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(Message started by: ave on Oct 31st, 2003, 2:10pm)

Title: The OUCH store
Post by ave on Oct 31st, 2003, 2:10pm
I dunno. Maybe this should go on the OUCH message boards?

Anyway, seeing some people have great problems getting hold of the right oxygen mask, could OUCH not take a few in store and sell them at cost to people who need them?

I know OUCH UK had the pressure thingies you put on top of the O2 bottle - though those were not for sale but on loan. Maybe the store could do that too?

I don't see any harm in making the OUCH store more CH related, lol.

And BTW, is that cookbook really going to be there for X-mas? I want to place orders!

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 31st, 2003, 2:41pm
The o2 masks are being checked for legality to sell right now....

The cookbook was axed by the fundraising committee for now. Maybe later.... sorry..... But the tote bags are in (just delived a few minutes ago) along with the T-shirts with the pockets (caps got messed up in the printing but are supposed to be here by Monday) Pens haven't arrived yet - we're checking on them.

Don't even have the darn prices figured yet.   Maybe by Monday they'll be online.....

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Roxy on Oct 31st, 2003, 4:53pm

on 10/31/03 at 14:41:27, BarbaraD wrote:
The cookbook was axed by the fundraising committee for now. Maybe later.... sorry.....

Okay...I'm confused, and I'm the one doing the cookbook??  I don't think the fundraising committee has anything to do with the cookbook.  

As far as I know....the cookbook is still a going thing.  Haven't been able to get it published right now, because I haven't been at home to do it.  I also haven't wanted the cookbook to compete with the raffle and the auctions.   I have 367 recipes collected from all the people on the board, so it's going to be one hell of a cookbook.

Wish I could have it done for you by Christmas, ave....but it doesn't look like I'll be home for another month or so.


Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by ave on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:21pm
No prob, Roxy...

Hope you'll be home for Christmas, though. So much cosier.

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by jonny on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:31pm
Legality of selling 02 masks?

In the past few years ive walked in a med store, bought and mailed about 35 dont need a script for them.


Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Elaine on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:42pm
Roxy Barbara wrote me about the cook book and I told her that we the fundraising Team was trying hard to make money for OUCH without using OUCH money to do it. I also told her that you were doing the cook book around convention time but thought that you did not get enough recipes, that I was not sure what happen on it. At the time I wasn't! Thats why I called you to ask you about it.
I did not veto it I just said at this time I did not see the fundraiing team doing it.
I think the fundraing team is seperate from the store.
I would have figured she would have contacted you concering the cook book as I did. I think you are wonderful for doing this with your own money.

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:37pm
So the cook-book that Roxy has worked so hard on is still a going thing??????


Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Charlie on Nov 1st, 2003, 2:47am
I'm with Ave. Damn good idea.

Is the "legality" thing because OUCH is a charity or NPO? Perhaps that's what has to be worked out Jonny. Just speculating.... ???


Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 1st, 2003, 10:37am
Where do we send the recipes? I'm ready to start cookin'

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by brain_cramps on Nov 1st, 2003, 11:20am

on 11/01/03 at 10:37:53, BarbaraD wrote:
Where do we send the recipes?

ummmmmmmmmm... my guess would be...   to Roxy.

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Donna_D. on Nov 2nd, 2003, 8:14pm
I posted the idea about a week ago over on the OUCH boards.  However, there are still a few things to work out before they can make an educated decision.

I have been researching O2 masks and attempting to find the best prices.  So far, I have not encountered ONE SINGLE SUPPLIER that has asked for an RX or for what purpose I needed them.

I have sent email to Texas Atty. General's office and to the American Medical Assn.  as soon as I hear back I will forward their responses to the BoD.  

I know this will be beneficial to all so I won't drop the ball!

Donna D.

Title: Re: The OUCH store
Post by Turts on Nov 3rd, 2003, 4:01am
Sounds like a good idea to me ave.

I cant wait for the new stock to arrive. Gotta buy in bulk to justify the freight to sunny Australia.

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