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(Message started by: carlamonceaux on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:10pm)

Title: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by carlamonceaux on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:10pm
;;D :-[ Hi there, im a 26 y/o female, i have been having the most terrible headache ever, it starts ever day around 12-1:00pm, and last till about 9:00 at night.Its on the right side of my face, my eye ball feels like its going to pop out at any time, my cheek hurts the top part of my head hurts, i feel like just grabbing something anf going crazy..nothing helps the pain but time, i have tried it all from demoral, axert, margesic, NOTHING evne comes close to taking the pain away. this is everyday, and has been going on for 2 weeks now...does anyone out there have the same things going on, please get in touch with me so we can discuss this, IM scared to death....\

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Callico_Kid on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:22pm
Have you seen a Dr yet?  If not, get there asap!  In the mean time, take the cluster quiz on the left side of your screen, check out the cluster traits and read as much as you can.  Print out anything that is pertinant and take it with you.  Most MDs are not up to speed on Clusters due to its rarity, so any info you can take along can be helpful.  Ask for oxygen.  Be sure to get a non rebreather mask and a valve that allows at least 10 to 15 liters per minute.  Keep us posted.


Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by stevegeebe on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:26pm
Have you seen a Doc?  Is this new to you?

Take the Cluster quiz.  Eliminate other possibilities.  The duration has me curious.

If you're lucky, it's not CH.  If not, hang'll be helped.  I promise.

Steve G

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:45pm
First, go talk to your NUEROLOGIST….

Second… if it’s CH, stick around here… there’s lots of great people to love and not-love-so-much…

I hope you don’t have CH… but if you do… you couldn’t have found a better place to land…

Now get to work…. ;;D

-Big Welcome

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by nancyc on Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:31pm
Does it last 9 hours?  :)nancyc

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by TxBasslady on Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:46pm
Wow, 9 hours is a long time for a CH.

Have to agree with the above the links to the left, take the quiz, but most important....see a neurologist.

Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.


Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Prense on Nov 3rd, 2003, 11:51pm
The duration is not typical with CH.  Some will argue that nothing is typical with CH, but 9 hours is a long damn time for an attack.  It was discussed just a few days ago...Experiencing "the worst headache of your life" can be symptomatic of a life threatening issue.  My point, get to a doc...don't wait for a neuro!  Get a CT scan and a MRI.  If those are clear, come back and take the cluster quiz as previously suggested.  Although the location of the pain is common for CH, that doesn't mean it is CH.  Migraines can also be unilateral, and there are other ailments that can have similar pain locations.

Are you still here reading?  Have you been to the doc yet??  Put the mouse down and get!   ;;D

Seriously, a possibility exists that this can be construed as an emergency.  "Hi there, im a 26 y/o female, i have been having the most terrible headache ever"

Hope everything works out ok for you!


Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Patrick_A on Nov 4th, 2003, 3:11am
Read what Prense said, He said it as good as it can be said!


Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by goaway on Nov 4th, 2003, 7:31pm
Ditto to everything that Big_Dan and Prense said!!!

Oh, and WELCOME!!

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Ree on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:33pm
Sounds like she comes from my tribe... thats how long Migraines are... sounds text book if you ask me... only dif is the clockwork thing... I have never had them same time every day for 2 weeks... I have had them every day for 2 weeks but not same time etc...

Carla sounds like they gave you great advice... do the quiz and then if you find you have Migraine...or another form of headache visit us at It is a wonderful site for every type of headache... also feel free to email me
ps to use code fit your text between the~~>[] [] things

Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by Charlie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:40pm
Sorry you're in such pain and I agree with the others. My test for clusters is: Does it wake you out of a sound sleep? There is no way one can lie down or sleep during a cluster attack.  

I'm also betting that while they may last a long time, that it greatly varies in intensity. That would make sense as anything more than 3 hours is rare for CH.

Stick around and let us know how you make out. You'll find some good ideas and support here.


Title: Re: im new to clusters and here...hehe
Post by cootie on Nov 4th, 2003, 10:50pm
Hello are you doin now.....sounds purdy aweful and yup ya need ta git checked out and find out what's goin on.....and get sum releif ! Pam that's hopein ya keep in touch here Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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