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(Message started by: ave on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:09pm)

Title: How they think 'em up!
Post by ave on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:09pm
We are becoming used to sinuses, smoking, stress, bad diet or being male  overachievers,  getting blamed for our clusters.

But our cousins the migraineurs have idiots to contend with as well:

It is reported in my country, that Dr. Howard Bennett of the George Washington University blaimes Harry Potter V, with its 870 pages, for migraines in (3)children.

Maybe THAT's the true cause of clusters too!
Read any good books lately?

Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by Hirvimaki on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:14pm
Well, a low KIP might feel similar to being repeatedly smacked on the side of the head with an 870-page book. That's as close a relationship as I can draw...

Doctors are just plain silly.

Hirvimaki (with a KIP 4 and nothing to read...)

Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by Tiannia on Nov 4th, 2003, 6:07pm

on 11/04/03 at 15:09:23, ave wrote:
It is reported in my country, that Dr. Howard Bennett of the George Washington University blaimes Harry Potter V, with its 870 pages, for migraines in (3)children.

Maybe THAT's the true cause of clusters too!
Read any good books lately?

OMFG I read that book right when it came out.  And my HA started Mid July.  That is what caused them...  Right.  How frigging stupid. If reading caused it then when I read the bible from cover to cover at the age of 8 they would have started then.

Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by Ree on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:37pm
I read that too AVE isn't that rediculous... i would stay away from books all together if I thought it would cure my head problems............. love to you Ree

Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by Charlie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:53pm
Yikes Ave...... sign.png

Never let it be said that common sense got in our way.



Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by cootie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:57pm
I wonder what kind of illness coloring books cause ? Pam that colors inside the lines

Title: Re: How they think 'em up!
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 5th, 2003, 12:03am
All I've ever seen of Harry Potter would be advertisments....

... and so far, it's only resulted in nausea....


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