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(Message started by: Svenn on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:23am)

Title: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Svenn on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:23am
There has been a lot of talk about raising money for OUCH lately "Auction`s"and raffles "just wondering what the hell the latest is".

Anyone have thought about giving OUCH  $5 or $10 as a christmas-present?

Any thought about doing this Elaine and Michelle


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:33am
I've got a whole bunch of things lined up for the Christmas Bizarre...but haven't recieved any pictures and descriptions to list the items yet.  I think people are going to love these things!!  It's nice Christmas crafty items made BY clusterheads!!

I also have a really neat Auction coming up next...and IRRESISTABLE one!!

And if anyone is interested on how the auctions and raffles are doing, Elaine posted a REPORT in the "fundraising" section on the OUCH board!!

We are just truckin right along!!
If anyone wants to donate a Christmas money gift to OUCH, just follow Elaine's instructions on how to make a payment on the Fundraising section of THIS board.
That is...until Bob gets paypal set up on the OUCH board, he's working on that now.

Thank you all for being PART OF THE SOLUTION!!!!

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Edna on Nov 3rd, 2003, 12:39pm
WOW Svenn

I think that is a great idea!!!!!

Why not "GIVE" as we do to so many other causes at holiday times.  After all, each time we choose to give it's to help whatever cause, SO.....why not give to our own cause.

pf wishes,

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Edna on Nov 3rd, 2003, 1:06pm
Well, I thought it was such a great idea......I went ahead and made an early start on my Christmas giving.



Thought that I might as well get started early on my Christmas shopping.........(I never usually do) I'm one step ahead and my gift has already been delivered!!!!


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Svenn on Nov 4th, 2003, 5:13am
Hi again folks

A gift to OUCH

Total Members: 5293 X$10=A really great gift to ourself or what folks?

Just think about it at least

The best from Svenn

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Charlie on Nov 4th, 2003, 9:41pm
That's pretty good Svenn.

Tis' the season to be generous.

Michelle just loves to handle money:


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by debbie4278 on Nov 4th, 2003, 9:48pm
WOW! That is a good idea. When will paypal be up?
That would be so easy.
$52,000. What a Christmas suprize that would be.

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 5th, 2003, 12:53am
LOL Charlie...funny thing is...I ain't touchin any of the money.
Except I gotta send this painting of Cerebus's to AUSTRAILIA, for cryin out loud.
Nope...actually giving OUT the money, LOL!!

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Charlie on Nov 5th, 2003, 7:35am
You bet Michelle  [smiley=laugh.gif]


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Nov 5th, 2003, 10:05am
We are having a discussion on the ouch board now about switching banks.  If that happens, we have to wait on setting up paypal until we know which exact bank OUCH is sticking with.
THEN paypal will be up, whoooo hooooo!! :)

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by nancyc on Nov 5th, 2003, 2:15pm
Another way to help OUCH at Christmas would be to shop at the OUCH online store...that way you could spread the word about OUCH, help OUCH, help yourself and enjoy the products....lots of benefits...did i leave out anything?  ;;Dnancyc

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Charlie on Nov 5th, 2003, 5:51pm
All seriousness aside, this really is a good idea kids.

Everyone needs a mug or two.......

That Svenn, what a guy..... 8)


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by nancyc on Nov 5th, 2003, 6:03pm
And dont forget to buy your Neuro or Doctor an OUCH mug for Christmas this year..especially if they give you imitrex samples  ;;D...nancyc

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Just Deb on Nov 5th, 2003, 10:36pm
Thanks Mast. If you don't mind, let me know. Thanks.
If I had a neuro who knew anything, I might get him a mug.
Off the subject, I was thinking of taking a bumper sticker and making a yard sign to create awareness to passer-byer's.  Or something............

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 6th, 2003, 5:46am

You must wear your thinking cap right over your heart!!!  What a terrific idea!!  

Why not take it a step further?  Someone create a certificate/letter that says "A Donation Has been Made in your name to O.U.C.H."  and it could be attached to the website and printed out after donation made.  A lot of people give these types of gifts at christmas.

Just throwing out ideas.  FWIW

Donna D.

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Svenn on Nov 6th, 2003, 1:20pm
Posted by: Donna_D. Posted on: Today at 12:46:16

You must wear your thinking cap right over your heart!!!  What a terrific idea!!  

What in hell is so terrific about everybody gives OUCH $5-$10 as a christmaspresent.

Sorry if you dont axept my ideas


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Mark C on Nov 6th, 2003, 4:24pm
I like the idea so much I think all OUCH members should pay $10.00 a year dues....hell even I can afford that!

What say you all?


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Big_Dan on Nov 6th, 2003, 4:29pm
.... Methinks there's a language barrier here....


-Big Dan

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by BobG on Nov 6th, 2003, 4:37pm

on 11/06/03 at 16:24:59, Mark C wrote:
all OUCH members should pay $10.00 a year dues....

Screw that!

When there were dues I paid them (for three people) and we were on the membership list.

Then membership became free my name and the other 2 disapeared. I joined again and my name still ain't there!

Screw that!

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Charlie on Nov 6th, 2003, 4:47pm
Clever people here.

When I got here, there were dues; at the moment there are none. It's a political football on the board and a tough play to call. I send in a few bucks every year anyway but it should be encouraged more often. Maybe they're needed again. It's well worth considering.

It wouldn't harm OUCH if it were mentioned on your correspondence or part of letterheads. Jonny and others have done something like this. I sometimes check out things like that when I see them. Just an idea.

Thanks kids.


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 6th, 2003, 8:34pm

.... Methinks there's a language barrier here....



When I said you wear your thinking cap over your heart I only meant that your idea was one that truly comes from love.

Terrific is a good word.  Terrific means great, excellent, WOW, Super, fantastic, etc.  

I was not putting down your idea, Svenn.  I PROMISE!!

Donna D.


Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Svenn on Nov 8th, 2003, 4:04pm

I bow my head down in the dust and ask for your forgivness for missreading your reply.Just hope you can forgive me for that

Svenn    :-[

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by jonny on Nov 8th, 2003, 4:11pm

on 11/06/03 at 16:37:15, BobG wrote:
When there were dues I paid them (for three people) and we were on the membership list.


At least you didnt pay for thirty something people like I did before it went FREE!

Re-instate the damn dues is what I say....OUCH needs money?.....Re-instate the damn dues.

..................................jonny  [smiley=mad.gif]

Edit......Svenn, get your damn head out of the dirt...its not the first or last misunderstanding on this board. ;;D

Title: Re: christmas and presents!!!
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 8th, 2003, 7:02pm
...and once again, a potential disruption in international events has been avoided by patience, communication and understanding...Oh and Jonny putting in his 2 cents!!  8)   LOL!  He's right Svenn, not the first time and I am sure not the last!!

Happens to be best of us Svenn!!  Smile!  I am!

Donna D.   :D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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