good times...

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:07pm

Go back into the archives of the old board and click on any post of Jacks.    LindaH

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Charlie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:23pm
Geez. I musta missed something. I almost posted awhile ago that we've been so nice that it's sickening.  Even the migrainers have been treated with little vitriol. It was making me nervous.

I've go to catch up I guess but I hope you come back. We're waiting for you.


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by cootie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:35pm
Dam you guys CRACK me up....I 'was' ina sumwhat lousey mood Grumpy Crumpett.......that's anouther reason we love this brings us UP with the humor !!! Isn't that a good thing ? Hey didn't Mrs Grumpett sit on a spider or sumthin like that ? Rearranged deranged nursery rhymes by Pam

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 5th, 2003, 1:06am

I'm not sure I have laughed THIS hard, OUT LOUD, at any post on this board yet.

And Ree...I can HEAR your VOICE, AND your accent....ahhhhh, put a sock in it.  LMMFAO!!!!

I LOVE this family!!!!!
It was almost as good as a porch laugh...
oh yeah, that's right, I'm female, I don't get clusterheadaches :)

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 5th, 2003, 1:51am

Don't humor Bob, Mastiff.   He loves it when we do that.


he he he he

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by cathy on Nov 5th, 2003, 3:05am

on 11/04/03 at 19:34:05, Ree wrote:
Whoooooooooooo started this thread???

Mr White in the Library with the Rope....and thats my final answer!  [smiley=smug.gif]


Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Bob P on Nov 5th, 2003, 10:18am
Heeeerrrrrrrs Jack!

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by Prense on Nov 5th, 2003, 8:51pm
It took 34 minutes to run grumpett off from post to post...

You guys are slacking!

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by cootie on Nov 5th, 2003, 10:37pm
OK.........little miss Grumpett sat on a 'trumpet' ?.......Pam eatin crumpets with kurds in the way

Title: Re: boy, are off the topic
Post by OneEyeBlind on Nov 6th, 2003, 7:14pm
Ok, so my life ain't so bad and I should let you guys know that right now.  My head has not hurt for over 9 friggin months ..... so I should stop complaining and realize that there is a God ... so in answer to your post, Bob, I ain't no athiest.  LOL.  

As far as the "who started this thread" ... I kinda like the idea that we should play CLUE ........ so here goes ..........

It was Colonel Mustard in the Consevatory with the Rope and HE had all the friggin problems !!!  Cathy .. you are always wrong !  LOL

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