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(Message started by: sheppard1 on Nov 1st, 2003, 8:04am)

Title: Switching Sides...
Post by sheppard1 on Nov 1st, 2003, 8:04am
My attacks have been on the left side for the past seven years.  Then this year, bam, right side.

I thought my cycle was coming to an end this week.  The beast was only visiting 1-2 times per day instead of 4-6.  But now, it's back on the left side.  And it is bad.

This has never happened to me before.

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Opus on Nov 1st, 2003, 8:21am
That has happened to me too, I was always on the left and the CH's started switching sides during an attack. They would start light on the left and BANG hit hard on the right. Now all my CH's are on the right. This is not suppose to happen with clasic CH so it is probably Cluster/Migraine syndrome. Officially CH can on change sides from cycle to cycle, not during a cycle and not during an attack. It makes you sort of special.


Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Prense on Nov 1st, 2003, 9:38am
All of my single attacks have been on the right side with the exception of 5.  The 5 that I have had on the left were worse (in pain intensity) than the average attacks that I have on the right.  This has been over the past 10 years, and I am chronic.

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by KipBurbank on Nov 1st, 2003, 1:54pm
Right now I am experiencing something new too.  Long all day left-sided, then both eyes with long tense pushing pain.  I tend to plant my thumb into the upper right corner of my left eye without noticing that I am doing it until someone says, "what are you doing?"

When I feel the headache switch to the otherside, I think the cycle is coming to a close, but that did happen this time then it came back to the left.  These all day medium grade annoying leftsided H.A. are bugging me.

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Prense on Nov 1st, 2003, 2:03pm

on 11/01/03 at 13:54:00, KipBurbank wrote:
These all day medium grade annoying leftsided H.A. are bugging me.

Perhaps more than one condition here?

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Unsolved on Nov 1st, 2003, 3:50pm

This is not suppose to happen with clasic CH so it is probably Cluster/Migraine syndrome. Officially CH can on change sides from cycle to cycle, not during a cycle and not during an attack. It makes you sort of special.

For me ... the first 12 years I was epesodic and ALL my attacks were on the right. Since I became chronic a little over 3 years attacks switched sides BUT CAN STILL HAPPEN ON EITHER SIDE AT ANYTIME! These are NOT "Cluster/Migraines !

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Prense on Nov 1st, 2003, 4:35pm

on 11/01/03 at 13:54:00, KipBurbank wrote:
Long all day left-sided, then both eyes with long tense pushing pain.

To me, this sounded like bilateral pain... That's why I suggested maybe more than one condition.

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by sheppard1 on Nov 2nd, 2003, 10:55am
Thanks for the info.

It's starting to freak me out a little bit.

Last night's was on the left side.  This morning's on the right.  Same pain. Same intensity. Same duration.  Just different sides.

Again, this has never happened before, so I'm a little worried.  

Then again, during my cycles, I worry about peace, starving children, my head.

Title: Re: Switching Sides...
Post by Margi on Nov 2nd, 2003, 11:16am
That's happened to my husband, too - usually one cycle will be all the same side and then on the other side, the next cycle.  It's been rare, but I have seen individual attacks switch sides - but only ever at the peak of a cycle when none of the meds are working.  Those ones are the worst. :(

Take heart, though - what you're going through isn't unheard of and doesn't appear to mean that anything new is going on.  It's just the nature of this ugly beast.  It likes to scare the crap out of us every change it gets. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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