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(Message started by: tfg229 on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:08am)

Title: A question for all of you...
Post by tfg229 on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:08am
Hello everyone:

I posted about two months ago being newly diagnosed with CH. My doc had put my on predisone nad verapamile and after about 2-3 weeks i found my headaches almost gone. I've been getting little ones that are completely bareable and only last between 10-15 minutes.

The doc had me do the MRI/CT thing and they found a small benign (thank God!) tumor on the right side of my head (which is the side my CH's occur) It's called a cholesterol granuloma of the petrous apex.
Basically what happens is the bones over in your ear are soft (unlike your leg or arm bone) and they have air pockets. When the pockets start to hemmorage it creates this mass of cholesterol particles (cholesterol granuloma). It's not actually in the brain, so I don't have to have surgery (thank God once again!) - but if it does grow I may have to go in to have them remove it.

The doc thought the hemmoraging could've been what set off my initial headaches, but they're not sure as I could just be a classic cluster sufferer.

So I was fine for a while and just recently in the past two/three days - my headaches have started again. They're not as severe as when they started but are growing worse (i've gotten 5 in the past two days escalating in pain). Have one now and it's not too bad, just uncomfortable...i'm at work and it just sucks.

My doc told me I should call and go in for another MRI if I start getting the headaches again - cause that could mean the tumor is growing. I don't want to call yet (as it's only been 2-3 days) cause the MRI's and CT's are expensive and although my health insurance is great...well I guess I wanna give it a few days...

my question: I was just wondering have any of you had anything like this come up on a CT or MRI? perhaps it could be common denominator in some of us?

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by thomas on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:13am
Normal ct and mri for me.

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Cooked Brain on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:14am

MRI, CT, ECG all clean

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Unsolved on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:17am
all 'normal' here


Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by OneEyeBlind on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:20am
Normal MRI & MRA.  I'd go back for another MRI if I were you.  Early detection is always best.  Take care & let us know how you make out !

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Tiannia on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:34am
Mine where all clear.  I also just started mine in July, I have a 12 day break int he middle of Cot and now they are back.  

I think that you should go talk tot he doc and have the MRI.  I know that it might be expensive but it is better to know then to worry.


Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by gmlevenhagen on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:38am
MRI, CT, ECG all fine

I had about 1 of each every year for almost 10 years.
always the same -  nothing!


Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Karla on Oct 31st, 2003, 11:50am
My Mri was normal.  Please go see the dr and get another MRI done.  Sooner is better than latter.  Let us know how you turn out.

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Big_Dan on Oct 31st, 2003, 2:03pm
2 CT's, 3 MRI's, God knows how many x-rays...

... all clear.....

-Big Dan

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by maggie_may on Oct 31st, 2003, 2:08pm
All tests clear for me too.  And like everyone else said, I'd suggest you go back and have another MRI - better safe than sorry.

Let us know how it works out for you,


Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by goaway on Oct 31st, 2003, 4:01pm

on 10/31/03 at 11:08:42, tfg229 wrote:
My doc told me I should call and go in for another MRI if I start getting the headaches again - cause that could mean the tumor is growing. I don't want to call yet (as it's only been 2-3 days) cause the MRI's and CT's are expensive and although my health insurance is great...well I guess I wanna give it a few days...

So call already!!!!!  Don't take any chances.  We want to know that all is well!

I hope that everything turns out OK.

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by taraann on Oct 31st, 2003, 4:22pm
You really should call your doc...your health is more important when it comes to stuff like that!

I've had numourous CT scans that were fine and 2 mri's that were fine.

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Tim_w on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:02pm
NORMAL what the hell is normal ( I'm Not Normal) [smiley=laugh.gif]
And I dont think many here are . LOL
Normal is a state of mind and there is not much of my mind left! [smiley=confused.gif]
Timw Happy pappy
When they did my MRI they said there was nothing there! I could have told them that! :-/

Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by jonny on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:24pm
Clean on all scans


Title: Re: A question for all of you...
Post by Opus on Oct 31st, 2003, 5:40pm
Clear, and I had my hopes up.

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